391 research outputs found


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    The industrial development of real-world business applications that are based on service-oriented architecture (SOA) is subject to technological and organizational requirements. The paper describes an approach that tackles these requirements by ideas from model-driven development (MDD). The approach consists of a metamodel accompanied by modeling guidelines, a governance process ensuring that these guidelines are kept, and a modeling tool to support model creation and governance process. The successful application of the presented approach during the development of SAP’s Business byDesign solution shows that the benefits of MDD in software industry lie beyond code generation and outweigh modeling effort

    06291 Abstracts Collection -- The Role of Business Processes in Service-Oriented Architectures

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    The Dagstuhl seminar on emph{The Role of Business Processes in Service Oriented Architectures} (Seminar 06291) took place in July 2006 (16.07.2006-21.07.2006 to be precise). The seminar was attended by more than 40 experts from both academia and industry. Unlike most Dagstuhl seminars there was a high participation from industry (in particular from organizations developing software, e.g., IBM, SAP, Microsoft, Google, etc.). The focal point of the seminar was the marriage of business processes and service oriented architectures. This was reflected by the topics selected by the participants and their background

    Distributed Application as a new application Standard

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    The constant growth in IT field more precisely the Internet, determines the need of new technologies and applications which can provide new possibilities and accessibility to the contemporaneous information society. The field of construction, isn’t a domain that has not information systems but there is still one way to distribute information for this domain that isn’t enough developed. The way to distribute processed information for this domain can be the Internet. This paper describes the way to develop an application that easy the process of centralization, distribution, and analysis of information gathered from the construction site to the headquarters and then to the final users who signed the contract with the construction company to build the construction. The IT solution implies the use of new technologies for communicating and centralizing the information, that simplifies the way information travels between departments and finally to the end-user, with the benefit of the Internet and VPN.distributed applications, vpn, domains

    Oblikovanje programskih jezika za događajima poticanu kompoziciju usluga

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    To adapt to rapidly changing market conditions and increase the return of investment, today’s IT solutions usually combine service-oriented architecture (SOA) and event-driven architecture (EDA) that support reusability, flexibility, and responsiveness of business processes. Programming languages for development of event-driven service compositions face several main challenges. First, a language should be based on standard service composition languages to be compatible with SOA-enabling technologies. Second, a language should enable seamless integration of services into event-driven workflows. Third, to overcome a knowledge divide, language should enable seamless cooperation between application developers with different skills and knowledge. Since WS-BPEL is widely accepted as standard executable language in SOA, we extended WS-BPEL with support for event-driven workflow coordination. We designed event-handling mechanisms as special-purpose Coopetition services and augmented WS-BPEL with primitives for their invocation. Coopetition services augment SOA with fundamental EDA characteristics: decoupled interactions, many-to-many communication, publish/subscribe messaging, event triggering, and asynchronous operations. To make the application development familiar to wide community of developers, we designed an application-level end-user language on top of WS-BPEL whose primitives for invocation of regular Web services and Coopetition services resemble the constructs of typical scripting and coordination language.S ciljem prilagodbe promjenjivim tržišnim uvjetima i povećanja isplativosti ulaganja, današnji informacijski sustavi grade se spregom uslužno usmjerene i događajima poticane arhitekture koje omogućuju oblikovanje višestruko iskoristivih i prilagodljivih poslovnih procesa s mogućnošću odziva na pojavu događaja. Programski jezici za događajima poticanu kompoziciju usluga pokazuju nekoliko glavnih značajki. Prvo, jezik mora naslijediti svojstva standardnih jezika za kompoziciju usluga kako bi bio sukladan tehnologijama uslužno-usmjerene arhitekture. Drugo, jezik mora omogućiti prirodni način povezivanja usluga u događajima poticane poslovne procese. Treće, razvijateljima različitih znanja i vještina potrebno je osigurati mogućnost udruženog sudjelovanja u razvoju primjenskih programa. Budući da je WS-BPEL standardni jezik za kompoziciju usluga, izabran je kao osnovica za oblikovanje jezika za događajima poticanu kompoziciju usluga. Oblikovan je poseban skup usluga suradnje i natjecanja kojima je uslužno-usmjerena arhitektura proširena elementima događajima poticane arhitekture, kao što su međudjelovanje zasnovano na slaboj povezivosti, komunikacija u grupi, objava/pretplata, reakcija na pojavu događaja i asinkrone operacije. Jezik WS-BPEL proširen je programskim primitivama za pozivanje tih usluga. Kako bi se razvoj primjenskih programa približio širokoj zajednici graditelja programske potpore, povrh jezika WS-BPEL oblikovan je primjenski jezik za krajnjeg korisnika čije primitive za pozivanje primjenskih usluga te usluga suradnje i natjecanja nalikuju naredbama skriptnih i koordinacijskih jezika

    Using Semantic Web Technology to Automate Data Integration in Grid and Web Service Architectures

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    While the Grid and Web Services have helped us support heterogeneous resource access through the use of service oriented architectures, they have not addressed the issue of heterogeneous data representation. Since service providers often describe their service interfaces using different data models than those assumed by the client, it is common for additional processing to be required to compensate for the mismatch in data formats. By utilising technology from the Semantic Web, we are able to augment existing Web Service systems with middleware to automatically perform data harmonisation when a syntactic mismatch occurs. To achieve this, we have developed a mapping language which can be used to annotate XML data structures with OWL concepts and properties, a Mapping Language Engine to implement this language, and a Dynamic Web Service Invocation component to execute Web Services

    Critical Success Factors ofService Orientation inInformation Systems Engineering: Derivation and Empirical Evaluation ofaCausal Model

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    Service orientation has been a major buzz-word in recent years. While the buzz is on a decline, organizations are slowly, but steadily moving towards service oriented designs. However, service orientation turns out to be as much of a managerial challenge as of a technical one. The most important complexity drivers in the service oriented design of information systems seem to be (a) inconsistent design goals of stakeholders and (b) the pursuit of exhaustive service orientation coverage. This research focuses on the following two questions: (1)What are the characteristics of successful implementations of service oriented information systems, and (2)what are the critical success factors influencing, driving and/or, determining these characteristics? Data of an empirical analysis is used to test a set of cause-effect relationship hypotheses based on nine latent variables. In the core of this model we differentiate the variables "overall service orientation infrastructure success” and "service orientation project success”. The hypothesized interrelationships between the nine variables lead to a causal model which is proven to hol

    Practitioner requirements for integrated Knowledge-Based Engineering in Product Lifecycle Management.

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    The effective management of knowledge as capital is considered essential to the success of engineering product/service systems. As Knowledge Management (KM) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) practice gain industrial adoption, the question of functional overlaps between both the approaches becomes evident. This article explores the interoperability between PLM and Knowledge-Based Engineering (KBE) as a strategy for engineering KM. The opinion of key KBE/PLM practitioners are systematically captured and analysed. A set of ranked business functionalities to be fulfiled by the KBE/PLM systems integration is elicited. The article provides insights for the researchers and the practitioners playing both the user and development roles on the future needs for knowledge systems based on PLM

    Critical Success Factors of Service Orientation in Information Systems Engineering

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    Service orientation has been a majorbuzz-word in recent years. While thebuzz is on a decline, organizations areslowly, but steadily moving towardsservice oriented designs. However, serviceorientation turns out to be as muchof a managerial challenge as of a technicalone. The most important complexitydrivers in the service orienteddesign of information systems seemto be (a) inconsistent design goals ofstakeholders and (b) the pursuit of exhaustiveservice orientation coverage.This research focuses on the followingtwo questions: (1) What are the characteristicsof successful implementationsof service oriented informationsystems, and (2) what are the criticalsuccess factors influencing, drivingand/or, determining these characteristics?Data of an empirical analysis isused to test a set of cause-effect relationshiphypotheses based on nine latentvariables. In the core of this modelwe differentiate the variables “overallservice orientation infrastructure success”and “service orientation projectsuccess”. The hypothesized interrelationshipsbetween the nine variableslead to a causal model which is provento hold