6 research outputs found

    A review of software project testing

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    In this article a review of software projects based on a taxonomy project is established, allowing the development team or testing personnel to identify the tests to which the project must be subjected for validation. The taxonomy is focused on identifying software projects according to their technology. To establish the taxonomy, a development method comprised of 5 phases was applied

    A Taxonomy for software testing projects

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    This article establishes taxonomy for software testing projects, allowing the development team or testing personnel to identify the tests to which the project must be subjected for validation. The taxonomy is focused on identifying software projects according to their technology. To establish the taxonomy, a development method comprised of 5 phases was applied. The developed taxonomy is comprised of 9 categories and 27 subcategories and was validated by a group of information technology (IT) managers and professionals in the field of IT through the use of a survey. The results obtained from the survey are subjected to the Mann-Whitney U test, which indicates that the taxonomy is validated. The taxonomy can be implemented in development organizations with or without a testing team that provides a classification for technology projects

    Towards flexible and efficient model-based testing, utilizing domain-specific modelling

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    Model-Based Testing is a test automation technique that generates test cases based on a model of the system under test. Domain-specific modelling is a modelling approach where the developed system is modelled in terms of domain-specific concepts and these models are automatically transformed to other forms such as application code. In this paper, we will discuss the adoption and integration of domain-specific modelling with model-based testing tools. Since model-based testing tools utilise various modelling notations that typically diverge from a specific domain-model, we will discuss how domain specific models can be automatically transformed to become suitable models for a chosen model-based testing tool. Furthermore, by doing this in terms of a domain-specific meta-model, we will allow one to switch between various model-based testing tools

    Automatic model - based test case generation for uml diagrams using tree travelsal algorithm

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    The foundation of any model-based testing (MBT) with Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagrams is test case generation (TCG) which predicts the expected functionalities of a system under test (SUT). However, problems associated with existing test case generation methods are lack of integration with various UML diagrams and tools, inability to cover all the model elements of UML diagrams, failure to generate comprehensive test cases based on adequate coverage criteria and lack of support tools for automatic generation of test cases. To address these challenges, efficient mapping strategies for model elements that engenders effective artefacts extraction and test case generation processes were proposed. The methodology employed in this research comprised constructing relevant models and algorithms as well as implementing with the use of Java programming language. Specifically, an enhanced elements mapper, artefacts extractor (parser) and test case generator were developed and integrated to produce the support tool. The elements mapper yielded an accuracy result of 99.31%. The artefacts extractor recorded 99.64% accuracy while the test case generator recorded 100% accuracy. The improved methods proved to be more robust and efficiently generated quality test cases with eliminated redundancies based on all the descriptive attributes of UML diagrams. Limitations of existing the methods were addressed in the proposed method which is able to integrate more diagrams to generate quality test cases

    SOTESTER – Sistema de recomendación de técnicas de testing de software: Un enfoque colaborativo

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    Presenta un sistema de recomendación con enfoque colaborativo y basado en contenido que permite obtener recomendaciones de técnicas de testing de software basado en la caracterización del proyecto objetivo y la evaluación de técnicas de testing instanciadas en proyectos similares. Se ha demostrado que el método propuesto SOTESTER realiza recomendaciones de buena calidad de manera similar a como las realiza un experto humano. La investigación busca medir la calidad de las recomendaciones de técnicas de testing de software realizadas por el método propuesto SOTESTER respecto a las recomendaciones de técnicas de testing de software realizadas por expertos, mide la coincidencia de los expertos respecto a las técnicas de testing de software que recomiendan y mide la coincidencia del método propuesto SOTESTER con los expertos respecto a las técnicas de testing de software que recomiendan.Tesi

    Model-based testing of automotive HMIs with consideration for product variability

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    The human-machine interfaces (HMIs) of today’s premium automotive infotainment systems are complex embedded systems which have special characteristics in comparison to GUIs of standard PC applications, in particular regarding their variability. The variability of infotainment system HMIs results from different car models, product series, markets, equipment configuration possibilities, system types and languages and necessitates enormous testing efforts. The model-based testing approach is a promising solution for reducing testing efforts and increasing test coverage. However, while model-based testing has been widely used for function tests of subsystems in practice, HMI tests have remained manual or only semi-automated and are very time-consuming and work-intensive. Also, it is very difficult to achieve systematic or high test coverage via manual tests. A large amount of research work has addressed GUI testing in recent years. In addition, variability is becoming an ever more popular topic in the domain of software product line development. However, a model-based testing approach for complex HMIs which also considers variability is still lacking. This thesis presents a model-based testing approach for infotainment system HMIs with the particular aim of resolving the variability problem. Furthermore, the thesis provides a foundation for future standards of HMI testing in practice. The proposed approach is based on a model-based HMI testing framework which includes two essential components: a test-oriented HMI specification and a test generation component. The test-oriented HMI specification has a layered structure and is suited to specifying data which is required for testing different features of the HMI. Both the dynamic behavior and the representation of the HMI are the testing focuses of this thesis. The test generation component automatically generates tests from the test-oriented HMI specification. Furthermore, the framework can be extended in order to automatically execute the generated tests. Generated tests must first be initialized, which means that they are enhanced with concrete user input data. Afterwards, initialized tests can be automatically executed with the help of a test execution tool which must be extended into the testing framework. In this thesis, it is proposed to specify and test different HMI-variants which have a large set of commonalities based on the software product line approach. This means the test-oriented HMI specification is extended in order to describe the commonalities and variabilities between HMI variants of an HMI product line. In particular, strategies are developed in order to generate tests for different HMI products. One special feature is that redundancies are avoided both for the test generation and the execution processes. This is especially important for the industrial practice due to limited test resources. Modeling and testing variability of automotive HMIs make up the main research contributions of this thesis. We hope that the results presented in this thesis will offer GUI testing research a solution for model-based testing of multi-variant HMIs and provide the automotive industry with a foundation for future HMI testing standards