262 research outputs found

    Context-based adaptive image resolution upconversion

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    2009-2010 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    Context-based adaptive image resolution upconversion

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    Invertible Rescaling Network and Its Extensions

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    Image rescaling is a commonly used bidirectional operation, which first downscales high-resolution images to fit various display screens or to be storage- and bandwidth-friendly, and afterward upscales the corresponding low-resolution images to recover the original resolution or the details in the zoom-in images. However, the non-injective downscaling mapping discards high-frequency contents, leading to the ill-posed problem for the inverse restoration task. This can be abstracted as a general image degradation-restoration problem with information loss. In this work, we propose a novel invertible framework to handle this general problem, which models the bidirectional degradation and restoration from a new perspective, i.e. invertible bijective transformation. The invertibility enables the framework to model the information loss of pre-degradation in the form of distribution, which could mitigate the ill-posed problem during post-restoration. To be specific, we develop invertible models to generate valid degraded images and meanwhile transform the distribution of lost contents to the fixed distribution of a latent variable during the forward degradation. Then restoration is made tractable by applying the inverse transformation on the generated degraded image together with a randomly-drawn latent variable. We start from image rescaling and instantiate the model as Invertible Rescaling Network (IRN), which can be easily extended to the similar decolorization-colorization task. We further propose to combine the invertible framework with existing degradation methods such as image compression for wider applications. Experimental results demonstrate the significant improvement of our model over existing methods in terms of both quantitative and qualitative evaluations of upscaling and colorizing reconstruction from downscaled and decolorized images, and rate-distortion of image compression.Comment: Accepted by IJC

    Single-Cycle-PLL Detection for Real-Time FM-AFM Applications

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    In this paper we present a novel architecture for phase-locked loop (PLL) based high-speed demodulation of fre- quency-modulated (FM) atomic force microscopy (AFM) signals. In our approach, we use single-sideband (SSB) frequency upcon- version to translate the AFM signal from the position sensitive detector to a fixed intermediate frequency (IF) of 10 MHz. In this way, we fully benefit from the excellent noise performance of PLL-based FM demodulators still avoiding the intrinsic band- width limitation of such systems. In addition, the upconversion to a fixed IF renders the PLL demodulator independent of the cantilever’s resonance frequency, allowing the system to work with a large range of cantilever frequencies. To investigate if the additional noise introduced by the SSB upconverter degrades the system noise figure we present a model of the AM-to-FM noise conversion in PLLs incorporating a phase-frequency detector. Using this model, we can predict an upper corner frequency for the demodulation bandwidth above which the converted noise from the single-sideband upconverter becomes the dominant noise source and therefore begins to deteriorate the overall system performance. The approach is validated by both electrical and AFM measurements obtained with a PCB-based prototype imple- menting the proposed demodulator architecture

    Frequency translation method for low frequency variable gain amplification and filtering

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 75-78).This thesis discusses an innovative solution to an industry challenge. A frequency translation method is designed to shift low frequency signals to intermediate frequencies in order to utilize higher-frequency components. This solution, appropriate for applications involving 1-10MHz signals, can provide continuously variable gain and filtering at little cost in dynamic performance. The working system converts the low frequency signals up to the 70MHz band to achieve up to 28dB attenuation and 60-86MHz variable filtering. A Single Side Band system has a Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of 71dB with a 73dB SNR Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), 44 dB Output Third-Order Intercept Point (OIP3), and a Noise Figure (NF) of 14dB. Ultrasound and other applications in the 1-10MHz range benefit greatly from this upconversion scheme.by Mabel Y. Feng.M.Eng

    Development of versatile high power bounce geometry lasers

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    This thesis details an investigation into the development of bounce geometry lasers to achieve a more versatile range of laser characteristics. The bounce geometry has matured in recent years into a useful solid-state pumping scheme, but its performance has to date been limited by a number of factors, as well as largely restricted to neodymium systems. For real-world application, a more versatile range of laser characteristics would be desirable. A new design for a bounce geometry amplifier is presented that achieves a symmetric gain profile and thermal lens by control of the amplifier dimensions. The laser produces a circular stigmatic TEM00 (M2 < 1:11) beam with 14 W power. When Q-switched, the design permits versatile control over the repetition rate (single-shot to 480 kHz) with pulse energies up to 0.45 mJ. The stigmatic design also allows the direct generation of a Laguerre-Gaussian `vortex' beam, and proves favourable for modelocking with the nonlinear mirror method. Several designs are investigated to study power scaling in a master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) configuration, including a stigmatic MOPA based on the amplifier described above, and a chain of multiple power amplifiers. A folded dual-pumped amplifier design is also demonstrated, which reduces the size and complexity of a multi-stage amplifier and allows power scaling to the 100 W level. Pulse amplification is also investigated, and a MOPA is optimised for energy extraction by a Q-switched oscillator. Finally a 3-micron bounce laser is presented using an erbium-doped YSGG gain medium. Different cavity designs are investigated, and a simple compact cavity is found to be optimum. Thermal effects are investigated and found to be a limiting factor on the laser's performance. Quasi-continuous wave pulse energies of up to 15 mJ are demonstrated, with an average power of up to 430 mW

    Arquiteturas paralelas avançadas para transmissores 5G totalmente digitais

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    The fifth generation of mobile communications (5G) is being prepared and should be rolled out in the early coming years. Massive number of Radio-Frequency (RF) front-ends, peak data rates of 10 Gbps (everywhere and everytime), latencies lower than 10 msec and huge device densities are some of the expected disruptive capabilities. At the same time, previous generations can not be jeopardized, fostering the design of novel flexible and highly integrated radio transceivers able to support the simultaneous transmission of multi-band and multi-standard signals. The concept of all-digital transmission is being pointed out as a promising architecture to cope with such challenging requirements, due to its fully digital radio datapath. This thesis is focused on the proposal and validation of fully integrated and advanced digital transmitter architectures that excel the state-of-the-art in different figures of merit, such as transmission bandwidth, spectral purity, carrier agility, flexibility, and multi-band capability. The first part of this thesis introduces the concept of all-digital RF transmission. In particular, the foundations inherent to this thematic line are given, together with the recent advances reported in the state-of-the-art architectures.The core of this thesis, containing the main developments achieved during the Ph.D. work, is then presented and discussed. The first key contribution to the state-of-the-art is the use of cascaded Delta-Sigma (∆Σ) architectures to relax the analog filtering requirements of the conventional All-Digital Transmitters while maintaining the constant envelope waveform. Then, it is presented the first reported architecture where Antenna Arrays are directly driven by single-chip and single-bit All-Digital Transmitters, with promising results in terms of simplification of the RF front-ends and overall flexibility. Subsequently, the thesis proposes the first reported RF-stage All-Digital Transmitter that can be embedded within a single Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device. Thereupon, novel techniques to enable the design of wideband All-Digital Transmitters are reported. Finally, the design of concurrent multi-band transmitters is introduced. In particular, the design of agile and flexible dual and triple bands All-DigitalTransmitter (ADT) is demonstrated, which is a very important topic for scenarios that demand carrier aggregation. This Ph.D. contributes withseveral advances to the state-of-the-art of RF all-digital transmitters.A quinta geração de comunicações móveis (5G) está a ser preparada e deve ser comercializada nos próximos anos. Algumas das caracterı́sticas inovadoras esperadas passam pelo uso de um número massivo de font-ends de Rádio-Frequência (RF), taxas de pico de transmissão de dados de 10 Gbps (em todos os lugares e em todas as ocasiões), latências inferiores a 10 mseg e elevadas densidades de dispositivos. Ao mesmo tempo, as gerações anteriores não podem ser ignoradas, fomentando o design de novos transceptores de rádio flexı́veis e altamente integrados, capazes de suportar a transmissão simultânea de sinais multi-banda e multi-standard. O conceito de transmissão totalmente digital é considerado como um tipo de arquitetura promissora para lidar com esses requisitos desafiantes, devido ao seu datapath de rádio totalmente digital. Esta tese é focada na proposta e validação de arquiteturas de transmissores digitais totalmente integradas e avançadas que ultrapassam o estado da arte em diferentes figuras de mérito, como largura de banda de transmissão, pureza espectral, agilidade de portadora, flexibilidade e capacidade multibanda. A primeira parte desta tese introduz o conceito de transmissores de RF totalmente digitais. Em particular, os fundamentos inerentes a esta linha temática são apresentados, juntamente com os avanços mais recentes do estado-da-arte. O núcleo desta tese, contendo os principais desenvolvimentos alcançados durante o trabalho de doutoramento, é então apresentado e discutido. A primeira contribuição fundamental para o estado da arte é o uso de arquiteturas em cascata com moduladores ∆Σ para relaxar os requisitos de filtragem analógica dos transmissores RF totalmente digitais convencionais, mantendo a forma de onda envolvente constante. Em seguida, é apresentada a primeira arquitetura em que agregados de antenas são excitados diretamente por transmissores digitais de um único bit inseridos num único chip, com resultados promissores em termos de simplificação dos front-ends de RF e flexibilidade em geral. Posteriormente, é proposto o primeiro transmissor totalmente digital RF-stage relatado que pode ser incorporado dentro de um único Agregado de Células Lógicas Programáveis. Novas técnicas para permitir o desenho de transmissores RF totalmente digitais de banda larga são também apresentadas. Finalmente, o desenho de transmissores simultâneos de múltiplas bandas é exposto. Em particular, é demonstrado o desenho de transmissores de duas e três bandas ágeis e flexı́veis, que é um tópico essencial para cenários que exigem agregação de múltiplas bandas.Apoio financeiro da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) no âmbito de uma bolsa de doutoramento, ref. PD/BD/105857/2014.Programa Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe