22 research outputs found

    Auto-coding UML statecharts for flight software

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    Statecharts have been used as a means to communicate behaviors in a precise manner between system engineers and software engineers. Handtranslating a statechart to code, as done on some previous space missions, introduces the possibility of errors in the transformation from chart to code. To improve auto-coding, we have developed a process that generates flight code from UML statecharts. Our process is being used for the flight software on the Space Interferometer Mission (SIM)

    Predicate Abstraction with Under-approximation Refinement

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    We propose an abstraction-based model checking method which relies on refinement of an under-approximation of the feasible behaviors of the system under analysis. The method preserves errors to safety properties, since all analyzed behaviors are feasible by definition. The method does not require an abstract transition relation to be generated, but instead executes the concrete transitions while storing abstract versions of the concrete states, as specified by a set of abstraction predicates. For each explored transition the method checks, with the help of a theorem prover, whether there is any loss of precision introduced by abstraction. The results of these checks are used to decide termination or to refine the abstraction by generating new abstraction predicates. If the (possibly infinite) concrete system under analysis has a finite bisimulation quotient, then the method is guaranteed to eventually explore an equivalent finite bisimilar structure. We illustrate the application of the approach for checking concurrent programs.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Logical Methods in Computer Science journal (special issue CAV 2005

    Towards a Compositional SPIN

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    This paper discusses our initial experience with introducing automated assume-guarantee verification based on learning in the SPIN tool. We believe that compositional verification techniques such as assume-guarantee reasoning could complement the state-reduction techniques that SPIN already supports, thus increasing the size of systems that SPIN can handle. We present a "light-weight" approach to evaluating the benefits of learning-based assume-guarantee reasoning in the context of SPIN: we turn our previous implementation of learning for the LTSA tool into a main program that externally invokes SPIN to provide the model checking-related answers. Despite its performance overheads (which mandate a future implementation within SPIN itself), this approach provides accurate information about the savings in memory. We have experimented with several versions of learning-based assume guarantee reasoning, including a novel heuristic introduced here for generating component assumptions when their environment is unavailable. We illustrate the benefits of learning-based assume-guarantee reasoning in SPIN through the example of a resource arbiter for a spacecraft. Keywords: assume-guarantee reasoning, model checking, learning

    Formal Runtime Error Detection During Development in the Automotive Industry

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    Modern automotive software is highly complex and consists of millions lines of code. For safety-relevant automotive software, it is recommended to use sound static program analysis to prove the absence of runtime errors. However, the analysis is often perceived as burdensome by developers because it runs for a long time and produces many false alarms. If the analysis is performed on the integrated software system, there is a scalability problem, and the analysis is only possible at a late stage of development. If the analysis is performed on individual modules instead, this is possible at an early stage of development, but the usage context of modules is missing, which leads to too many false alarms. In this case study, we present how automatically inferred contracts add context to module-level analysis. Leveraging these contracts with an off-the-shelf tool for abstract interpretation makes module-level analysis more precise and more scalable. We evaluate this framework quantitatively on industrial case studies from different automotive domains. Additionally, we report on our qualitative experience for the verification of large-scale embedded software projects.Comment: to be published in VMCAI 202

    Combining type checking with model checking for system verification

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    Type checking is widely used in mainstream programming languages to detect programming errors at compile time. Model checking is gaining popularity as an automated technique for systematically analyzing behaviors of systems. My research focuses on combining these two software verification techniques synergically into one platform for the creation of correct models for software designs. This thesis describes two modeling languages ATS/PML and ATS/Veri that inherit the advanced type system from an existing programming language ATS, in which both dependent types of Dependent ML style and linear types are supported. A detailed discussion is given for the usage of advanced types to detect modeling errors at the stage of model construction. Going further, various modeling primitives with well-designed types are introduced into my modeling languages to facilitate a synergic combination of type checking with model checking. The semantics of ATS/PML is designed to be directly rooted in a well-known modeling language PROMELA. Rules for translation from ATS/PML to PROMELA are designed and a compiler is developed accordingly so that the SPIN model checker can be readily employed to perform checking on models constructed in ATS/PML. ATS/Veri is designed to be a modeling language, which allows a programmer to construct models for real-world multi-threaded software applications in the same way as writing a functional program with support for synchronization, communication, and scheduling among threads. Semantics of ATS/Veri is formally defined for the development of corresponding model checkers and a compiler is built to translate ATS/Veri into CSP# and exploit the state-of-the-art verification platform PAT for model checking ATS/Veri models. The correctness of such a transformational approach is illustrated based on the semantics of ATS/Veri and CSP#. In summary, the primary contribution of this thesis lies in the creation of a family of modeling languages with highly expressive types for modeling concurrent software systems as well as the related platform supporting verification via model checking. As such, we can combine type checking and model checking synergically to ensure software correctness with high confidence