6,356 research outputs found

    Kalman-variant estimators for state of charge in lithium-sulfur batteries

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    Lithium-sulfur batteries are now commercially available, offering high specific energy density, low production costs and high safety. However, there is no commercially-available battery management system for them, and there are no published methods for determining state of charge in situ. This paper describes a study to address this gap. The properties and behaviours of lithium-sulfur are briefly introduced, and the applicability of ‘standard’ lithium-ion state-of-charge estimation methods is explored. Open-circuit voltage methods and ‘Coulomb counting’ are found to have a poor fit for lithium-sulfur, and model-based methods, particularly recursive Bayesian filters, are identified as showing strong promise. Three recursive Bayesian filters are implemented: an extended Kalman filter (EKF), an unscented Kalman filter (UKF) and a particle filter (PF). These estimators are tested through practical experimentation, considering both a pulse-discharge test and a test based on the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC). Experimentation is carried out at a constant temperature, mirroring the environment expected in the authors' target automotive application. It is shown that the estimators, which are based on a relatively simple equivalent-circuit–network model, can deliver useful results. If the three estimators implemented, the unscented Kalman filter gives the most robust and accurate performance, with an acceptable computational effort

    Multi-temperature state-dependent equivalent circuit discharge model for lithium-sulfur batteries

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    Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries are described extensively in the literature, but existing computational models aimed at scientific understanding are too complex for use in applications such as battery management. Computationally simple models are vital for exploitation. This paper proposes a non-linear state-of-charge dependent Li-S equivalent circuit network (ECN) model for a Li-S cell under discharge. Li-S batteries are fundamentally different to Li-ion batteries, and require chemistry-specific models. A new Li-S model is obtained using a ‘behavioural’ interpretation of the ECN model; as Li-S exhibits a ‘steep’ open-circuit voltage (OCV) profile at high states-of-charge, identification methods are designed to take into account OCV changes during current pulses. The prediction-error minimization technique is used. The model is parameterized from laboratory experiments using a mixed-size current pulse profile at four temperatures from 10 °C to 50 °C, giving linearized ECN parameters for a range of states-of-charge, currents and temperatures. These are used to create a nonlinear polynomial-based battery model suitable for use in a battery management system. When the model is used to predict the behaviour of a validation data set representing an automotive NEDC driving cycle, the terminal voltage predictions are judged accurate with a root mean square error of 32 mV

    Performance Optimization of Onboard Lithium Ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles

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    Next generation of transportation in the form of electric vehicles relies on better operation and control of large battery packs. The individual modules in large battery packs generally do not have identical characteristics and may degrade differently due to manufacturing variability and other factors. Degraded battery modules waste more power, affecting the performance and economy for the whole battery pack. Also, such impact varies with different trip patterns. It will be cost effective if we evaluate the performance of the battery modules prior to replacing the complete battery pack. The knowledge of the driving cycle and battery internal resistance will help to make decision to replace the worst battery modules and directly cut down on user expenditure to replace the battery. Also, optimizing the performance of battery during the driving trip is the challenging task to achieve. The knowledge of energy prices of the grid, internal resistance of the lithium ion battery pack on the electric vehicle, the age of the battery and distance travelled by the electric vehicle are very important factors on which the cost of daily driving cycle is dependent. In near future, the energy consumed by the electric vehicles will create a major consumer market for the smart grids. The smart grid system is complemented by the renewable energy sources that contribute and support the grid. The electric vehicles are not only predicted as energy consumers but also as dynamic sources of energy. These vehicles can now travel more than 100 miles with a single charging cycle whereas average day to day commute is well below the maximum capacity of these vehicles. This leaves the driver with the extra energy on the battery pack which can be used later for supporting energy requirement from the grid. As we know that cells/modules in large battery packs do not have identical properties and these degrade at different rates during the course of their lifespan. It is beneficial for the user to quantify the amount of energy that can be used to support the grid. The improvement of the electric grid to the next generation infrastructure ie ‘Smart Grid’ will enable diverse opportunities to contribute the energy and balance the load on the grid. The information about the grid like price quality, load etc will be available to the people very easily. This information can be useful to make the energy grid more economical and environment friendly. We have used the information for price of energy on the grid to optimize the cost of daily driving cycle. The goal of this research is to accurately predict the battery behavior for the daily driving cycle. The prediction of battery behavior will help the driver to decide the optimum charging patterns, energy consumed during driving and the surplus energy available in the batteries. The prior knowledge of the battery behavior, price of the energy on the grid and the trip travel will help the driver to minimize the cost of travel on daily basis as well as throughout the life of the battery

    Parameters and Application in Electric Vehicle Battery Charging Based on State of Power (SoP) and State of Energy (SoE)

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    Estimation of equivalent circuit parameters and open circuit voltage of a battery to predict its state is important for electric vehicle (EV) applications. There is a need to measure the open circuit voltage as accurately as possible as it mirrors the state-of-charge (SoC) of the battery. As calculation of the SoC by integrating the amount of current going in or out of the battery is inaccurate and requires post-processing, this investigation presents one different way to calculate the open circuit voltage and thus the state of charge while the battery is being used. This paper also presents an analytical model of the state of an EV battery pack with the concept of State of Power (SoP) and State of Energy (SoE). These figures of merits help the user to determine how far a battery pack can be used in terms of the vehicle range and acceleration/deceleration capability. LiFePo4 cells were used as the type of Li-ion battery in this investigation. This paper investigates these aspects with the help of vehicle and battery data obtained experimentally and in laboratory environment. The simulation results have been compared and validated against the experimentally obtained results

    Electric vehicle battery performance investigation based on real world current harmonics

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    Electric vehicle (EV) powertrains consist of power electronic components as well as electric machines to manage the energy flow between different powertrain subsystems and to deliver the necessary torque and power requirements at the wheels. These power subsystems can generate undesired electrical harmonics on the direct current (DC) bus of the powertrain. This may lead to the on-board battery being subjected to DC current superposed with undesirable high- and low- frequency current oscillations, known as ripples. From real-world measurements, significant current harmonics perturbations within the range of 50 Hz to 4 kHz have been observed on the high voltage DC bus of the EV. In the limited literature, investigations into the impact of these harmonics on the degradation of battery systems have been conducted. In these studies, the battery systems were supplied by superposed current signals i.e., DC superposed by a single frequency alternating current (AC). None of these studies considered applying the entire spectrum of the ripple current measured in the real-world scenario, which is focused on in this research. The preliminary results indicate that there is no difference concerning capacity fade or impedance rise between the cells subjected to just DC current and those subjected additionally to a superposed AC ripple current
