3,360 research outputs found

    Indicator model for benchmarking the transition to a low carbon urban mobility system: Application results from three Scandinavian cities

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    Cities today consume over 80% of the world’s energy and are responsible for 75% of the total GHG emissions. Over 80% of the population in Europe live in Urban areas. The mobility system, being at the heart of urban activities is responsible for the movement of people, goods and services and is responsible for attracting investments into cities. Playing such a key role in urban development, the sector contributed to over 25% of the GHG emissions from urban areas in Europe. The European Union has thus set out specific targets to decarbonize the mobility sector. With the increasing need for the transition to a low carbon mobility system, it has been identified that there is a need for a benchmarking model that is tested on sectoral frontrunners to enable performance evaluation and guide transitions. Being informed by this need, this study aims at the development of a benchmarking model based on the Avoid-Shift-Improve framework for the evaluation of a low carbon mobility system. The model has been developed based on specific measures targeted at addressing behavioural and technological change required in the mobility system to help aid the GHG emission reduction of urban mobility system have been identified. The model has been tested on the three Scandinavian capital cities of Stockholm, Copenhagen and Oslo, considered as sectoral forerunners due to their diverse activities to reduce GHG emissions from the mobility system. The results of the tests show that the model is able to predict the priorities of the city and the resultant low carbon mobility score is correlated positively with GHG emission reductions. The study also highlights the specific areas of improvement for the three cities and the different considerations that go into the selection of specific measures to improve the system

    Mobility and transport policy in Germany and France: time for change and... joint solutions?

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    This chapter is devoted to mobility in France and Germany. First, key mobility indicators for the two countries are presented. This shows that private motorised transport still dominates in both France and Germany. Despite many negative effects on the climate, but also on health and quality of life, no far-reaching measures have been adopted. Hopes are pinned on technological progress and the integration of electromobility. However, this will not solve the shortage of land in cities or the car-dependence of many (low-income) households in rural areas in France. Subsequently, an empirical example from Berlin is used to show how financial and time restrictions affect the willingness of car drivers to switch to alternative modes of transport. Financial measures have a greater influence than time-related measures. For the French example, regional disparities and social dependence on the car are considered more closely. Finally, the current policy initiatives of the two countries are presented in order to assess the potentials of the transport transition

    Citywide Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories: A Review of Selected Methodologies

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    Outlines the methodological issues in creating transportation emissions inventories and how they affect the results, reviews currently used methodologies, and explores ways to integrate inventories with climate policies to inform reduction strategies

    Gestão sustentável e segura de fluxos de passageiros no corredor suburbano Aveiro – Porto

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    In 2019 the transport sector was responsible for 25.8% of EU-27 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. While urban transport has received much attention from policy makers and the scientific community, intercity passenger transport has not received as much attention. In 2019, intercity trips accounted for 65% of the total kilometres travelled in Portugal and contributed to more than 55% of carbon dioxide (CO₂) and nitrogen oxide (NOá”Ș) emissions. The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected mobility due to people’s fear of infection and government restrictions and recommendations. The main objectives of this dissertation are to model the supply and demand of passenger transport in the suburban corridor between Aveiro and Porto, determination of the COVID-19 pandemic impact on travelling behaviour and mode choice for different socio-economic levels and travel purposes and estimate the emissions and the impact per passenger before and during the pandemic. An online survey was designed to understand travelling behaviour and preferences and how these factors changed towards the pandemic. Transport was modelled recurring to a logit model based on the utilities of each transport mode, which were calculated considering the mode choice, travel time, and travel cost of each alternative. The output of the transport modelling was the modal split. The impacts considered were CO₂, NOá”Ș, PMâ‚‚ïźł5, PM₁₀, VOC, NMVOC and CO emissions. The emission values were estimated using the fleet characteristics and average speed as input. Results from the survey show a 70% reduction in travel frequency during the pandemic, with teleworking and online classes being the main reasons for this decrease. Before the pandemic, 65% of trips were made by train and 31% by car. During the pandemic, these shares shifted to 37% and 60%, respectively, and 27% of participants stopped travelling. The logit model was revealed to be a helpful tool for transport modelling. However, the network characteristics, availability of transport modes and sample size limited the statistical significance and accuracy of the model. Air pollution costs decreased by about 53% during the pandemic, primarily due to a decrease in travel frequency.Em 2019, o sector dos transportes foi responsĂĄvel por 25,8% das emissĂ”es de gases com efeito de estufa (GEE) da UE-27. Embora os transportes urbanos tenham recebido muita atenção dos decisores polĂ­ticos e da comunidade cientĂ­fica, o transporte interurbano de passageiros nĂŁo tem recebido tanta atenção. Em 2019, as viagens em estradas rurais e autoestradas representaram 65% do total de quilĂłmetros percorridos em Portugal e contribuĂ­ram para mais de 55% das emissĂ”es de diĂłxido de carbono (CO₂) e Ăłxidos de azoto (NOá”Ș). A pandemia COVID-19 afetou negativamente a mobilidade devido ao medo de infeção das pessoas e restriçÔes e recomendaçÔes governamentais. Os principais objetivos desta dissertação sĂŁo modelar a oferta e a procura de transporte de passageiros no corredor suburbano entre Aveiro e Porto, a determinação do impacto da pandemia COVID-19 nos hĂĄbitos de deslocaçÔes e escolha de modo para diferentes nĂ­veis socioeconĂłmicos e propĂłsitos de deslocação e estimar as emissĂ”es e o impacto por passageiro por passageiro antes e durante a pandemia. Um inquĂ©rito online foi concebido para compreender os hĂĄbitos e preferĂȘncias de transporte, e como estes fatores mudaram durante a pandemia. O transporte foi modelado recorrendo a um modelo logit baseado nas utilidades de cada modo de transporte, que foram calculados considerando a escolha do modo, o tempo de viagem e o custo de viagem de cada alternativa. O produto desta modelação de transportes foi a distribuição modal. Os impactos considerados foram as emissĂ”es de CO₂, NOá”Ș, PMâ‚‚ïźł5, PM₁₀, VOC, NMVOC e CO. As emissĂ”es foram estimadas utilizando como dados as caracterĂ­sticas da frota e a velocidade mĂ©dia. Os resultados do inquĂ©rito mostram uma redução de 70% na frequĂȘncia de deslocaçÔes durante a pandemia, sendo o teletrabalho e as aulas online as principais razĂ”es desta diminuição. Antes da pandemia, 65% das viagens eram feitas de comboio e 31% de carro. Durante a pandemia, estas percentagens mudaram para 37% e 60%, respetivamente, e 27% dos participantes deixaram de viajar. O modelo logit foi revelou-se uma ferramenta Ăștil para a modelação de transporte. No entanto, as caracterĂ­sticas da rede, a disponibilidade de modos de transporte e o tamanho da amostra limitaram a significĂąncia estatĂ­stica e a precisĂŁo do modelo. Os custos da poluição atmosfĂ©rica diminuĂ­ram cerca de 53% durante a pandemia, principalmente devido Ă  diminuição da frequĂȘncia de viagem.Mestrado em Engenharia MecĂąnic

    An "acceptable" low carbon scenario for France: Participatory scenario design and economic assessment

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    The implementation of climate policies is often hindered by a lack of acceptability as well as the lack of long-term vision of stakeholders. Mitigation scenarios exercises allow the debate; however the scenario design process lacks transparency and stakeholders' (and citizens') involvement, which leads to a lack of credibility, legitimacy and ownership of mitigation scenarios. This paper presents a process for the collaborative design of an "acceptable" mitigation scenario through a public dialogue involving fifty stakeholders. Stakeholders selected the mitigation policies and measures they deemed acceptable. They significantly contributed to the development of the scenario methodology as well, by defining its specifications including data transparency, sensitivity analysis and the need to clarify certain types of economic and financial impacts for the evaluation of Factor 4 scenarios. The acceptable policies were integrated into the hybrid CGE model Imaclim-R France. This modeling platform, designed for the dialogue between modelers, stakeholders and experts, evaluates the social, economic and financial impact of climate policies. This attempt at a methodology exemplifies a collaborative scenario design, thereby proving that such a process can be implemented. The scenario based on the measures that stakeholders deemed acceptable reduce CO2 emissions by 68% by 2050 compared to 1990, which is a result close to the target of the Factor 4 (75%). The measures to reduce emissions are beneficial for employment and economic growth, except in the short term. They can also reduce rapidly and permanently the households' budget dedicated to energy services. Finally, the financial assessment of measures is positive throughout the period. This result is a solid foundation on which to build the acceptability of mitigation trajectories. Beyond the scenario, the methodological innovation offers the means to increase the involvement of stakeholders in decision-making.Cet article trouve son origine dans un double constat : le dĂ©ficit d'acceptabilitĂ© des politiques climatiques d'une part et le dĂ©ficit de crĂ©dibilitĂ©, de lĂ©gitimitĂ© et d'appropriation des scĂ©narios de rĂ©duction d'Ă©mission de gaz Ă  effet de serre d'autre part. Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  ces limites, nous avons Ă©laborĂ©, au travers d'une concertation associant une cinquantaine de parties prenantes et une cinquantaine d'experts sectoriels, un processus de co-construction d'un scĂ©nario " acceptable " de rĂ©duction des Ă©missions de CO2. Les parties prenantes ont sĂ©lectionnĂ© les politiques et les mesures qu'ils considĂšrent comme acceptables. Celles-ci ont Ă©galement contribuĂ© largement Ă  la mĂ©thodologie d'Ă©laboration du scĂ©nario par la dĂ©finition d'un cahier des charges qui inclut la nĂ©cessaire transparence des donnĂ©es, des tests de sensibilitĂ© et la nĂ©cessitĂ© d'expliciter certains types d'impacts Ă©conomiques et financiers nĂ©cessaires Ă  l'Ă©valuation des trajectoires facteur 4. L'ensemble des politiques considĂ©rĂ©es comme acceptables est intĂ©grĂ© dans le modĂšle technico-Ă©conomique Imaclim-R France. Cette plateforme de modĂ©lisation adaptĂ©e au dialogue entre modĂ©lisateurs et partie prenantes ou experts, Ă©value les impacts sociaux, Ă©conomiques et financiers de politiques climatiques. Cet exercice de co-construction de scĂ©nario fondĂ© sur la concertation alimentant les paramĂštres d'un modĂšle technico-Ă©conomique, fournit une preuve mĂ©thodologique par l'exemple qu'un tel processus peut ĂȘtre mis en place. Le scĂ©nario reposant sur les politiques et mesures que les parties prenantes considĂšrent comme acceptables permet de rĂ©duire de 68% les Ă©missions de CO2 en 2050 par rapport Ă  1990, rĂ©sultat proche de l'objectif de Facteur 4 (soit 75%). Les mesures de rĂ©duction des Ă©missions, dont la plus emblĂ©matique est la taxe carbone, sont bĂ©nĂ©fiques pour l'emploi et la croissance Ă©conomique, sauf Ă  court terme. Elles permettent en outre de rĂ©duire rapidement et durablement le budget des mĂ©nages dĂ©diĂ© aux services Ă©nergĂ©tiques. Enfin, le bilan financier agrĂ©gĂ© des mesures s'avĂšre positif dĂšs le dĂ©but de la pĂ©riode. Ce rĂ©sultat constitue un socle solide sur lequel construire l'acceptabilitĂ© des trajectoires Facteur 4
