16 research outputs found

    Model-Based Multiple Pitch Tracking Using Factorial HMMs: Model Adaptation and Inference

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    Source separation with one ear : proposition for an anthropomorphic approach

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    Abstract : We present an example of an anthropomorphic approach, in which auditory-based cues are combined with temporal correlation to implement a source separation system. The auditory features are based on spectral amplitudemodulation and energy information obtained through 256 cochlear filters. Segmentation and binding of auditory objects are performed with a two-layered spiking neural network. The first layer performs the segmentation of the auditory images into objects, while the second layer binds the auditory objects belonging to the same source. The binding is further used to generate a mask (binary gain) to suppress the undesired sources fromthe original signal. Results are presented for a double-voiced (2 speakers) speech segment and for sentences corrupted with different noise sources. Comparative results are also given using PESQ (perceptual evaluation of speech quality) scores. The spiking neural network is fully adaptive and unsupervised

    A User-assisted Approach to Multiple Instrument Music Transcription

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    PhDThe task of automatic music transcription has been studied for several decades and is regarded as an enabling technology for a multitude of applications such as music retrieval and discovery, intelligent music processing and large-scale musicological analyses. It refers to the process of identifying the musical content of a performance and representing it in a symbolic format. Despite its long research history, fully automatic music transcription systems are still error prone and often fail when more complex polyphonic music is analysed. This gives rise to the question in what ways human knowledge can be incorporated in the transcription process. This thesis investigates ways to involve a human user in the transcription process. More specifically, it is investigated how user input can be employed to derive timbre models for the instruments in a music recording, which are employed to obtain instrument-specific (parts-based) transcriptions. A first investigation studies different types of user input in order to derive instrument models by means of a non-negative matrix factorisation framework. The transcription accuracy of the different models is evaluated and a method is proposed that refines the models by allowing each pitch of each instrument to be represented by multiple basis functions. A second study aims at limiting the amount of user input to make the method more applicable in practice. Different methods are considered to estimate missing non-negative basis functions when only a subset of basis functions can be extracted based on the user information. A method is proposed to track the pitches of individual instruments over time by means of a Viterbi framework in which the states at each time frame contain several candidate instrument-pitch combinations. A transition probability is employed that combines three different criteria: the frame-wise reconstruction error of each combination, a pitch continuity measure that favours similar pitches in consecutive frames, and an explicit activity model for each instrument. The method is shown to outperform other state-of-the-art multi-instrument tracking methods. Finally, the extraction of instrument models that include phase information is investigated as a step towards complex matrix decomposition. The phase relations between the partials of harmonic sounds are explored as a time-invariant property that can be employed to form complex-valued basis functions. The application of the model for a user-assisted transcription task is illustrated with a saxophone example.QMU

    Single-channel source separation using non-negative matrix factorization

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    Exploiting Piano Acoustics in Automatic Transcription

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    This work was supported by a joint Queen Mary/China Scholarship Council Scholarship.This work was supported by a joint Queen Mary/China Scholarship Council Scholarship.This work was supported by a joint Queen Mary/China Scholarship Council Scholarship.This work was supported by a joint Queen Mary/China Scholarship Council Scholarship.In this thesis we exploit piano acoustics to automatically transcribe piano recordings into a symbolic representation: the pitch and timing of each detected note. To do so we use approaches based on non-negative matrix factorisation (NMF). To motivate the main contributions of this thesis, we provide two preparatory studies: a study of using a deterministic annealing EM algorithm in a matrix factorisation-based system, and a study of decay patterns of partials in real-word piano tones. Based on these studies, we propose two generative NMF-based models which explicitly model different piano acoustical features. The first is an attack/decay model, that takes into account the time-varying timbre and decaying energy of piano sounds. The system divides a piano note into percussive attack and harmonic decay stages, and separately models the two parts using two sets of templates and amplitude envelopes. The two parts are coupled by the note activations. We simplify the decay envelope by an exponentially decaying function. The proposed method improves the performance of supervised piano transcription. The second model aims at using the spectral width of partials as an independent indicator of the duration of piano notes. Each partial is represented by a Gaussian function, with the spectral width indicated by the standard deviation. The spectral width is large in the attack part, but gradually decreases to a stable value and remains constant in the decay part. The model provides a new aspect to understand the time-varying timbre of piano notes, but furtherinvestigation is needed to use it effectively to improve piano transcription. We demonstrate the utility of the proposed systems in piano music transcription and analysis. Results show that explicitly modelling piano acoustical features, especially temporal features, can improve the transcription performance.Queen Mary/China Scholarship Council Scholarship

    Exploiting primitive grouping constraints for noise robust automatic speech recognition : studies with simultaneous speech.

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    Significant strides have been made in the field of automatic speech recognition over the past three decades. However, the systems are not robust; their performance degrades in the presence of even moderate amounts of noise. This thesis presents an approach to developing a speech recognition system that takes inspiration firom the approach of human speech recognition

    Classification and Separation Techniques based on Fundamental Frequency for Speech Enhancement

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    [ES] En esta tesis se desarrollan nuevos algoritmos de clasificación y mejora de voz basados en las propiedades de la frecuencia fundamental (F0) de la señal vocal. Estas propiedades permiten su discriminación respecto al resto de señales de la escena acústica, ya sea mediante la definición de características (para clasificación) o la definición de modelos de señal (para separación). Tres contribuciones se aportan en esta tesis: 1) un algoritmo de clasificación de entorno acústico basado en F0 para audífonos digitales, capaz de clasificar la señal en las clases voz y no-voz; 2) un algoritmo de detección de voz sonora basado en la aperiodicidad, capaz de funcionar en ruido no estacionario y con aplicación a mejora de voz; 3) un algoritmo de separación de voz y ruido basado en descomposición NMF, donde el ruido se modela de una forma genérica mediante restricciones matemáticas.[EN]This thesis is focused on the development of new classification and speech enhancement algorithms based, explicitly or implicitly, on the fundamental frequency (F0). The F0 of speech has a number of properties that enable speech discrimination from the remaining signals in the acoustic scene, either by defining F0-based signal features (for classification) or F0-based signal models (for separation). Three main contributions are included in this work: 1) an acoustic environment classification algorithm for hearing aids based on F0 to classify the input signal into speech and nonspeech classes; 2) a frame-by-frame basis voiced speech detection algorithm based on the aperiodicity measure, able to work under non-stationary noise and applicable to speech enhancement; 3) a speech denoising algorithm based on a regularized NMF decomposition, in which the background noise is described in a generic way with mathematical constraints.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Ingeniería de Telecomunición. Leída el 11 de enero de 201