50 research outputs found

    Recent Topics in Electromagnetic Compatibility

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    Recent Topics in Electromagnetic Compatability discusses several topics in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI), including measurements, shielding, emission, interference, biomedical devices, and numerical modeling. Over five sections, chapters address the electromagnetic spectrum of corona discharge, life cycle assessment of flexible electromagnetic shields, EMC requirements for implantable medical devices, analysis and design of absorbers for EMC applications, artificial surfaces, and media for EMC and EMI shielding, and much more

    The ampere and the electrical units in the quantum era

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    By fixing two fundamental constants from quantum mechanics, the Planck constant hh and the elementary charge ee, the revised Syst\`eme International (SI) of units endorses explicitly quantum mechanics. This evolution also highlights the importance of this theory which underpins the most accurate realization of the units. From 20 May 2019, the new definitions of the kilogram and of the ampere, based on fixed values of hh and ee respectively, will particularly impact the electrical metrology. The Josephson effect (JE) and the quantum Hall effect (QHE), used to maintain voltage and resistance standards with unprecedented reproducibility since 1990, will henceforth provide realizations of the volt and the ohm without the uncertainties inherited from the older electromechanical definitions. More broadly, the revised SI will sustain the exploitation of quantum effects to realize electrical units, to the benefit of end-users. Here, we review the state-of-the-art of these standards and discuss further applications and perspectives.Comment: 78 pages, 35 figure

    Contributions of precision engineering to the revision of the SI

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    All measurements performed in science and industry are based on the International System of Units, the SI. It has been proposed to revise the SI following an approach which was implemented for the redefinition of the unit of length, the metre, namely to define the SI units by fixing the numerical values of so-called defining constants, including c, h, e, k and NA. We will discuss the reasoning behind the revision, which will likely be put into force in 2018. Precision engineering was crucial to achieve the required small measurement uncertainties and agreement of measurement results for the defining constants

    Muon (g-2) Technical Design Report

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    The Muon (g-2) Experiment, E989 at Fermilab, will measure the muon anomalous magnetic moment a factor-of-four more precisely than was done in E821 at the Brookhaven National Laboratory AGS. The E821 result appears to be greater than the Standard-Model prediction by more than three standard deviations. When combined with expected improvement in the Standard-Model hadronic contributions, E989 should be able to determine definitively whether or not the E821 result is evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model. After a review of the physics motivation and the basic technique, which will use the muon storage ring built at BNL and now relocated to Fermilab, the design of the new experiment is presented. This document was created in partial fulfillment of the requirements necessary to obtain DOE CD-2/3 approval

    Transport phenomena in X and γ ray semi-insulator detector: a new charge correction approach

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    This research is part of the broader project of study and application of II-VI semi-insulating materials and especially of Cadmium and Zinc Telluride (CdZnTe or CZT). The current interest about these ternary compounds, such as semi-insulating materials for high energy photon detectors is mainly due to their high energy-gap that makes these materials ideal for applications at room temperature avoiding noise problems due to leakage current. Within this class of materials CZT is particularly appreciated both for the high-stopping power, due to the high atomic number of its components and its crystal structure, and for the high transport properties if compared to those of similar semiconductors. For these reasons CZT arises as an ideal candidate for high energy detector. The applications are numerous in several areas as security and environmental monitoring, storage of radioactive materials, medical instrumentation, space applications, astrophysics and cosmology. The problems of purity and homogeneity of the material are still far from being resolved. For this reason transport properties are still limited as compared to those of silicon, germanium and gallium arsenide, also in relation to the size of developed sensors (even several cubic centimeters). On increasing the photon energy the mean absorption depth arises with detriment of charge collection and spectroscopic property, with a consequent line broadening. In addition still persist difficulties regarding passivation and realization of contacts that could ensure low noise and an efficient charge collection. The main purpose of this work is to study charge collection processes and signal deterioration causes, improving the growth process and identifying appropriate methodologies for charge deficit correction, in order to create an electronic circuitry for data acquisition and signal correction.\\ The experimental activity was focused on the study of material grown by the Technology Group of IMEM-CNR Institute of Parma. This material have been grown with Boron Oxide Vertical Bridgman technique and used to create high energy detectors (10-700keV). The work can be divided into three main parts: 1) The material characterization, by means of photo-induced current, I-V characteristics and X and γ spectroscopy, to characterize the material and in particular to analyze bulk an superficial defects, impurity levels and the consequent transport properties in devices made by technology group of IMEM Institute. 2) The second one consists of theoretical model assessment to describe the material photo-response and the electronic read-out chain in order to obtain both the shape of the electronic signal and transport property informations. These model could be useful to correct the charge deficit through the information concerning the photon absorption depth in the crystal. 3) The third part concerns the development of data acquisition, filtering system and data elaboration. After a brief introduction about the fundamental issues involved, we make a careful analysis of these three aspects mentioned above. Finally we will discuss the thesis conclusions and the possible developments of this research. Other complementary activities, that play a minor role in the this research, can be found in the appendix.L'attività di ricerca si inserisce nel più ampio filone dello studio e dell'applicazione dei materiali semi-isolanti del tipo II-VI ed in particolare modo del Telloruro di Cadmio e Zinco (Cd1-xZnxTe o CZT). L’interesse attuale nei confronti di questi composti ternari, come materiali semi-isolanti per rivelatori di alte energie, è principalmente dovuta all’ampiezza dell’energy-gap (per altro modificabile variando le proporzioni dei componenti in particolare la frazione di Zinco), che permettendo di ovviare ai problemi di rumore dovuti alle correnti di leakage rende questi materiali ideali per applicazioni a temperatura ambiente. In questa classe di materiali il Cd1-xZnxTe (CZT) è particolarmente apprezzato sia per via dell'elevato stopping-power, dovuto all'elevato numero atomico dei suoi componenti e alla sua struttura cristallina, sia a causa delle elevate proprietà di trasporto, se paragonate a quelle di semiconduttori di questo tipo, e, come tale, si presenta come un valido candidato per il settore sensoristico anche grazie alla possibilità di essere prodotto in cristalli di grandi dimensioni. Le applicazioni sono molteplici nei settori della sicurezza e monitoraggio ambientale, stoccaggio di materiali radioattivi, della strumentazione medicale, delle applicazioni spaziali, dell’astrofisica e della cosmologia. I problemi legati alla purezza e all’omogeneità del materiale sono comunque tutt’altro che risolti a causa soprattutto di proprietà di trasporto limitate, se paragonate a quelle del Silicio, del Germanio e dell'Arseniuro di Gallio, e delle dimensioni macroscopiche dei sensori sviluppati (anche di diversi centimetri cubi). Le limitate proprietà di trasporto, limitando la carica raccolta dagli elettrodi all'aumentare della profondità di assorbimento del fotone, sono infatti la principale causa della riduzione delle proprietà spettroscopiche del materiale all'aumentare dell'energia dei fotoni coinvolti e del conseguente allargamento delle righe loro associate. Inoltre persistono tuttora problematiche relative alla passivazione e alla realizzazione di contatti che non distorcendo il campo assicurino un basso rumore e una efficiente raccolta di carica. L'obiettivo principale del progetto di tesi è quindi lo studio e la modellizzazione del processo di raccolta di carica e l’individuazione delle cause di deterioramento del segnale permettendo il miglioramento della qualità del materiale in fase di crescita e individuando metodologie adeguate per la correzione del deficit di carica raccolta dai rivelatori al fine di creare eventualmente un'elettronica per l’acquisizione e la correzione del segnale. L'attività si è focalizzata principalmente sullo studio del materiale cresciuto all'IMEM dal gruppo di Tecnologia con tecnica B2O3 Vertical Bridgman e utilizzato per realizzare rivelatori per alte energie(10-700KeV). Possiamo suddividere il lavoro essenzialmente in tre parti: 1. Una prima parte di studio sperimentale mediante tecniche di correnti foto-indotte, caratteristiche I-V e spettroscopia X e γ, necessaria alla caratterizzazione del materiale ed in particolare all'analisi dei difetti di bulk e di superficie, dei livelli di impurezza e delle conseguenti proprietà di trasporto sui dispositivi realizzati presso il gruppo di tecnologia dell'IMEM di Parma. 2. Una seconda parte “teorico-simulativa” relativa allo studio e alla simulazione di modelli che descrivano il comportamento del materiale e della catena elettronica di read-out al fine di studiare la forma del segnale elettronico generato, sia per ricavare informazioni sulle proprietà di trasporto sia per correggere il deficit di carica raccolta attraverso l'informazione sulla profondità dell'evento di assorbimento. 3. Una terza parte relativa allo sviluppo del sistema di acquisizione e filtraggio dati e alla creazione dei programmi di fitting necessari alla loro interpretazione. Dopo una breve introduzione sugli argomenti fondamentali coinvolti seguirà una attenta analisi di questi tre aspetti del lavoro di tesi sopra elencati. Infine discuteremo le conclusioni fondamentali a cui siamo giunti e brevemente ne esporremo i possibili sviluppi. Nelle appendici è possibile trovare altre attività di complemento al lavoro di dottorato che però hanno avuto un ruolo minore nello sviluppo del percorso di tesi

    Studies of BONuS12 Radial GEM Detector and TCS Beam Spin Asymmetry in CLAS12

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    The Barely Offshell Nucleon Structure (BONuS12) experiment adopted the concept of spectator tagging technique to study the nearly-free neutron structure function F2n in the CLAS12 of Jefferson Lab. A novel Radial Time Projection Chamber (RTPC) detector was built, tested and integrated into the CLAS12 system to detect a back-moving low momentum tagged proton in d(e, ep)X deep-inelastic scattering. It was a 40 cm long gaseous detector consisting of 3 layers of cylindrical GEM foils for the charge amplification, with the data readout directly from the surrounding padboard. The RTPC detected the recoiling spectator proton, in coincidence with the scattered electron in the CLAS12. Nucleon structure functions are directly related to the partonic functions, quarks momentum distribution in one dimension. A Generalized Parton Distribution (GPD) came to the lime-light as it encodes the information of both longitudinal momentum and transverse position of partons inside the nucleons. Factorization of hard process such as DVCS allows to access GPDs. Timelike Compton Scattering (TCS), γp → γ∗p, is another process that allows to access the GPDs. TCS is studied experimentally in the CLAS12 of Jefferson lab using the quasi-real photoproduction of time-like photon which eventually decays to lepton pair. This dissertation presents the concept of spectator tagging in BONuS12, and the research and development efforts during the BONuS12 preparation leading up to the successful data-taking during spring and summer 2020. In addition, analysis framework to extract the beam spin asymmetry of TCS events through the CLAS12 Run group A data is presented

    The European Spallation Source neutrino super-beam conceptual design report

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAMA design study, named ESS νSB for European Spallation Source neutrino Super Beam, has been carried out during the years 2018–2022 of how the 5 MW proton linear accelerator of the European Spallation Source under construction in Lund, Sweden, can be used to produce the world’s most intense long-baseline neutrino beam. The high beam intensity will allow for measuring the neutrino oscillations near the second oscillation maximum at which the CP violation signal is close to three times higher than at the first maximum, where other experiments measure. This will enable CP violation discovery in the leptonic sector for a wider range of values of the CP violating phase δCP and, in particular, a higher precision measurement of δCP. The present Conceptual Design Report describes the results of the design study of the required upgrade of the ESS linac, of the accumulator ring used to compress the linac pulses from 2.86 ms to 1.2 μs, and of the target station, where the 5 MW proton beam is used to produce the intense neutrino beam. It also presents the design of the near detector, which is used to monitor the neutrino beam as well as to measure neutrino cross sections, and of the large underground far detector located 360 km from ESS, where the magnitude of the oscillation appearance of νe from νμ is measured. The physics performance of the ESS νSB research facility has been evaluated demonstrating that after 10 years of data-taking, leptonic CP violation can be detected with more than 5 standard deviation significance over 70% of the range of values that the CP violation phase angle δCP can take and that δCP can be measured with a standard error less than 8° irrespective of the measured value of δCP. These results demonstrate the uniquely high physics performance of the proposed ESS νSB research facilit