2,377 research outputs found

    An Octave-Range, Watt-Level, Fully-Integrated CMOS Switching Power Mixer Array for Linearization and Back-Off-Efficiency Improvement

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    The power mixer array is presented as a novel power generation approach for non-constant envelope signals. It comprises several power mixer units that are dynamically turned on and off to improve the linearity and back-off efficiency. At the circuit level, the power mixer unit can operate as a switching amplifier to achieve high peak power efficiency. Additional circuit level linearization and back-off efficiency improvement techniques are also proposed. To demonstrate the feasibility of this idea, a fully-integrated octave-range CMOS power mixer array is implemented in a 130 nm CMOS process. It is operational between 1.2 GHz and 2.4 GHz and can generate an output power of +31.3 dBm into an external 50 Ω load with a PAE of 42% and a gain compression of only 0.4 dB at 1.8 GHz. It achieves a PAE of 25%, at an average output power of +26.4 dBm, and an EVM of 4.6% with a non-constant-envelope 16 QAM signal. It can also produce arbitrary signal levels down to -70 dBm of output power with the 16 QAM-modulated signal without any RF gain control circuit

    Dynamic selection and estimation of the digital predistorter parameters for power amplifier linearization

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    © © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a new technique that dynamically estimates and updates the coefficients of a digital predistorter (DPD) for power amplifier (PA) linearization. The proposed technique is dynamic in the sense of estimating, at every iteration of the coefficient's update, only the minimum necessary parameters according to a criterion based on the residual estimation error. At the first step, the original basis functions defining the DPD in the forward path are orthonormalized for DPD adaptation in the feedback path by means of a precalculated principal component analysis (PCA) transformation. The robustness and reliability of the precalculated PCA transformation (i.e., PCA transformation matrix obtained off line and only once) is tested and verified. Then, at the second step, a properly modified partial least squares (PLS) method, named dynamic partial least squares (DPLS), is applied to obtain the minimum and most relevant transformed components required for updating the coefficients of the DPD linearizer. The combination of the PCA transformation with the DPLS extraction of components is equivalent to a canonical correlation analysis (CCA) updating solution, which is optimum in the sense of generating components with maximum correlation (instead of maximum covariance as in the case of the DPLS extraction alone). The proposed dynamic extraction technique is evaluated and compared in terms of computational cost and performance with the commonly used QR decomposition approach for solving the least squares (LS) problem. Experimental results show that the proposed method (i.e., combining PCA with DPLS) drastically reduces the amount of DPD coefficients to be estimated while maintaining the same linearization performance.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    High Linearity Millimeter Wave Power Amplifiers with Novel Linearizer Techniques

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    Millimeter-wave communications have experienced phenomenal growth in recent years when limited frequency spectrum is occupied by the ever-developing communication services. The power amplifier, as the key component in the transmitter/receiver module of communication systems, affects performance of the whole system directly and receives much attention. For minimized distortion and optimum system performance, the non-constant en- velope modulation schemes used in communication systems have challenging requirements on linearity. As linearity is related to communication quality directly, several linearization techniques, such as predistortion and feedforward, are applied to power amplifier design. Predistortion method has the advantages over other techniques in relatively simple struc- ture and reasonable linearity improvement. But current predistortion circuits have quite limited performance improvement and relatively large insertion loss, which indicate the need for further research. In most of millimeter-wave amplifier design, great effort has been spent on output power or gain, while linearity is often ignored. As almost all the predistortion circuits operate at the RF frequencies, the linearized millimeter-wave com- munication circuit is still relatively immature and very challenging. This project is dedicated to solve the linearity problem faced by millimeter-wave power amplifier in communication systems, which lacks of eÂźective techniques in this field. Linearity improvement with the predistortion method will be the key issue in this project and some original ideas for predistortion circuit design will be applied to millimeter-wave amplifiers. In this thesis, several predistortion circuits with novel structure were proposed, which provide a new approach for linearity improvement for millimeter-wave power am- plifier. A millimeter-wave power ampliÂŻer for LMDS applications built on GaAs pHEMT technology was developed to a high engineering standard, which works as the test bench for linearization. Actual operation and parasitic elements at tens of gigahertz have been taken into consideration during the design. Firstly, two novel predistorter structures based on the amplifier were proposed, one is based on an amplifier with a fixed bias circuit and the other is based on an amplifier with a nonlinear signal dependant bias circuit. These novel structures can improve the linearity while improving other metrics simultaneously, which can effectively solve the problem of insertion loss faced by the conventional structures. Besides this, an original predistortion circuit design methodology derived from frequency to signal amplitude transformation was proposed. Based on this methodology, several transfer functions were proposed and related predistortion circuits were built to linearize the power amplifier. As this methodology is quite different from the traditional approach, it can improve the linearity signifficantly while other metrics are affected slightly and has a broad prospect for application

    High Linearity Millimeter Wave Power Amplifiers with Novel Linearizer Techniques

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    Millimeter-wave communications have experienced phenomenal growth in recent years when limited frequency spectrum is occupied by the ever-developing communication services. The power amplifier, as the key component in the transmitter/receiver module of communication systems, affects performance of the whole system directly and receives much attention. For minimized distortion and optimum system performance, the non-constant en- velope modulation schemes used in communication systems have challenging requirements on linearity. As linearity is related to communication quality directly, several linearization techniques, such as predistortion and feedforward, are applied to power amplifier design. Predistortion method has the advantages over other techniques in relatively simple struc- ture and reasonable linearity improvement. But current predistortion circuits have quite limited performance improvement and relatively large insertion loss, which indicate the need for further research. In most of millimeter-wave amplifier design, great effort has been spent on output power or gain, while linearity is often ignored. As almost all the predistortion circuits operate at the RF frequencies, the linearized millimeter-wave com- munication circuit is still relatively immature and very challenging. This project is dedicated to solve the linearity problem faced by millimeter-wave power amplifier in communication systems, which lacks of eÂźective techniques in this field. Linearity improvement with the predistortion method will be the key issue in this project and some original ideas for predistortion circuit design will be applied to millimeter-wave amplifiers. In this thesis, several predistortion circuits with novel structure were proposed, which provide a new approach for linearity improvement for millimeter-wave power am- plifier. A millimeter-wave power ampliÂŻer for LMDS applications built on GaAs pHEMT technology was developed to a high engineering standard, which works as the test bench for linearization. Actual operation and parasitic elements at tens of gigahertz have been taken into consideration during the design. Firstly, two novel predistorter structures based on the amplifier were proposed, one is based on an amplifier with a fixed bias circuit and the other is based on an amplifier with a nonlinear signal dependant bias circuit. These novel structures can improve the linearity while improving other metrics simultaneously, which can effectively solve the problem of insertion loss faced by the conventional structures. Besides this, an original predistortion circuit design methodology derived from frequency to signal amplitude transformation was proposed. Based on this methodology, several transfer functions were proposed and related predistortion circuits were built to linearize the power amplifier. As this methodology is quite different from the traditional approach, it can improve the linearity signifficantly while other metrics are affected slightly and has a broad prospect for application

    Digital Predistortion for High Efficiency Power Amplifier Architectures Using a Dual-input Modeling Approach

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    In this paper, a novel model is proposed for dual-input high efficiency power amplifier (PA) architectures, such as envelope tracking (ET) and varactor-based dynamic load modulation (DLM). Compared to the traditional single-input modeling approach, the proposed model incorporates the baseband supply voltage/load control as an input. This advantage makes the new approach capable to achieve maximized average power-added efficiency (PAE) and minimized output distortion simultaneously. Furthermore, the new approach has shown to be robust towards time misalignment between the RF input and baseband supply voltage/load control signals, and it can be applied with a reduced-bandwidth baseband supply voltage/load control. Experiments have been performed in a varactor-based DLM PA architecture to evaluate the new modeling approach. The results show that it can achieve 9 dB and 7 dB better performance than the traditional approaches in terms of adjacent channel leakage ratio and normalized mean square error, respectively. At the same time, the average PAE is maximized. Similar results have been achieved with the proposed model even when reduced-bandwidth baseband load control signal is used or time misalignment between the RF and baseband load control input signals exists. Although the new approach is only tested with DLM architecture in this paper, it is very general and can be applied to ET architectures as well

    Communication Subsystems for Emerging Wireless Technologies

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    The paper describes a multi-disciplinary design of modern communication systems. The design starts with the analysis of a system in order to define requirements on its individual components. The design exploits proper models of communication channels to adapt the systems to expected transmission conditions. Input filtering of signals both in the frequency domain and in the spatial domain is ensured by a properly designed antenna. Further signal processing (amplification and further filtering) is done by electronics circuits. Finally, signal processing techniques are applied to yield information about current properties of frequency spectrum and to distribute the transmission over free subcarrier channels

    Contribution to dimensionality reduction of digital predistorter behavioral models for RF power amplifier linearization

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    The power efficiency and linearity of radio frequency (RF) power amplifiers (PAs) are critical in wireless communication systems. The main scope of PA designers is to build the RF PAs capable to maintain high efficiency and linearity figures simultaneously. However, these figures are inherently conflicted to each other and system-level solutions based on linearization techniques are required. Digital predistortion (DPD) linearization has become the most widely used solution to mitigate the efficiency versus linearity trade-off. The dimensionality of the DPD model depends on the complexity of the system. It increases significantly in high efficient amplification architectures when considering current wideband and spectrally efficient technologies. Overparametrization may lead to an ill-conditioned least squares (LS) estimation of the DPD coefficients, which is usually solved by employing regularization techniques. However, in order to both reduce the computational complexity and avoid ill-conditioning problems derived from overparametrization, several efforts have been dedicated to investigate dimensionality reduction techniques to reduce the order of the DPD model. This dissertation contributes to the dimensionality reduction of DPD linearizers for RF PAs with emphasis on the identification and adaptation subsystem. In particular, several dynamic model order reduction approaches based on feature extraction techniques are proposed. Thus, the minimum number of relevant DPD coefficients are dynamically selected and estimated in the DPD adaptation subsystem. The number of DPD coefficients is reduced, ensuring a well-conditioned LS estimation while demanding minimum hardware resources. The presented dynamic linearization approaches are evaluated and compared through experimental validation with an envelope tracking PA and a class-J PA The experimental results show similar linearization performance than the conventional LS solution but at lower computational cost.La eficiencia energetica y la linealidad de los amplificadores de potencia (PA) de radiofrecuencia (RF) son fundamentales en los sistemas de comunicacion inalambrica. El principal objetivo a alcanzar en el diserio de amplificadores de radiofrecuencia es lograr simultaneamente elevadas cifras de eficiencia y de linealidad. Sin embargo, estas cifras estan inherentemente en conflicto entre si, y se requieren soluciones a nivel de sistema basadas en tecnicas de linealizacion. La linealizacion mediante predistorsion digital (DPD) se ha convertido en la solucion mas utilizada para mitigar el compromise entre eficiencia y linealidad. La dimension del modelo del predistorsionador DPD depende de la complejidad del sistema, y aumenta significativamente en las arquitecturas de amplificacion de alta eficiencia cuando se consideran los actuales anchos de banda y las tecnologfas espectralmente eficientes. El exceso de parametrizacion puede conducir a una estimacion de los coeficientes DPD, mediante minimos cuadrados (LS), mal condicionada, lo cual generalmente se resuelve empleando tecnicas de regularizacion. Sin embargo, con el fin de reducir la complejidad computacional y evitar dichos problemas de mal acondicionamiento derivados de la sobreparametrizacion, se han dedicado varies esfuerzos para investigar tecnicas de reduccion de dimensionalidad que permitan reducir el orden del modelo del DPD. Esta tesis doctoral contribuye a aportar soluciones para la reduccion de la dimension de los linealizadores DPD para RF PA, centrandose en el subsistema de identificacion y adaptacion. En concrete, se proponen varies enfoques de reduccion de orden del modelo dinamico, basados en tecnicas de extraccion de caracteristicas. El numero minimo de coeficientes DPD relevantes se seleccionan y estiman dinamicamente en el subsistema de adaptacion del DPD, y de este modo la cantidad de coeficientes DPD se reduce, lo cual ademas garantiza una estimacion de LS bien condicionada al tiempo que exige menos recursos de hardware. Las propuestas de linealizacion dinamica presentados en esta tesis se evaluan y comparan mediante validacion experimental con un PA de seguimiento de envolvente y un PA tipo clase J. Los resultados experimentales muestran unos resultados de linealizacion de los PA similares a los obtenidos cuando se em plea la solucion LS convencional, pero con un coste computacional mas reducido.Postprint (published version

    Digital Predistortion for Dual-Input Doherty Amplifiers

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    This paper presents a digital predistortion technique for dual-input Doherty power amplifiers. The proposed technique utilizes both RF inputs of the main and peak amplifiers in the digital predistorter. The effectiveness of the resulting dual-input predistorter is evaluated on a twoway Doherty amplifier operating at 2.14 GHz with 53.5 dBm peak output power. The experimental results demonstrate that the dual-input approach outperforms the conventional single-input predistortion technique by ∌3 dB in terms of adjacent channel leakage ratio
