595,857 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Enterprise Architecture Planningpada Akper Harum Jakarta

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    Information system development aims to achieve the mission of information system in order to provide qulity of data/information for the sake of business. The first step of achieving the mission of this information system is to plan the information system to identify information needs and possible innovations in the use of technology to improve enterprise performance. Planning can use Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) methodology which result blueprint of the architecture data, application architecture, technology architecture and implementation plan for the enterprise. In this cases, a study case for planning of integrated information system development using EAP with applying value chain model and analisys approaches and tools is performed on AKPER Harum Jakarta. The result in this cases study is the enterprise model, information resource catalog documentation, data architecture, application architecture, technology architecture and implementation plans. Result also provide a foundation for overcoming separate of legacy system, of data integration, and lack of support from information system for the business functions

    The BIM2LCA approach: An industry foundation classes (IFC)-based interface to integrate life cycle assessment in integral planning

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    An increasing degree of digitalization in construction planning offers significant potential for building life cycle assessment (LCA) to reduce access barriers, as well as the assessment effort itself. To realize the widespread application of LCA tools and their potential to effectively minimize life cycle impacts, an open approach is required that allows for flexible application of comprehensive LCA studies and early integration in planning processes. The authors present an approach for LCA integration in all phases of digital planning which aims at a DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für nachhaltiges Bauen) certification based on the open Building Information Modeling (BIM) standard Industry Foundation Classes (IFC). The approach takes into account varying levels of development and resulting data availability during integral planning phases, as well as resulting LCA application contexts. It goes beyond existing strategies and allows one to consider both BIM and LCA software through a workflow based on a single data format. The assessment framework is operationalized through standardized interface development and technical realization following the information delivery manual (IDM) process standardized for IFC interfaces. The Extensible Markup Language (XML) schema, as a specific implementation for certification, provides the target system for LCA data requirements and is generalized to a planning phase specific IDM base table. The technical realization based on respective model view definitions and distributed data suggests a pathway to the standardization of LCA-IFC integration based on an open approach. The overall approach exemplarily applies to the “LERNZENTRUM” at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) campus. We conclude that an open BIM approach for LCA integration in model-based planning is feasible, but requires several adjustments in IFC, LCA, and planning practice. Adding a lifecycle element to the IFC to connect BIM and LCA provides comprehensive feedback for informed decision making based on environmental impact

    A Thematic Review of the Models of ICT Integration in Tracking Malaria Drug Administration in Ugandan Health Units.

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    Background This study aimed at reviewing models propounding thematic linkage to system integration of ICT transaction processes that inform tracking administration of malaria drugs in health units in Uganda.  Methods  The study engaged structural and thematic review approaches for narrative and meta-synthesis of literature analysis to cite, make comparisons, and contrast including criticisms of directed stimulation of information-oriented integration, process-oriented integration, service-oriented Integration, user-oriented integration, and other success drivers of the need for ICT integrations. Comparisons of models by case analysis qualified a structured proposition of development of the model for tracking the administration of Malaria drugs in health units. Scope  Integration review was guided by the Enterprise Application Integration solution model, Model Driven Integration Approach, Technology Transfer of Reference, DeLone & McLean IS Success Model among others, focusing on the stimulation of information, processes service and user-oriented integrations, valid ability, technology context, ease of use, scalability, flexibility, and trainability as success drivers.  Findings Studies on integration and IC-enabled development reveal that ICT is widely accepted, and its crucial functions increase efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and competitiveness. Failure of integration of ICT in developing countries has a positive relationship with lack of awareness, management commitment, defined ICT based-roles as tools rather than solutions for organizational transformation, responsiveness to vision and mission goals, systemic methods of implementation, system ownership, and poor policy and planning.  Conclusion Integration of Information Communications Technology in health units is a major driver of information, processes, service, and user-oriented transactions for effective service provision and delivery in Uganda. Technology Context has a negative but linear correlation on ease of use (Intension and Actual) of ICTs (B = - 0.087) and negatively influences the same (β= - 0.050). The intention and actual use of Technology Context in tracking drug administration is influenced by the ability of application of the users.

    Methodology for Seamless Supply Chain Planning

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    Today, enterprises are typically in a constant process of acquiring and updating its information technologies, however typically without an overall view of the global inter and intra enterprise’s system integration. Researchers have been proposing methodologies and platforms to assist such integration of applications and data. However, implementing new technologies in organizations is a difficult task, since its quality needs for architectures development are more exigent and critical than ever, due to the systems complexity, dimension and to the interoperability requirements to interact with third party applications and infrastructures. This paper proposes a methodology for seamless Supply Chain Planning (SCP), by using a domain reference ontology, data model representation standards, software components evaluation and interoperability checking processes. The methodology VALTE is used to assure that enterprises use tools for SCP compliant to semantics, represented in a common reference ontology, created by the MENTOR methodology. These two horizontal methodologies are vertically supported by interoperability checking processes, which assure an interoperable supply chain planning system

    NASA Products to Enhance Energy Utility Load Forecasting

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    Existing energy load forecasting tools rely upon historical load and forecasted weather to predict load within energy company service areas. The shortcomings of load forecasts are often the result of weather forecasts that are not at a fine enough spatial or temporal resolution to capture local-scale weather events. This project aims to improve the performance of load forecasting tools through the integration of high-resolution, weather-related NASA Earth Science Data, such as temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed. Three companies are participating in operational testing one natural gas company, and two electric providers. Operational results comparing load forecasts with and without NASA weather forecasts have been generated since March 2010. We have worked with end users at the three companies to refine selection of weather forecast information and optimize load forecast model performance. The project will conclude in 2012 with transitioning documented improvements from the inclusion of NASA forecasts for sustained use by energy utilities nationwide in a variety of load forecasting tools. In addition, Battelle has consulted with energy companies nationwide to document their information needs for long-term planning, in light of climate change and regulatory impacts

    Gis-Based Support System for Tactical Timber Harvest Planning: Design and Development

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    The high costs of timber harvesting and forest road construction warrant extensive planning of harvest blocks and forest road network layout. The integration of these efforts in the overall management decision making process will result in more efficient timber harvesting operations. Traditionally, harvest planners have relied in personal experience to guide them through this planning process. However, the harvest planner may not be able to utilize these traditional planning techniques when dealing with large areas due to the increased data demands of the planning process. This study describes a terrain classification method and the development of a Decision Support System CDSS) known as "MERANTI" for short-term harvest planning that combines the data handling, storage, and retrieval advantages of a geographic information system with the decision modelling capabilities of heuristic programming. The terrain classification system characterizes the terrain of forested areas in eastern part of Malaysia in terms of slope and ground conditions. The DSS consists of three major components: the geographic information system, a library of decision models, and a graphics interface. The geographic information system contains information on timber volume, roads and the terrain classification developed as a part of this study. The model library consists of three decision models: a heuristic programming to select blocks for harvest and a minimum spanning tree/shortest path module to determine the location of roads to access harvested blocks. The graphics interface provides a linking mechanism between the geographic information system, the decision model, and the harvest planner. The prototype spatial decision support system (MERANTI) developed in this study provide the harvest planner with an efficient means of evaluating the large amount of data required for automatically selecting blocks for harvest and determining preliminary forest road locations. The results demonstrated that by using "MERANTI'. decision support tools during a timber harvest planning process, the effectiveness of decision making could be improved. The findings of the study will help refine the tropical hill Dipterocarp timber harvesting system and planning and could provide guidelines for future GIS-based support system developmen

    ERP Systems and Managerial Decision Making - A Model for Analysis

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    Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, the most significant IT development in recent times, affects all aspects of organizational life. While the positive impact of ERP systems on operational efficiencies is well established in the literature, the relationship between ERP systems, decision support capability and decision-making processes has been inadequately investigated in the past. This paper hypothesizes a research model for further investigation. Using standardization and integration, the two key characteristics of ERP systems, the influence of ERP-enabled information environment is explained in terms of its impact on the accessibility/availability, quality and quantity of information. The extent of integration and standardization achieved while implementing the ERP system and organizational culture and size are moderating variables that are expected to moderate the influence of ERP-enabled environment on managerial decision making. Extending recent studies, this study postulates a positive influence of ERP-enabled information environment on decision support capability particularly at operational and tactical level. Though improvement in the quality of information, centralization and the consequent increase in visibility and accessibility have influenced the decision support capability of managers, factors such as information overload and inadequate reporting tools in the ERP software appear to be limiting the managerial decision making capability and quality of decision making


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    Information system development aims to achieve the mission of information system in order to provide quality of data/information for the sake of business. The first step of achieving the mission of this information system is to plan the information system to identify information needs and possible innovations in the use of technology to improve enterprise performance. Planning can use Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) methodology which result blueprint of the architecture data, application architecture, technology architecture and implementation plan for the enterprise. In these cases, a study case for the planning of integrated information system development using EAP with applying value chain model and analysis approaches and tools is performed on AKPER Harum Jakarta. The result in this cases study is the enterprise model, information resource catalog documentation, data architecture, application architecture, technology architecture, and implementation plans. Result also provide a foundation for overcoming separate of a legacy system, of data integration, and lack of support from information system for the business functions.&nbsp