97 research outputs found

    Motion Planning

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    Motion planning is a fundamental function in robotics and numerous intelligent machines. The global concept of planning involves multiple capabilities, such as path generation, dynamic planning, optimization, tracking, and control. This book has organized different planning topics into three general perspectives that are classified by the type of robotic applications. The chapters are a selection of recent developments in a) planning and tracking methods for unmanned aerial vehicles, b) heuristically based methods for navigation planning and routes optimization, and c) control techniques developed for path planning of autonomous wheeled platforms

    Hybrid Modeling of Deformable Linear Objects for Their Cooperative Transportation by Teams of Quadrotors

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    his paper deals with the control of a team of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs), specifically quadrotors, for which their mission is the transportation of a deformable linear object (DLO), i.e., a cable, hose or similar object in quasi-stationary state, while cruising towards destination. Such missions have strong industrial applications in the transportation of hoses or power cables to specific locations, such as the emergency power or water supply in hazard situations such as fires or earthquake damaged structures. This control must be robust to withstand strong and sudden wind disturbances and remain stable after aggressive maneuvers, i.e., sharp changes of direction or acceleration. To cope with these, we have previously developed the online adaptation of the proportional derivative (PD) controllers of the quadrotors thrusters, implemented by a fuzzy logic rule system that experienced adaptation by a stochastic gradient rule. However, sagging conditions appearing when the transporting drones are too close or too far away induce singularities in the DLO catenary models, breaking apart the control system. The paper’s main contribution is the formulation of the hybrid selective model of the DLO sections as either catenaries or parabolas, which allows us to overcome these sagging conditions. We provide the specific decision rule to shift between DLO models. Simulation results demonstrate the performance of the proposed approach under stringent conditions.This work has been partially supported by spanish MICIN project PID2020-116346GB-I00, and project KK-2021/00070 of the Elkartek 2021 funding program of the Basque Government. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 777720

    Low Speed Flap-bounding in Ornithopters and its Inspiration on the Energy Efficient Flight of Quadrotors

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    Flap-bounding, a form of intermittent flight, is often exhibited by small birds over their entire range of flight speeds. The purpose of flap-bounding is unclear during low to medium speed (2 - 8 m/s) flight from a mechanical-power perspective: aerodynamic models suggest continuous flapping would require less power output and lower cost of transport. This thesis works towards the understanding of the advantages of flap-bounding and tries to employ the underlining principle to design quadrotor maneuver to improve power efficiency. To explore the functional significance of flap-bounding at low speeds, I measured body trajectory and kinematics of wings and tail of zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata, N=2) during flights in a laboratory between two perches. The flights consist of three phases: initial, descending and ascending. Zebra finch first accelerated using continuous flapping, then descended, featuring intermittent bounds. The flight was completed by ascending using nearly-continuous flapping. When exiting bounds in descending phase, they achieved higher than pre-bound forward velocity by swinging body forward similar to pendulum motion with conserved mechanical energy. Takeoffs of black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus, N=3) in the wild was recorded and I found similar kinematics. Our modeling of power output indicates finch achieves higher velocity (13%) with lower cost of transport (9%) when descending, compared with continuous flapping in previously-studied pigeons. To apply the findings to the design of quadrotor motion, a mimicking maneuver was developed that consisted of five phases: projectile drop, drop transition, pendulum swing, rise transition and projectile rise. The quadrotor outputs small amount (4 N) of thrust during projectile drop phase and ramps up the thrust while increasing body pitch angle during the drop transition phase until the thrust enables the quadrotor to advance in pendulum-like motion in the pendulum swing phase. As the quadrotor reaches the symmetric point with respect to the vertical axis of the pendulum motion, it engages in reducing the thrust and pitch angle during the rise transition phase until the thrust is lowered to the same level as the beginning of the maneuver and the body angle of attack minimized (0.2 deg) in the projectile rise phase. The trajectory of the maneuver was optimized to yield minimum cost of transport. The quadrotor moves forward by tracking the cycle of the optimized trajectory repeatedly. Due to the aggressive nature of the maneuver, we developed new algorithms using onboard sensors to determine the estimated position and attitude. By employing nonlinear controller, we showed that cost of transport of the flap-bounding inspired maneuver is lower (28%) than conventional constant forward flight, which makes it the preferable strategy in high speed flight (≥15 m/s)

    Estimating and understanding motion : from diagnostic to robotic surgery

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    Estimating and understanding motion from an image sequence is a central topic in computer vision. The high interest in this topic is because we are living in a world where many events that occur in the environment are dynamic. This makes motion estimation and understanding a natural component and a key factor in a widespread of applications including object recognition , 3D shape reconstruction, autonomous navigation and medica! diagnosis. Particularly, we focus on the medical domain in which understanding the human body for clinical purposes requires retrieving the organs' complex motion patterns, which is in general a hard problem when using only image data. In this thesis, we cope with this problem by posing the question - How to achieve a realistic motion estimation to offer a better clinical understanding? We focus this thesis on answering this question by using a variational formulation as a basis to understand one of the most complex motions in the human's body, the heart motion, through three different applications: (i) cardiac motion estimation for diagnostic, (ii) force estimation and (iii) motion prediction, both for robotic surgery. Firstly, we focus on a central topic in cardiac imaging that is the estimation of the cardiac motion. The main aim is to offer objective and understandable measures to physicians for helping them in the diagnostic of cardiovascular diseases. We employ ultrafast ultrasound data and tools for imaging motion drawn from diverse areas such as low-rank analysis and variational deformation to perform a realistic cardiac motion estimation. The significance is that by taking low-rank data with carefully chosen penalization, synergies in this complex variational problem can be created. We demonstrate how our proposed solution deals with complex deformations through careful numerical experiments using realistic and simulated data. We then move from diagnostic to robotic surgeries where surgeons perform delicate procedures remotely through robotic manipulators without directly interacting with the patients. As a result, they lack force feedback, which is an important primary sense for increasing surgeon-patient transparency and avoiding injuries and high mental workload. To solve this problem, we follow the conservation principies of continuum mechanics in which it is clear that the change in shape of an elastic object is directly proportional to the force applied. Thus, we create a variational framework to acquire the deformation that the tissues undergo due to an applied force. Then, this information is used in a learning system to find the nonlinear relationship between the given data and the applied force. We carried out experiments with in-vivo and ex-vivo data and combined statistical, graphical and perceptual analyses to demonstrate the strength of our solution. Finally, we explore robotic cardiac surgery, which allows carrying out complex procedures including Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (OPCABG). This procedure avoids the associated complications of using Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB) since the heart is not arrested while performing the surgery on a beating heart. Thus, surgeons have to deal with a dynamic target that compromisetheir dexterity and the surgery's precision. To compensate the heart motion, we propase a solution composed of three elements: an energy function to estimate the 3D heart motion, a specular highlight detection strategy and a prediction approach for increasing the robustness of the solution. We conduct evaluation of our solution using phantom and realistic datasets. We conclude the thesis by reporting our findings on these three applications and highlight the dependency between motion estimation and motion understanding at any dynamic event, particularly in clinical scenarios.L’estimació i comprensió del moviment dins d’una seqüència d’imatges és un tema central en la visió per ordinador, el que genera un gran interès perquè vivim en un entorn ple d’esdeveniments dinàmics. Per aquest motiu és considerat com un component natural i factor clau dins d’un ampli ventall d’aplicacions, el qual inclou el reconeixement d’objectes, la reconstrucció de formes tridimensionals, la navegació autònoma i el diagnòstic de malalties. En particular, ens situem en l’àmbit mèdic en el qual la comprensió del cos humà, amb finalitats clíniques, requereix l’obtenció de patrons complexos de moviment dels òrgans. Aquesta és, en general, una tasca difícil quan s’utilitzen només dades de tipus visual. En aquesta tesi afrontem el problema plantejant-nos la pregunta - Com es pot aconseguir una estimació realista del moviment amb l’objectiu d’oferir una millor comprensió clínica? La tesi se centra en la resposta mitjançant l’ús d’una formulació variacional com a base per entendre un dels moviments més complexos del cos humà, el del cor, a través de tres aplicacions: (i) estimació del moviment cardíac per al diagnòstic, (ii) estimació de forces i (iii) predicció del moviment, orientant-se les dues últimes en cirurgia robòtica. En primer lloc, ens centrem en un tema principal en la imatge cardíaca, que és l’estimació del moviment cardíac. L’objectiu principal és oferir als metges mesures objectives i comprensibles per ajudar-los en el diagnòstic de les malalties cardiovasculars. Fem servir dades d’ultrasons ultraràpids i eines per al moviment d’imatges procedents de diverses àrees, com ara l’anàlisi de baix rang i la deformació variacional, per fer una estimació realista del moviment cardíac. La importància rau en que, en prendre les dades de baix rang amb una penalització acurada, es poden crear sinergies en aquest problema variacional complex. Mitjançant acurats experiments numèrics, amb dades realístiques i simulades, hem demostrat com les nostres propostes solucionen deformacions complexes. Després passem del diagnòstic a la cirurgia robòtica, on els cirurgians realitzen procediments delicats remotament, a través de manipuladors robòtics, sense interactuar directament amb els pacients. Com a conseqüència, no tenen la percepció de la força com a resposta, que és un sentit primari important per augmentar la transparència entre el cirurgià i el pacient, per evitar lesions i per reduir la càrrega de treball mental. Resolem aquest problema seguint els principis de conservació de la mecànica del medi continu, en els quals està clar que el canvi en la forma d’un objecte elàstic és directament proporcional a la força aplicada. Per això hem creat un marc variacional que adquireix la deformació que pateixen els teixits per l’aplicació d’una força. Aquesta informació s’utilitza en un sistema d’aprenentatge, per trobar la relació no lineal entre les dades donades i la força aplicada. Hem dut a terme experiments amb dades in-vivo i ex-vivo i hem combinat l’anàlisi estadístic, gràfic i de percepció que demostren la robustesa de la nostra solució. Finalment, explorem la cirurgia cardíaca robòtica, la qual cosa permet realitzar procediments complexos, incloent la cirurgia coronària sense bomba (off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting o OPCAB). Aquest procediment evita les complicacions associades a l’ús de circulació extracorpòria (Cardiopulmonary Bypass o CPB), ja que el cor no s’atura mentre es realitza la cirurgia. Això comporta que els cirurgians han de tractar amb un objectiu dinàmic que compromet la seva destresa i la precisió de la cirurgia. Per compensar el moviment del cor, proposem una solució composta de tres elements: un funcional d’energia per estimar el moviment tridimensional del cor, una estratègia de detecció de les reflexions especulars i una aproximació basada en mètodes de predicció, per tal d’augmentar la robustesa de la solució. L’avaluació de la nostra solució s’ha dut a terme mitjançant conjunts de dades sintètiques i realistes. La tesi conclou informant dels nostres resultats en aquestes tres aplicacions i posant de relleu la dependència entre l’estimació i la comprensió del moviment en qualsevol esdeveniment dinàmic, especialment en escenaris clínics.Postprint (published version

    Optimization and Communication in UAV Networks

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    UAVs are becoming a reality and attract increasing attention. They can be remotely controlled or completely autonomous and be used alone or as a fleet and in a large set of applications. They are constrained by hardware since they cannot be too heavy and rely on batteries. Their use still raises a large set of exciting new challenges in terms of trajectory optimization and positioning when they are used alone or in cooperation, and communication when they evolve in swarm, to name but a few examples. This book presents some new original contributions regarding UAV or UAV swarm optimization and communication aspects

    Fast Sensing and Adaptive Actuation for Robust Legged Locomotion

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    Robust legged locomotion in complex terrain demands fast perturbation detection and reaction. In animals, due to the neural transmission delays, the high-level control loop involving the brain is absent from mitigating the initial disturbance. Instead, the low-level compliant behavior embedded in mechanics and the mid-level controllers in the spinal cord are believed to provide quick response during fast locomotion. Still, it remains unclear how these low- and mid-level components facilitate robust locomotion. This thesis aims to identify and characterize the underlining elements responsible for fast sensing and actuation. To test individual elements and their interplay, several robotic systems were implemented. The implementations include active and passive mechanisms as a combination of elasticities and dampers in multi-segment robot legs, central pattern generators inspired by intraspinal controllers, and a synthetic robotic version of an intraspinal sensor. The first contribution establishes the notion of effective damping. Effective damping is defined as the total energy dissipation during one step, which allows quantifying how much ground perturbation is mitigated. Using this framework, the optimal damper is identified as viscous and tunable. This study paves the way for integrating effective dampers to legged designs for robust locomotion. The second contribution introduces a novel series elastic actuation system. The proposed system tackles the issue of power transmission over multiple joints, while featuring intrinsic series elasticity. The design is tested on a hopper with two more elastic elements, demonstrating energy recuperation and enhanced dynamic performance. The third contribution proposes a novel tunable damper and reveals its influence on legged hopping. A bio-inspired slack tendon mechanism is implemented in parallel with a spring. The tunable damping is rigorously quantified on a central-pattern-generator-driven hopping robot, which reveals the trade-off between locomotion robustness and efficiency. The last contribution explores the intraspinal sensing hypothesis of birds. We speculate that the observed intraspinal structure functions as an accelerometer. This accelerometer could provide fast state feedback directly to the adjacent central pattern generator circuits, contributing to birds’ running robustness. A biophysical simulation framework is established, which provides new perspectives on the sensing mechanics of the system, including the influence of morphologies and material properties. Giving an overview of the hierarchical control architecture, this thesis investigates the fast sensing and actuation mechanisms in several control layers, including the low-level mechanical response and the mid-level intraspinal controllers. The contributions of this work provide new insight into animal loco-motion robustness and lays the foundation for future legged robot design

    Contributions to autonomous robust navigation of mobile robots in industrial applications

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    151 p.Un aspecto en el que las plataformas móviles actuales se quedan atrás en comparación con el punto que se ha alcanzado ya en la industria es la precisión. La cuarta revolución industrial trajo consigo la implantación de maquinaria en la mayor parte de procesos industriales, y una fortaleza de estos es su repetitividad. Los robots móviles autónomos, que son los que ofrecen una mayor flexibilidad, carecen de esta capacidad, principalmente debido al ruido inherente a las lecturas ofrecidas por los sensores y al dinamismo existente en la mayoría de entornos. Por este motivo, gran parte de este trabajo se centra en cuantificar el error cometido por los principales métodos de mapeado y localización de robots móviles,ofreciendo distintas alternativas para la mejora del posicionamiento.Asimismo, las principales fuentes de información con las que los robots móviles son capaces de realizarlas funciones descritas son los sensores exteroceptivos, los cuales miden el entorno y no tanto el estado del propio robot. Por esta misma razón, algunos métodos son muy dependientes del escenario en el que se han desarrollado, y no obtienen los mismos resultados cuando este varía. La mayoría de plataformas móviles generan un mapa que representa el entorno que les rodea, y fundamentan en este muchos de sus cálculos para realizar acciones como navegar. Dicha generación es un proceso que requiere de intervención humana en la mayoría de casos y que tiene una gran repercusión en el posterior funcionamiento del robot. En la última parte del presente trabajo, se propone un método que pretende optimizar este paso para así generar un modelo más rico del entorno sin requerir de tiempo adicional para ello

    Emergent Behavior Development and Control in Multi-Agent Systems

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    Emergence in natural systems is the development of complex behaviors that result from the aggregation of simple agent-to-agent and agent-to-environment interactions. Emergence research intersects with many disciplines such as physics, biology, and ecology and provides a theoretical framework for investigating how order appears to spontaneously arise in complex adaptive systems. In biological systems, emergent behaviors allow simple agents to collectively accomplish multiple tasks in highly dynamic environments; ensuring system survival. These systems all display similar properties: self-organized hierarchies, robustness, adaptability, and decentralized task execution. However, current algorithmic approaches merely present theoretical models without showing how these models actually create hierarchical, emergent systems. To fill this research gap, this dissertation presents an algorithm based on entropy and speciation - defined as morphological or physiological differences in a population - that results in hierarchical emergent phenomena in multi-agent systems. Results show that speciation creates system hierarchies composed of goal-aligned entities, i.e. niches. As niche actions aggregate into more complex behaviors, more levels emerge within the system hierarchy, eventually resulting in a system that can meet multiple tasks and is robust to environmental changes. Speciation provides a powerful tool for creating goal-aligned, decentralized systems that are inherently robust and adaptable, meeting the scalability demands of current, multi-agent system design. Results in base defense, k-n assignment, division of labor and resource competition experiments, show that speciated populations create hierarchical self-organized systems, meet multiple tasks and are more robust to environmental change than non-speciated populations

    Using MapReduce Streaming for Distributed Life Simulation on the Cloud

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    Distributed software simulations are indispensable in the study of large-scale life models but often require the use of technically complex lower-level distributed computing frameworks, such as MPI. We propose to overcome the complexity challenge by applying the emerging MapReduce (MR) model to distributed life simulations and by running such simulations on the cloud. Technically, we design optimized MR streaming algorithms for discrete and continuous versions of Conway’s life according to a general MR streaming pattern. We chose life because it is simple enough as a testbed for MR’s applicability to a-life simulations and general enough to make our results applicable to various lattice-based a-life models. We implement and empirically evaluate our algorithms’ performance on Amazon’s Elastic MR cloud. Our experiments demonstrate that a single MR optimization technique called strip partitioning can reduce the execution time of continuous life simulations by 64%. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose and evaluate MR streaming algorithms for lattice-based simulations. Our algorithms can serve as prototypes in the development of novel MR simulation algorithms for large-scale lattice-based a-life models.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/scs_books/1014/thumbnail.jp
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