19,168 research outputs found

    Model-Checking with Edge-Valued Decision Diagrams

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    We describe an algebra of Edge-Valued Decision Diagrams (EVMDDs) to encode arithmetic functions and its implementation in a model checking library along with state-of-the-art algorithms for building the transition relation and the state space of discrete state systems. We provide efficient algorithms for manipulating EVMDDs and give upper bounds of the theoretical time complexity of these algorithms for all basic arithmetic and relational operators. We also demonstrate that the time complexity of the generic recursive algorithm for applying a binary operator on EVMDDs is no worse than that of Multi-Terminal Decision Diagrams. We have implemented a new symbolic model checker with the intention to represent in one formalism the best techniques available at the moment across a spectrum of existing tools: EVMDDs for encoding arithmetic expressions, identity-reduced MDDs for representing the transition relation, and the saturation algorithm for reachability analysis. We compare our new symbolic model checking EVMDD library with the widely used CUDD package and show that, in many cases, our tool is several orders of magnitude faster than CUDD

    Witness generation in existential CTL model checking

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    Hardware and software systems are widely used in applications where failure is prohibitively costly or even unacceptable. The main obstacle to make such systems more reliable and capable of more complex and sensitive tasks is our limited ability to design and implement them with sufficiently high degree of confidence in their correctness under all circumstances. As an automated technique that verifies the system early in the design phase, model checking explores the state space of the system exhaustively and rigorously to determine if the system satisfies the specifications and detect fatal errors that may be missed by simulation and testing. One essential advantage of model checking is the capability to generate witnesses and counterexamples. They are simple and straightforward forms to prove an existential specification or falsify a universal specification. Beside enhancing the credibility of the model checker\u27s conclusion, they either strengthen engineers\u27 confidence in the system or provide hints to reveal potential defects. In this dissertation, we focus on symbolic model checking with specifications expressed in computation tree logic (CTL), which describes branching-time behaviors of the system, and investigate the witness generation techniques for the existential fragment of CTL, i.e., ECTL, covering both decision-diagram-based and SAT-based. Since witnesses provide important debugging information and may be inspected by engineers, smaller ones are always preferable to ease their interpretation and understanding. To the best of our knowledge, no existing witness generation technique guarantees the minimality for a general ECTL formula with nested existential CTL operators. One contribution of this dissertation is to fill this gap with the minimality guarantee. With the help of the saturation algorithm, our approach computes the minimum witness size for the given ECTL formula in every state, stored as an additive edge-valued multiway decision diagrams (EV+MDD), a variant of the well-known binary decision diagram (BDD), and then builds a minimum witness. Though computationally intensive, this has promising applications in reducing engineers\u27 workload. SAT-based model checking, in particular, bounded model checking, reduces a model checking problem problem into a satisfiability problem and leverages a SAT solver to solve it. Another contribution of this dissertation is to improve the translation of bounded semantics of ECTL into propositional formulas. By realizing the possibility of path reuse, i.e., a state may build its own witness by reusing its successor\u27s, we may generate a significantly smaller formula, which is often easier for a SAT solver to answer, and thus boost the performance of bounded model checking

    DDMF: An Efficient Decision Diagram Structure for Design Verification of Quantum Circuits under a Practical Restriction

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    Recently much attention has been paid to quantum circuit design to prepare for the future "quantum computation era." Like the conventional logic synthesis, it should be important to verify and analyze the functionalities of generated quantum circuits. For that purpose, we propose an efficient verification method for quantum circuits under a practical restriction. Thanks to the restriction, we can introduce an efficient verification scheme based on decision diagrams called Decision Diagrams for Matrix Functions (DDMFs). Then, we show analytically the advantages of our approach based on DDMFs over the previous verification techniques. In order to introduce DDMFs, we also introduce new concepts, quantum functions and matrix functions, which may also be interesting and useful on their own for designing quantum circuits.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, to appear IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E91-A, No.1

    Basins of Attraction, Commitment Sets and Phenotypes of Boolean Networks

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    The attractors of Boolean networks and their basins have been shown to be highly relevant for model validation and predictive modelling, e.g., in systems biology. Yet there are currently very few tools available that are able to compute and visualise not only attractors but also their basins. In the realm of asynchronous, non-deterministic modeling not only is the repertoire of software even more limited, but also the formal notions for basins of attraction are often lacking. In this setting, the difficulty both for theory and computation arises from the fact that states may be ele- ments of several distinct basins. In this paper we address this topic by partitioning the state space into sets that are committed to the same attractors. These commitment sets can easily be generalised to sets that are equivalent w.r.t. the long-term behaviours of pre-selected nodes which leads us to the notions of markers and phenotypes which we illustrate in a case study on bladder tumorigenesis. For every concept we propose equivalent CTL model checking queries and an extension of the state of the art model checking software NuSMV is made available that is capa- ble of computing the respective sets. All notions are fully integrated as three new modules in our Python package PyBoolNet, including functions for visualising the basins, commitment sets and phenotypes as quotient graphs and pie charts

    Transient Reward Approximation for Continuous-Time Markov Chains

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    We are interested in the analysis of very large continuous-time Markov chains (CTMCs) with many distinct rates. Such models arise naturally in the context of reliability analysis, e.g., of computer network performability analysis, of power grids, of computer virus vulnerability, and in the study of crowd dynamics. We use abstraction techniques together with novel algorithms for the computation of bounds on the expected final and accumulated rewards in continuous-time Markov decision processes (CTMDPs). These ingredients are combined in a partly symbolic and partly explicit (symblicit) analysis approach. In particular, we circumvent the use of multi-terminal decision diagrams, because the latter do not work well if facing a large number of different rates. We demonstrate the practical applicability and efficiency of the approach on two case studies.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Reliabilit

    Stochastic Constraint Programming

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    To model combinatorial decision problems involving uncertainty and probability, we introduce stochastic constraint programming. Stochastic constraint programs contain both decision variables (which we can set) and stochastic variables (which follow a probability distribution). They combine together the best features of traditional constraint satisfaction, stochastic integer programming, and stochastic satisfiability. We give a semantics for stochastic constraint programs, and propose a number of complete algorithms and approximation procedures. Finally, we discuss a number of extensions of stochastic constraint programming to relax various assumptions like the independence between stochastic variables, and compare with other approaches for decision making under uncertainty.Comment: Proceedings of the 15th Eureopean Conference on Artificial Intelligenc

    The Complexity of Reasoning with FODD and GFODD

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    Recent work introduced Generalized First Order Decision Diagrams (GFODD) as a knowledge representation that is useful in mechanizing decision theoretic planning in relational domains. GFODDs generalize function-free first order logic and include numerical values and numerical generalizations of existential and universal quantification. Previous work presented heuristic inference algorithms for GFODDs and implemented these heuristics in systems for decision theoretic planning. In this paper, we study the complexity of the computational problems addressed by such implementations. In particular, we study the evaluation problem, the satisfiability problem, and the equivalence problem for GFODDs under the assumption that the size of the intended model is given with the problem, a restriction that guarantees decidability. Our results provide a complete characterization placing these problems within the polynomial hierarchy. The same characterization applies to the corresponding restriction of problems in first order logic, giving an interesting new avenue for efficient inference when the number of objects is bounded. Our results show that for Σk\Sigma_k formulas, and for corresponding GFODDs, evaluation and satisfiability are Σkp\Sigma_k^p complete, and equivalence is Πk+1p\Pi_{k+1}^p complete. For Πk\Pi_k formulas evaluation is Πkp\Pi_k^p complete, satisfiability is one level higher and is Σk+1p\Sigma_{k+1}^p complete, and equivalence is Πk+1p\Pi_{k+1}^p complete.Comment: A short version of this paper appears in AAAI 2014. Version 2 includes a reorganization and some expanded proof