502 research outputs found

    The dynamics and control of large flexible space structures - 12, supplement 11

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    The rapid 2-D slewing and vibrational control of the unsymmetrical flexible SCOLE (Spacecraft Control Laboratory Experiment) with multi-bounded controls is considered. Pontryagin's Maximum Principle is applied to the nonlinear equations of the system to derive the necessary conditions for the optimal control. The resulting two point boundary value problem is then solved by using the quasilinearization technique, and the near minimum time is obtained by sequentially shortening the slewing time until the controls are near the bang-bang type. The tradeoff between the minimum time and the minimum flexible amplitude requirements is discussed. The numerical results show that the responses of the nonlinear system are significantly different from those of the linearized system for rapid slewing. The SCOLE station-keeping closed loop dynamics are re-examined by employing a slightly different method for developing the equations of motion in which higher order terms in the expressions for the mast modal shape functions are now included. A preliminary study on the effect of actuator mass on the closed loop dynamics of large space systems is conducted. A numerical example based on a coupled two-mass two-spring system illustrates the effect of changes caused in the mass and stiffness matrices on the closed loop system eigenvalues. In certain cases the need for redesigning control laws previously synthesized, but not accounting for actuator masses, is indicated

    Maneuver simulations of flexible spacecraft by solving TPBVP

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    The optimal control of large angle rapid maneuvers and vibrations of a Shuttle mast reflector system is considered. The nonlinear equations of motion are formulated by using Lagrange's formula, with the mast modeled as a continuous beam. The nonlinear terms in the equations come from the coupling between the angular velocities, the modal coordinates, and the modal rates. Pontryagin's Maximum Principle is applied to the slewing problem, to derive the necessary conditions for the optimal controls, which are bounded by given saturation levels. The resulting two point boundary value problem (TPBVP) is then solved by using the quasilinearization algorithm and the method of particular solutions. In the numerical simulations, the structural parameters and the control limits from the Spacecraft Control Lab Experiment (SCOLE) are used. In the 2-D case, only the motion in the plane of an Earth orbit or the single axis slewing motion is discussed. In the 3-D slewing, the mast is modeled as a continuous beam subjected to 3-D deformations. The numerical results for both the linearized system and the nonlinear system are presented to compare the differences in their time response

    Control Of Flexible Structures-2 (COFS-2) flight control, structure and gimbal system interaction study

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    The second Control Of Flexible Structures Flight Experiment (COFS-2) includes a long mast as in the first flight experiment, but with the Langley 15-m hoop column antenna attached via a gimbal system to the top of the mast. The mast is to be mounted in the Space Shuttle cargo bay. The servo-driven gimbal system could be used to point the antenna relative to the mast. The dynamic interaction of the Shuttle Orbiter/COFS-2 system with the Orbiter on-orbit Flight Control System (FCS) and the gimbal pointing control system has been studied using analysis and simulation. The Orbiter pointing requirements have been assessed for their impact on allowable free drift time for COFS experiments. Three fixed antenna configurations were investigated. Also simulated was Orbiter attitude control behavior with active vernier jets during antenna slewing. The effect of experiment mast dampers was included. Control system stability and performance and loads on various portions of the COFS-2 structure were investigated. The study indicates possible undesirable interaction between the Orbiter FCS and the flexible, articulated COFS-2 mast/antenna system, even when restricted to vernier reaction jets

    The dynamics and control of large flexible space structures, part 11

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    A mathematical model is developed to predict the dynamics of the proposed Spacecraft Control Laboratory Experiment during the stationkeeping phase. The Shuttle and reflector are assumed to be rigid, while the mass connecting the Shuttle to the reflector is assumed to be flexible with elastic deformations small as compared with its length. It is seen that in the presence of gravity-gradient torques, the system assumes a new equilibrium position primarily due to the offset in the mass attachment point to the reflector from the reflector's mass center. Control is assumed to be provided through the Shuttle's three torquers and throught six actuators located by painrs at two points on the mass and at the reflector mass center. Numerical results confirm the robustness of an LQR derived control strategy during stationkeeping with maximum control efforts significantly below saturation levels. The linear regulator theory is also used to derive control laws for the linearized model of the rigidized SCOLE configuration where the mast flexibility is not included. It is seen that this same type of control strategy can be applied for the rapid single axis slewing of the SCOLE through amplitudes as large as 20 degrees. These results provide a definite trade-off between the slightly larger slewing times with the considerable reduction in over-all control effort as compared with the results of the two point boundary value problem application of Pontryagin's Maximum Principle

    Inverse problems in the modeling of vibrations of flexible beams

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    The formulation and solution of inverse problems for the estimation of parameters which describe damping and other dynamic properties in distributed models for the vibration of flexible structures is considered. Motivated by a slewing beam experiment, the identification of a nonlinear velocity dependent term which models air drag damping in the Euler-Bernoulli equation is investigated. Galerkin techniques are used to generate finite dimensional approximations. Convergence estimates and numerical results are given. The modeling of, and related inverse problems for the dynamics of a high pressure hose line feeding a gas thruster actuator at the tip of a cantilevered beam are then considered. Approximation and convergence are discussed and numerical results involving experimental data are presented

    Proceedings of the 4th Annual SCOLE Workshop

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    This publication is a collection of papers presented at the Fourth Annual Spacecraft Control Laboratory Experiment (SCOLE) Workshop held at the U.S.A.F. Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, November 16, 1987. The papers address the modeling, systems identification, and control synthesis for the Spacecraft Control Laboratory Experiment (SCOLE) configuration

    Control and structural optimization for maneuvering large spacecraft

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    Presented here are the results of an advanced control design as well as a discussion of the requirements for automating both the structures and control design efforts for maneuvering a large spacecraft. The advanced control application addresses a general three dimensional slewing problem, and is applied to a large geostationary platform. The platform consists of two flexible antennas attached to the ends of a flexible truss. The control strategy involves an open-loop rigid body control profile which is derived from a nonlinear optimal control problem and provides the main control effort. A perturbation feedback control reduces the response due to the flexibility of the structure. Results are shown which demonstrate the usefulness of the approach. Software issues are considered for developing an integrated structures and control design environment


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    This dissertation addresses the control of flexible structures using distributed sensors and actuators. The objective to determine the required distributed actuation inputs such that the desired output is obtained. Two interrelated facets of this problem are considered. First, we develop a dynamic-inversion solution method for determining the distributed actuation inputs, as a function of time, that yield a specified motion. The solution is shown to be useful for intelligent structure design, in particular, for sizing actuators and choosing their placement. Secondly, we develop a new feedback control method, which is based on dynamic inversion. In particular, filtered dynamic inversion combines dynamic inversion with a low-pass filter, resulting in a high-parameter-stabilizing controller, where the parameter gain is the filter cutoff frequency. For sufficiently large parameter gain, the controller stabilizes the closed-loop system and makes the L2-gain of the performance arbitrarily small, despite unknown-and-unmeasured disturbances. The controller is considered for both linear and nonlinear structural models

    Approaches and possible improvements in the area of multibody dynamics modeling

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    A wide ranging look is taken at issues involved in the dynamic modeling of complex, multibodied orbiting space systems. Capabilities and limitations of two major codes (DISCOS, TREETOPS) are assessed and possible extensions to the CONTOPS software are outlined. In addition, recommendations are made concerning the direction future development should take in order to achieve higher fidelity, more computationally efficient multibody software solutions

    Element-specific modal formulations for large-displacement multibody dynamics

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    Large dispacement assumed-mode modeling techniques are examined in the context of multibody elastodynamics. The range of both general and element-specific approaches are studied with the aid of examples involving beams, plates, and shells. For systems undergoing primarily structural bending and twisting with little or no membrane distortion, it is found that fully-linear, element-specific, modal formulations provide the most accurate time history solutions at the least expense. When membrane effects become dominant in structural problems due to loading and boundary conditions, one must naturally resort to a formulation involving a nonlinear stress-strain relationship in addition to nonlinear terms associated with large overall system motion. Such nonlinear models were investigated using assumed modes and found to lead to modal convergence difficulties when standard free-free structural modes are employed. A constrained mode formulation aimed at addressing the convergence problem is proposed
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