683 research outputs found

    Javan yksikkö- ja integraatiotestaus: JVM:n käyttäytymisvetoiset testaustyökalut vastaan JUnit

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    This master’s thesis studied how do Behavior-Driven Development testing frameworks change the testing of Java-code compared to JUnit. The research was done as a case study. The case study was conducted in industry context at Vincit Plc, were two projects changed new unit and integration tests classes to use a new BDD-testing framework instead of JUnit. Before designing the study methods, related research and their findings were reviewed to guide the study to inspect problematic areas found in unit testing. Case study data collection methods included surveys, interviews and test code analysis. Case study provided promising results for problematic areas highlighted by earlier research. To summarize the developer practice changes, the collected data displayed an increase in unit test case granularity. Results also displayed unanimously that BDD-testing frameworks guide to write more self-documenting tests than JUnit. The structure of BDD tests highlighted better the different parts of the test. Study also revealed that the majority of participants had easier time understanding tests and removing repetition from test code. Developer perception changes in testing included the majority of study participants enjoying writing of tests more than with JUnit. The same majority also perceived that BDD-testing frameworks promote in writing higher quality test code than JUnit. Generally new test code was perceived more understandable and maintainable than tests with JUnit, although this was not unanimous. Learning curve to be effective varied between studied frameworks. Tool support of BDD-testing frameworks for testing Java Spring Framework were found ranging from adequate to good. In conclusion, this thesis results provide small scale evidence that BDD-testing frameworks could potentially ease the maintainability and readability of unit and integration tests while same time rising the enjoyment in testing.Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin, kuinka käyttäytymisvetoiset testisovelluskehykset muuttavat Java-koodin testausta verrattuna JUnit:iin. Tutkimus suoritettiin tapaustutkimuksen menetelmin Vincit Oy:ssa. Tutkimukseen valittiin kaksi projektia, joissa uudet yksikkö- ja integraatiotestausluokat kirjoitettiin käyttäytymisvetoisilla testaussovelluskehyksillä JUnit:in sijaan. Työhön liittyvät aiempien tutkimusten havainnot ohjasivat työtä tarkastelemaan näissä löydettyjä ongelmallisia alueita. Tiedonkeruukeinoina käytettiin kyselyitä, haastatteluita sekä testikoodin analyysia. Työn tulokset osoittautuivat lupaaviksi ratkaisuksi aiemmin löydettyihin ongelmallisiin seikkoihin. Kokonaisuudessaan sovelluskehittäjien testauskäytännöissä löytyi useita muutoksia. Yksikkötestien rakenne ohjautui aiempaa hienojakoisemmaksi. Tulokset osoittivat myös yksimielisesti, että käyttäytymisvetoiset testaussovelluskehykset ohjaavat kirjoittamaan aiempaa paremmin itseänsä dokumentoivia testejä. Myös testin eri loogiset osat olivat uusien testien rakenteesta helpommin luettavissa. Suurimmalla osalla tutkimukseen osallistuneista testit olivat aiempaa helpompia ymmärtää sekä niistä oli helpompi poistaa toistoa. Suurin osa koki testien kirjoittamisen myös aiempaa nautittavampana. Valtaosa vastaajista koki uusien menetelmien ohjaavan kirjoittamaan laadukkaampaa testikoodia kuin aiemmin. Yleisesti ottaen uutta testikoodia pidettiin ymmärrettävämpänä ja ylläpidettävämpänä kuin JUnit testejä, tosin ei täysin yksimielisesti. Oppimiskäyrä uusien testauskehyksien parissa vaihteli tutkittujen kehysten välillä. Java Spring-sovelluskehyksen testaustuki vaihteli riittävästä tuesta hyvään tukeen. Kokonaisuudessaan työ tarjosi pienessä skaalassa näyttöä siitä, että käyttäytymisvetoiset testaussovelluskehykset voivat mahdollisesti helpottaa yksikkö- ja integraatiotestien ylläpidettävyyttä, luettavuutta sekä koettua nautintoa näiden parissa

    Automated testing of Hypermedia REST applications

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    Testimine on oluline osa tarkvaraarenduse elutsüklis ja testidel põhinev arendamine on üks peamistest praktikatest Agile metoodikas. Tihti keskenduvad programmeerijad RESTful rakenduse loomise protsessis äriloogika testimisele ja unustavad kontrollida protokolli, mis teostab REST interaktsioone. Selles kontekstis pakutakse välja tööriist, mis automatiseerib testide genereerimist ja teostab interaktsioone RESTful rakendusega. Tööriist võtab sisendiks kasutuslood, mis on koostatud Gherkini kitsendatud versiooniga. See on domeenispetsiifiline keel käitumispõhiseks arenduseks. Kasutuslood, mis on kirjutatud selles Gherkini variandis, hõlmavad REST rakenduse poolt nõutud interaktsioone sellisel viisil, et neist on võimalik genereerida teste. Veelgi enam, tööriist genereerib samalt kasutusloolt täisfunktsionaalse pseudoteostuse.\n\rProgrammeerijad saavad kasutada neid pseudoteostusi kliendipoole arendamiseks, vajamata REST rakenduse tegelikku teostust. Käesolev töö tutvustab tööriista kasutust ja disainiprintsiipe ning esitab näite selle kasutamisest.Testing is one essential part of the software development lifecycle and Test Driven Development is one of the main practices in agile methodology. During the development of a RESTful web application, developers oftentimes focus only in testing the business logic and neglect testing the protocol implementing REST interactions. In this context, we propose a tool to automate the generation of test cases that exercise the interactions required by a RESTful application. The tool takes as input user stories written in restricted version of Gherkin, a widely use domain specific language for behaviour driven development. User stories written in this variant of Gherkin capture the essence of the interactions required by a REST application in a way that it is possible to derive test cases from them. Moreover, the tool derives fully functional mock implementations from the same input user story. Such mock implementations can be then used by programmers to develop the client side without requiring the actual implementation of the REST application. This document introduces the design principles and implementation of the tool and presents a study case showcasing its use

    Generating social media for the movie world: TweetMovies

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    PFC realitzat en el marc d'un programa de mobilitat amb la Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences.TweetMovies is a social network developed using edge web technologies, like Ruby on Rails, jQuery or Ruby on Rails. In the process, some advanced development techniques were used, like Test-Driven Development or Behavior-Driven Development. The basics of SEO are used and explained in the project

    A proposal of Android Programming Learning Assistant System with implementation of basic application learning

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    Purpose With rapid increase of Android devices and application systems, there is a strong demand for Android application programmers. A lot of schools are offering Android programming courses to meet this demand. However, Android programming can be different from the conventional one because it needs interactive functions through interfaces with users, which makes the study more difficult. This paper aims to propose an Android Programming Learning Assistance System, namely, APLAS, to assist the Java-based Android programming study and education. Design/methodology/approach By adopting the test-driven development method, APLAS is designed to achieve independent learning without the presence of teachers. Using JUnit and Robolectric, the answers from the students are automatically marked in APLAS. To cover extensive materials in Android programming, APLAS offers four stages where each stage involves several topics. Findings To evaluate the effectiveness of APLAS, we implemented the Unit Converter assignment that covers the first two topics, namely, Basic user interface in the first stage and basic activity in the second stage. Through solving the assignment, it is expected to learn basic application development. Forty novice students of an IT department in Indonesia were asked to solve both topics separately. Originality/value The results show that APLAS is useful and helpful for the self-study of Android programming, as they could complete codes with good execution performances

    Test-driven development of embedded control systems: application in an automotive collision prevention system

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    With test-driven development (TDD) new code is not written until an automated test has failed, and duplications of functions, tests, or simply code fragments are always removed. TDD can lead to a better design and a higher quality of the developed system, but to date it has mainly been applied to the development of traditional software systems such as payroll applications. This thesis describes the novel application of TDD to the development of embedded control systems using an automotive safety system for preventing collisions as an example. The basic prerequisite for test-driven development is the availability of an automated testing framework as tests are executed very often. Such testing frameworks have been developed for nearly all programming languages, but not for the graphical, signal driven language Simulink. Simulink is commonly used in the automotive industry and can be considered as state-of-the-art for the design and development of embedded control systems in the automotive, aerospace and other industries. The thesis therefore introduces a novel automated testing framework for Simulink. This framework forms the basis for the test-driven development process by integrating the analysis, design and testing of embedded control systems into this process. The thesis then shows the application of TDD to a collision prevention system. The system architecture is derived from the requirements of the system and four software components are identified, which represent problems of particular areas for the realisation of control systems, i.e. logical combinations, experimental problems, mathematical algorithms, and control theory. For each of these problems, a concept to systematically derive test cases from the requirements is presented. Moreover two conventional approaches to design the controller are introduced and compared in terms of their stability and performance. The effectiveness of the collision prevention system is assessed in trials on a driving simulator. These trials show that the system leads to a significant reduction of the accident rate for rear-end collisions. In addition, experiments with prototype vehicles on test tracks and field tests are presented to verify the system’s functional requirements within a system testing approach. Finally, the new test-driven development process for embedded control systems is evaluated in comparison to traditional development processes

    Creating a Testing Framework and Workflow for Developers New to Web Application Engineering

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    Web applications are quickly replacing standalone applications for everyday tasks. These web applications need to be tested to ensure proper functionality and reliability. There have been substantial efforts to create tools that assist with the testing of web applications, but there is no standard set of tools or a recommended workflow to ensure speed of development and strength of application. We have used and outlined the merits of a number of existing testing tools and brought together the best among them to create what we believe is a fully- featured, easy to use, testing framework and workflow for web application devel- opment. We then took an existing web application, PolyXpress, and augmented its development process to include our workflow suggestions in order to incorporate testing at all levels. PolyXpress is a web application that “allows you to create location-based stories, build eTours, or create restaurant guides. It is the tool that will bring people to locations in order to entertain, educate, or provide amazing deals.”[10] After incorporating our testing procedures, we immediately detected previously unknown bugs in the software. In addition, there is now a workflow in place for future developers to use which will expedite their testing and development

    Exploring the Applicability of Test Driven Development in the Big Data Domain

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    Big data analytics and the according applications have gained huge importance in daily life. This results on the one hand from their versatility and on the other hand from their capability to greatly improve an organization’s performance when utilized appropriately. However, despite their prevalence and the corresponding attention through practitioners as well as the scientific world, the actual implementation still remains a challenging task. Therefore, without the adequate testing, the reliability of the systems and thus the obtained outputs is uncertain. This might reduce their utilization, or even worse, lead to a diminished decision-making quality. The publication at hand explores the adoption of test driven development as a potential approach for addressing this issue. Subsequently, using the design science research methodology, a microservice-based test driven development concept for big data (MBTDD-BD) is proposed. In the end, possible avenues for future research endeavours are indicated