153,472 research outputs found

    Mapping New Directions: Higher Education for Older Adults

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    Based on surveys and focus group discussions, explores what, where, why, and how adults age 50 and up learn, how they pay for it, and how their needs are served. Suggests ways for higher education to adapt their outreach efforts, programs, and services

    The Glass Ceiling and Persons With Disabilities

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    Glass Ceiling ReportGlassCeilingBackground2PersonsWithDisabilities.pdf: 8336 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Why Students Drop Out of School: A Review of 25 Years of Research

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    Reviews research on the underlying causes of the high school dropout crisis -- individual and institutional characteristics that predict whether a student is likely to drop out of high school. Discusses student engagement, deviance, and other models

    A comparative analysis of graduate employment prospects in European labour markets:a study of graduate recruitment in four countries

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    The aim of this paper is to provide a comparative analysis of higher education and the graduate labour markets in selected European countries (France, Germany, Spain and United Kingdom) in the context of the expectations of graduates and prospective employers, and respective recruitment and selection practices. Expectations of graduating students from a number of European collaborating universities are sought and analysed in order to find out about a match between the knowledge and skills of graduates and the needs of European employers. The study examines the process of graduate recruitment, employee and employer expectations, and the role of higher education institutions in meeting such expectations. Primary data was gathered from 252 employers and 485 final year (graduating) students through the use of questionnaires. The analysis of the data collected has revealed different approaches to but similar methods of graduate recruitment between the four countries. Despite the current differences in higher education systems and labour market trends, the expectations of employers and graduating students are more similar than different. It is concluded that EU graduates will have good employment prospects in an integrated labour market

    Surgical assessment of the geriatric oncology patient

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    BACKGROUND: The aging population in the United States will correlate with an increased number of cancer diagnoses as cancer is primarily a disease of the elderly. Providing this ever-growing group of individuals with quality surgical management, while taking into account the unique needs and desires of this cohort, is a great challenge facing both geriatricians and surgeons going forward. The best approach to ensure that oncogeriatric patients receive the best tailored treatment is through the completion of a pre-surgical geriatric assessment. However, only a minority of oncogeriatric patients is undergoing a comprehensive pre-surgical geriatric assessment despite the majority of geriatricians and surgeons acknowledging its importance in order to properly risk stratify their patients. LITERATURE REVIEW FINDINGS: Multiple theories exist as to why geriatric assessments are not being utilized more frequently, but the most probable answer is that these assessments are very time-consuming, making it virtually impossible for incorporation into a healthcare provider’s busy schedule. Comprehensive literature review regarding geriatric assessments amongst the oncogeriatric population found that the most sensitive and specific domains of the geriatric assessments predicting morbidity and mortality include Frailty Index, Social Support Survey, Mini-Nutritional Assessment, and Geriatric Depression Screening. PROPOSED METHODS: A novel educational intervention will be proposed to teach Physician Assistant and Medical Students about the domains of the geriatric assessment most predictive of post-surgical risk during their surgical clerkship. The curriculum will utilize both simulation- and competency-based education training under the guidance of geriatricians and surgeons. Students will first learn the necessary skills in a controlled classroom environment and then proceed to incorporate these skills during their clerkship with patients on their service. CONCLUSIONS: The goal of the proposed method is to instill the confidence and skills necessary to provide an accurate geriatric assessment for oncogeriatric patients in future clinicians. The field of geriatric oncology is going to grow exponentially in the up-coming years and familiarizing future clinicians with the most predictive domains regarding surgical outcome will improve treatment outcomes for oncogeriatric patients in the immediate and foreseeable future

    Postgraduate education in England and Northern Ireland : overview report 2013

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    Mobility in Europe: Analysis of the 2005 Eurobarometer Survey on Geographical and Labour Market Mobility

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    The European Commission has designated the year 2006 as 'European Year of Workers' Mobility'. The purpose of the initiative is to inform EU citizens of the benefits and the costs of both geographical mobility and job or labour market mobility; the realities of working in another country or changing job or career; and the rights they are entitled to as migrant workers. The initiative also aims to promote the exchange of good practice between public authorities and institutions, the social partners and the private sector, and to promote greater study of the scale and nature of geographical and job mobility within the Union

    Language and cultural capital in school experience of Polish children in Scotland

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    This article addresses the complex relationship between migration and education in the context of recent intra-European labour mobility. It considers how this mobility impacts the education and life chances of migrant students attending schools in Scotland, UK. By examining the experiences of Polish migrant children and youth at schools in Scotland, the article engages with the issues of language, cultural capital transferability and social positioning. Drawing on qualitative data from 65 in-depth interviews with school children aged 5–17 years, their parents and teachers, as well as observations in the contexts of school and home, the article points to a range of factors affecting the transition of migrant pupils to new schools and social environments

    Universities of the Third Age : a rationale for transformative education in later life

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    This article addresses the political context of third-age learning. It aims to expose how relations of power and inequality, in their myriad combinations and complexities, are manifest in Universities of the Third Age [U3As]. The dominant functionalist approach towards late-life learning is jettisoned in favor of a socio-political framework that asks: whose interests are really being served? and, who controls the learning process? It highlights the role of U3As in reproducing unequal relations in later life with special emphasis on positive ageism, elitism, gender, and third ageism. The article ends by proposing a possible way forward away from a neo-liberal ideology through a transformative rationale for older adult education based on the values of social justice, social leveling and social cohesion. Seven principles are forwarded: a transformational agenda, widening participation, critical geragogy, elearning, pre-retirement education, intergenerational learning, and fourth age learning.peer-reviewe

    The influence of parents, places and poverty on educational attitudes and aspirations

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    This report aims to better understand the relationship between young people 19s aspirations and how they are formed. There is a high degree of interest among politicians and policymakers in aspirations, driven by two concerns: raising the education and skills of the UK population, and tackling social and economic inequality. High aspirations are often seen as one way to address these concerns, but how aspirations contribute to strong work and educational outcomes is not well understood. Based on longitudinal research in three locations in the UK, the report investigates aspirations and contributes empirical evidence to the debate
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