61 research outputs found

    A data analysis of the academic use of social media

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    Analisis Hubungan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Sebagai Penunjang Prestasi Mahasiswa Fasilkom UNSRI melalui Metode Uji Chi-Square

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    The chi-square test is a hypothesis test of the comparison between the frequency of observation and the frequency of expectations based on a particular hypothesis in each case or the data taken to be observed. From the research test with the title "Testing the relationship between the use of IT on student achievement levels". In total 50 respondents from the scope of the Faculty of Computer Science, Sriwijaya University, and after spss test and significance test can be produced that t count = 0.867 <t table = 9,488 means that Ho is accepted so that the conclusion is there is a relationship between the use of IT to the level of student academic achievementUji chi-square adalah  sebuah uji hipotesis tentang perbandingan antar frekuensi observasi dengan frekuensi ekspektasi yang di dasarkan oleh hipotesis tertentu pada setiap kasus atau data yang diambil untuk diamati. Dari uji penelitian dengan judul “Menguji keterkaitan antara pemanfaatan TI terhadap tingkat prestasi Mahasiswaâ€. Di dapat total responden 50 orang dari ruang lingkupnya yaitu Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya, dan setelah di lakukan uji spss dan uji signifikansi dapat di hasilkan bahwa t hitung = 0.867 < t tabel = 9.488 itu artinya Ho nya di terima dengan begitu dapat kesimpulan bahwa tidak terdapat keterkaitan antara pemanfaatan TI terhadap tingkat prestasi akademik mahasisw

    Assessment of Students’ Academic Performance in Government Schools of Pakistan

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    The main purpose of this study was to reduce the gaps in the evaluation of academic performance in Pakistan government schools. This study analyzed the students’ academic performance with respect to social media usage, physical activity, and motivation. A sample of 204 students was selected for studying in different government schools located in Lahore (Pakistan). Both stratified random sampling and simple random sampling techniques were used to draw the sample. This study focused on 9th class and 10th class students who were the respondents of primary data collection. Both correlation and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The results showed that all the predicted variables were significant and positively correlated with academic performance


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    Due to the rapid development of the Internet and communication technologies, social media has become an essential part of our daily lives. It enables people to interact and share information without being limited by location or time. Consequently, social media\u27s influence has extended to various aspects of society, including higher education. Students in higher educational institutions now utilize social media for both academic and non-academic purposes. Therefore, it has become crucial to understand how social media affects students\u27 academic performance. Although many studies have explored the use of social media in higher education, there remains a significant gap in understanding its impact on students\u27 academic performance. Existing literature indicates a lack of comprehensive models and frameworks to summarize this impact. Thus, the objective of this study is to examine and evaluate how social media influences on female students\u27 academic performance of Khushal khan Khattak university. This study explores the perceptions of students from different academic years and faculties regarding the impact of social media on academic performance. The findings indicate a lack of consensus among students, with mixed beliefs and attitudes across various contexts and factors related to social media. The results suggest that perceptions may vary based on academic year, with potential changes over time. Additionally, the study reveals faculty-specific perspectives, indicating that academic disciplines may influence students\u27 perceptions. Overall, the findings emphasize the complexity and diversity of these perceptions, highlighting the need for further research and tailored interventions to address students\u27 specific concerns and challenges in different contexts. By understanding these perceptions, educational institutions can provide appropriate support and guidance to help students effectively navigate the opportunities and challenges posed by social media in their academic pursuit

    School performance: New multimedia resources versus traditional notes

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    Con la creciente masificación de las tecnologías de información y comunicación entre los jóvenes, es cada vez más común que los estudiantes de secundaria incorporen el uso de múltiples dispositivos y plataformas en sus hábitos de estudio, lo que sería una fuente de apoyo y motivación, pero también de constante distracción. Esta investigación compara el impacto que tiene estudiar con apuntes escritos a mano, WhatsApp, YouTube y navegando por Internet, en el rendimiento académico, a través de un método mixto que combina 31 grupos focales y una encuesta a 7.217 estudiantes de 12 a 18 años en Chile. El análisis de los grupos focales muestra que el buen uso de tecnologías al estudiar dependería de la capacidad de los estudiantes para controlar y hacer un uso eficiente de los recursos digitales disponibles, de sus motivaciones individuales y de la habilidad que tienen para buscar y evaluar la información en Internet. Por su parte, los resultados de la encuesta concluyen que aquellos jóvenes que estudian con mayor frecuencia con sus apuntes presentan un promedio de calificaciones más alto y los que estudian frecuentemente con YouTube y WhatsApp, un promedio de calificaciones más bajo, sin encontrar diferencias significativas en el caso de los navegadores de Internet. Esto reforzaría la necesidad observada por académicos de generar políticas que promuevan la alfabetización digital tanto dentro como fuera del colegioWith the increasing adoption of information and communication technologies among youngsters, it has become common for high school students to incorporate the use of multiple devices and digital platforms in their study habits. Although these digital resources support and motivate them to learn, these are also a source of continuous distraction. This research analyzes the impact of studying with handwritten notes, WhatsApp, YouTube and searching the Internet in academic performance, through a mixed method that combines 31 focus groups and a survey of 7,217 students from 12 to 18 years of age in Chile. The results of the focus groups show that the positive impact of technologies in learning would depend on the students’ motivation for learning, their ability to efficiently control and manage the available digital resources, and their capacity to search and evaluate information on the Internet. The survey concludes that those who study with their notes more frequently have better academic performance, whereas those who frequently study with YouTube and WhatsApp have a lower GPA, with no significant differences when it comes to internet browsing. These results reinforce the need raised by scholars to generate policies that promote digital literacy both inside and outside the schoo

    Social behavioral sensing: an exploratory study to assess learning motivation and perceived relatedness of university students using mobile sensing

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    Learning motivation plays a crucial role in student’s daily study life since it greatly affects academic performance and engagement. Perceived relatedness, based on self-determined theory, is an important predictor of learning motivation. Today, assessment for both of them still relies on subjective evaluations and self-reports, which is time-consuming and onerous. Hence, we propose a novel approach blended with mobile sensing by simultaneously collecting psychological measurements and objective mobile sensing data from N=58 undergraduates to explore new methods of assessing learning motivation and perceived relatedness. We identify a variety of social behavioral patterns from mobile sensing data, and investigate associations between psychological measures and these patterns. Our study helps enlighten what the new forms of assessing learning motivation and perceived relatedness in education could be, and paves the way for personalizing intervention in future research.This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62077027), and the Humanity and Social Science Youth Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (No. 20YJC190034)


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    Connection norms have forced individuals to keep their smartphone within arm’s length to be reachable anytime-anywhere. This has led to strong connection habits that, paired with the boundless nature of the smartphone, have increased the possibilities of being exposed to distracting (auditory) cues trigger-ing smartphone related habits. In this study we investigate whether digital (sound) distractions were more distracting compared to non-digital (sound) distractions as a result of smartphones being highly prevalent in our society and how a local distraction effect might impact overall task performance. We found that digital distractions did have a local distraction effect, but these local distractions did not amount to any significant group differences in terms of overall task performance. Although, it was found that individuals exposed to digital distractions reported increased perceived mental effort, -task diffi-culty, -subjective distraction and reduced perceived attention paid to the task compared to the non-digital and control groups
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