4,550 research outputs found

    Broadcast scheduling for mobile advertising

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    We describe a broadcast scheduling system developed for a precision marketing firm specialized in location-sensitive permission-based mobile advertising using SMS (Short Message Service) text messaging. Text messages containing advertisements were sent to registered customers when they were shopping in one of two shopping centers in the vicinity of London. The ads typically contained a limited-time promotional offer. The company's problem was deciding which ads to send out to which customers at what particular time, given a limited capacity of broadcast time slots, while maximizing customer response and revenues from retailers paying for each ad broadcast. We solved the problem using integer programming with an interface in Microsoft Excel. The system significantly reduced the time required to schedule the broadcasts, and resulted both in increased customer response and revenues

    Pengaruh Terpaan Mobile Advertising Berupa SMS (Short Message Service) Operator Kartu as Terhadap Sikap Pengguna Telepon Seluler Di Lingkungan Mahasiswa Universitas Riau

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    This research starts on the theory of S-O-R (Stimulus- Organism- Response) and the theory of three components of attitude, the theory of S-O-R assume that certain stimullus will produce a certain behavior anyway. The basic assumption of this theory is that communication is a process of action and reaction. In this research, see how cell phone users respond to mobile advertising expossure in the form of SMS promo by card operator As coming into his cell phone. SMS messages received promo operator with frequency so intense every day trigger a reaction by the attitude shown mobile phone users in the Riau University students. The purpose of this research is to determine, whether there is an influence of mobile advertising expossure in the form of SMS promo card operator As to the attitude of mobile phone users in the Riau University students.The method used in this study is a quantitative method of explanation. Data collection techniques in this study using a questionnaire. The number of samples for this study were 135 respondents. Sampling using unknowing populations and accidental sampling techniques. To determine how much influence these two variables, the researchers used a simple linear regression analysis. Questionnaire for data processing, carried out using the program Statistics Product And Service Solutions (SPSS) version of Windows 17.Results of research on the influence of mobile advertising expossure in the form of SMS promo card operator As to the attitude of mobile phone users in the Riau University students regression coefficient values obtained in this study is Y = Y = 5,377 + 1,144 X with significance level 0,000 that smaller than α = 0.05. This means that there is the influence of mobile advertising expossure in the form of SMS promo card operator As to the attitude of mobile phone users in the Riau University students of 55,1% and in the category of influential medium. These percentages indicate that there is a reaction to the stance taken or indicated respondents. Thus H0 is rejected and Ha accepted

    Predicting mobile advertising response using consumer colocation networks

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    Building on results from economics and consumer behavior, the authors theorize that consumers' movement patterns are informative of their product preferences, and this study proposes that marketers monetize this information using dynamic networks that capture colocation events (when consumers appear at the same place at approximately the same time). To support this theory, the authors study mobile advertising response in a panel of 217 subscribers. The data set spans three months during which participants were sent mobile coupons from retailers in various product categories through a smartphone application. The data contain coupon conversions, demographic and psychographic information, and information on the hourly GPS location of participants and on their social ties in the form of referrals. The authors find a significant positive relationship between colocated consumers' response to coupons in the same product category. In addition, they show that incorporating consumers' location information can increase the accuracy of predicting the most likely conversions by 19%. These findings have important practical implications for marketers engaging in the fast-growing location-based mobile advertising industry

    Mobile Advertising and its Acceptance by American Consumers

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    Mobile advertising creates opportunities for marketers to capture the attention of consumers on a one-to-one basis. However, there is little data proving the success of mobile advertising models. This study examined the drivers that influence consumer’s acceptance of SMS-based mobile advertisements and the differences in responses between two cultures, Finland and the United States. My questionnaire and conceptual model was taken from a study done in Finland in 2007. My results indicated that utility, context and trust are positively related to the acceptance of mobile advertising while sacrifice is negatively related. Control did not have a clear relationship to acceptance because three of the four questions about control averaged more than 6.0 on a seven-point scale meaning there was no variation in the responses. However, when a separate regression was done on the remaining control question, a strong positive relationship between that question and acceptance was found

    Undergraduates’ attitudes toward mobile advertising

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    Cep telefonları gibi mobil araçların hızla yaygınlaşması, pazarlama için yeni bir iletişim kanalı ortaya çıkarmıştır. Günümüzde cep telefonları ile çoğunlukla kısa mesaj (KM) reklâmcılığı yapılmaktadır. Bu çalışma, üniversite öğrencilerinin KM reklâmcılığına karşı tutumlarını belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, genç tüketicilerin KM reklâmcılığına karşı tutumlarını belirlemeye yönelik faktörler; eğlendirme, bilgilendirme, sinirlendirme, güvenilirlik, genel tutum, izinli reklâmcılık ve ödüllü reklâmcılık olarak belirlenmiştir. Öğrenciler KM reklâmlarını eğlendirici, bilgilendirici ve güvenilir bulmamaktadırlar. Aynı zamanda da sinir bozucu olduklarını düşünmektedirler. Öğrencilerin KM reklâmlarına karşı genel tutumları olumsuzdur. Ancak izinli veya ödüllü reklâmlara karşı tutumları olumludur. Bu nedenle, potansiyel tüketicilere izinsiz veya ödülsüz KM reklâmı göndermek iyi bir pazarlama stratejisi olmayabilir.The rapid proliferation of mobile devices such as cellular phones has created a new communication channel for marketing. Currently, cellular phones are mostly used for Short Messaging Service (SMS) advertising. The aim of this study is to explore the factors that underline undergraduates’ attitudes toward SMS advertising. The results obtained indicated factors such as entertainment, informativeness, irritation, reliability, general attitude and permission and incentive-based advertising. The undergraduates do not perceive SMS advertisements to be entertaining, informative and reliable. Moreover, they find SMS advertisements annoying. It was also found that the students as consumers generally have negative attitudes toward SMS advertisements. However, they have positive attitudes toward permission or incentive based SMS advertising. Thus, sending SMS advertisements to potential customers without prior permission or incentive doesn’t seem to be a good marketing strategy

    Pengembangan Mobile Advertising Sebagai Sarana Promosi Toko Roti Dan Kue Menggunakan Location Based Service

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    Pertumbuhan pengguna layanan mobile data dan mobile internet di Indonesia meningkat pesat dibandingkan voice dan sms. Sehingga kehidupan manusia bagai tak terpisah antara jarak, tempat, dan waktu. Dengan mudahnya manusia dapat melakukan komunikasi dan mengakses informasi tak peduli dimanapun dia tempatnya. Apalagi dengan beragamnya alat komunikasi yang kini beredar ditengah masyarakat, salah satunya adalah smartphone android. Permasalahan yang umum dihadapi adalah bagaimana membangun suatu aplikasi pada platform Android untuk pencarian lokasi toko roti dan kue beserta alamatnya. Hal tersebut telah terjawab dengan adanya sistem operasi android yang open source, Dengan adanya aplikasi ini maka pengguna yang mempunyai tingkat kesibukan atau mobilitas yang tinggi tidak perlu lagi mencari lokasi toko roti dengan mencari ataupun bertanya dimana lokasi toko roti yang terdekat, karena Aplikasi ini telah menyediakan fitur pencarian secara lengkap, sehingga pengguna dapat mencari lokasi toko roti yang terdekat kapanpun dan dimanapun hanya dengan ponsel Android yang dimilikinya. Kelebihan aplikasi ini dapat digunakan untuk membantu mencari lokasi toko roti dan kue berdasarkan jenis tokonya serta lokasi yang terdekat dari posisi kita berada. Aplikasi ini akan menampilkan secara detail informasi dari toko yang ada berupa nama, alamat, nomor telepon, gambar / foto dan tampilan peta yang bersumber dari Google Maps.Hasil pengujian sistem menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi dapat memberikan informasi lokasi toko kepada pengguna, melakukan panggilan telepon ke toko yang dituju, melakukan share promosi, serta menampilkan map sekaligus rute terpendek menuju lokasi merchant yang ingin dituju. Rute terpendek yang didapat telah mampu menemukan lokasi tujuan dengan jarak yang relative pendek dan tergambar dalam google map

    Consumer Attitude toward Mobile Advertising

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    User Privacy in Mobile Advertising

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    With the pervasiveness of mobile devices in our daily life continuously increasing, mobile advertising is emerging as an important marketing strategy. However, due to its intrusive nature in practice, there has been a growing concern over users’ privacy in mobile advertising, especially push-based mode, which can affect consumers’ acceptance and effectiveness of mobile advertising. Aiming to gain a deeper understanding of not only users’ concerns of privacy intrusion in mobile advertising, but also the potential solutions to addressing those concerns, we conducted a survey in this study. The findings of this study provide a few useful insights for researchers, advertisers, and businesses on both the importance and methods of privacy protection in mobile advertising from a user perspective