18 research outputs found


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    The problem that underpins the program to develop e-learning content development using Google Classroom for teachers of SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Kebomas is the fact that the gap between Muhammadiyah schools in Gresik is quite sharp. The purpose of this community service is to improve the competency of teachers in the development of teaching materials using Google Classroom as one of the learning innovations for teachers in SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Kebomas Gresik. The implementation of the program as a realization of problem-solving materialized in periodic and scheduled activities through strengthening the concept of e-learning learning using Google Classroom, followed by the needs Analysis Workshop, e-learning system design Workshop using Google Classroom, e-learning content development Workshop using Google Classroom, Upload the development results to the system LMS In the implementation stage using the Lesson Study steps as many as two cycles. The methods used in the implementation of this activity are by process of discussion, workshop, and practice directly in the classroom. The results of this activity are the growing understanding of teachers about e-learning, Generated e-learning design consisting of the material design of each meeting, discussion activities for students, evaluation tools; Teachers can implement e-learning independently

    Attitude of Responsibility of Prospective Counselors in Utilizing Internet Technology

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    Students in the Department of Guidance and counseling are prospective education counselors who need to be given information about the use of internet technology that is good and right. The attitude of student responsibility needs to be known by educators so that educators can provide services to instill the attitude of student responsibility in the use of internet technology. This study aims to see the responsible attitude of prospective counselors in the use of internet technology in students of Guidance and Counseling. Research conducted through a qualitative approach, which refers to the case study research design. Potential Guidance and Counseling teachers who are also prospective counselors at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and teacher training at UIN Raden Intan Lampung became the subject of research. The research data were analyzed in a descriptive thematic way using Nvivo software. The results showed that there were still students who were not responsible for utilizing internet technology properly. Educators must provide motivation and direct students to have a more responsible attitude to use the Internet as a student's responsibilityStudents in the Department of Guidance and counseling are prospective education counselors who need to be given information about the use of internet technology that is good and right. The attitude of student responsibility needs to be known by educators so that educators can provide services to instill the attitude of student responsibility in the use of internet technology. This study aims to see the responsible attitude of prospective counselors in the use of internet technology in students of Guidance and Counseling. Research conducted through a qualitative approach, which refers to the case study research design. Potential Guidance and Counseling teachers who are also prospective counselors at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and teacher training at UIN Raden Intan Lampung became the subject of research. The research data were analyzed in a descriptive thematic way using Nvivo software. The results showed that there were still students who were not responsible for utilizing internet technology properly. Educators must provide motivation and direct students to have a more responsible attitude to use the Internet as a student's responsibilit

    Improved learning accessibility and professionalism of teachers in remote areas through mentoring development of teaching materials based on Augmented Reality

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    The problem that underlies the Augmented Reality-based teaching material development assistance program for teachers in remote areas is located in the gap in the progress of the quality of education between remote and urban areas caused by demanding access to cities, and the lack of knowledge and understanding of teachers in developing materials innovative teaching by utilizing current technological advancements. Community service activities aim to produce innovative teaching materials based on Augmented Reality at Muhammadiyah 4 Daun Vocational School and MTs Muhammadiyah 5 Daun Sangkapura, Bawean Island. Bawean Island is located 80 miles or 135 km north of Java. The geographical location and transportation conditions connecting Bawean and Gresik islands are the main obstacles for teachers on Bawean island to follow the development of science and technology which results in the low quality of the learning process so that it lags behind the development of information technology. Form of implementation of the program as a realization troubleshooting manifest in periodic and scheduled activities through a strengthening phase followed the concept of mobile learning needs analysis workshop, workshop material development, and implementation with the assistance of a team of stewards and continued application independently by the school in the implementation phase of using the steps Lesson Study as much as two cycles. The method used in the implementation of this activity is the method of discussion, workshops, and direct practice in class. Increased knowledge and ability of teachers teaching materials related to the development of innovative Augmented Reality-based and capable of producing the best practices in the implementation report the development of innovative teaching materials based Augmented Reality in learning in SMK Muhammadiyah 4 Daun and MTs Muhammadiyah 5 Daun Sangkapura, Bawea

    Usability Evaluation of Online Educational Applications in COVID-19

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    COVID-19 is a pandemic faced by almost every country in the world, this has resulted in health crisis. Due to COVID-19, all the countries around the world have decided to close all educational institutes to prevent this pandemic. Educational institutes have taken every possible measure to minimize the impact of the closure of schools and introduce the concept of an online education system which is not only a massive shock for parents but it also affects the children's learning process and social life. The educational applications (Apps) are very important, because they offer more opportunities for development and growth to society. In this pandemic situation, educational Apps like Zoom, HEC LMS, Google Classroom, and Skype, etc. are the need of the hour when everything goes online. In this paper, the usability features of online educational Apps are thoroughly discussed including the effectiveness and usability for students. Using the results obtained from the survey, this paper observes the student's perspective of usefulness of online educational Apps in student鈥檚 learning process of different age groups. It also analyzes the easiness for students to understand, interact and use these Apps

    Mobile LearningPlatform: a case study of introducing m-learning in Tertiary Education

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    This paper presents a study on a one year m-learning pilot project at Central University College in Ghana. This was done through a user trial, where the m-learning tool AD-CONNECT is introduced in 44 courses with a total of 500 students and 22 lecturers at the College. The paper reports on the first experiences gained by both teachers and students by asking the following questions: What are the perceptions of teachers on m-learning? What are the effects of m-learning on students? What does m-learning contribute to face-to-face teaching and learning? Questionnaires were administered to students and lecturers to gather quantitative data on their views on the use of m-learning, particularly after using the AD-CONNECT M-Learning system. Also, observations and interviews were used to collect data from users which provided us with some qualitative data

    Evaluating students readiness, expectancy, acceptance and effectiveness of augmented reality based construction technology education

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    Augmented reality (AR) has the potential to enhance the teaching and learning experience in construction technology which involves the learning of construction processes and understanding the construction elements. Augmented reality also provides the ability to change and improve the nature of education. This is due to the possibility of overlaying media onto the real world for content consumption using smartphones and tablets devices, which enables students to access information anywhere and anytime. However, before implementing a new approach to teaching, the state of whether the students are ready to use AR have to be identified. This also goes toward what the students expect when using AR in learning, how do they accept using AR and effectiveness of using AR in learning. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to (1) Identify the readiness of students on using AR in teaching; (2) Identifying what do the students expect when using AR in learning construction technology; (3) Identifying the student鈥檚 acceptance of AR in learning; (4) The effectiveness of AR in construction technology learning. A quantitative method of analysis has been implemented measuring the mean score of objective 1-3 based on the student鈥檚 responses to the questionnaire. On the other hand, the second phase of the study which is to determine whether using AR is effective in learning was done by comparing pre-test and post-test results. Results from the study show assuring indicators that students accept the usage of AR in construction technology education, the application also fulfils their expectations on what AR could aid in the learning process and for student鈥檚 acceptance, the result shows that students accepted the usage of AR as a learning tool. Meanwhile, the results regarding AR effectiveness on construction technology displayed noticeable improvements regarding student鈥檚 pre-test and post-test results with 68% of students display improvements in their scores

    Motivating PAU language testing candidates through mobile technology

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    This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives License (CC BY NC ND). For non-commercial purposes you may distribute and copy the article and include it in a collective work (such as an anthology), provided you do not alter or modify the article, without permission from Elsevier. The original work must always be appropriately credited. Permission is not required for this non-commercial use. For commercial use please continue to request permission via RightsLink.[EN] Mobile learning permits combining the most motivating elements of online learning. When becoming a supplement to face-to-face education, it is likely to become a most motivating achievement in e-learning. Up to now, little interest and work has been posed in proposing mobile learning as a supporting element for language testing. In this paper, we introduce the concept of motivation for language testing through mobile telephone technology. The purpose of this study was to explore the acceptance of objective tasks by PAU candidates in an academic context. 24 students in a blended enrolled in the last high school year took a test through a mobile telephone simulator and responded to a questionnaire. Results indicate that students were genuinely interested and motivated towards independent autonomous training through mobile technology. The implications are both attractive for the different stakeholders and the educational software designers. 漏 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Ministry of Education of Spain for supporting the development and implementation of the testing system hereby mentioned under the PAUER project (HUM2007-66479-C02-01/FILO).Gim茅nez L贸pez, JL.; Garc铆a Laborda, J.; Magal Royo, T. (2011). Motivating PAU language testing candidates through mobile technology. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 15:12-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.03.042S12161

    Use of tablets in higher education: an experience with iPads

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    En el marco de la tendencia creciente del m-learning, la presente investigaci贸n se propuso analizar la disposici贸n hacia el uso de tablets, describir el potencial de estos dispositivos para la realizaci贸n de actividades acad茅micas y personales, e identificar las condiciones requeridas para la incorporaci贸n de dicha herramienta en el aula en un contexto universitario peruano. Dispositivos Apple iPad 2 fueron entregados en calidad de pr茅stamo a un grupo de 18 estudiantes y 3 profesores de las carreras de Educaci贸n y Psicolog铆a de una universidad privada de Lima para su utilizaci贸n durante el semestre acad茅mico 2012-2. Se emple贸 el cuestionario del modelo unificado de aceptaci贸n y uso de tecnolog铆a (UTAUT), cuyos supuestos se cumplieron parcialmente. Se hall贸 una correlaci贸n positiva y fuerte entre la intenci贸n de uso y la expectativa de desempe帽o, la actitud hacia el uso de tecnolog铆a y la influencia social. Adem谩s, concluida la experiencia, se encontr贸 un incremento en el puntaje de las escalas de expectativa de esfuerzo, autoeficacia e intenci贸n de uso. De la informaci贸n recogida mediante las observaciones de clase y los grupos focales, se apreci贸 que los participantes se sintieron satisfechos con la experiencia y tuvieron calificativos positivos hacia ella por los m煤ltiples usos dados a la herramienta en actividades acad茅micas y no acad茅micas. Se evidenci贸 la importancia de planificar la integraci贸n del dispositivo a los contenidos curriculares, de modo que se lograse un uso significativo y estrat茅gico. No obstante, al tratarse de una primera aproximaci贸n, se identificaron ciertas limitaciones en el uso del iPad y algunas dificultades a lo largo del proyectoIn the context of the growing trend of m-learning, this research aimed to analyze the disposition toward the use of tablets, describe the potential of these devices for conducting academic and personal activities, and identify the conditions required for the incorporation of this tool in the classroom in a Peruvian university context. Apple iPad 2 devices were given on loan to a group of 18 students and 3 teachers from Education and Psychology of a private university in Lima for use during the 2012-2 academic semester. Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) questionnaire was used, whose assumptions were partly accomplished. It was found a strong positive correlation between usage intention and performance expectancy, attitude toward using technology, and social influence. In addition, once the experience finished, it was found an increase in the score of effort expectancy, self-efficacy and usage intention. From the information gathered through classroom observations and focus groups, it was found that participants were satisfied and had positive opinions about the experience, where the tool and its applications were used in multiple ways in academic and non-academic activities. Also it was shown the importance of planning the integration of the tool according to the curriculum content, so that participants could use the device significantly and strategically. However, being a first approach, some limitations in the use of iPad and some difficulties along the project were identified

    Uso de tablets en la educaci贸n superior: una experiencia con iPads

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    In the context of the growing trend of m-learning, this research aimed to analyze the disposition toward the use of tablets, describe the potential of these devices for conducting academic and personal activities, and identify the conditions required for the incorporation of this tool in the classroom in a Peruvian university context. Apple iPad 2 devices were given on loan to a group of 18 students and 3 teachers from Education and Psychology of a private university in Lima for use during the 2012-2 academic semester. Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) questionnaire was used, whose assumptions were partly accomplished. I was found a strong positive correlation between usage intention and performance expectancy, attitude toward using technology, and social influence. In addition, once the experience finished, it was found an increase in the score of effort expectancy, self-efficacy and usage intention. From the information gathered through classroom observations and focus groups, it was found that participants were satisfied and had positive opinions about the experience, where the tool and its applications were used in multiple ways in academic and non-academic activities. Also it was shown the importance of planning the integration of the tool according to the curriculum content, so that participants could use the device significantly and strategically. However, being a first approach, some limitations in the use of iPad and some difficulties along the project were identified.En el marco de la tendencia creciente del m-learning, la presente investigaci贸n se propuso describir el potencial de las tablets para la realizaci贸n de actividades acad茅micas y personales y la disposici贸n para su uso en un contexto de educaci贸n superior. Dispositivos Apple iPad 2 fueron entregados en calidad de pr茅stamo a un grupo de 18 estudiantes y 3 profesores de las carreras de Educaci贸n y Psicolog铆a de una universidad privada de Lima para su utilizaci贸n durante el semestre acad茅mico 2012-2. Se emple贸 el cuestionario del modelo unificado de aceptaci贸n y uso de tecnolog铆a (UTAUT), cuyos supuestos se cumplieron parcialmente. Se hall贸 una correlaci贸n positiva y fuerte entre la intenci贸n de uso y la expectativa de desempe帽o, la actitud hacia el uso de tecnolog铆a y la influencia social. Adem谩s, concluida la experiencia, se encontr贸 un incremento en el puntaje de las escalas de expectativa de esfuerzo, autoeficacia e intenci贸n de uso. De la informaci贸n recogida mediante las observaciones de clase y los grupos focales, se apreci贸 que los participantes se sintieron satisfechos con la experiencia y tuvieron calificativos positivos hacia ella por los m煤ltiples usos dados a la herramienta en actividades acad茅micas y no acad茅micas. Se evidenci贸 la importancia de planificar la integraci贸n del dispositivo a los contenidos curriculares, de modo que se lograse un uso significativo y estrat茅gico. No obstante, al tratarse de una primera aproximaci贸n, se identificaron ciertas limitaciones en el uso del iPad y algunas dificultades a lo largo del proyecto