137,315 research outputs found

    A Framework for e-Commerce Implementation: Nigeria a Case Study

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    The advent of the Internet has transformed the business environment in no small measure and has influenced the ways and manner businesses are transacted. This platform has brought about enhanced electronic and mobile business transactions. However, the advent of e-Commerce, m-Commerce or i-Commerce has placed a premium on the participating organisations or nations in terms of provision of the basic infrastructure for a secure, seamless and trusted business environment through the electronic media. This paper presents an exploratory study of the prospects of e-Commerce implementation and the factors inhibiting its growth. A set of questionnaire was designed, administered and analysed based on political, economic, social and technological (PEST) analysis. The PEST analysis is to help review the current practices with a view to developing a framework for Nigeria and other developing nations in Africa. Findings revealed that the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) is the most widely used medium of e-Payment in Nigeria, which is not very suitable for e-Commerce implementation. Similarly, the Internet penetration is still abysmally low and is one of the major threats to e-Commerce implementation. However, the nascent democracy enjoyed in Nigeria is faced with some teething problems, but it promised with time, relative political stability, direct foreign investment, improved economical atmosphere, improved social services and technological development more than ever witnessed in the country. Therefore, a viable framework for Nigeria and Africa would be such that involves the private and public partnership (PPP). This consortium is expected to provide the platform for access to the Internet and popularize the use of e-Payment among other things

    When Cost-Efficient Technologies Meet Politics: A Case Study of Radical Wireless Network Implementation

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    Cost efficiency has been a dominant perspective in the traditional IT literature. However, in complex technology and business environment, the widely recognized cost efficient assumption of information technology has been increasingly challenged. Drawing from a case study of wireless network implementation situated in a politically sensitive workplace, this paper provided practice insights for IT managers in today’s networked economy. More specifically, stories experienced in the case study illustrated that despite well-calculated cost efficiency of wireless network infrastructure, the radical implementation process in the case organization encountered enormous challenges and opposition due to the fact that administrators failed to consider various stakeholders’ positions and interests. Eventually, the implementation objectives and outcome were considerably undermined. Implications from this empirical case research reemphasized the significance of understanding political forces situated in any business environment where different stakeholders hold conflicting interests. Lessons learned from the case story further encouraged IT managers and policy makers to better strategize emerging information technology in general and wireless networks in particular as the whole global society and business environment are increasingly facing an emerging wireless world

    Designing appliances for mobile commerce and retailtainment

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    In the emerging world of the new consumer and the `anytime, anywhere' mobile commerce, appliances are located at the collision point of the retailer and consumer agendas. The consequence of this is twofold: on the one hand appliances that were previously considered plain and utilitarian become entertainment devices and on the other, for the effective design of consumer appliances it becomes paramount to employ multidisciplinary expertise. In this paper, we discuss consumer perceptions of a retailtainment commerce system developed in collaboration between interactivity designers, information systems engineers, hardware and application developers, marketing strategists, product development teams, social scientists and retail professionals. We discuss the approached employed for the design of the consumer experience and its implications for appliance design

    A Framework for M-Commerce Implementation in Nigeria

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    The Internet has brought about the concept of grobalilation, which has revolutionized the way business is transacted all over the world. The E-comnterce is of particular interest, though widely used but still has some security challenges in terms of transparency and confidentiality of transactiorts. This papei focuses on M-contnrcrce as an extensiott to E-commerce hnplementatiott with the Bankiltg industry proposed as core implementation consideration in ortler to guarantee high level security. We have reviewed some cqses of onlilrc frauds and eliscussed tlte emerging critical issues afficting software development of M-cornmerce applicatiotts. Afranrcworkfor M-commerce implementationis therefore,proposed for countries such as Nigeria, Romania and Indonesia where cases of online scam are alanning

    M-Commerce Implementation in Nigeria: Trends and Issues

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    Nigeria was described as the fastest growing telecoms nation in Africa and the third in the World. The country had experienced a phenomenal growth from a teledensity of 0.49 in 2000 to 25.22 in 2007. This trend has brought about a monumental development in the major sectors of the economy, such as banking, telecoms and commerce in general. This paper presents the level of adoption of ICT in the banking sector and investigates the prospects of m-Commerce in Nigeria based on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis. Findings revealed that all banks in Nigeria offer e-Banking services and about 52% of the offer some forms of m-Banking services. The banks and the telecoms operators have enormous potentials and opportunities for m-Commerce but the level of patronage, quality of cell phones, lack of basic infrastructure and security issues pose a major threat to its wide scale implementation

    ERP implementation for an administrative agency as a corporative frontend and an e-commerce smartphone app

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    This document contains all the descriptions, arguments and demonstrations of the researches, analysis, reasoning, designs and tasks performed to achieve the requirement to technologically evolve an managing agency in a way that, through a solution that requires a reduced investment, makes possible to arrange a business management tool with e-commerce and also a mobile application that allows access and consultation of mentioned tool. The first part of the document describes the scenario in order to contextualize the project and introduces ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning). In the second part, a deep research of ERP market products is carried out, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each one of the products in order to finish with the choice of the most suitable product for the scenario proposed in the project. A third part of the document describes the installation process of the selected product carried out based on the use of Dockers, as well as the configurations and customizations that they make on the selected ERP. A description of the installation and configuration of additional modules is also made, necessary to achieve the agreed scope of the project. In a fourth part of the thesis, the process of creating an iOS and Android App that connects to the selected ERP database is described. The process begins with the design of the App. Once designed, it is explained the process of study and documentation of technologies to choose the technology stack that allows making an application robust and contemporary without use of licensing. After choosing the technologies to use there are explained the dependencies and needs to install runtime enviornments prior to the start of coding. Later, it describes how the code of the App has been raised and developed. The compilation and verification mechanisms are indicated in continuation. And finally, it is showed the result of the development of the App once distributed. Finally, a chapter for the conclusions analyzes the difficulties encountered during the project and the achievements, analyzing what has been learned during the development of this project

    The challenges facing road-side ‘m-Preneurs’ in leap-frogging the constraints of ICTs in DCs: A Nigerian case study

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    Studies have shown that the number of mobile telecommunications operators in Nigeria has been on the increase since the first Global System of Mobile Telecommunications (GSM) licence was granted to MTN (Mobile Telecommunications Network) in 2001. With the increase in mobile telecommunications operators also has come an unprecedented increase in subscriptions. According to the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) data, between 2001 and 2006 for instance, mobile telephone subscribers in Nigeria jumped from 266, 461 to 32.3 million indicating an increase of 12, 030.18 %

    Managing Wireless Networks in the Healthcare Sector: Emerging Experiences of Cultural Impacts

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    The existing body of knowledge has generally supported that organizational culture plays a significant role in shaping group identity, work pattern, communication schemes, and interpersonal relations; all of these cultural elements are important organizational factors that shape workplaces and operational routines. In the context of emerging information technology, it has also been suggested that organizational culture could affect IT implementation and management. However, little is known about how emerging information technology shapes organizational culture, which in turn helps reshape the organization as a whole. The purpose of this paper is thus to build empirical understanding of how IT in general and emerging wireless networks in particular reshapes organizational culture. Case studies conducted in two hospitals situated in southwest U.S.A. illustrated that the implementation of wireless networks indeed helped shape and/or reshape organizational culture in the healthcare sector and in turn enhance healthcare organizations’ competitiveness in the marketplace. For IT managers and practitioners in healthcare institutions, effective strategy to plan and manage emerging ITs such as wireless networks will thus have long-term implications on cultivating organizational culture that could eventually reshape workplace and competitiveness

    E-Commerce to Improve Homemaker Productivity (Women Entrepreneur Empowerment at Meruya Utara, Kembangan District, West Jakarta, Indonesia)

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    Saat ini banyak ibu rumah tangga memiliki bisnis sampingan yang sesuai dengan keterampilan dan hobi mereka. Adapun tujuan dari bisnis sampingan tersebut adalah untuk membantu kebutuhan keuangan rumah tangga mereka. Penelitian sebelumnya telah menunjukkan bahwa ibu rumah tangga yang juga pengusaha perempuan memiliki kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap kesejahteraan keluarga. Namun demikian, terdapat kesulitan dari ibu rumah tangga dalam memasarkan produk dan layanan mereka. Pengabdian ini melaksanakan sosialisasi terkait cara membuat akun e-commerce dan menggunakannya sebagai alternatif untuk menjual produk dan layanan mereka. Selain itu, hasil dari kegiatan layanan masyarakat Internasional ini adalah bahwa ibu rumah tangga dapat menjual produk dan layanan mereka melalui e-commerce. Menurut hasil survei pada kegiatan sosialisasi ini, diketahui bahwa hambatan bagi ibu rumah tangga adalah masih rendahnya pendidikan mereka dimana 65% dari mereka memiliki pendidikan sekolah menengah. Juga, kepemilikan aplikasi internet banking dan mobile banking masih rendah, yaitu 35%. Dengan demikian, kepemilikan yang rendah atas aplikasi internet banking dan mobile banking membuat mereka kesulitan untuk menjual produk dan layanannya melalui e-commerce. Semua peserta sosialisasi menyatakan bahwa kegiatan ini bermanfaat dan menambah pengetahuan mereka. Selanjutnya untuk dapat meningkatkan omset penjualan mereka adalah melalui perbaikan kemasan produk dan layanan mereka untuk membuatnya lebih menarik bagi pembeli.  Kata kunci: Ibu Rumah Tangga, Pengusaha Wanita, Mobile Banking, Internet Banking, E-Commerce. &nbsp
