138,529 research outputs found

    The Impact of National Culture on Mobile Commerce Adoption and Usage Intensity

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    The usage of mobile commerce increases around the world. However, little is known about why adoption and usage of mobile commerce services differ across countries. We address this question by analyzing the impact of national culture on mobile commerce adoption and usage intensity. Using a dataset that comprises individual consumer survey data from 43 countries across six continents and country-level data on Hofstede’s six cultural dimensions, we study cross-cultural adoption and usage patterns pertaining three mobile commerce services, i.e. mobile banking, mobile shopping and mobile payment. Our results show that adoption and usage intensity are indeed affected by different cultural dimensions. Specifically, the adoption of mobile commerce services is negatively influenced by a country’s level of uncertainty avoidance, while consumers’ usage intensity is driven by indulgence. This implies that providers of mobile commerce services need to tailor their market entry and market cultivation strategies accounting for each country’s specific culture

    The Impact of National Culture on Mobile Commerce Adoption and Usage Intensity

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    The usage of mobile commerce increases around the world. However, little is known about why adoption and usage of mobile commerce services differ across countries. We address this question by analyzing the impact of national culture on mobile commerce adoption and usage intensity. Using a dataset that comprises individual consumer survey data from 43 countries across six continents and country-level data on Hofstede’s six cultural dimensions, we study cross-cultural adoption and usage patterns pertaining three mobile commerce services, i.e. mobile banking, mobile shopping and mobile payment. Our results show that adoption and usage intensity are indeed affected by different cultural dimensions. Specifically, the adoption of mobile commerce services is negatively influenced by a country’s level of uncertainty avoidance, while consumers’ usage intensity is driven by indulgence. This implies that providers of mobile commerce services need to tailor their market entry and market cultivation strategies accounting for each country’s specific culture

    Mobile Commerce: A Rising Wave of Consumer Purchase Intention

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    Because of the commonness and extensive usage of online technology these days, mobile commerce is an emerging area of attraction for marketing research. Although there is a dearth of studies exploring the factors that influence on mobile commerce embracement and adoption through mobile applications in general, particularly the effect of mobile commerce adoption attitude using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) remains uncharted. The exploration of the technology acceptance factors is quite challenging and demanding primarily due to the reason that online population is widely dispersed and diversified in terms of their dynamics. Still this area remains a venture of curiosity to the marketers due to magnetism in its potential. Current research assist marketers by providing an insight into the factors that explains this scenario and the results could be used to capitalize the fast growing online market. Three hypothesis strongly validated the effect of perceived trust, perceived value and social influence on mobile commerce adoption while perceived self-efficacy was found to have a little effect on mobile commerce adoption. Predominantly, it was found that Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) remains most effective predictor to mobile commerce adoption. Current research could be used to comprehend and take advantage of key psychological attributes mentioned in the study to upsurge the volume of existing mobile commerce market

    Factors influencing the adoption of m-commerce: a literature review

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    Mobile Commerce also known as M-commerce is thought to be the next big phase in technologically dependent society after following E-commerce era. Mobile commerce has been a huge success in terms of individuals’ adoption in some markets like Japan, while, surprisingly, not as flourishing in others. Many studies have been conducted using traditional adoption models and theories (such as TAM) that mainly focus on technology aspects. A more complete understanding of the issue requires the need to integrate. This study aims to identify some factors from the current literature that impact the adoption of M-commerce. Based on the literature this study develops Mcommerce adoption framework. The contribution of this research is a framework for representing the factors that influence mobile commerce adoption

    Diffusion of Mobile Phones in Taiwan: An Evaluation of Influence Sources

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    Mobile phones adoption and diffusion is a practical issue that has significant implications for e-commerce and m-commerce development. Examining the adoption of mobile phones from the well-developed theoretical foundation of innovation diffusion theory may clarify some significant factors that affect the adoption decision. Moreover, with the understanding of the influence sources of mobile phones adoption, the businesses can evaluate the number of mobile devices that can support the mobile commerce, plan the wireless capacity, formulate mobile commercial strategies, design more sophisticated applications, and launch more innovative wireless services. In this research, we explore the sources of influence in the adoption of mobile phones in Taiwan, which mobile phone penetration ranks No.1 worldwide. We test adoption and diffusion pattern using three classical models: internal influence, external influence, and mixed influence models. Our findings suggest that mixed influence is the dominant influence factor in the diffusion of mobile phones. That is, the decision to become a new adopter of mobile phones is mainly determined by the positive influence of existing adopters and mass media channels

    A Theoretical Review of Mobile Commerce Success Determinants

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    Mobile commerce (M-Commerce) involves the delivery of trusted transaction services over mobile devices for the exchange of goods and services between consumers, merchants and across organizations.  It may be accomplished through a variety of mobile devices over a wireless telecommunication network in a wireless environment. Despite the rapid pervasiveness of mobile based transactions in Kenya, questions relating to m-commerce success drivers are largely unexplored. This paper reviews prominent information system adoption theories, information systems success concepts and pertinent mobile commerce literature to derive m-commerce success imperatives. Based on the review, an appropriate model for m-commerce success is proposed. A preliminary conclusion that emerges from this study points towards compatibility to user needs, ease of use, pricing and innovation as constructs with the strongest potential for determining the success outcomes of a mobile commerce arrangement. The emergent perspectives and the proposed framework offers value to both theory and practice by providing new insights into various issues that have largely been overlooked when conceptualizing mobile commerce initiatives. Keywords: Mobile commerce, adoption theories, information system success, m-commerce mode

    Cognitive Trust, Emotional Trust And The Value-Based Acceptance Model In Mobile Payment Adoption

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    Mobile commerce has grown rapidly worldwide and become globally competitive in the last decade. Despite the fact that mobile payment is a key enabling part of mobile commerce, consumers’ adoption has been lacking behind the adoption of many other mobile commerce activities. How to facilitate consumers’ adoption of mobile payment remains an important open question. Drawing on the attribution theory and value-based acceptance model, this study investigates the role of consumers’ trust on mobile payment adoption. In contrast to prior research, we develop a research model to examine the influence of both cognitive and emotional trust on consumers’ perceived value and the subsequent usage intention. We examine four dimensions of perceived value, namely functional, emotional, price and social value in the mobile payment context. The model is empirically tested with an online survey (n=273). Our results indicate that emotional trust has a much stronger effect than cognitive trust on consumers’ value perceptions. Further, functional, emotional and price value gain prominence in predicting adoption intention, while the effect of social value is insignificant. Discussions on limitations, theoretical and practical implications are provided

    Factors Affecting Mobile Payment Adoption By Merchants In Ethiopia

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    Nowadays the world witnessed a rapid growth in mobile commerce and widespread use of mobile devices. The growth of mobile commerce depends on widely accepted mobile payment systems. However, this trend is not well experienced in developing countries like Ethiopia. Even though merchants somehow benefited from the rapid growth in electronics commerce and use of mobile devices in ecommerce, they still hesitate to effectively employ in their day to day transactions. Little research has been conducted to examine and explain the merchants\u27 views on the new payment technology. In this paper, we explore the factors that affect merchants’ adoption of mobile payment in Ethiopia. The result suggests that relative advantage, ease of use, usefulness, attitude, trust, risk/security and cost are factors that affect mobile payment adoption positively and significantly. Whereas compatibility is found not significant for merchants adoption of mobile payment systems in Ethiopian context. Based on the findings, the study proposes a conceptual model for mobile payment adoption to guide practice and future research in this emerging area

    Mobile Commerce Adoption in China and the United States: A Cross-Cultural Study

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    Mobile communication technologies have penetrated consumer markets throughout the world. Mobile commerce is likely to make a strong influence on business activities, consumer behavior, as well as national and global markets. Thus the identification of factors that influence mobile commerce adoption has significant value. In a global context, this study identified nine factors affecting mobile commerce adoption based on published research in MIS. These factors were investigated in China and the United States, and a comparative examination was conducted. A survey was conducted on 190 individual mobile commerce users in China and USA. Results show that there are several significant differences among the antecedents and their impacts on consumer intention to use mobile commerce in the two cultural settings. The study provides a number of practical insights and informs vendors seeking to enter the Chinese and the US marketplace with specific information on user perspectives

    Factors Affecting Mobile Commerce Adoption: A Cross-Cultural Study in China and The United States

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    Mobile communication technologies have penetrated consumer markets throughout the world. It is likely to make a deep influence on business activities, consumer behavior, and national and global markets. Thus the identification of factors that impact mobile commerce adoption will have significant value. This paper identified nine factors affecting mobile commerce adoption by consumers, based on recently published research. Multiple comparisons in China and United States were conducted to clarify the applicability of these factors in the two regions. A survey was conducted on 190 individual mobile commerce users in China and US. We found significant differences among the antecedents and their impact on consumers’ intentions to use mobile commerce. The study also draws a number of practical insights and provides vendors seeking to enter the Chinese and US marketplace with specific information about m-commerce users’ perceptions and intentions