8,558 research outputs found

    A power efficient method against misbehaving node in reputation system to prevent sybil attack in mobile ad-hoc network

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    Mobile ad-hoc network has become a very important field of study for students and researchers owing to its wide application. In mobile ad-hoc network all nodes are responsible for routing and forwarding of packets, hence all nodes are required to act selflessly for proper functioning of mobile ad-hoc network. The presence of selfish behavior in a node can degrade the performance of the mobile ad hoc network to a large extent. Several works have been done for identification and punishment of the misbehaving nodes in mobile ad hoc network. We propose here a method where some selected neighbors are participated in detecting misbehaving nodes in power effective manners. These neighbors participating in selfish node detection are chosen randomly. It also alerts all other nodes about the misbehaving links in the network. The simulation studies show that this does the job efficiently with less power consumption in the network. The power effectiveness of the algorithm also reduces the number of misbehaving nodes because many nodes show misbehavior to save their power

    Deployment of Mobile Ad-hoc Network Ticket Based QoS Routing Protocol for Healthcare

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    A Mobile Adhoc Network comprises of set of portable hosts which are equipped for corresponding with one another with no aid of base stations. MANET are quick evolving topology, broad exploration is going ahead to outline directing conventions for MANETs. The Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector convention concerns with most limited way steering and changing the courses powerfully in work space. Quality of Service (QoS) prerequisite issues are less tended to in MANETs and the motivation behind this paper is to address QoS directing in a MANET domain and concentrate principally on ticket based QoS steering convention to figure out course fulfilling certain data transmission and delay obliges. The essential thought is to utilize tickets to keep the quantity of route searching packets to abstain from flooding and to make courses progressively to accomplish proficient Quality of Service

    Analysis of End-to-End Delay Video Conferencing Services on a Mobile Ad Hoc Network

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    The purpose of this study is to conduct a series of tests on each increase in the number of node-clients on the Mobile Ad hoc Network, while each node performs real-time video conferencing services from the internet cloud which can have a significant impact on the Quality of Service. The quality of service of the Mobile Ad hoc Network that supports video conferencing in real-time is evaluated based on End-to-End Delay. The model offered is in the form of the implementation of an ad hoc network on the zoom cloud meeting service. We assessed the transmission scenario of wireless video conferencing services while changing the number of user nodes. It carried the measurement out 5 times and calculated the average value obtained to be compared against the number of different nodes in this case the data obtained using Wireshark software. The results showed that the end-to-end delay value on the Mobile Ad hoc Network increased by 27% when the scalability of the Mobile Ad hoc network was increased from 2 nodes to 4 nodes. Our proposed model can be helpful in making decisions about aspects of the number of nodes in the Mobile Ad hoc network in real-time communicatio

    A Survey of Checkpointing Algorithms in Mobile Ad Hoc Network

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    Checkpoint is defined as a fault tolerant technique that is a designated place in a program at which normal processing is interrupted specifically to preserve the status information necessary to allow resumption of processing at a later time. If there is a failure, computation may be restarted from the current checkpoint instead of repeating the computation from beginning. Checkpoint based rollback recovery is one of the widely used technique used in various areas like scientific computing, database, telecommunication and critical applications in distributed and mobile ad hoc network. The mobile ad hoc network architecture is one consisting of a set of self configure mobile hosts capable of communicating with each other without the assistance of base stations. The main problems of this environment are insufficient power and limited storage capacity, so the checkpointing is major challenge in mobile ad hoc network. This paper presents the review of the algorithms, which have been reported for checkpointing approaches in mobile ad hoc network

    Security in Ad hoc Network through Intrusion Detection Techniques

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    Ad hoc networks are a new wireless networking paradigm for mobile hosts. Not like traditional mobile wireless networks, ad hoc networks do not depend on any fixed infrastructure. Rather, hosts depend on one another to keep the network associated. Security is the main concern in ad-hoc networks. Owe to the vulnerable nature of the mobile ad hoc network, there are various security threats that upset its improvement. There examine the fundamental vulnerabilities in the mobile ad hoc networks, which have made it a lot simpler to experience the effects of attacks than the conventional wired system. At that point examine the security criteria of the mobile ad hoc network and present the primary attack types that exist in it. At long last study the present security solutions through Intrusion Detection Technique for the mobile ad hoc network. There are two technique cluster based Intrusion Detection Technique for the mobile ad hoc network and misbehaviour Detection through Cross-layer Analysis are described

    Scalable energy-efficient routing in mobile Ad hoc network

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    The quick deployment without any existing infrastructure makes mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) a striking choice for dynamic situations such as military and rescue operations, disaster recovery, and so on and so forth. However, routing remains one of the major issues in MANET due to the highly dynamic and distributed environment. Energy consumption is also a significant issue in ad hoc networks since the nodes are battery powered. This report discusses some major dominating set based approaches to perform energy efficient routing in mobile ad hoc networks. It also presents the performance results for each of these mentioned approaches in terms of throughput, average end to end delay and the life time in terms of the first node failure. Based on the simulation results, I identified the key issues in these protocols regarding network life time. In this report, I propose and discuss a new approach “Dynamic Dominating Set Generation Algorithm” (DDSG) to optimize the network life time. This algorithm dynamically selects dominating nodes during the process of routing and thus creates a smaller dominating set. DDSG algorithm thereby eliminates the energy consumption from the non-used dominating nodes. In order to further increase the network life time, the algorithm takes into consideration the threshold settings which helps to distribute the process of routing within the network. This helps to eliminate a single dominating node from getting drained out by continuous transmission and reception of packets. In this report, the detailed algorithmic design and performance results through simulation is discussed

    Mobile ad hoc network testbed using mobile robot technology

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    MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc Network) researchers have shown increased interest in using mobile robot technology for their testbed platforms. Thus, the main motivation of this paper is to review various robot-based MANET testbeds that have been developed in previously reported research. Additionally, suggestions to heighten mobility mechanisms by using mobile robots to be more practical, easy and inexpensive are also included in this paper, as we unveils ToMRobot, a low-cost MANET robot created from an ordinary remote control car that is capable of performing a real system MANET testbed with the addition of only a few low-cost electronic components. Despite greatly reduced costs, the ToMRobot does not sacrifice any of the necessary MANET basic structures and will still be easily customizable and upgradeable through the use of open hardware technology like Cubieboard2 and Arduino, as its robot controller. This paper will also include guidelines to enable technically limited MANET researchers to design and develop the ToMRobot. It is hoped that this paper achieves its two pronged objectives namely (i) to facilitate other MANET researchers by providing them with a source of reference that eases their decision making for selecting the best and most suitable MANET mobile robots for real mobility in their MANET testbeds (ii) to provide MANET researchers with a prospect of building their own MANET robots that can be applied in their own MANET testbed in the future