24 research outputs found

    AES Side-Channel Countermeasure using Random Tower Field Constructions

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    International audienceMasking schemes to secure AES implementations against side-channel attacks is a topic of ongoing research. The most sensitive part of the AES is the non-linear SubBytes operation, in particular, the inversion in GF(2^8), the Galois field of 2^8 elements. In hardware implementations, it is well known that the use of the tower of extensions GF(2) ⊂ GF(2^2) ⊂ GF(2^4) ⊂ GF(2^8) leads to a more efficient inversion. We propose to use a random isomorphism instead of a fixed one. Then, we study the effect of this randomization in terms of security and efficiency. Considering the field extension GF(2^8)/GF(2^4), the inverse operation leads to computation of its norm in GF(2^4). Hence, in order to thwart side-channel attack, we manage to spread the values of norms over GF(2^4). Combined with a technique of boolean masking in tower fields, our countermeasure strengthens resistance against first-order differential side-channel attacks

    A High Throughput/Gate AES Hardware Architecture by Compressing Encryption and Decryption Datapaths --- Toward Efficient CBC-Mode Implementation

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    This paper proposes a highly efficient AES hardware architecture that supports both encryption and decryption for the CBC mode. Some conventional AES architectures employ pipelining techniques to enhance the throughput and efficiency. However, such pipelined architectures are frequently unfit because many practical cryptographic applications work in the CBC mode, where block-wise parallelism is not available for encryption. In this paper, we present an efficient AES encryption/decryption hardware design suitable for such block-chaining modes. In particular, new operation-reordering and register-retiming techniques allow us to unify the inversion circuits for encryption and decryption (i.e., SubBytes and InvSubBytes) without any delay overhead. A new unification technique for linear mappings further reduces both the area and critical delay in total. Our design employs a common loop architecture and can therefore efficiently perform even in the CBC mode. We also present a shared key scheduling datapath that can work on-the-fly in the proposed architecture. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed architecture has the shortest critical path delay and the most efficient in terms of throughput per area among conventional AES encryption/decryption architectures with tower-field S-boxes. We evaluate the performance of the proposed and some conventional datapaths by logic synthesis results with the TSMC 65-nm standard-cell library and NanGate 45- and 15-nm open-cell libraries. As a result, we confirm that our proposed architecture achieves approximately 53--72% higher efficiency (i.e., a higher bps/GE) than any other conventional counterpart

    Highly Efficient GF(2^8) Inversion Circuit Based on Redundant GF Arithmetic and Its Application to AES Design

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    This paper proposes a compact and efficient GF(2^8) inversion circuit design based on a combination of non-redundant and redundant Galois Field (GF) arithmetic. The proposed design utilizes redundant GF representations, called Polynomial Ring Representation (PRR) and Redundantly Represented Basis (RRB), to implement GF(2^8) inversion using a tower field GF((2^4)^2). In addition to the redundant representations, we introduce a specific normal basis that makes it possible to map the former components for the 16th and 17th powers of input onto logic gates in an efficient manner. The latter components for GF(2^4) inversion and GF(2^4) multiplication are then implemented by PRR and RRB, respectively. The flexibility of the redundant representations provides efficient mappings from/to the GF(2^8). This paper also evaluates the efficacy of the proposed circuit by means of gate counts and logic synthesis with a 65 nm CMOS standard cell library and comparisons with conventional circuits, including those with tower fields GF(((2^2)^2)^2). Consequently, we show that the proposed circuit achieves approximately 40% higher efficiency in terms of area-time product than the conventional best GF(((2^2)^2)^2) circuit excluding isomorphic mappings. We also demonstrate that the proposed circuit achieves the best efficiency (i.e., area-time product) for an AES encryption S-Box circuit including isomorphic mappings

    Affine-Power S-Boxes over Galois Fields with Area-Optimized Logic Implementations

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    Cryptographic S-boxes are fundamental in key-iterated sub- stitution permutation network (SPN) designs for block ciphers. As a natural way for realizing Shannon’s confusion and diffusion properties in cryptographic primitives through nonlinear and linear behavior, re- spectively, SPN designs served as the basis for the Advanced Encryption Standard and a variety of other block ciphers. In this work we present a methodology for minimizing the logic resources for n-bit affine-power S- boxes over Galois fields based on measurable security properties and find- ing corresponding area-efficient combinational implementations in hard- ware. Motivated by the potential need for new and larger S-boxes, we use our methodology to find area-optimized circuits for 8- and 16-bit S-boxes. Our methodology is capable of finding good upper bounds on the number of XOR and AND gate equivalents needed for these circuits, which can be further optimized using modern CAD tools

    Enhancing Electromagnetic Side-Channel Analysis in an Operational Environment

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    Side-channel attacks exploit the unintentional emissions from cryptographic devices to determine the secret encryption key. This research identifies methods to make attacks demonstrated in an academic environment more operationally relevant. Algebraic cryptanalysis is used to reconcile redundant information extracted from side-channel attacks on the AES key schedule. A novel thresholding technique is used to select key byte guesses for a satisfiability solver resulting in a 97.5% success rate despite failing for 100% of attacks using standard methods. Two techniques are developed to compensate for differences in emissions from training and test devices dramatically improving the effectiveness of cross device template attacks. Mean and variance normalization improves same part number attack success rates from 65.1% to 100%, and increases the number of locations an attack can be performed by 226%. When normalization is combined with a novel technique to identify and filter signals in collected traces not related to the encryption operation, the number of traces required to perform a successful attack is reduced by 85.8% on average. Finally, software-defined radios are shown to be an effective low-cost method for collecting side-channel emissions in real-time, eliminating the need to modify or profile the target encryption device to gain precise timing information

    Block Cipher Analysis

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    A More Compact AES, and More

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    We reduce the number of bit operations required to implement AES to a new minimum, and also compute improvements to elements of some other ciphers. Exploring the algebra of AES allows choices of basis and streamlining of the nonlinear parts. We also compute a more efficient implementation of the linear part of each round. Similar computational optimizations apply to other cryptographic matrices and S-boxes. This work may be incorporated into a hardware AES implementation using minimal resources, or potentially in a bit-sliced software implementation to increase speed

    Implementing Grover Oracles for Quantum Key Search on AES and LowMC

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    Grover's search algorithm gives a quantum attack against block ciphers by searching for a key that matches a small number of plaintext-ciphertext pairs. This attack uses O(N)O(\sqrt{N}) calls to the cipher to search a key space of size NN. Previous work in the specific case of AES derived the full gate cost by analyzing quantum circuits for the cipher, but focused on minimizing the number of qubits. In contrast, we study the cost of quantum key search attacks under a depth restriction and introduce techniques that reduce the oracle depth, even if it requires more qubits. As cases in point, we design quantum circuits for the block ciphers AES and LowMC. Our circuits give a lower overall attack cost in both the gate count and depth-times-width cost models. In NIST's post-quantum cryptography standardization process, security categories are defined based on the concrete cost of quantum key search against AES. We present new, lower cost estimates for each category, so our work has immediate implications for the security assessment of post-quantum cryptography. As part of this work, we release Q# implementations of the full Grover oracle for AES-128, -192, -256 and for the three LowMC instantiations used in Picnic, including unit tests and code to reproduce our quantum resource estimates. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first two such full implementations and automatic resource estimations.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures, 14 table