196 research outputs found

    Gateway Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) Requirements

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    Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is essential to the success of any vehicle design that incorporates a complex assortment of electronic, electrical, and electromechanical systems and sub-systems that is expected to meet operational and performance requirements while exposed to a changing set of electromagnetic environments composed of both man-made and naturally occurring threats. The combined aspects of these environments are known as Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3). The attainment of EMC is accomplished through the application of sound engineering principles and practices that enable a complex vehicle or vehicles to operate successfully when exposed to the effects of its expected and/or specified electromagnetic environments

    Arc tracking control in insulation systems for aeronautic applications: challenges, opportunities, and research needs

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    Next generation aircrafts will use more electrical power to reduce weight, fuel consumption, system complexity and greenhouse gas emissions. However, new failure modes and challenges arise related to the required voltage increase and consequent rise of electrical stress on wiring insulation materials, thus increasing the risk of electrical arc appearance. This work performs a critical and comprehensive review concerning arc tracking effects in wiring insulation systems, underlying mechanisms, role of materials and possible mitigation strategies, with a special focus on aircraft applications. To this end an evaluation of the scientific and technological state of the art is carried out from the analysis of theses, research articles, technical reports, international standards and white papers. This review paper also reports the limitations of existing insulation materials, standard test methods and mitigation approaches, while identifying the research needs to comply with the future demands of the aircraft industryPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    NASA/SDIO Space Environmental Effects on Materials Workshop, part 2

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO) cosponsored a workshop on Space Environmental Effects on Materials. The joint workshop was designed to inform participants of the present state of knowledge regarding space environmental effects on materials and to identify knowledge gaps that prevent informed decisions on the best use of advanced materials in space for long duration NASA and SDIO missions. Establishing priorities for future ground based and space based materials research was a major goal of the workshop. The end product of the workshop was an assessment of the current state-of-the-art in space environmental effects on materials in order to develop a national plan for spaceflight experiments

    Deleterious satellite charging and possible mitigation schemes

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    Electrostatic charge dissipation is one of the major concerns for satellites operating in the Earth's orbits. Under energetic plasma conditions, they may acquire very high negative potential (up to 10's of kV) due to the collection of energetic plasma constituents - resulting in temporary outages and permanent damages to onboard equipment. This study proposes and discusses a couple of physics-based schemes capable of mitigating/ minimizing the excessive charging effects over satellites under extreme plasma conditions in LEO/ GEO. An estimate of charge build-up on the space objects based on the charging dynamics as a function of ambient plasma parameters has been made. Our calculations illustrate that in the absence of a significant charge dissipation mechanism, a severe charging (10's kV) in the dark/ shadowed at GEO and high latitude LEO regions. We propose that installing a suitable UV lamp and micro/nano-structuring of the surface fabric can induce an efficient dissipation mechanism and effectively prevent the surface from deleterious charging effects during satellite operation. We demonstrate that the UV illumination may maintain the satellite surface at quite a small positive potential (~ 2 V) while the surface nanofabrication sustains it at a sufficiently low negative potential (~ 10 V). Both concepts are shown to work efficiently in mitigating the potential threat of massive charging and safely performing the satellite operation.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Manned GEO Satellite Servicing Mission Environmental Effects Measurements Study

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    A trade study was conducted to evaluate options for collecting space environment data in geosynchronous earth orbit to support a future manned satellite servicing mission

    Small Satellite Industrial Base Study: Foundational Findings

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    This report documents findings from a Small Satellite (SmallSat) Industrial Base Study conducted by The Aerospace Corporation between November 2018 and September 2019. The primary objectives of this study were a) to gain a better understanding of the SmallSat communitys technical practices, engineering approaches, requirements flow-downs, and common processes and b) identify insights and recommendations for how the government can further capitalize on the strengths and capabilities of SmallSat offerings. In the context of this study, SmallSats are understood to weigh no more than 500 kg, as described in State of the Art Small Spacecraft Technology, NASA/TP-2018- 220027, December 2018. CubeSats were excluded from this study to avoid overlap and duplication of recently completed work or other studies already under way. The team also touched on differences between traditional space-grade and the emerging mid-grade and other non-space, alternate-grade EEEE (electrical, electronic, electromechanical, electro-optical) piece part categories. Finally, the participants sought to understand the potential effects of increased use of alternate-grade parts on the traditional space-grade industrial base. The study team was keenly aware that there are missions for which non-space grade parts currently are infeasible for the foreseeable future. National security, long-duration and high-reliability missions intolerant of risk are a few examples. The team sought to identify benefits of alternative parts and approaches that can be harnessed by the government to achieve greater efficiencies and capabilities without impacting mission success

    Spacesuit Integrated Carbon Nanotube Dust Mitigation System For Lunar Exploration

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    Lunar dust proved to be troublesome during the Apollo missions. The lunar dust comprises of fine particles, with electric charges imparted by solar winds and ultraviolet radiation. As such, it adheres readily, and easily penetrates through smallest crevices into mechanisms. During Apollo missions, the powdery dust substantially degraded the performance of spacesuits by abrading suit fabric and clogging seals. Dust also degraded other critical equipment such as rovers, thermal control and optical surfaces, solar arrays, and was thus shown to be a major issue for surface operations. Even inside the lunar module, Apollo astronauts were exposed to this dust when they removed their dust coated spacesuits. This historical evidence from the Apollo missions has compelled NASA to identify dust mitigation as a critical path. This important environmental challenge must be overcome prior to sending humans back to the lunar surface and potentially to other surfaces such as Mars and asteroids with dusty environments. Several concepts were successfully investigated by the international research community for preventing deposition of lunar dust on rigid surfaces (ex: solar cells, thermal radiators). However, applying these technologies for flexible surfaces and specifically to spacesuits has remained an open challenge, due to the complexity of the suit design, geometry, and dynamics. The research presented in this dissertation brings original contribution through the development and demonstration of the SPacesuit Integrated Carbon nanotube Dust Ejection/Removal (SPIcDER) system to protect spacesuits and other flexible surfaces from lunar dust. SPIcDER leverages the Electrodynamic Dust Shield (EDS) concept developed at NASA for use on solar cells. For the SPIcDER research, the EDS concept is customized for application on spacesuits and flexible surfaces utilizing novel materials and specialized design techniques. Furthermore, the performance of the active SPIcDER system is enhanced by integrating a passive technique based on Work Function Matching coating. SPIcDER aims for a self-cleaning spacesuit that can repel lunar dust. The SPIcDER research encompassed numerous demonstrations on coupons made of spacesuit outerlayer fabric, to validate the feasibility of the concept, and provide evidence that the SPIcDER system is capable of repelling over 85% of lunar dust simulant comprising of particles in the range of 10 m-75m, in ambient and vacuum conditions. Furthermore, the research presented in this dissertation proves the scalability of the SPIcDER technology on a full scale functional prototype of a spacesuit knee joint-section, and demonstrates its scaled functionality and performance using lunar dust simulant. It also comprises detailed numerical simulation and parametric analysis in ANSYS Maxwell and MATLAB for optimizing the integration of the SPIcDER system into the spacesuit outerlayer. The research concludes with analysis and experimental results on design, manufacturability, operational performance, practicality of application and astronaut safety. The research aims primarily towards spacesuit dust contamination. The SPIcDER technology developed in this research is however versatile, that can be optimized to a wide range of flexible surfaces for space and terrain applications-such as exploration missions to asteroids, Mars and dust-prone applications on Earth

    Charging and Discharging Mechanism of Polyimide under Electron Irradiation and High Voltage

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    Polyimide has been widely used as insulating and structural materials in spacecraft due to its excellent electrical, thermal and mechanical properties. However, its charging and discharging problem in harsh space environment has been a major limit to the development of high-voltage and high-power spacecraft. In this chapter, charging and discharging phenomena of dielectric materials under electron irradiation environment were presented. First, the electrical properties of polyimide consisting of dielectric properties, trap properties, conductivity and electrical breakdown properties were investigated, which have great influences on charging and discharging characteristics. Then, a surface charging model under relatively low-energy electron irradiation was proposed for polyimide, based on the synergistic effects of electron movement above surface and charge transport in surface layer. The DC surface flashover of polyimide under electron irradiation with different energies, fluxes and incident angles was investigated. Furthermore, a deep charging model under high-energy electron irradiation with the Fluence Model for Internal Charging (FLUMIC) spectrum was established. The effects of electron flux enhancement and operating voltage on charging characteristics were discussed in different grounding modes. It indicates that the processes of discharging under electron irradiation have a close link with the charge transport characteristics of polyimide

    Performance Enhancement and Characterization of an Electromagnetic Railgun

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    Collision with orbital debris poses a serious threat to spacecraft and astronauts. Hypervelocity impacts resulting from collisions mean that objects with a mass less than 1g can cause mission-ending damage to spacecraft. A means of shielding spacecraft against collisions is necessary. A means of testing candidate shielding methods for their efficacy in mitigating hypervelocity impacts is therefore also necessary. Cal Poly’s Electromagnetic Railgun was designed with the goal of creating a laboratory system capable of simulating hypervelocity (≥ 3 km/s) impacts. Due to several factors, the system was not previously capable of high-velocity (≥ 1 km/s) tests. A deficient projectile design is revised, and a new design is tested. The new projectile design is demonstrated to enable far greater performance than the previous design, with a muzzle velocity ≥ 1 km/sbeing verified during testing, and an energy conversion efficiency of 2.7%. A method of improving contact and controlling wear at the projectile/rail interface using silver plating and conductive silver paste is validated. A mechanism explaining the problem of internal arcing within the railgun barrel is proposed, and design recommendations are made to eliminate arcing on the basis of the work done during testing. The primary structural members are found to be deficient for their application and a failure analysis of a failed member, loading analysis of the railgun barrel, and design of new structures is undertaken and presented