84 research outputs found

    Communications protocols for wireless sensor networks in perturbed environment

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    This thesis is mainly in the Smart Grid (SG) domain. SGs improve the safety of electrical networks and allow a more adapted use of electricity storage, available in a limited way. SGs also increase overall energy efficiency by reducing peak consumption. The use of this technology is the most appropriate solution because it allows more efficient energy management. In this context, manufacturers such as Hydro-Quebec deploy sensor networks in the nerve centers to control major equipment. To reduce deployment costs and cabling complexity, the option of a wireless sensor network seems the most obvious solution. However, deploying a sensor network requires in-depth knowledge of the environment. High voltages substations are strategic points in the power grid and generate impulse noise that can degrade the performance of wireless communications. The works in this thesis are focused on the development of high performance communication protocols for the profoundly disturbed environments. For this purpose, we have proposed an approach based on the concatenation of rank metric and convolutional coding with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing. This technique is very efficient in reducing the bursty nature of impulsive noise while having a quite low level of complexity. Another solution based on a multi-antenna system is also designed. We have proposed a cooperative closed-loop coded MIMO system based on rank metric code and max−dmin precoder. The second technique is also an optimal solution for both improving the reliability of the system and energy saving in wireless sensor networks

    Noise Sources, Effects and Countermeasures in Narrowband Power-Line Communications Networks: A Practical Approach

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    The integration of Distributed Generation, Electric Vehicles, and storage without compromising the quality of the power delivery requires the deployment of a communications overlay that allows monitoring and controlling low voltage networks in almost real time. Power Line Communications are gaining momentum for this purpose since they present a great trade-off between economic and technical features. However, the power lines also represent a harsh communications medium which presents different problems such as noise, which is indeed affected by Distributed Generation, Electric Vehicles, and storage. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the types of noise that affects Narrowband Power Line Communications, including normative noises, noises coming from common electronic devices measured in actual operational power distribution networks, and noises coming from photovoltaic inverters and electric vehicle charging spots measured in a controlled environment. The paper also reviews several techniques to mitigate the effects of noise, paying special attention to passive filtering, as for being one of the most widely used solution to avoid this kind of problems in the field. In addition, the paper presents a set of tests carried out to evaluate the impact of some representative noises on Narrowband Power Line Communications network performance, as well as the effectiveness of different passive filter configurations to mitigate such an impact. In addition, the considered sources of noise can also bring value to further improve PLC communications in the new scenarios of the Smart Grid as an input to theoretical models or simulations.This work has been partly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the National Program for Research Aimed at the Challenges of Society under the project OSIRIS (RTC-2014-1556-3) and through the network of excellence REDYD2050 (ENE2015-70032-REDT)

    Noise Sources, Effects and Countermeasures in Narrowband Power-Line Communications Networks: A Practical Approach

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    The integration of Distributed Generation, Electric Vehicles, and storage without compromising the quality of the power delivery requires the deployment of a communications overlay that allows monitoring and controlling low voltage networks in almost real time. Power Line Communications are gaining momentum for this purpose since they present a great trade-off between economic and technical features. However, the power lines also represent a harsh communications medium which presents different problems such as noise, which is indeed affected by Distributed Generation, Electric Vehicles, and storage. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the types of noise that affects Narrowband Power Line Communications, including normative noises, noises coming from common electronic devices measured in actual operational power distribution networks, and noises coming from photovoltaic inverters and electric vehicle charging spots measured in a controlled environment. The paper also reviews several techniques to mitigate the effects of noise, paying special attention to passive filtering, as for being one of the most widely used solution to avoid this kind of problems in the field. In addition, the paper presents a set of tests carried out to evaluate the impact of some representative noises on Narrowband Power Line Communications network performance, as well as the effectiveness of different passive filter configurations to mitigate such an impact. In addition, the considered sources of noise can also bring value to further improve PLC communications in the new scenarios of the Smart Grid as an input to theoretical models or simulations.This work has been partly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the National Program for Research Aimed at the Challenges of Society under the project OSIRIS (RTC-2014-1556-3) and through the network of excellence REDYD2050 (ENE2015-70032-REDT)

    Robust wireless sensor network for smart grid communication : modeling and performance evaluation

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    Our planet is gradually heading towards an energy famine due to growing population and industrialization. Hence, increasing electricity consumption and prices, diminishing fossil fuels and lack significantly in environment-friendliness due to their emission of greenhouse gasses, and inefficient usage of existing energy supplies have caused serious network congestion problems in many countries in recent years. In addition to this overstressed situation, nowadays, the electric power system is facing many challenges, such as high maintenance cost, aging equipment, lack of effective fault diagnostics, power supply reliability, etc., which further increase the possibility of system breakdown. Furthermore, the adaptation of the new renewable energy sources with the existing power plants to provide an alternative way for electricity production transformed it in a very large and complex scale, which increases new issues. To address these challenges, a new concept of next generation electric power system, called the "smart grid", has emerged in which Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are playing the key role. For a reliable smart grid, monitoring and control of power system parameters in the transmission and distribution segments are crucial. This necessitates the deployment of a robust communication network within the power grid. Traditionally, power grid communications are realized through wired communications, including power line communication (PLC). However, the cost of its installation might be expensive especially for remote control and monitoring applications. More recently, plenty of research interests have been drawn to the wireless communications for smart grid applications. In this regard, the most promising methods of smart grid monitoring explored in the literature is based on wireless sensor network (WSN). Indeed, the collaborative nature of WSN brings significant advantages over the traditional wireless networks, including low-cost, wider coverage, self-organization, and rapid deployment. Unfortunately, harsh and hostile electric power system environments pose great challenges in the reliability of sensor node communications because of strong RF interference and noise called impulsive noise. On account of the fundamental of WSN-based smart grid communications and the possible impacts of impulsive noise on the reliability of sensor node communications, this dissertation is supposed to further fill the lacking of the existing research outcomes. To be specific, the contributions of this dissertation can be summarized as three fold: (i) investigation and performance analysis of impulsive noise mitigation techniques for point-to-point single-carrier communication systems impaired by bursty impulsive noise; (ii) design and performance analysis of collaborative WSN for smart grid communication by considering the RF noise model in the designing process, a particular intension is given to how the time-correlation among the noise samples can be taken into account; (iii) optimal minimum mean square error (MMSE)estimation of physical phenomenon like temperature, current, voltage, etc., typically modeled by a Gaussian source in the presence of impulsive noise. In the first part, we compare and analyze the widely used non-linear methods such as clipping, blanking, and combined clipping-blanking to mitigate the noxious effects of bursty impulsive noise for point-to-point communication systems with low-density parity-check (LDPC) coded single-carrier transmission. While, the performance of these mitigation techniques are widely investigated for multi-carrier communication systems using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission under the effect of memoryless impulsive noise, we note that OFDM is outperformed by its single-carrier counterpart when the impulses are very strong and/or they occur frequently, which likely exists in contemporary communication systems including smart grid communications. Likewise, the assumption of memoryless noise model is not valid for many communication scenarios. Moreover, we propose log-likelihood ratio (LLR)-based impulsive noise mitigation for the considered scenario. We show that the memory property of the noise can be exploited in the LLR calculation through maximum a posteriori (MAP) detection. In this context, provided simulation results highlight the superiority of the LLR-based mitigation scheme over the simple clipping/blanking schemes. The second contribution can be divided into two aspects: (i) we consider the performance analysis of a single-relay decode-and-forward (DF) cooperative relaying scheme over channels impaired by bursty impulsive noise. For this channel, the bit error rate (BER) performances of direct transmission and a DF relaying scheme using M-PSK modulation in the presence of Rayleigh fading with a MAP receiver are derived; (ii) as a continuation of single-relay collaborative WSN scheme, we propose a novel relay selection protocol for a multi-relay DF collaborative WSN taking into account the bursty impulsive noise. The proposed protocol chooses the N’th best relay considering both the channel gains and the states of the impulsive noise of the source-relay and relay-destination links. To analyze the performance of the proposed protocol, we first derive closed-form expressions for the probability density function (PDF) of the received SNR. Then, these PDFs are used to derive closed-form expressions for the BER and the outage probability. Finally, we also derive the asymptotic BER and outage expressions to quantify the diversity benefits. From the obtained results, it is seen that the proposed receivers based on the MAP detection criterion is the most suitable one for bursty impulsive noise environments as it has been designed according to the statistical behavior of the noise. Different from the aforementioned contributions, talked about the reliable detection of finite alphabets in the presence of bursty impulsive noise, in the thrid part, we investigate the optimal MMSE estimation for a scalar Gaussian source impaired by impulsive noise. In Chapter 5, the MMSE optimal Bayesian estimation for a scalar Gaussian source, in the presence of bursty impulsive noise is considered. On the other hand, in Chapter 6, we investigate the distributed estimation of a scalar Gaussian source in WSNs in the presence of Middleton class-A noise. From the obtained results we conclude that the proposed optimal MMSE estimator outperforms the linear MMSE estimator developed for Gaussian channel

    Fifty Years of Noise Modeling and Mitigation in Power-Line Communications.

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    Building on the ubiquity of electric power infrastructure, power line communications (PLC) has been successfully used in diverse application scenarios, including the smart grid and in-home broadband communications systems as well as industrial and home automation. However, the power line channel exhibits deleterious properties, one of which is its hostile noise environment. This article aims for providing a review of noise modeling and mitigation techniques in PLC. Specifically, a comprehensive review of representative noise models developed over the past fifty years is presented, including both the empirical models based on measurement campaigns and simplified mathematical models. Following this, we provide an extensive survey of the suite of noise mitigation schemes, categorizing them into mitigation at the transmitter as well as parametric and non-parametric techniques employed at the receiver. Furthermore, since the accuracy of channel estimation in PLC is affected by noise, we review the literature of joint noise mitigation and channel estimation solutions. Finally, a number of directions are outlined for future research on both noise modeling and mitigation in PLC

    Performance Analysis of Train Communication Systems

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    Trains are considered as a highly efficient transport mode which generate significant challenges in terms of their communication systems. For improved safety, to cope with the expected rapid increase in traffic, and to meet customer demands, an enhanced and reliable communication system is required for high-speed trains (HSRs). Mobile phone and laptop users would like to make use of the non-negligible time that they spend commuting but current HSR communication systems have a foreseeable end to their lifetime and a reliable, efficient, and fast communication replacement system has become essential. Encouraged by the use of existing power line networks for communication purposes, this research investigates the possibility of developing a train communication system based on the use of overhead line equipment (OLE). The ABCD transfer line model is developed to represent the transfer function of the OLE channel and is evaluated using computer simulations. The simulations of the OLE system used are based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing as the chosen modulation scheme. Within the train, for the provision of broadband services, developing a reliable communication system which is a combination of power line communication and optical wireless communication services using visible light communication (VLC) is considered. Mathematical methods were developed for these networks to assess the overall capacities and outage probabilities of the hybrid systems. Derivation of such analytical expressions offered opportunities to investigate the impact of several system parameters on the performance of the system. To assess the possibility of improving the performance of the proposed integrated systems, their performance in the presence of different relaying protocols has been comprehensively analyzed in terms of capacity and outage probability. This thesis studied the outage probability and energy per bit consumption performance of different relaying protocols over the VLC channel. Accurate analytical expressions for the overall outage probability and energyper-bit consumption of the proposed system configurations, including the single-hop and multi-hop approaches were derived. It was found that the transfer function of the OLE channel can be represented by the two-port network model. It was also revealed that transmission over OLE is negatively affected by the speed of the train, frequency, and length of the OLE link. In train, relay-based communication systems can provide reliable connectivity to the end-user. However, choosing an optimal system configuration can enhance system performance. It was also shown that increasing relay numbers on the network contributes to the total power consumption of the system

    Power Line Communication (PLC) Impulsive Noise Mitigation: A Review

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    Power Line Communication (PLC) is a technology which transforms the power line into pathways for the conveyance of broadband data. It has the advantage for it can avoid new installation since the current installation used for electrical power can also be used for data transmission. However, this power line channel presents a harsh environment for data transmission owing to the challenges of impulsive noise, high attenuation, selective fading and etc. Impulsive noise poses a severe challenge as its Power Spectral Density (PSD) is between 10–15dB above background noise. For good performance of the PLC system, this noise must be mitigated.  This paper presents a review of the techniques for the mitigation of impulsive noise in PLC which is classified into four categories, namely time domain, time/frequency domain, error correction code and other techniques. Time domain technique is a memoryless nonlinear technique where the signal's amplitude only changes according to a specified threshold without changing the phase.  Mitigation of impulsive noise is carried out on the received time domain signal before the demodulation FFT operation of the OFDM. Time/Frequency technique is a method of mitigating impulsive noise on the received signal at both before FFT demodulation and after FFT demodulation of the OFDM system. Error correction code technique is the application of forward error correction code by adding redundancy bits to the useful data bits for detection and possibly correction of error occurring during transmission.  Identifying the best performing technique will enhance the deployment of the technique while exploring the PLC channel capacity enhancement in the future. The best performing scheme in each of the category were selected and their BER vs SNR curves were compared with respect to the impulsive noise + awgn curve. Amongst all of these techniques, the error correction code technique had a performance that presents almost an outright elimination of impulsive noise in power line channel. Keywords: Impulsive noise, time domain, time/frequency domain, error correction code, sparse Bayesian learning, recursive detection and modified PLC-DMT

    Electromagnetic compatibility of power line communication systems

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    The power system has been used for communication purposes for many decades, although it was mainly the power utility companies that used low bit rates for control and monitoring purposes. In the last ten years, however, the deregulation of the power and telecommunication markets has spurred the idea of using and commercializing the power networks for a range of new communication applications and services. The idea has been developed and implemented into both, narrowband and broadband systems, which are defined in terms of the operation frequency band. Depending on the frequency band, the systems over powerlines can be: Narrow-band. They use frequencies ranging from 3-148.5 kHz in Europe, with the upper frequency extending up to 500 kHz in the United States and Japan. In Europe, this frequency range is standardized by CENELEC Standard EN 50065. Broadband. The used frequency range is 1-30MHz; 1-15MHz for outdoor systems and 15-30MHz for indoor systems. In this frequency range, the standardization situation is still unclear and there exist no regulations. The developed applications and systems use different parts of the power network: medium voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) cabling for outdoor applications and building cabling for indoor applications. These cables are designed and optimized for power transmission at frequencies of 50/60Hz and represent a hostile medium for transmissions at higher frequencies. This thesis concentrates on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) aspects and some optimization issues of the broadband systems, currently known as Powerline Communications (PLC) or Broadband Power Line (BPL). The work presented here was preformed in the framework of the European project OPERA (http://www.ist-opera.org/). A short description of the project is given in Chapter 1. The second chapter presents the basis, introduction, description and state of the art of the topics of interest for this thesis. That chapter is divided into three parts. Each of these parts starts with a short introduction to the topic to be addressed. The introductions are intended for those not familiar with the topic at hand and they can be skipped by those already knowledgeable of it. The first part of Chapter 2 gives an overview and introduction to telecommunication issues relevant to the thesis, as well as the general technical specifications of the OPERA system. The second part deals with the transmission medium which, for the case of PLC, is the power system. The fundamentals and the different components of the PLC system are given there and the state of the art regarding the transmission channel is presented. The third part deals with the EMC and standardization issues related to the technology. The main contributions of the thesis are presented in chapters 3 to 7. The PLC technology distinguishes itself from other technologies in that it uses already existing, ubiquitous wiring, so that no new infrastructure is needed. On the other hand, using a channel designed originally for other purposes means that it is not optimized for the frequencies and applications of interest for broadband transmission. If PLC is to compete with other technologies, these problems have to be well understood and solved, so that the system can be optimized by taking into account the parameters and constrains of the already existing medium. Although the PLC system is being improved continuously, there are still concerns about emissions, immunity and standardization. These issues are important since PLC operates in an environment already populated by other services at the same frequencies, so that fair co-existence is needed. Moreover, the PLC modem has a combined mains and telecom port and, as a consequence, the standards for conducted emissions from those two types of ports are not directly applicable. In addition, the symmetry of the cables used is low and, therefore, emissions are higher than, for example, emissions from twisted pair cables used in xDSL. A good understanding of emissions and immunity in PLC systems is therefore of great importance for the optimization of the system and for EMC standardization to be based on objective technical criteria. Even if the basic phenomena are essentially the same as for any other wire transmission system, the complexity and variability of the topologies of existing structures is so large that simple, straightforward solutions are often not applicable. Emissions from the cabling are primarily due to the common mode signals. Part of the energy in this mode is injected by the imperfectly balanced output stages of the PLC modems themselves. In addition, the common mode appears at punctual imbalanced discontinuities and distributed asymmetry along the PLC signal path in the power cables. Chapter 3 presents the work performed to improve our understanding of the sources of the common-mode current and the parameters that influence its behavior, including related measurements and simulations. For the purpose of this study, a model house was built at the EPFL's test site. Different cablings were used to study the influence of different parameters on the behavior of the common-mode current since it is the main source for both types of emissions, conducted and radiated ones. The influence of different parameters such as the cable terminations, the symmetry of the termination, the height of the conductors above the ground, the presence of power outlets, switches, empty and occupied sockets and the topology, are analyzed. The data are also used to test two methods used to simulate the differential-to-common-mode conversion and the conducted emissions, namely the transmission line model and the full wave approach provided by the Method of Moments through the Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC). In Chapter 4, problems related to PLC immunity testing are treated. We show that the conversion of the differential mode to the common mode is coupled with the reverse conversion by reciprocity. Due to the low symmetry of PLC cabling, part of the injected common mode test signal is converted into a differential mode signal that interferes with the wanted signal at the input of the modem being tested. Depending on the actual symmetry of the Coupling-Decoupling Network (CDN), not specified in the standards, the immunity test may yield erroneous results due to the effect of this differential mode component. Working under the assumption that the CDN is built to exhibit a symmetry similar to that of PLC networks as inferred from its longitudinal conversion loss, we estimate the differential mode disturbance level that the modems should withstand from a narrowband interferer. The bit error rate induced by the presence of the disturbing differential mode current from the CDN is also estimated, for a total physical channel transmission rate of 200 Mbps, to be of the order of 1×10-5 to 5×10-5. Since these rates can be handled by error correcting coding and MAC ARQ procedures, it is concluded that the modems are not likely to suffer any severe performance degradation due to immunity testing if the CDN exhibits a symmetry similar to that of PLC networks. Simulating the complete PLC network or any significant part of it using numerical techniques such as the method of moments proves to be of limited practical use due to the fact that PLC networks extend over many wavelengths. The transmission line approximation, on the other hand, although more efficient and sufficiently accurate for differential mode calculations, is not directly applicable to simulate the EMC behavior since it neglects the antenna-mode currents that are significant contributors to the radiated emissions. Chapter 5 presents a novel approach to evaluate the antenna-mode currents using a modified transmission line theory, thus making this numerically efficient technique applicable to the estimation of emissions in PLC. An integral equation describing the antenna-mode currents along a two-wire transmission line is derived. It is further shown that, when the line cross-sectional dimensions are electrically small, the integral equation reduces to a pair of transmission line-like equations with equivalent line parameters (per-unit-length inductance and capacitance). The derived equations make it possible to compute the antenna mode currents using a traditional transmission line code with appropriate parameters. The derived equations are tested versus numerical results obtained using NEC and reasonably good agreement is found. Another important EMC issue related to PLC is the mitigation of emissions. Chapter 6 describes a technique that has been proposed to achieve a reduction of emissions associated with indoor PLC networks through the introduction of a 180° out-of-phase replica of the PLC signal into the unused neutral-ground circuit. A modification to this technique is proposed based on the selection of the appropriate amplitude and phase of the auxiliary signal, allowing a higher degree of field attenuation. A way of implementing this technique is proposed and studied, namely the integration of a required antenna into the PLC modems themselves. The measured fields very close to the modem allow the determination of the magnitude and phase of the compensation voltage. The proposed implementation should be used only to handle customer complaints, when emissions should be lowered at locations where PLC signals might cause unwanted interference or when additional capacity is required and it can be obtained through the gained signal to noise margin. Although, in principle, due to nonalignment of the wanted and the compensation field directions, minimizing one component of the field may result in an increase of the other components, we show that the application of the technique results in an overall average reduction of 10-20 dB of all the field components in the region of interest. In the same Chapter 6, we address the more general issue of the application of mitigation techniques' gained emissions margin to increase the overall throughput of PLC systems. We show that an increase in the signal power (made possible by the inclusion of mitigation techniques) leads to a considerable increase in the PLC channel capacity. Using a number of simplifications, we show that the capacity of the channel can indeed be increased by up to 66 Mbps for mitigation efficiencies of only 10 dB. We also present the results of laboratory measurements aimed at studying, under controlled conditions, different characteristics of notching in OPERA PLC modems, such as total and effective notch width, notch depth, maximum notch depth, etc. These measurements show that it is possible to obtain attenuations of up to about 45 dB for notches in all frequency bands, 10MHz, 20MHz and 30MHz. What differs for these three bands is the minimum number of carriers that need to be notched to obtain that maximum attenuation. This is an important point, since, to implement notches that have the required depth and width, one must know how many subcarriers to suppress and how deep these need to be reduced. High density PLC deployment requires the increase of overall system data rate. To achieve the higher data rates, frequency reuse in these systems is needed. In Chapter 7, we present the idea for using so-called blocking filters as a possible solution for a frequency reuse. Experimental data obtained on a real distribution network show that the use of blocking filters can, in certain cases, ensure high enough RF separation of the LV feeders belonging to the same substation. In some cases, even with the possibility to design and integrate effective blocking filters, the system needs to provide additional synchronization mechanisms for frequency reuse
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