2,928 research outputs found

    DC-Patch: A Microarchitectural Fault Patching Technique for GPU Register Files

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    The ever-increasing parallelism demand of General-Purpose Graphics Processing Unit (GPGPU) applications pushes toward larger and more energy-hungry register files in successive GPU generations. Reducing the supply voltage beyond its safe limit is an effective way to improve the energy efficiency of register files. However, at these operating voltages, the reliability of the circuit is compromised. This work aims to tolerate permanent faults from process variations in large GPU register files operating below the safe supply voltage limit. To do so, this paper proposes a microarchitectural patching technique, DC-Patch, exploiting the inherent data redundancy of applications to compress registers at run-time with neither compiler assistance nor instruction set modifications. Instead of disabling an entire faulty register file entry, DC-Patch leverages the reliable cells within a faulty entry to store compressed register values. Experimental results show that, with more than a third of faulty register entries, DC-Patch ensures a reliable operation of the register file and reduces the energy consumption by 47% with respect to a conventional register file working at nominal supply voltage. The energy savings are 21% compared to a voltage noise smoothing scheme operating at the safe supply voltage limit. These benefits are obtained with less than 2 and 6% impact on the system performance and area, respectively

    Reliable Software for Unreliable Hardware - A Cross-Layer Approach

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    A novel cross-layer reliability analysis, modeling, and optimization approach is proposed in this thesis that leverages multiple layers in the system design abstraction (i.e. hardware, compiler, system software, and application program) to exploit the available reliability enhancing potential at each system layer and to exchange this information across multiple system layers

    Hardware/software approaches for reducing the process variation impact on instruction fetches

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.As technology moves towards finer process geometries, it is becoming extremely difficult to control critical physical parameters such as channel length, gate oxide thickness, and dopant ion concentration. Variations in these parameters lead to dramatic variations in access latencies in Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) devices. This means that different lines of the same cache may have different access latencies. A simple solution to this problem is to adopt the worst-case latency paradigm. While this egalitarian cache management is simple, it may introduce significant performance overhead during instruction fetches when both address translation (instruction Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) access) and instruction cache access take place, making this solution infeasible for future high-performance processors. In this study, we first propose some hardware and software enhancements and then, based on those, investigate several techniques to mitigate the effect of process variation on the instruction fetch pipeline stage in modern processors. For address translation, we study an approach that performs the virtual-to-physical page translation once, then stores it in a special register, reusing it as long as the execution remains on the same instruction page. To handle varying access latencies across different instruction cache lines, we annotate the cache access latency of instructions within themselves to give the circuitry a hint about how long to wait for the next instruction to become available

    Techniques for Aging, Soft Errors and Temperature to Increase the Reliability of Embedded On-Chip Systems

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    This thesis investigates the challenge of providing an abstracted, yet sufficiently accurate reliability estimation for embedded on-chip systems. In addition, it also proposes new techniques to increase the reliability of register files within processors against aging effects and soft errors. It also introduces a novel thermal measurement setup that perspicuously captures the infrared images of modern multi-core processors

    Split Latency Allocator: Process Variation-Aware Register Access Latency Boost in a Near-Threshold Graphics Processing Unit

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    Over the last decade, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have been used extensively in gaming consoles, mobile phones, workstations and data centers, as they have exhibited immense performance improvement over CPUs, in graphics intensive applications. Due to their highly parallel architecture, general purpose GPUs (GPGPUs) have gained the foreground in applications where large data blocks can be processed in parallel. However, the performance improvement is constrained by a large power consumption. Likewise, Near Threshold Computing (NTC) has emerged as an energy-efficient design paradigm. Hence, operating GPUs at NTC seems like a plausible solution to counteract the high energy consumption. This work investigates the challenges associated with NTC operation of GPUs and proposes a low-power GPU design, Split Latency Allocator, to sustain the performance of GPGPU applications

    Coupling Latency-Insensitivity with Variable-Latency for Better Than Worst Case Design: A RISC Case Study

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    The gap between worst and typical case delays is bound to increase in nanometer scale technologies due to the spread in process manufacturing parameters. To still profit from scaling, designs should tolerate worst case delays seamlessly and with a minimum performance degradation with respect to the typical case. We present a simple RISC core which tolerates worst case extra latency using the Latency-Insensitive Design approach coupled to a Variable-Latency mechanism. Stalls caused by excessive delay, by data and control hazards and by late memory access are dealt with in a uniform way. Compared to a pure worst-case approach, our design method permits to increase the core clock frequency by 23% in a 45 nm CMOS technology, without area and power penalty

    An Aging-Aware GPU Register File Design Based on Data Redundancy

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    "© 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works."[EN] Nowadays, GPUs sit at the forefront of high-performance computing thanks to their massive computational capabilities. Internally, thousands of functional units, architected to be fed by large register files, fuel such a performance. At deep nanometer technologies, the SRAM memory cells that implement GPU register files are very sensitive to the Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) effect. NBTI ages cell transistors by degrading their threshold voltage Vth over the lifetime of the GPU. This degradation, which manifests when a cell keeps the same logic value for a relatively long period of time, compromises the cell read stability and increases the transistor switching delay, which can lead to wrong read values and eventually exceed the processor cycle time, respectively, so resulting in faulty operation. Thiswork proposes architectural mechanisms leveraging the redundancy of the data stored in GPU register files to attack NBTI aging. The proposed mechanisms are based on data compression, power gating, and register address rotation techniques. All these mechanismsworking together balance the distribution of logic values stored in the cells along the execution time, reducing both the overall Vth degradation and the increase in the transistor switching delays. Experimental results show that a conventional GPU register file suffers the worst case for NBTI, since a significant fraction of the cells maintain the same logic value during the entire application execution (i.e., a 100 percent '0' and '1' duty cycle distributions). On average, the proposal reduces these distributions by 58 and 68 percent, respectively, which translates into Vth degradation savings by 54 and 62 percent, respectively.This work was supported by the Gobierno de Aragon and the European ESF (gaZ: T58_17R research group), and by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and AEI/FEDER (EU) funds under Grants TIN2016-76635-C2-1-R and TIN2015-66972-C5-1-R.Valero Bresó, A.; Candel-Margaix, F.; Suárez-Gracia, D.; Petit Martí, SV.; Sahuquillo Borrás, J. (2019). An Aging-Aware GPU Register File Design Based on Data Redundancy. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 68(1):4-20. https://doi.org/10.1109/TC.2018.2849376S42068
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