13 research outputs found

    A phenomenon of digitalization and E-recruitment in business environment

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    Man lives in a global environment where new technologies, mainly digital, information and communication technology, is changing the possibilities and manner in which corporations produce and provide services their customers. Given the noticeable and quick progress and the increased reliance on modern technology, the question of how it is changing work, employment and processes, methods, approaches and processes related to human resources management field in today's corporations. This research paper presents part of a research focusing on the process of digitalization and e-recruitment in business environment in the Czech Republic. The aim of this contribution was to examine the present implementation of social media platforms in business practice in the context of the size and industry classification of the selected corporations in the Czech Republic. The research was conducted on the basis of a structured questionnaire survey available in printed form. Two research hypotheses have been formulated. The verification of null research hypotheses was performed through the statistical method of the Pearson’s Chi-square test. A research sample included 426 respondents (the employees of selected corporations in the Czech Republic that are active in and responsible for area of human resources). Main results of research confirmed a statistically significant relation between implementation of social media platforms in business practice and the size and industry classification of the selected corporations in the Czech Republic. © 2018, Czestochowa University of Technology. All rights reserved


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    Purpose. The relevance of considering and socio-philosophical analysis and reflection of technology as a phenomenon of social reality is of particular importance in the modern world in the context of a global pandemic, which brought the informatization of post-industrial society to a whole new level. In the article, a post-industrial society is also considered as a postmodern society, in which decentration and fragmentation come to replace the center and totality of the classical industrial Modern. In addition, the work indicates that, in a post-industrial society, under the catalytic influence of informatization processes, post-material values, that is, environmental imperatives and the values of the social state and civil liberties, are of particular importance.Tasks. To consider the development of post-industrial society in the context of technological breakthrough and to summarize the existing scientific experience on this issue.Methodology. As a result of applying the above theories and conceptual schemes, the accompanying processes of digitalization and mediatization of society and social structures fall into the focus of research interest along with the processes of informatization.Results. It is concluded that in a post-industrial society a technological breakthrough associated with the processes of informatization and digitalization leads to new risks for social actors.Practical implications. The results of the study of negative and positive trends and associated risks of informatization processes in modern conditions of globalization and digitalization of the life of individuals, taking into account the control of their activities by social structures, can be applied by various social structures in order to generalize and refine information, especially in the post-quarantine world.Цель. Актуальность социально-философского анализа и рефлексии технологии как феномена социальной реальности приобретает особую значимость в современном мире в условиях глобальной пандемии, которая вывела информатизацию постиндустриального общества на качественно новый уровень. В статье постиндустриальное общество рассматривается также как общество постмодерна, в котором на смену центрации и тотальности классического индустриального Модерна приходят децентрация и фрагментация. Кроме того, в работе указано, что, в постиндустриальном обществе под каталитическим воздействием процессов информатизации особую значимость приобретают постматериальные ценности, то есть экологические императивы, ценности социального государства, и гражданских свобод.Задачи. Рассмотреть развитие постиндустриального общества в контексте техногенного прорыва и обобщить уже имеющийся научный опыт по данной проблематике.Методы. В результате применения вышеуказанных теорий и концептуальных схем в фокус исследовательского интереса вместе с процессами информатизации попадают сопутствующие процессы цифровизации и медиатизации общества и социальных структур.Результаты. Сделан вывод о том, что в постиндустриальном обществе технологический прорыв, связанный с процессами информатизации и цифровизации, приводит к появлению новых рисков для социальных субъектов.Область применения результатов. Результаты исследования негативных и позитивных тенденций и сопутствующих рисков процессов информатизации в современных условиях глобализации и цифровизации жизнедеятельности индивидов с учетом контроля за их деятельностью со стороны социальных структур могут быть применены различными социальными структурами с целью обобщения и уточнения информации, особенно в условиях посткарантинного мира

    Digital Transformation, Applications, and Vulnerabilities in Maritime and Shipbuilding Ecosystems

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    The evolution of maritime and shipbuilding supply chains toward digital ecosystems increases operational complexity and needs reliable communication and coordination. As labor and suppliers shift to digital platforms, interconnection, information transparency, and decentralized choices become ubiquitous. In this sense, Industry 4.0 enables "smart digitalization"in these environments. Many applications exist in two distinct but interrelated areas related to shipbuilding design and shipyard operational performance. New digital tools, such as virtual prototypes and augmented reality, begin to be used in the design phases, during the commissioning/quality control activities, and for training workers and crews. An application relates to using Virtual Prototypes and Augmented Reality during all the design and construction phases. Another application relates to the cybersecurity protection of operational networks that support shipbuilding supply chains that ensures the flow of material and labor to the shipyards. This protection requires a holistic approach to evaluate their vulnerability and understand ripple effects. This paper presents the applications of Industry 4.0 for the areas mentioned above. The first case in shipbuilding design is an example of how the virtual prototype of a ship, together with wearable devices enabling augmented reality, can be used for the quality control of the construction of ship systems. For the second case, we propose developing an artificial intelligence-based cybersecurity supply network framework that characterizes and monitors shipbuilding supply networks and determines ripple effects from disruptions caused by cyberattacks. This framework extends a novel risk management framework developed by Diaz and Smith and Smith and Diaz that considers complex tiered networks

    Digital Transformation, Applications, and Vulnerabilities in Maritime and Shipbuilding Ecosystems

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    The evolution of maritime and shipbuilding supply chains toward digital ecosystems increases operational complexity and needs reliable communication and coordination. As labor and suppliers shift to digital platforms, interconnection, information transparency, and decentralized choices become ubiquitous. In this sense, Industry 4.0 enables smart digitalization in these environments. Many applications exist in two distinct but interrelated areas related to shipbuilding design and shipyard operational performance. New digital tools, such as virtual prototypes and augmented reality, begin to be used in the design phases, during the commissioning/quality control activities, and for training workers and crews. An application relates to using Virtual Prototypes and Augmented Reality during all the design and construction phases. Another application relates to the cybersecurity protection of operational networks that support shipbuilding supply chains that ensures the flow of material and labor to the shipyards. This protection requires a holistic approach to evaluate their vulnerability and understand ripple effects. This paper presents the applications of Industry 4.0 for the areas mentioned above. The first case in shipbuilding design is an example of how the virtual prototype of a ship, together with wearable devices enabling augmented reality, can be used for the quality control of the construction of ship systems. For the second case, we propose developing an artificial intelligence-based cybersecurity supply network framework that characterizes and monitors shipbuilding supply networks and determines ripple effects from disruptions caused by cyberattacks. This framework extends a novel risk management framework developed by Diaz and Smith and Smith and Diaz that considers complex tiered networks

    Theoretical framework of the Industry 4.0 risks from sustainability perspective

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    Industry 4.0 is a topic little discussed today, especially in relation to the possible negative risks generated by it. In this way, this work aims to raise and discuss the risks of the Fourth Industrial Revolution currently found in the literature from a sustainability perspective and develop a theoretical framework to represent them. For this, a methodology of systematic analysis of the literature was used to relate the relevant works to the theme and thus to discuss them. Two databases (Scopus and Web of Science) were used in which 7772 articles were evaluated, of which 66 were used for the discussion. The 28 risks found were grouped into four dimensions (Economic Risks, Social Risks, Environmental Risks, and Technological Risks) where their relationships were studied and represent in the theoretical framework constructed. In this way, in addition to contributing to the academy building more theoretical contribution to the theme, the risks raised can help managers and companies to checkpoints of attention before implanting technologies and concepts of industry 4.0.


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    RESUMOA Indústria 4.0 é um tema em ascensão tanto no meio acadêmico como no contexto prático de empresas. As pesquisas atuais focam seus esforços nos estudos dos benefícios dos conceitos e tecnologias envolvidos no conceito da Quarta Revolução Industrial, no entanto, poucas procuram entender quais os pontos negativos. Dessa forma, através de uma revisão bibliográfica sistematizada realizada em janeiro de 2019, esse estudo procura entender quais são riscos em evidência na literatura que empresas do setor industrial podem enfrentar no contexto da Indústria 4.0. Foram selecionados 66 artigos através das bases de dados Scopus e Web of Science, os quais foram bibliometricamente estudados em relação aos autores e periódicos mais relevantes. Em seguida, estudando os 28 riscos mapeados na literatura por Soltovski et al. (2019), foi possível entender quais são mais representativos na literatura na perspectiva da sustentabilidade (ambiental, econômico e social) e na perspectiva tecnológica. De forma geral, descobrimos que os riscos relacionados à conectividade, como cyber atacks e vazamento de dados privados através de tecnologias, como Internet das Coisas, são os mais discutidos na literatura. Além disso, constatamos que existe carência de estudos na perspectiva ambiental e econômica. Por fim, foram sumarizadas contribuições gerenciais e potenciais direcionamentos para futuros pesquisadores.Palavras-chave: Indústria 4.0. Sustentabilidade. Gestão de Risco. ABSTRACTIndustry 4.0 is a growing topic, both in academia and in the practical context of companies. Current research focuses its efforts on studies of benefits and technologies involved in the concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, however, they rarely understand what the negative points are. Thus, through a systematic literature review conducted in January 2019, this study can understand what are the risks in evidence in the literature that companies in the industrial sector may face in the context of Industry 4.0. 66 articles were selected on the Scopus and Web of Science databases, which are the bibliometrically studied in relation to the most relevant authors and journals. Then, studying the 28 risks mapped in the literature by Soltovski et al. (2019), it was possible to understand which are the most representative in the literature from the perspective of sustainability (environmental, economic and social) and from a technological perspective. In general, we found that risks related to connectivity such as cyber attacks and data leakage are using technologies like the Internet of Things that are most discussed in the literature. In addition, we note that there is a lack of studies from an environmental and economic perspective. Finally, managerial contributions were summarized and directed to future researchers.Keywords: Industry 4.0. Sustainability. Risk Management

    O desafio da segurança da informação no contexto da indústria 4.0

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    Mestrado em Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoTemos assistido a várias iniciativas governamentais em Portugal para fomentar a Indústria 4.0 na realidade empresarial. Muitas são as empresas que têm aderido, através de iniciativas de pacotes lançados no programa Portugal 2020. Mas coloca-se a seguinte questão: até que ponto essas iniciativas, principalmente quando fomentadas pelas entidades governamentais, deveriam acautelar a proteção da informação das empresas, incentivando a implementação das boas práticas de segurança da informação, acima de tudo? Recorrendo a entrevistas a especialistas em sistemas de informação e em implementação dos conceitos da I4.0 de algumas empresas portuguesas do sector industrial, foi possível evidenciar a existência de fundamento na questão colocada. Sendo o conceito "segurança da informação" muito abrangente, limitou-se o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, à preocupação com a segurança da informação estratégica, de conceção e desenvolvimento do produto, de processos de produção (quer a nível de produto, quer a nível de processo) e de modelos de gestão. Este trabalho foi importante para as empresas entrevistadas, na medida que as sensibilizou para a existência de uma norma, nomeadamente a ISO/IEC 27001, que as poderá auxiliar na gestão da segurança da informação. Contribui ainda, para evidenciar a necessidade do reforço por parte das entidades governamentais, de medidas de implementação de boas práticas no âmbito da gestão da segurança da informação, no contexto de projectos financiados relacionados com a I4.0, lançando ainda a sugestão de aplicação como requisito fundamental, para a aprovação ou encerramento de projectos, a certificação na norma ISO/IEC 27001.We have attended various governmental initiatives in Portugal to foster Industry 4.0 in business reality. There are many companies that have joined, through package initiatives launched in the Portugal 2020 program. But the question emerges: to what extent should such initiatives, especially when encouraged by government agencies, be concerned with protection of corporate information by encouraging the implementation of good information security practices above all else? Using interviews with specialists in information systems and in the implementation of the concepts of I4.0 of some Portuguese industrial sector companies, it was possible to evidence the existence of a foundation in the question posed. Since the concept of "information security" is very broad, the development of this work was limited to the concern with security of strategic information, product design and development, production processes (product and process level) and management models. This work was important for the companies interviewed, as it made them aware of the existence of a standard, namely ISO / IEC 27001, which could help them in the management of information security. It also contributes to highlight the need for government bodies to reinforce measures to implement good practices in the area of information security management in the context of funded projects related with I4.0. It also proposes the application of ISO / IEC 27001 as a fundamental requirement for the approval or closure of projects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development and validation of an instrument to measure the perceived benefits of digitalization in manufacturing

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    Digitalization in manufacturing can help the firm to improve output and reduce costs. This work reports on the development, testing, and validation of an instrument to measure the perceived benefits of digitalization in manufacturing. The item was developed based on a comprehensive literature review and qualitative investigation from practitioners who are actively engaged in taking decisions/implementing digitalization in Indian manufacturing. Exploratory factor analysis of data from 234 practitioners yielded 5 factors of perceived benefits of digitalization in manufacturing: real-time monitoring; data governance; eco-positivity; resiliency and agility; and embedded/automated control. The results of confirmatory factor analysis on a different sample of 235 practitioners supported the stability of this 5-factor structure. The empirical results confirm the high reliability and construct validity of the newly developed instrument by achieving discriminant, convergent, nomological and predictive validity. Furthermore, this research provides a self-diagnostic tool for manufacturing firms to assess the existing capability and prioritize digitalization efforts for maximum benefits over time

    Melhoria do processo de gestão de informação no suporte ao controlo de qualidade numa empresa do ramo automóvel

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    O presente trabalho aborda a realização de uma ferramenta digital online com base no software Microsoft SharePoint e no Microsoft Power Automate com o foco em melhorar a gestão da informação associada ao fluxo de amostras de componentes eletrónicos numa empresa do setor automóvel, mais concretamente no Testing Centre da Yazaki Saltano, localizada em Ovar. A situação atual apresenta problemas na medida em que está demasiado dependente de documentação física, o que leva a uma acumulação da mesma e a um dispêndio de tempo relacionado com a sua organização. Para além disto, não existe um método de comunicação standardizado com os clientes, pelo que também existe assim uma fonte de erros e desperdício de tempo. Existe também atualmente um sistema de rastreio manual, pelo que existem desperdícios de tempo relacionados com a verificação da chegada de amostras. Deste modo foram estudados os vários processos dentro do Testing Centre, analisando e idealizando como consistiria a ferramenta a ser criada. Mais tarde, já na fase de realização da ferramenta em si, esta foi sendo adaptada a cada uma das áreas, sendo que cada teria um subsite de SharePoint dedicado à atividade da mesma. Foram também criados formulários para a entrada de dados, normalizando a este processo e garantindo que toda a informação necessária seria introduzida. A ligação entre os vários formulários e os subsites é realizada através de fluxos criados no Power Automate. Após a implementação foram notadas melhorias face aos processos anteriores, tanto a nível qualitativo, como a eliminação de tarefas que não geravam valor e a simplificação de outras atividades, como a nível quantitativo, onde se verificou uma redução significativa da utilização de papel e de documentação física existente, assim como a redução de tempos improdutivos que eram decorrentes das atividades que não geravam valor que, entretanto, foram eliminadas.The present document addresses the creation of a digital and online tool based on the software Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Power Automate, with focus on the improvement of the management of the information associated with the flux of samples from electronic components in a company from the automotive industry, more precisely in the Testing Centre of Yazaki Saltano, located in Ovar. The current situations showcases problems in the sense that it is too dependent on physical documentation, which leads to an accumulation of said documents and to time wasting related to its organization. Besides that, there is not a standard method of communication with the clients, which consists as a source of errors and time waste. Currently there is also a manual tracking system, generating a waste of time related with the verification of the samples’ arrival. With this in account, a studys of the several processes inside of the Testing Centre was conducted, analysing and idealizing how the tool to be created would be. Later on, in the tool creation phase, it was continuosly adapted to each one of the Testing Centre’s areas, given that each would have a SharePoint subsite dedicated to its activity. Forms were also created for data entry, normalizing this process and guaranteeing that all the necessary information is introduced. The connection between the several forms and subsites is ensured by flows created in Power Automate. After the implementation, improvements were noticed when compared to the previous processes, both at a qualitative level, such as the elimination of tasks that did not generate value and the simplification of other activities, and at a quantitative level, where a reduction in the usage of paper and physical documentation was noted as well as the reduction of improductive times that ocurred due to the non-value generating activities that were since eliminated