138 research outputs found

    Mining High Utility Patterns Over Data Streams

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    Mining useful patterns from sequential data is a challenging topic in data mining. An important task for mining sequential data is sequential pattern mining, which discovers sequences of itemsets that frequently appear in a sequence database. In sequential pattern mining, the selection of sequences is generally based on the frequency/support framework. However, most of the patterns returned by sequential pattern mining may not be informative enough to business people and are not particularly related to a business objective. In view of this, high utility sequential pattern (HUSP) mining has emerged as a novel research topic in data mining recently. The main objective of HUSP mining is to extract valuable and useful sequential patterns from data by considering the utility of a pattern that captures a business objective (e.g., profit, users interest). In HUSP mining, the goal is to find sequences whose utility in the database is no less than a user-specified minimum utility threshold. Nowadays, many applications generate a huge volume of data in the form of data streams. A number of studies have been conducted on mining HUSPs, but they are mainly intended for non-streaming data and thus do not take data stream characteristics into consideration. Mining HUSP from such data poses many challenges. First, it is infeasible to keep all streaming data in the memory due to the high volume of data accumulated over time. Second, mining algorithms need to process the arriving data in real time with one scan of data. Third, depending on the minimum utility threshold value, the number of patterns returned by a HUSP mining algorithm can be large and overwhelms the user. In general, it is hard for the user to determine the value for the threshold. Thus, algorithms that can find the most valuable patterns (i.e., top-k high utility patterns) are more desirable. Mining the most valuable patterns is interesting in both static data and data streams. To address these research limitations and challenges, this dissertation proposes techniques and algorithms for mining high utility sequential patterns over data streams. We work on mining HUSPs over both a long portion of a data stream and a short period of time. We also work on how to efficiently identify the most significant high utility patterns (namely, the top-k high utility patterns) over data streams. In the first part, we explore a fundamental problem that is how the limited memory space can be well utilized to produce high quality HUSPs over the entire data stream. An approximation algorithm, called MAHUSP, is designed which employs memory adaptive mechanisms to use a bounded portion of memory, to efficiently discover HUSPs over the entire data streams. The second part of the dissertation presents a new sliding window-based algorithm to discover recent high utility sequential patterns over data streams. A novel data structure named HUSP-Tree is proposed to maintain the essential information for mining recenT HUSPs. An efficient and single-pass algorithm named HUSP-Stream is proposed to generate recent HUSPs from HUSP-Tree. The third part addresses the problem of top-k high utility pattern mining over data streams. Two novel methods, named T-HUDS and T-HUSP, for finding top-k high utility patterns over a data stream are proposed. T-HUDS discovers top-k high utility itemsets and T-HUSP discovers top-k high utility sequential patterns over a data stream. T-HUDS is based on a compressed tree structure, called HUDS-Tree, that can be used to efficiently find potential top-k high utility itemsets over data streams. T-HUSP incrementally maintains the content of top-k HUSPs in a data stream in a summary data structure, named TKList, and discovers top-k HUSPs efficiently. All of the algorithms are evaluated using both synthetic and real datasets. The performances, including the running time, memory consumption, precision, recall and Fmeasure, are compared. In order to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed methods in reallife applications, the fourth part of this dissertation presents applications of one of the proposed methods (i.e., MAHUSP) to extract meaningful patterns from a real web clickstream dataset and a real biosequence dataset. The utility-based sequential patterns are compared with the patterns in the frequency/support framework. The results show that high utility sequential pattern mining provides meaningful patterns in real-life applications

    Pattern mining under different conditions

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    New requirements and demands on pattern mining arise in modern applications, which cannot be fulfilled using conventional methods. For example, in scientific research, scientists are more interested in unknown knowledge, which usually hides in significant but not frequent patterns. However, existing itemset mining algorithms are designed for very frequent patterns. Furthermore, scientists need to repeat an experiment many times to ensure reproducibility. A series of datasets are generated at once, waiting for clustering, which can contain an unknown number of clusters with various densities and shapes. Using existing clustering algorithms is time-consuming because parameter tuning is necessary for each dataset. Many scientific datasets are extremely noisy. They contain considerably more noises than in-cluster data points. Most existing clustering algorithms can only handle noises up to a moderate level. Temporal pattern mining is also important in scientific research. Existing temporal pattern mining algorithms only consider pointbased events. However, most activities in the real-world are interval-based with a starting and an ending timestamp. This thesis developed novel pattern mining algorithms for various data mining tasks under different conditions. The first part of this thesis investigates the problem of mining less frequent itemsets in transactional datasets. In contrast to existing frequent itemset mining algorithms, this part focus on itemsets that occurred not that frequent. Algorithms NIIMiner, RaCloMiner, and LSCMiner are proposed to identify such kind of itemsets efficiently. NIIMiner utilizes the negative itemset tree to extract all patterns that occurred less than a given support threshold in a top-down depth-first manner. RaCloMiner combines existing bottom-up frequent itemset mining algorithms with a top-down itemset mining algorithm to achieve a better performance in mining less frequent patterns. LSCMiner investigates the problem of mining less frequent closed patterns. The second part of this thesis studied the problem of interval-based temporal pattern mining in the stream environment. Interval-based temporal patterns are sequential patterns in which each event is aligned with a starting and ending temporal information. The ability to handle interval-based events and stream data is lacking in existing approaches. A novel intervalbased temporal pattern mining algorithm for stream data is described in this part. The last part of this thesis studies new problems in clustering on numeric datasets. The first problem tackled in this part is shape alternation adaptivity in clustering. In applications such as scientific data analysis, scientists need to deal with a series of datasets generated from one experiment. Cluster sizes and shapes are different in those datasets. A kNN density-based clustering algorithm, kadaClus, is proposed to provide the shape alternation adaptability so that users do not need to tune parameters for each dataset. The second problem studied in this part is clustering in an extremely noisy dataset. Many real-world datasets contain considerably more noises than in-cluster data points. A novel clustering algorithm, kenClus, is proposed to identify clusters in arbitrary shapes from extremely noisy datasets. Both clustering algorithms are kNN-based, which only require one parameter k. In each part, the efficiency and effectiveness of the presented techniques are thoroughly analyzed. Intensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets are conducted to show the benefits of the proposed algorithms over conventional approaches

    An Approach for Mining Top-k High Utility Item Sets (HUI)

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    Itemsets have been extracted by utilising high utility item (HUI) mining, which provides more benefits to the consumer. This could be one of the significant domains in data mining and be resourceful for several real-time implementations. Even though modern HUI mining algorithms may identify item sets that meet the minimum utility threshold, However, fixing the minimum threshold utility value has not been a simple task, and often it is intricate for the consumers when we keep the minimum utility value low. It might generate a massive amount of itemsets, and when the value is at its maximum, it might provide a smaller amount of itemsets. To avoid these issues, top-k HUI mining, where k represents the number of HUIs to be identified, has been proposed. Further, in this manuscript, the authors projected an algorithm called the top-k exact utility (TKEU) algorithm, which works without computing and comparing transaction weighted utilisation (TWU) values and deliberates the individual utility item values for deriving the top-k HUI. The datasets are pre-processed by the proposed algorithm to lessen the system memory space and to provide optimal outcomes for condensed datasets

    PHUIMUS: A Potential High Utility Itemsets Mining Algorithm Based on Stream Data with Uncertainty

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    High utility itemsets (HUIs) mining has been a hot topic recently, which can be used to mine the profitable itemsets by considering both the quantity and profit factors. Up to now, researches on HUIs mining over uncertain datasets and data stream had been studied respectively. However, to the best of our knowledge, the issue of HUIs mining over uncertain data stream is seldom studied. In this paper, PHUIMUS (potential high utility itemsets mining over uncertain data stream) algorithm is proposed to mine potential high utility itemsets (PHUIs) that represent the itemsets with high utilities and high existential probabilities over uncertain data stream based on sliding windows. To realize the algorithm, potential utility list over uncertain data stream (PUS-list) is designed to mine PHUIs without rescanning the analyzed uncertain data stream. And transaction weighted probability and utility tree (TWPUS-tree) over uncertain data stream is also designed to decrease the number of candidate itemsets generated by the PHUIMUS algorithm. Substantial experiments are conducted in terms of run-time, number of discovered PHUIs, memory consumption, and scalability on real-life and synthetic databases. The results show that our proposed algorithm is reasonable and acceptable for mining meaningful PHUIs from uncertain data streams

    Event detection from social network streams using frequent pattern mining with dynamic support values

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    Detecting events from streams of data is challenging due to the characteristics of such streams: data elements arrive in real-time and at high velocity, and the size of the streams is typically unbounded while it is not possible to backtrack over past data elements or maintain and review the entire history. Social networks are a good source for event identification as they generate huge amount of timely information representing what users are posting and discussing. In this research, we are developing methods for event detection from streams of data. More specifically, we are presenting a framework for detecting the daily occurring events or topics occurring in social network streams related to major events. Our approach utilizes the Frequent Pattern Mining method to detect the daily occurring frequent patterns, which are going to be our detected events. In addition, we propose a dynamic support definition method to replace the fixed given one. An experiment was run on two streams relating to two different major events to examine the detected events and to test our support definition method. The UK General Elections 2015 stream holds more than one million tweets, and the Greece Crisis 2015 stream contains more than 150k tweets. The detected events were evaluated against news headlines published the same day the event was found. The results revealed that the higher the streaming level (bigger window size), the more accurate the detected events. We also show that for too small sized windows, a more strict support definition method is needed to avoid detecting false or insignificant events

    Efficient itemset generator discovery over a stream sliding window

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    ABSTRACT Mining generator patterns has raised great research interest in recent years. The main purpose of mining itemset generators is that they can form equivalence classes together with closed itemsets, and can be used to generate simple classification rules according to the MDL principle. In this paper, we devise an efficient algorithm called StreamGen to mine frequent itemset generators over a stream sliding window. We adopt a novel enumeration tree structure to help keep the information of mined generators and the border between generators and non-generators, and propose some optimization techniques to speed up the mining process. We further extend the algorithm to directly mine a set of high quality classification rules over stream sliding windows while keeping high performance. The extensive performance study shows that our algorithm outperforms other state-of-the-art algorithms which perform similar tasks in terms of both runtime and memory usage efficiency, and has high utility in terms of classification

    Collaborative Planning and Event Monitoring Over Supply Chain Network

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    The shifting paradigm of supply chain management is manifesting increasing reliance on automated collaborative planning and event monitoring through information-bounded interaction across organizations. An end-to-end support for the course of actions is turning vital in faster incident response and proactive decision making. Many current platforms exhibit limitations to handle supply chain planning and monitoring in decentralized setting where participants may divide their responsibilities and share computational load of the solution generation. In this thesis, we investigate modeling and solution generation techniques for shared commodity delivery planning and event monitoring problems in a collaborative setting. In particular, we first elaborate a new model of Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP) to jointly serve customer demands using multiple vehicles followed by a heuristic technique to search near-optimal solutions for such problem instances. Secondly, we propose two distributed mechanisms, namely: Passive Learning and Active Negotiation, to find near-optimal MDVRP solutions while executing the heuristic algorithm at the participant's side. Thirdly, we illustrate a collaboration mechanism to cost-effectively deploy execution monitors over supply chain network in order to collect in-field plan execution data. Finally, we describe a distributed approach to collaboratively monitor associations among recent events from an incoming stream of plan execution data. Experimental results over known datasets demonstrate the efficiency of the approaches to handle medium and large problem instances. The work has also produced considerable knowledge on the collaborative transportation planning and execution event monitoring
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