197 research outputs found

    Mining High Utility Patterns Over Data Streams

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    Mining useful patterns from sequential data is a challenging topic in data mining. An important task for mining sequential data is sequential pattern mining, which discovers sequences of itemsets that frequently appear in a sequence database. In sequential pattern mining, the selection of sequences is generally based on the frequency/support framework. However, most of the patterns returned by sequential pattern mining may not be informative enough to business people and are not particularly related to a business objective. In view of this, high utility sequential pattern (HUSP) mining has emerged as a novel research topic in data mining recently. The main objective of HUSP mining is to extract valuable and useful sequential patterns from data by considering the utility of a pattern that captures a business objective (e.g., profit, users interest). In HUSP mining, the goal is to find sequences whose utility in the database is no less than a user-specified minimum utility threshold. Nowadays, many applications generate a huge volume of data in the form of data streams. A number of studies have been conducted on mining HUSPs, but they are mainly intended for non-streaming data and thus do not take data stream characteristics into consideration. Mining HUSP from such data poses many challenges. First, it is infeasible to keep all streaming data in the memory due to the high volume of data accumulated over time. Second, mining algorithms need to process the arriving data in real time with one scan of data. Third, depending on the minimum utility threshold value, the number of patterns returned by a HUSP mining algorithm can be large and overwhelms the user. In general, it is hard for the user to determine the value for the threshold. Thus, algorithms that can find the most valuable patterns (i.e., top-k high utility patterns) are more desirable. Mining the most valuable patterns is interesting in both static data and data streams. To address these research limitations and challenges, this dissertation proposes techniques and algorithms for mining high utility sequential patterns over data streams. We work on mining HUSPs over both a long portion of a data stream and a short period of time. We also work on how to efficiently identify the most significant high utility patterns (namely, the top-k high utility patterns) over data streams. In the first part, we explore a fundamental problem that is how the limited memory space can be well utilized to produce high quality HUSPs over the entire data stream. An approximation algorithm, called MAHUSP, is designed which employs memory adaptive mechanisms to use a bounded portion of memory, to efficiently discover HUSPs over the entire data streams. The second part of the dissertation presents a new sliding window-based algorithm to discover recent high utility sequential patterns over data streams. A novel data structure named HUSP-Tree is proposed to maintain the essential information for mining recenT HUSPs. An efficient and single-pass algorithm named HUSP-Stream is proposed to generate recent HUSPs from HUSP-Tree. The third part addresses the problem of top-k high utility pattern mining over data streams. Two novel methods, named T-HUDS and T-HUSP, for finding top-k high utility patterns over a data stream are proposed. T-HUDS discovers top-k high utility itemsets and T-HUSP discovers top-k high utility sequential patterns over a data stream. T-HUDS is based on a compressed tree structure, called HUDS-Tree, that can be used to efficiently find potential top-k high utility itemsets over data streams. T-HUSP incrementally maintains the content of top-k HUSPs in a data stream in a summary data structure, named TKList, and discovers top-k HUSPs efficiently. All of the algorithms are evaluated using both synthetic and real datasets. The performances, including the running time, memory consumption, precision, recall and Fmeasure, are compared. In order to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed methods in reallife applications, the fourth part of this dissertation presents applications of one of the proposed methods (i.e., MAHUSP) to extract meaningful patterns from a real web clickstream dataset and a real biosequence dataset. The utility-based sequential patterns are compared with the patterns in the frequency/support framework. The results show that high utility sequential pattern mining provides meaningful patterns in real-life applications

    Extraction of High Utility Itemsets using Utility Pattern with Genetic Algorithm from OLTP System

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    To analyse vast amount of data, Frequent pattern mining play an important role in data mining. In practice, Frequent pattern mining cannot meet the challenges of real world problems due to items differ in various measures. Hence an emerging technique called Utility-based data mining is used in data mining processes.The utility mining not only considers the frequency but also see the utility associated with the itemsets.The main objective of utility mining is to extract the itemsets with high utilities, by considering user preferences such as profit,quantity and cost from OLTP systems. In our proposed approach, we are using UP growth with Genetic Algorithm. The idea is that UP growth algorithm would generate Potentially High Utility Itemsets and Genetic Algorithm would optimize and provide the High Utility Item set from it. On comparing with existing algorithm, the proposed approach is performing better in terms of memory utilization. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15039

    Distributed context discovering for predictive modeling

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    Click prediction has applications in various areas such as advertising, search and online sales. Usually user-intent information such as query terms and previous click history is used in click prediction. However, this information is not always available. For example, there are no queries from users on the webpages of content publishers, such as personal blogs. The available information for click prediction in this scenario are implicitly derived from users, such as visiting time and IP address. Thus, the existing approaches utilizing user-intent information may be inapplicable in this scenario; and the click prediction problem in this scenario remains unexplored to our knowledge. In addition, the challenges in handling skewed data streams also exist in prediction, since there is often a heavy traffic on webpages and few visitors click on them. In this thesis, we propose to use the pattern-based classification approach to tackle the click prediction problem. Attributes in webpage visits are combined by a pattern mining algorithm to enhance their power in prediction. To make the pattern-based classification handle skewed data streams, we adopt a sliding window to capture recent data, and an undersampling technique to handle the skewness. As a side problem raised by the pattern-based approach, mining patterns from large datasets is addressed by a distributed pattern sampling algorithm proposed by us. This algorithm shows its scalability in experiments. We validate our pattern-based approach in click prediction on a real-world dataset from a Dutch portal website. The experiments show our pattern-based approach can achieve an average AUC of 0.675 over a period of 36 days with a 5-day sized sliding window, which surpasses the baseline, a statically trained classification model without patterns by 0.002. Besides, the average weighted F-measure of our approach is 0.009 higher than the baseline. Therefore, our proposed approach can slightly improve classification performance; yet whether this improvement worth deployment in real scenarios remains a question. Click prediction has applications in various areas such as advertising, search and online sales. Usually user-intent information such as query terms and previous click history is used in click prediction. However, this information is not always available. For example, there are no queries from users on the webpages of content publishers, such as personal blogs. The available information for click prediction in this scenario are implicitly derived from users, such as visiting time and IP address. Thus, the existing approaches utilizing user-intent information may be inapplicable in this scenario; and the click prediction problem in this scenario remains unexplored to our knowledge. In addition, the challenges in handling skewed data streams also exist in prediction, since there is often a heavy traffic on webpages and few visitors click on them. In this thesis, we propose to use the pattern-based classification approach to tackle the click prediction problem. Attributes in webpage visits are combined by a pattern mining algorithm to enhance their power in prediction. To make the pattern-based classification handle skewed data streams, we adopt a sliding window to capture recent data, and an undersampling technique to handle the skewness. As a side problem raised by the pattern-based approach, mining patterns from large datasets is addressed by a distributed pattern sampling algorithm proposed by us. This algorithm shows its scalability in experiments. We validate our pattern-based approach in click prediction on a real-world dataset from a Dutch portal website. The experiments show our pattern-based approach can achieve an average AUC of 0.675 over a period of 36 days with a 5-day sized sliding window, which surpasses the baseline, a statically trained classification model without patterns by 0.002. Besides, the average weighted F-measure of our approach is 0.009 higher than the baseline. Therefore, our proposed approach can slightly improve classification performance; yet whether this improvement worth deployment in real scenarios remains a question

    A new data stream mining algorithm for interestingness-rich association rules

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    Frequent itemset mining and association rule generation is a challenging task in data stream. Even though, various algorithms have been proposed to solve the issue, it has been found out that only frequency does not decides the significance interestingness of the mined itemset and hence the association rules. This accelerates the algorithms to mine the association rules based on utility i.e. proficiency of the mined rules. However, fewer algorithms exist in the literature to deal with the utility as most of them deals with reducing the complexity in frequent itemset/association rules mining algorithm. Also, those few algorithms consider only the overall utility of the association rules and not the consistency of the rules throughout a defined number of periods. To solve this issue, in this paper, an enhanced association rule mining algorithm is proposed. The algorithm introduces new weightage validation in the conventional association rule mining algorithms to validate the utility and its consistency in the mined association rules. The utility is validated by the integrated calculation of the cost/price efficiency of the itemsets and its frequency. The consistency validation is performed at every defined number of windows using the probability distribution function, assuming that the weights are normally distributed. Hence, validated and the obtained rules are frequent and utility efficient and their interestingness are distributed throughout the entire time period. The algorithm is implemented and the resultant rules are compared against the rules that can be obtained from conventional mining algorithms

    Pattern mining under different conditions

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    New requirements and demands on pattern mining arise in modern applications, which cannot be fulfilled using conventional methods. For example, in scientific research, scientists are more interested in unknown knowledge, which usually hides in significant but not frequent patterns. However, existing itemset mining algorithms are designed for very frequent patterns. Furthermore, scientists need to repeat an experiment many times to ensure reproducibility. A series of datasets are generated at once, waiting for clustering, which can contain an unknown number of clusters with various densities and shapes. Using existing clustering algorithms is time-consuming because parameter tuning is necessary for each dataset. Many scientific datasets are extremely noisy. They contain considerably more noises than in-cluster data points. Most existing clustering algorithms can only handle noises up to a moderate level. Temporal pattern mining is also important in scientific research. Existing temporal pattern mining algorithms only consider pointbased events. However, most activities in the real-world are interval-based with a starting and an ending timestamp. This thesis developed novel pattern mining algorithms for various data mining tasks under different conditions. The first part of this thesis investigates the problem of mining less frequent itemsets in transactional datasets. In contrast to existing frequent itemset mining algorithms, this part focus on itemsets that occurred not that frequent. Algorithms NIIMiner, RaCloMiner, and LSCMiner are proposed to identify such kind of itemsets efficiently. NIIMiner utilizes the negative itemset tree to extract all patterns that occurred less than a given support threshold in a top-down depth-first manner. RaCloMiner combines existing bottom-up frequent itemset mining algorithms with a top-down itemset mining algorithm to achieve a better performance in mining less frequent patterns. LSCMiner investigates the problem of mining less frequent closed patterns. The second part of this thesis studied the problem of interval-based temporal pattern mining in the stream environment. Interval-based temporal patterns are sequential patterns in which each event is aligned with a starting and ending temporal information. The ability to handle interval-based events and stream data is lacking in existing approaches. A novel intervalbased temporal pattern mining algorithm for stream data is described in this part. The last part of this thesis studies new problems in clustering on numeric datasets. The first problem tackled in this part is shape alternation adaptivity in clustering. In applications such as scientific data analysis, scientists need to deal with a series of datasets generated from one experiment. Cluster sizes and shapes are different in those datasets. A kNN density-based clustering algorithm, kadaClus, is proposed to provide the shape alternation adaptability so that users do not need to tune parameters for each dataset. The second problem studied in this part is clustering in an extremely noisy dataset. Many real-world datasets contain considerably more noises than in-cluster data points. A novel clustering algorithm, kenClus, is proposed to identify clusters in arbitrary shapes from extremely noisy datasets. Both clustering algorithms are kNN-based, which only require one parameter k. In each part, the efficiency and effectiveness of the presented techniques are thoroughly analyzed. Intensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets are conducted to show the benefits of the proposed algorithms over conventional approaches
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