707 research outputs found

    Mining user relations from online discussions using sentiment analysis and probabilistic matrix factorization

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    Advances in sentiment analysis have enabled extraction of user relations implied in online textual exchanges such as forum posts. However, recent studies in this direction only consider direct relation extraction from text. As user interactions can be sparse in online discussions, we propose to apply collaborative filtering through probabilistic matrix factorization to generalize and improve the opinion matrices extracted from forum posts. Experiments with two tasks show that the learned latent factor representation can give good performance on a relation polarity prediction task and improve the performance of a subgroup detection task.

    Learning domain-specific sentiment lexicons with applications to recommender systems

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    Search is now going beyond looking for factual information, and people wish to search for the opinions of others to help them in their own decision-making. Sentiment expressions or opinion expressions are used by users to express their opinion and embody important pieces of information, particularly in online commerce. The main problem that the present dissertation addresses is how to model text to find meaningful words that express a sentiment. In this context, I investigate the viability of automatically generating a sentiment lexicon for opinion retrieval and sentiment classification applications. For this research objective we propose to capture sentiment words that are derived from online users’ reviews. In this approach, we tackle a major challenge in sentiment analysis which is the detection of words that express subjective preference and domain-specific sentiment words such as jargon. To this aim we present a fully generative method that automatically learns a domain-specific lexicon and is fully independent of external sources. Sentiment lexicons can be applied in a broad set of applications, however popular recommendation algorithms have somehow been disconnected from sentiment analysis. Therefore, we present a study that explores the viability of applying sentiment analysis techniques to infer ratings in a recommendation algorithm. Furthermore, entities’ reputation is intrinsically associated with sentiment words that have a positive or negative relation with those entities. Hence, is provided a study that observes the viability of using a domain-specific lexicon to compute entities reputation. Finally, a recommendation system algorithm is improved with the use of sentiment-based ratings and entities reputation

    Mining user viewpoints in online discussions

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    Personalized sentiment classification based on latent individuality of microblog users

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    Sentiment expression in microblog posts often re-flects user’s specific individuality due to different language habit, personal character, opinion bias and so on. Existing sentiment classification algo-rithms largely ignore such latent personal distinc-tions among different microblog users. Meanwhile, sentiment data of microblogs are sparse for indi-vidual users, making it infeasible to learn effective personalized classifier. In this paper, we propose a novel, extensible personalized sentiment classi-fication method based on a variant of latent fac-tor model to capture personal sentiment variations by mapping users and posts into a low-dimensional factor space. We alleviate the sparsity of personal texts by decomposing the posts into words which are further represented by the weighted sentiment and topic units based on a set of syntactic units of words obtained from dependency parsing results. To strengthen the representation of users, we lever-age users following relation to consolidate the in-dividuality of a user fused from other users with similar interests. Results on real-world microblog datasets confirm that our method outperforms state-of-the-art baseline algorithms with large margins.

    Personalized Expert Recommendation: Models and Algorithms

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    Many large-scale information sharing systems including social media systems, questionanswering sites and rating and reviewing applications have been growing rapidly, allowing millions of human participants to generate and consume information on an unprecedented scale. To manage the sheer growth of information generation, there comes the need to enable personalization of information resources for users — to surface high-quality content and feeds, to provide personally relevant suggestions, and so on. A fundamental task in creating and supporting user-centered personalization systems is to build rich user profile to aid recommendation for better user experience. Therefore, in this dissertation research, we propose models and algorithms to facilitate the creation of new crowd-powered personalized information sharing systems. Specifically, we first give a principled framework to enable personalization of resources so that information seekers can be matched with customized knowledgeable users based on their previous historical actions and contextual information; We then focus on creating rich user models that allows accurate and comprehensive modeling of user profiles for long tail users, including discovering user’s known-for profile, user’s opinion bias and user’s geo-topic profile. In particular, this dissertation research makes two unique contributions: First, we introduce the problem of personalized expert recommendation and propose the first principled framework for addressing this problem. To overcome the sparsity issue, we investigate the use of user’s contextual information that can be exploited to build robust models of personal expertise, study how spatial preference for personally-valuable expertise varies across regions, across topics and based on different underlying social communities, and integrate these different forms of preferences into a matrix factorization-based personalized expert recommender. Second, to support the personalized recommendation on experts, we focus on modeling and inferring user profiles in online information sharing systems. In order to tap the knowledge of most majority of users, we provide frameworks and algorithms to accurately and comprehensively create user models by discovering user’s known-for profile, user’s opinion bias and user’s geo-topic profile, with each described shortly as follows: —We develop a probabilistic model called Bayesian Contextual Poisson Factorization to discover what users are known for by others. Our model considers as input a small fraction of users whose known-for profiles are already known and the vast majority of users for whom we have little (or no) information, learns the implicit relationships between user?s known-for profiles and their contextual signals, and finally predict known-for profiles for those majority of users. —We explore user’s topic-sensitive opinion bias, propose a lightweight semi-supervised system called “BiasWatch” to semi-automatically infer the opinion bias of long-tail users, and demonstrate how user’s opinion bias can be exploited to recommend other users with similar opinion in social networks. — We study how a user’s topical profile varies geo-spatially and how we can model a user’s geo-spatial known-for profile as the last step in our dissertation for creation of rich user profile. We propose a multi-layered Bayesian hierarchical user factorization to overcome user heterogeneity and an enhanced model to alleviate the sparsity issue by integrating user contexts into the two-layered hierarchical user model for better representation of user’s geo-topic preference by others
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