783 research outputs found

    A Survey of Location Prediction on Twitter

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    Locations, e.g., countries, states, cities, and point-of-interests, are central to news, emergency events, and people's daily lives. Automatic identification of locations associated with or mentioned in documents has been explored for decades. As one of the most popular online social network platforms, Twitter has attracted a large number of users who send millions of tweets on daily basis. Due to the world-wide coverage of its users and real-time freshness of tweets, location prediction on Twitter has gained significant attention in recent years. Research efforts are spent on dealing with new challenges and opportunities brought by the noisy, short, and context-rich nature of tweets. In this survey, we aim at offering an overall picture of location prediction on Twitter. Specifically, we concentrate on the prediction of user home locations, tweet locations, and mentioned locations. We first define the three tasks and review the evaluation metrics. By summarizing Twitter network, tweet content, and tweet context as potential inputs, we then structurally highlight how the problems depend on these inputs. Each dependency is illustrated by a comprehensive review of the corresponding strategies adopted in state-of-the-art approaches. In addition, we also briefly review two related problems, i.e., semantic location prediction and point-of-interest recommendation. Finally, we list future research directions.Comment: Accepted to TKDE. 30 pages, 1 figur

    Live Social Semantics

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    Social interactions are one of the key factors to the success of conferences and similar community gatherings. This paper describes a novel application that integrates data from the semantic web, online social networks, and a real-world contact sensing platform. This application was successfully deployed at ESWC09, and actively used by 139 people. Personal profiles of the participants were automatically generated using several Web~2.0 systems and semantic academic data sources, and integrated in real-time with face-to-face contact networks derived from wearable sensors. Integration of all these heterogeneous data layers made it possible to offer various services to conference attendees to enhance their social experience such as visualisation of contact data, and a site to explore and connect with other participants. This paper describes the architecture of the application, the services we provided, and the results we achieved in this deployment

    Spatio-semantic user profiles in location-based social networks

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    Knowledge of users’ visits to places is one of the keys to understanding their interest in places. User-contributed annotations of place, the types of places they visit, and the activities they carry out, add a layer of important semantics that, if considered, can result in more refined representations of user profiles. In this paper, semantic information is summarised as tags for places and a folksonomy data model is used to represent spatial and semantic relationships between users, places, and tags. The model allows simple co-occurrence methods and similarity measures to be applied to build different views of personalised user profiles. Basic profiles capture direct user interactions, while enriched profiles offer an extended view of users’ association with places and tags that take into account relationships in the folksonomy. The main contributions of this work are the proposal of a uniform approach to the creation of user profiles on the Social Web that integrates both the spatial and semantic components of user-provided information, and the demonstration of the effectiveness of this approach with realistic datasets

    Toward Point-of-Interest Recommendation Systems: A Critical Review on Deep-Learning Approaches

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    In recent years, location-based social networks (LBSNs) that allow members to share their location and provide related services, and point-of-interest (POIs) recommendations which suggest attractive places to visit, have become noteworthy and useful for users, research areas, industries, and advertising companies. The POI recommendation system combines different information sources and creates numerous research challenges and questions. New research in this field utilizes deep-learning techniques as a solution to the issues because it has the ability to represent the nonlinear relationship between users and items more effectively than other methods. Despite all the obvious improvements that have been made recently, this field still does not have an updated and integrated view of the types of methods, their limitations, features, and future prospects. This paper provides a systematic review focusing on recent research on this topic. First, this approach prepares an overall view of the types of recommendation methods, their challenges, and the various influencing factors that can improve model performance in POI recommendations, then it reviews the traditional machine-learning methods and deep-learning techniques employed in the POI recommendation and analyzes their strengths and weaknesses. The recently proposed models are categorized according to the method used, the dataset, and the evaluation metrics. It found that these articles give priority to accuracy in comparison with other dimensions of quality. Finally, this approach introduces the research trends and future orientations, and it realizes that POI recommender systems based on deep learning are a promising future work