7 research outputs found

    Association rules implementation for affinity analysis between elements composing multimedia objects

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    The multimedia objects are a constantly growing resource in the world wide web, consequently it has generated as a necessity the design of methods and tools that allow to obtain new knowledge from the information analyzed. Association rules are a technique of Data Mining, whose purpose is to search for correlations between elements of a collection of data (data) as support for decision making from the identification and analysis of these correlations. Using algorithms such as: A priori, Frequent Parent Growth, QFP Algorithm, CBA, CMAR, CPAR, among others. On the other hand, multimedia applications today require the processing of unstructured data provided by multimedia objects, which are made up of text, images, audio and videos. For the storage, processing and management of multimedia objects, solutions have been generated that allow efficient search of data of interest to the end user, considering that the semantics of a multimedia object must be expressed by all the elements that composed of. In this article an analysis of the state of the art in relation to the implementation of the Association Rules in the processing of Multimedia objects is made, in addition the analysis of the consulted literature allows to generate questions about the possibility of generating a method of association rules for the analysis of these objects.Universidad de la Costa, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

    On the Role of Correlation and Abstraction in Cross-Modal Multimedia Retrieval

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    The problem of cross-modal retrieval from multimedia repositories is considered. This problem addresses the design of retrieval systems that support queries across content modalities, e.g. using an image to search for texts. A mathematical formulation is proposed, equating the design of cross-modal retrieval systems to that of isomorphic feature spaces for different content modalities. Two hypotheses are then investigated, regarding the fundamental attributes of these spaces. The first is that low-level cross-modal correlations should be accounted for. The second is that the space should enable semantic abstraction. Three new solutions to the cross-modal retrieval problem are then derived from these hypotheses: correlation matching (CM), an unsupervised method which models cross-modal correlations, semantic matching (SM), a supervised technique that relies on semantic representation, and semantic correlation matching (SCM), which combines both. An extensive evaluation of retrieval performance is conducted to test the validity of the hypotheses. All approaches are shown successful for text retrieval in response to image queries and vice-versa. It is concluded that both hypotheses hold, in a complementary form, although the evidence in favor of the abstraction hypothesis is stronger than that for correlation

    Método de reglas de asociación para el análisis de afinidad entre objetos de tipo texto

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    Maestría en IngenieríaData mining is considered a tool to extract knowledge in large volumes of information. One of the analyzes performed in data mining is the association rules, whose purpose is to look for co-occurrences among the records of a set of data. Its main application is in the analysis of market basket, where criteria for decision making are established based on the buying behavior of customers. Some of the algorithms are A priori, Frequent Parent Growth, QFP Algorithm, CBA, CMAR, CPAR. These algorithms have been designed to analyze structured databases; At present, various applications require the processing of unstructured data known as text type Objects. The purpose of this research is to generate a method to establish the relationship between the elements that make up an object of text type, for the acquisition of relevant information from the analysis of massive data sources of the same type.La minería de datos es considerada una herramienta para extraer conocimiento en grandes volúmenes de información. Uno de los análisis realizados en minería de datos son las reglas de asociación, cuyo propósito es buscar co-ocurrencias entre los registros de un conjunto de datos. Su principal aplicación se encuentra en el análisis de canasta de mercado, donde se establecen criterios para la toma de decisiones a partir del comportamiento de compra de los clientes. Algunos de los algoritmos son Apriori, Frequent Parent Growth, QFP Algorithm, CBA, CMAR, CPAR. Estos algoritmos han sido diseñados para analizar bases de datos estructuradas; en la actualidad, diversas aplicaciones requieren el procesamiento de datos no estructurados, como es el caso de los objetos de tipo texto. La investigación planteada tiene como propósito generar un método que permita establecer la relación existente entre los elementos que componen un objeto de tipo texto, para la adquisición de información relevante a partir del análisis de fuentes masivas de datos del mismo tipo

    Mining semantic correlation of heterogeneous multimedia data for cross-media retrieval

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    Although multimedia objects such as images, audios and texts are of different modalities, there are a great amount of semantic correlations among them. In this paper, we propose a method of transductive learning to mine the semantic correlations among media objects of different modalities so that to achieve the cross-media retrieval. Cross-media retrieval is a new kind of searching technology by which the query examples and the returned results can be of different modalities, e.g., to query images by an example of audio. First, according to the media objects features and their co-existence information, we construct a uniform cross-media correlation graph, in which media objects of different modalities are represented uniformly. To perform the cross-media retrieval, a positive score is assigned to the query example; the score spreads along the graph and media objects of target modality or MMDs with the highest scores are returned. To boost the retrieval performance, we also propose different approaches of long-term and short-term relevance feedback to mine the information contained in the positive and negative examples

    Technology-Based Rich Media Training Compared to Traditional Media Training in Blue-Collar Employees

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    The objective of this study is to determine the effects of traditional training compared to technology-based rich media training and the results upon course dissemination and completion corresponding course indicators, reaction, learning, and behavioral change quantified using Kirkpatrick’s four-level training evaluation model. The study aims to determine the efficiency of the porting of existing traditional training materials to technology-based rich media training. The subjects of this study are blue-collar participants of an adult learning course. The quantitative methods used in this case will facilitate the exploration of the result that compare a traditional training program to a training program with technology-based rich media using Kirkpatrick’s model. The research seeks to inform businesses on generational response in blue-collar workers to traditional versus technology-based training

    Multi-view Data Analysis

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    Multi-view data analysis is a key technology for making effective decisions by leveraging information from multiple data sources. The process of data acquisition across various sensory modalities gives rise to the heterogeneous property of data. In my thesis, multi-view data representations are studied towards exploiting the enriched information encoded in different domains or feature types, and novel algorithms are formulated to enhance feature discriminability. Extracting informative data representation is a critical step in visual recognition and data mining tasks. Multi-view embeddings provide a new way of representation learning to bridge the semantic gap between the low-level observations and high-level human comprehensible knowledge benefitting from enriched information in multiple modalities.Recent advances on multi-view learning have introduced a new paradigm in jointly modeling cross-modal data. Subspace learning method, which extracts compact features by exploiting a common latent space and fuses multi-view information, has emerged proiminent among different categories of multi-view learning techniques. This thesis provides novel solutions in learning compact and discriminative multi-view data representations by exploiting the data structures in low dimensional subspace. We also demonstrate the performance of the learned representation scheme on a number of challenging tasks in recognition, retrieval and ranking problems.The major contribution of the thesis is a unified solution for subspace learning methods, which is extensible for multiple views, supervised learning, and non-linear transformations. Traditional statistical learning techniques including Canonical Correlation Analysis, Partial Least Square regression and Linear Discriminant Analysis are studied by constructing graphs of specific forms under the same framework. Methods using non-linear transforms based on kernels and (deep) neural networks are derived, which lead to superior performance compared to the linear ones. A novel multi-view discriminant embedding method is proposed by taking the view difference into consideration. Secondly, a multiview nonparametric discriminant analysis method is introduced by exploiting the class boundary structure and discrepancy information of the available views. This allows for multiple projecion directions, by relaxing the Gaussian distribution assumption of related methods. Thirdly, we propose a composite ranking method by keeping a close correlation with the individual rankings for optimal rank fusion. We propose a multi-objective solution to ranking problems by capturing inter-view and intra-view information using autoencoderlike networks. Finally, a novel end-to-end solution is introduced to enhance joint ranking with minimum view-specific ranking loss, so that we can achieve the maximum global view agreements within a single optimization process.In summary, this thesis aims to address the challenges in representing multi-view data across different tasks. The proposed solutions have shown superior performance in numerous tasks, including object recognition, cross-modal image retrieval, face recognition and object ranking