4 research outputs found

    GET_MOVE: An Efficient and Unifying Spatio-Temporal Pattern Mining Algorithm for Moving Objects

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    International audienceRecent improvements in positioning technology has led to a much wider availability of massive moving object data. A crucial task is to find the moving objects that travel together. Usually, they are called spatio-temporal pat- terns. Due to the emergence of many different kinds of spatio-temporal patterns in recent years, different approaches have been proposed to extract them. However, each approach only focuses on mining a specific kind of pattern. In addition to the fact that it is a painstaking task due to the large number of algorithms used to mine and manage patterns, it is also time consuming. Additionally, we have to execute these algorithms again whenever new data are added to the existing database. To address these issues, we first redefine spatio-temporal patterns in the itemset context. Secondly, we propose a unifying approach, named GeT Move, using a frequent closed itemset-based spatio-temporal pattern-mining algorithm to mine and manage different spatio-temporal patterns. GeT Move is implemented in two versions which are GeT Move and Incremental GeT Move. Experiments are per- formed on real and synthetic datasets and the experimental results show that our approaches are very effective and outperform existing algorithms in terms of efficiency

    Activity Recognition from Moving Object Trajectories

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    Cílem diplomové práce je vytvoření systému pro rozpoznávání periodických vzorů pohybujících se objektů a následná klasifikace uživatelských GPS trajektorií s využitím rozpoznaných vzorů. Systém je navržen na základě provedeného rozboru technik dolování v datech pohybujících se objektů a přehledu dosavadního vývoje v oblasti rozpoznávání aktivit a cílů pohybujících se objektů. Je vytvořena implementace navrženého systému v programovacím jazyce C++ a provedeno experimentální ověření jeho úspěšnosti na vhodné datové sadě.The aim of this thesis is a development of a system for trajectory-based periodic pattern recognition and following GPS trajectory classification. This system is designed according to a performed analysis of techniques of data mining in moving object data and furthermore, on recent research on a subject of a trajectory-based activity recognition. This system is implemented in C++ programming language and experiments addresing its      effectiveness are performed.

    Periodic pattern mining from spatio-temporal trajectory data

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    Rapid development in GPS tracking techniques produces a large number of spatio-temporal trajectory data. The analysis of these data provides us with a new opportunity to discover useful behavioural patterns. Spatio-temporal periodic pattern mining is employed to find temporal regularities for interesting places. Mining periodic patterns from spatio-temporal trajectories can reveal useful, important and valuable information about people's regular and recurrent movements and behaviours. Previous studies have been proposed to extract people's regular and repeating movement behavior from spatio-temporal trajectories. These previous approaches can target three following issues, (1) long individual trajectory; (2) spatial fuzziness; and (3) temporal fuzziness. First, periodic pattern mining is different to other pattern mining, such as association rule ming and sequential pattern mining, periodic pattern mining requires a very long trajectory from an individual so that the regular period can be extracted from this long single trajectory, for example, one month or one year period. Second, spatial fuzziness shows although a moving object can regularly move along the similar route, it is impossible for it to appear at the exactly same location. For instance, Bob goes to work everyday, and although he can follow a similar path from home to his workplace, the same location cannot be repeated across different days. Third, temporal fuzziness shows that periodicity is complicated including partial time span and multiple interleaving periods. In reality, the period is partial, it is highly impossible to occur through the whole movement of the object. Alternatively, the moving object has only a few periods, such as a daily period for work, or yearly period for holidays. However, it is insufficient to find effective periodic patterns considering these three issues only. This thesis aims to develop a new framework to extract more effective, understandable and meaningful periodic patterns by taking more features of spatio-temporal trajectories into account. The first feature is trajectory sequence, GPS trajectory data is temporally ordered sequences of geolocation which can be represented as consecutive trajectory segments, where each entry in each trajectory segment is closely related to the previous sampled point (trajectory node) and the latter one, rather than being isolated. Existing approaches disregard the important sequential nature of trajectory. Furthermore, they introduce both unwanted false positive reference spots and false negative reference spots. The second feature is spatial and temporal aspects. GPS trajectory data can be presented as triple data (x; y; t), x and y represent longitude and latitude respectively whilst t shows corresponding time in this location. Obviously, spatial and temporal aspects are two key factors. Existing methods do not consider these two aspects together in periodic pattern mining. Irregular time interval is the third feature of spatio-temporal trajectory. In reality, due to weather conditions, device malfunctions, or battery issues, the trajectory data are not always regularly sampled. Existing algorithms cannot deal with this issue but instead require a computationally expensive trajectory interpolation process, or it is assumed that trajectory is with regular time interval. The fourth feature is hierarchy of space. Hierarchy is an inherent property of spatial data that can be expressed in different levels, such as a country includes many states, a shopping mall is comprised of many shops. Hierarchy of space can find more hidden and valuable periodic patterns. Existing studies do not consider this inherent property of trajectory. Hidden background semantic information is the final feature. Aspatial semantic information is one of important features in spatio-temporal data, and it is embedded into the trajectory data. If the background semantic information is considered, more meaningful, understandable and useful periodic patterns can be extracted. However, existing methods do not consider the geographical information underlying trajectories. In addition, at times we are interested in finding periodic patterns among trajectory paths rather than trajectory nodes for different applications. This means periodic patterns should be identified and detected against trajectory paths rather than trajectory nodes for some applications. Existing approaches for periodic pattern mining focus on trajectories nodes rather than paths. To sum up, the aim of this thesis is to investigate solutions to these problems in periodic pattern mining in order to extract more meaningful, understandable periodic patterns. Each of three chapters addresses a different problem and then proposes adequate solutions to problems currently not addressed in existing studies. Finally, this thesis proposes a new framework to address all problems. First, we investigated a path-based solution which can target trajectory sequence and spatio-temporal aspects. We proposed an algorithm called Traclus (spatio-temporal) which can take spatial and temporal aspects into account at the same time instead of only considering spatial aspect. The result indicated our method produced more effective periodic patterns based on trajectory paths than existing node-based methods using two real-world trajectories. In order to consider hierarchy of space, we investigated existing hierarchical clustering approaches to obtain hierarchical reference spots (trajectory paths) for periodic pattern mining. HDBSCAN is an incremental version of DBSCAN which is able to handle clusters with different densities to generate a hierarchical clustering result using the single-linkage method, and then it automatically extracts clusters from a hierarchical tree. Thus, we modified traditional clustering method DBSCAN in Traclus (spatio-temporal) to HDBSCAN for extraction of hierarchical reference spots. The result is convincing, and reveals more periodic patterns than those of existing methods. Second, we introduced a stop/move method to annotate each spatio-temporal entry with a semantic label, such as restaurant, university and hospital. This method can enrich a trajectory with background semantic information so that we can easily infer people's repeating behaviors. In addition, existing methods use interpolation to make trajectory regular and then apply Fourier transform and autocorrelation to automatically detect period for each reference spot. An increasing number of trajectory nodes leads to an exponential increase of running time. Thus, we employed Lomb-Scargle periodogram to detect period for each reference spot based on raw trajectory without requiring any interpolation method. The results showed our method outperformed existing approaches on effectiveness and efficiency based on two real datasets. For hierarchical aspect, we extended previous work to find hierarchical semantic periodic patterns by applying HDBSCAN. The results were promising. Third, we apply our methodology to a case study, which reveals many interesting medical periodic patterns. These patterns can effectively explore human movement behaviors for positive medical outcomes. To sum up, this research proposed a new framework to gradually target the problems that existing methods cannot handle. These include: how to consider trajectory sequence, how to consider spatial temporal aspects together, how to deal with trajectory with irregular time interval, how to consider hierarchy of space and how to extract semantic information behind trajectory. After addressing all these problems, the experimental results demonstrate that our method can find more understandable, meaningful and effective periodic patterns than existing approaches

    An Effective Approach to Predicting Large Dataset in Spatial Data Mining Area

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    Due to enormous quantities of spatial satellite images, telecommunication images, health related tools etc., it is often impractical for users to have detailed and thorough examination of spatial data (S). Large dataset is very common and pervasive in a number of application areas. Discovering or predicting patterns from these datasets is very vital. This research focused on developing new methods, models and techniques for accomplishing advanced spatial data mining (ASDM) tasks. The algorithms were designed to challenge state-of-the-art data technologies and they are tested with randomly generated and actual real-world data. Two main approaches were adopted to achieve the objectives (1) identifying the actual data types (DTs), data structures and spatial content of a given dataset (to make our model versatile and robust) and (2) integrating these data types into an appropriate database management system (DBMS) framework, for easy management and manipulation. These two approaches helped to discover the general and varying types of patterns that exist within any given dataset non-spatial, spatial or even temporal (because spatial data are always influenced by temporal agents) datasets. An iterative method was adopted for system development methodology in this study. The method was adopted as a strategy to combat the irregularity that often exists within spatial datasets. In the course of this study, some of the challenges we encountered which also doubled as current challenges facing spatial data mining includes: (a) time complexity in availing useful data for analysis, (b) time complexity in loading data to storage and (c) difficulties in discovering spatial, non-spatial and temporal correlations between different data objects. However, despite the above challenges, there are some opportunities that spatial data can benefit from including: Cloud computing, Spark technology, Parallelisation, and Bulk-loading methods. Techniques and application areas of spatial data mining (SDM) were identified and their strength and limitations were equally documented. Finally, new methods and algorithms for mining very large data of spatial/non-spatial bias were created. The proposed models/systems are documented in the sections as follows: (a) Development of a new technique for parallel indexing of large dataset (PaX-DBSCAN), (b) Development of new techniques for clustering (X-DBSCAN) in a learning process, (c) Development of a new technique for detecting human skin in an image, (d) Development of a new technique for finding face in an image, (e) Development of a novel technique for management of large spatial and non-spatial datasets (aX-tree). The most prominent among our methods is the new structure used in (c) above -- packed maintained k-dimensional tree (Pmkd-tree), for fast spatial indexing and querying. The structure is a combination system that combines all the proposed algorithms to produce one solid, standard, useful and quality system. The intention of the new final algorithm (system) is to combine the entire initial proposed algorithms to come up with one strong generic effective tool for predicting large dataset SDM area, which it is capable of finding patterns that exist among spatial or non-spatial objects in a DBMS. In addition to Pmkd-tree, we also implemented a novel spatial structure, packed quad-tree (Pquad-Tree), to balance and speed up the performance of the regular quad-tree. Our systems so far have shown a manifestation of efficiency in terms of performance, storage and speed. The final Systems (Pmkd-tree and Pquad-Tree) are generic systems that are flexible, robust, light and stable. They are explicit spatial models for analysing any given problem and for predicting objects as spatially distributed events, using basic SDM algorithms. They can be applied to pattern matching, image processing, computer vision, bioinformatics, information retrieval, machine learning (classification and clustering) and many other computational tasks