2,417 research outputs found

    Numerical approach of collision avoidance and optimal control on robotic manipulators

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    Collision-free optimal motion and trajectory planning for robotic manipulators are solved by a method of sequential gradient restoration algorithm. Numerical examples of a two degree-of-freedom (DOF) robotic manipulator are demonstrated to show the excellence of the optimization technique and obstacle avoidance scheme. The obstacle is put on the midway, or even further inward on purpose, of the previous no-obstacle optimal trajectory. For the minimum-time purpose, the trajectory grazes by the obstacle and the minimum-time motion successfully avoids the obstacle. The minimum-time is longer for the obstacle avoidance cases than the one without obstacle. The obstacle avoidance scheme can deal with multiple obstacles in any ellipsoid forms by using artificial potential fields as penalty functions via distance functions. The method is promising in solving collision-free optimal control problems for robotics and can be applied to any DOF robotic manipulators with any performance indices and mobile robots as well. Since this method generates optimum solution based on Pontryagin Extremum Principle, rather than based on assumptions, the results provide a benchmark against which any optimization techniques can be measured

    Faster Motion on Cartesian Paths Exploiting Robot Redundancy at the Acceleration Level

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    The problem of minimizing the transfer time along a given Cartesian path for redundant robots can be approached in two steps, by separating the generation of a joint path associated to the Cartesian path from the exact minimization of motion time under kinematic/dynamic bounds along the obtained parameterized joint path. In this framework, multiple suboptimal solutions can be found, depending on how redundancy is locally resolved in the joint space within the first step. We propose a solution method that works at the acceleration level, by using weighted pseudoinversion, optimizing an inertia-related criterion, and including null-space damping. Several numerical results obtained on different robot systems demonstrate consistently good behaviors and definitely faster motion times in comparison with related methods proposed in the literature. The motion time obtained with our method is reasonably close to the global time-optimal solution along same Cartesian path. Experimental results on a KUKA LWR IV are also reported, showing the tracking control performance on the executed motions

    An Analysis Review: Optimal Trajectory for 6-DOF-based Intelligent Controller in Biomedical Application

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    With technological advancements and the development of robots have begun to be utilized in numerous sectors, including industrial, agricultural, and medical. Optimizing the path planning of robot manipulators is a fundamental aspect of robot research with promising future prospects. The precise robot manipulator tracks can enhance the efficacy of a variety of robot duties, such as workshop operations, crop harvesting, and medical procedures, among others. Trajectory planning for robot manipulators is one of the fundamental robot technologies, and manipulator trajectory accuracy can be enhanced by the design of their controllers. However, the majority of controllers devised up to this point were incapable of effectively resolving the nonlinearity and uncertainty issues of high-degree freedom manipulators in order to overcome these issues and enhance the track performance of high-degree freedom manipulators. Developing practical path-planning algorithms to efficiently complete robot functions in autonomous robotics is critical. In addition, designing a collision-free path in conjunction with the physical limitations of the robot is a very challenging challenge due to the complex environment surrounding the dynamics and kinetics of robots with different degrees of freedom (DoF) and/or multiple arms. The advantages and disadvantages of current robot motion planning methods, incompleteness, scalability, safety, stability, smoothness, accuracy, optimization, and efficiency are examined in this paper

    Time-Optimal Trajectories for Cooperative Multi-Manipulator Systems

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    In this paper we present two schemes for planning the time-optimal trajectory for cooperative multi-manipulator system(CMMS) carrying a common object. We assume that the desired path is given and parameterizable by an arclength variable. Both approaches take into account the dynamics of the manipulators and the dynamics of the object. The first approach employs linear programming techniques, and it allows us to obtain the timeoptimal execution of the given task utilizing the maximum torque capacities of the joint motors. The second approach is a sub-time-optimal method which is computationally very efficient. In the second approach we try to divide the given load into a share for each manipulator in the CMMS in a manner in which the trajectory acceleration/deceleration is maximized, hence the trajectory execution time is minimized. This load distribution approach uses optimization schemes which degenerate to a linear search algorithm for the case of two robots manipulating a common load, and this results in significant savings on the computation time. The load distribution scheme not only enables us to reduce the computation time but also gives us the possibility of applying this method in real time planning and control of CMMS. Further, we show that under certain object trajectories the load distribution scheme yields truly time-optimal trajectories

    Time Scaling of Cooperative Multi-Robot Trajectories

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    In this paper we develop an algorithm to modify the trajectories of multiple robots in cooperative manipulation. If a given trajectory results in joint torques which exceed the admissible torque range for one or more joints, the algorithm slows down or speeds up the trajectory so as to maintain all the torques within the admissible boundary. Our trajectory modification algorithm uses the concept of time scaling developed by Hollerbach[10] for single robots. A multiple robot system in cooperative manipulation has significantly different dynamics compared to single robot dynamics. As a result, time scaling algorithm for single robots is not usable with multi-robot system. The trajectory scaling schemes described in this paper requires the use of linear programming techniques and is designed to accommodate the internal force constraints and payload distribution strategies. As the multi-robot system is usually redundantly actuated, the actuator torques may be found from the quadratic minimization which has the effect of lowering energy consumption for the trajectory. A scheme for generating a robust multi-robot trajectories when the carried load mass and inertia matrix are unknown but vary within a certain range is also described in this paper. Several examples are given to show the effectiveness of our multi-robot trajectory sealing scheme

    Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 2

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    These proceedings contain papers presented at the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics held in Pasadena, January 31 to February 2, 1989. The theme of the Conference was man-machine collaboration in space. The Conference provided a forum for researchers and engineers to exchange ideas on the research and development required for application of telerobotics technology to the space systems planned for the 1990s and beyond. The Conference: (1) provided a view of current NASA telerobotic research and development; (2) stimulated technical exchange on man-machine systems, manipulator control, machine sensing, machine intelligence, concurrent computation, and system architectures; and (3) identified important unsolved problems of current interest which can be dealt with by future research

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation

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    A generic computer simulation for manipulator systems (ROBSIM) was implemented and the specific technologies necessary to increase the role of automation in various missions were developed. The specific items developed are: (1) capability for definition of a manipulator system consisting of multiple arms, load objects, and an environment; (2) capability for kinematic analysis, requirements analysis, and response simulation of manipulator motion; (3) postprocessing options such as graphic replay of simulated motion and manipulator parameter plotting; (4) investigation and simulation of various control methods including manual force/torque and active compliances control; (5) evaluation and implementation of three obstacle avoidance methods; (6) video simulation and edge detection; and (7) software simulation validation

    Cooperative Material Handling by Human and Robotic Agents:Module Development and System Synthesis

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    In this paper we present the results of a collaborative effort to design and implement a system for cooperative material handling by a small team of human and robotic agents in an unstructured indoor environment. Our approach makes fundamental use of human agents\u27 expertise for aspects of task planning, task monitoring, and error recovery. Our system is neither fully autonomous nor fully teleoperated. It is designed to make effective use of human abilities within the present state of the art of autonomous systems. It is designed to allow for and promote cooperative interaction between distributed agents with various capabilities and resources. Our robotic agents refer to systems which are each equipped with at least one sensing modality and which possess some capability for self-orientation and/or mobility. Our robotic agents are not required to be homogeneous with respect to either capabilities or function. Our research stresses both paradigms and testbed experimentation. Theory issues include the requisite coordination principles and techniques which are fundamental to the basic functioning of such a cooperative multi-agent system. We have constructed a testbed facility for experimenting with distributed multi-agent architectures. The required modular components of this testbed are currently operational and have been tested individually. Our current research focuses on the integration of agents in a scenario for cooperative material handling

    Autonomous Mechanical Assembly on the Space Shuttle: An Overview

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    The space shuttle will be equipped with a pair of 50 ft. manipulators used to handle payloads and to perform mechanical assembly operations. Although current plans call for these manipulators to be operated by a human teleoperator. The possibility of using results from robotics and machine intelligence to automate this shuttle assembly system was investigated. The major components of an autonomous mechanical assembly system are examined, along with the technology base upon which they depend. The state of the art in advanced automation is also assessed