160 research outputs found

    Traffic eavesdropping based scheme to deliver time-sensitive data in sensor networks

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    Due to the broadcast nature of wireless channels, neighbouring sensor nodes may overhear packets transmissions from each other even if they are not the intended recipients of these transmissions. This redundant packet reception leads to unnecessary expenditure of battery energy of the recipients. Particularly in highly dense sensor networks, overhearing or eavesdropping overheads can constitute a significant fraction of the total energy consumption. Since overhearing of wireless traffic is unavoidable and sometimes essential, a new distributed energy efficient scheme is proposed in this paper. This new scheme exploits the inevitable overhearing effect as an effective approach in order to collect the required information to perform energy efficient delivery for data aggregation. Based on this approach, the proposed scheme achieves moderate energy consumption and high packet delivery rate notwithstanding the occurrence of high link failure rates. The performance of the proposed scheme is experimentally investigated a testbed of TelosB motes in addition to ns-2 simulations to validate the performed experiments on large-scale network

    Reliable load-balancing routing for resource-constrained wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are energy and resource constrained. Energy limitations make it advantageous to balance radio transmissions across multiple sensor nodes. Thus, load balanced routing is highly desirable and has motivated a significant volume of research. Multihop sensor network architecture can also provide greater coverage, but requires a highly reliable and adaptive routing scheme to accommodate frequent topology changes. Current reliability-oriented protocols degrade energy efficiency and increase network latency. This thesis develops and evaluates a novel solution to provide energy-efficient routing while enhancing packet delivery reliability. This solution, a reliable load-balancing routing (RLBR), makes four contributions in the area of reliability, resiliency and load balancing in support of the primary objective of network lifetime maximisation. The results are captured using real world testbeds as well as simulations. The first contribution uses sensor node emulation, at the instruction cycle level, to characterise the additional processing and computation overhead required by the routing scheme. The second contribution is based on real world testbeds which comprises two different TinyOS-enabled senor platforms under different scenarios. The third contribution extends and evaluates RLBR using large-scale simulations. It is shown that RLBR consumes less energy while reducing topology repair latency and supports various aggregation weights by redistributing packet relaying loads. It also shows a balanced energy usage and a significant lifetime gain. Finally, the forth contribution is a novel variable transmission power control scheme which is created based on the experience gained from prior practical and simulated studies. This power control scheme operates at the data link layer to dynamically reduce unnecessarily high transmission power while maintaining acceptable link reliability

    On Optimal Neighbor Discovery

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    Mobile devices apply neighbor discovery (ND) protocols to wirelessly initiate a first contact within the shortest possible amount of time and with minimal energy consumption. For this purpose, over the last decade, a vast number of ND protocols have been proposed, which have progressively reduced the relation between the time within which discovery is guaranteed and the energy consumption. In spite of the simplicity of the problem statement, even after more than 10 years of research on this specific topic, new solutions are still proposed even today. Despite the large number of known ND protocols, given an energy budget, what is the best achievable latency still remains unclear. This paper addresses this question and for the first time presents safe and tight, duty-cycle-dependent bounds on the worst-case discovery latency that no ND protocol can beat. Surprisingly, several existing protocols are indeed optimal, which has not been known until now. We conclude that there is no further potential to improve the relation between latency and duty-cycle, but future ND protocols can improve their robustness against beacon collisions.Comment: Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (ACM SIGCOMM), 201

    Real-Time Cross-Layer Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Reliable and energy efficient routing is a critical issue in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) deployments. Many approaches have been proposed for WSN routing, but sensor field implementations, compared to computer simulations and fully-controlled testbeds, tend to be lacking in the literature and not fully documented. Typically, WSNs provide the ability to gather information cheaply, accurately and reliably over both small and vast physical regions. Unlike other large data network forms, where the ultimate input/output interface is a human being, WSNs are about collecting data from unattended physical environments. Although WSNs are being studied on a global scale, the major current research is still focusing on simulations experiments. In particular for sensor networks, which have to deal with very stringent resource limitations and that are exposed to severe physical conditions, real experiments with real applications are essential. In addition, the effectiveness of simulation studies is severely limited in terms of the difficulty in modeling the complexities of the radio environment, power consumption on sensor devices, and the interactions between the physical, network and application layers. The routing problem in ad hoc WSNs is nontrivial issue because of sensor node failures due to restricted recourses. Thus, the routing protocols of WSNs encounter two conflicting issue: on the one hand, in order to optimise routes, frequent topology updates are required, while on the other hand, frequent topology updates result in imbalanced energy dissipation and higher message overhead. In the literature, such as in (Rahul et al., 2002), (Woo et al., 2003), (TinyOS, 2004), (Gnawali et al., 2009) and (Burri et al., 2007) several authors have presented routing algorithms for WSNs that consider purely one or two metrics at most in attempting to optimise routes while attempting to keep small message overhead and balanced energy dissipation. Recent studies on energy efficient routing in multihop WSNs have shown a great reliance on radio link quality in the path selection process. If sensor nodes along the routing path and closer to the base station advertise a high quality link to forwarding upstream packets, these sensor nodes will experience a faster depletion rate in their residual energy. This results in a topological routing hole or network partitioning as stated and resolved in and (Daabaj 2010). This chapter presents an empirical study on how to improve energy efficiency for reliable multihop communication by developing a real-time cross-layer lifetime-oriented routing protocol and integrating useful routing information from different layers to examine their joint benefit on the lifetime of individual sensor nodes and the entire sensor network. The proposed approach aims to balance the workload and energy usage among relay nodes to achieve balanced energy dissipation, thereby maximizing the functional network lifetime. The obtained experimental results are presented from prototype real-network experiments based on Crossbow’s sensor motes (Crossbow, 2010), i.e., Mica2 low-power wireless sensor platforms (Crossbow, 2010). The distributed real-time routing protocol which is proposed In this chapter aims to face the dynamics of the real world sensor networks and also to discover multiple paths between the base station and source sensor nodes. The proposed routing protocol is compared experimentally with a reliability-oriented collection-tree protocol, i.e., the TinyOS MintRoute protocol (Woo et al., 2003). The experimental results show that our proposed protocol has a higher node energy efficiency, lower control overhead, and fair average delay

    Minimize end-to-end delay through cross-layer optimization in multi-hop wireless sensor networks

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    End-to-end delay plays a very important role in wireless sensor networks. It refers to the total time taken for a single packet to be transmitted across a network from source to destination. There are many factors could affect the end-to-end delay, among them the routing path and the interference level along the path are the two basic elements that could have significant influence on the result of the end-to-end delay. This thesis presents a transmission scheduling scheme that minimizes the end-to-end delay when the node topology is given. The transmission scheduling scheme is designed based on integer linear programming and the interference modeling is involved. By using this scheme, we can guarantee that no conflicting transmission will appear at any time during the transmission. A method of assigning the time slot based on the given routing is presented. The simulation results show that the link scheduling scheme can significantly reduce the end-to-end delay. Further, this article also shows two methods which could directly addresses routing and slot assignment, one is MI+MinDelay algorithm and the other is called One-Phase algorithm. A comparison was made between the two and the simulation result shows the latter one leads to smaller latency while it takes much more time to be solved. Besides, due to the different routing policy, we also demonstrate that the shortest path routing does not necessarily result in minimum end-to-end delay --Abstract, page ii

    Evaluating the suitability of IEEE 802.11ah for low-latency time-critical control loops

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    A number of industrial wireless technologies have emerged over the last decade, promising to replace the need for wires in a variety of use cases. Except for customized time division multiple access (TDMA)-based wireless technologies that can achieve ultralow latency over a very limited area, wireless communication generally has reliability and latency issues when it comes to industrial applications. Closed loop communication requires high reliability (over 99%), limited jitter and latency, which poses a challenge especially over a wide area measuring in hundreds of meters. Extended coverage is promised with the advent of sub-GHz technologies, one of them being IEEE 802.11ah which is the only one that offers sufficient data rate for frequent bidirectional communication. Thus, we evaluated IEEE 802.11ah for low-latency time-critical control loops. We propose the network setup for adjusting the network dynamics to that of control loops, enabling limited jitter and high reliability. We explore the scalability of IEEE 802.11ah network hosting both control loops and monitoring sensors that periodically transmit measurements. Assigning the control loop end-nodes to dedicated restricted access window (RAW) slot results in over 99.99% successful deliveries. Furthermore, interpacket delay is concentrated around the cycle-time in the following or preceding beacon interval in case the beacon interval is at least half the value of the shortest cycle-time. Adjusting the beacon interval to the fastest control loop in the network ensures latency requirements at the cost of maximum achievable throughput and energy consumption

    Integrated Framework For Mobile Low Power IoT Devices

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    Ubiquitous object networking has sparked the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) which defines a new era in the world of networking. The IoT principle can be addressed as one of the important strategic technologies that will positively influence the humans’ life. All the gadgets, appliances and sensors around the world will be connected together to form a smart environment, where all the entities that connected to the Internet can seamlessly share data and resources. The IoT vision allows the embedded devices, e.g. sensor nodes, to be IP-enabled nodes and interconnect with the Internet. The demand for such technique is to make these embedded nodes act as IP-based devices that communicate directly with other IP networks without unnecessary overhead and to feasibly utilize the existing infrastructure built for the Internet. In addition, controlling and monitoring these nodes is maintainable through exploiting the existed tools that already have been developed for the Internet. Exchanging the sensory measurements through the Internet with several end points in the world facilitates achieving the concept of smart environment. Realization of IoT concept needs to be addressed by standardization efforts that will shape the infrastructure of the networks. This has been achieved through the IEEE 802.15.4, 6LoWPAN and IPv6 standards. The bright side of this new technology is faced by several implications since the IoT introduces a new class of security issues, such as each node within the network is considered as a point of vulnerability where an attacker can utilize to add malicious code via accessing the nodes through the Internet or by compromising a node. On the other hand, several IoT applications comprise mobile nodes that is in turn brings new challenges to the research community due to the effect of the node mobility on the network management and performance. Another defect that degrades the network performance is the initialization stage after the node deployment step by which the nodes will be organized into the network. The recent IEEE 802.15.4 has several structural drawbacks that need to be optimized in order to efficiently fulfil the requirements of low power mobile IoT devices. This thesis addresses the aforementioned three issues, network initialization, node mobility and security management. In addition, the related literature is examined to define the set of current issues and to define the set of objectives based upon this. The first contribution is defining a new strategy to initialize the nodes into the network based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. A novel mesh-under cluster-based approach is proposed and implemented that efficiently initializes the nodes into clusters and achieves three objectives: low initialization cost, shortest path to the sink node, low operational cost (data forwarding). The second contribution is investigating the mobility issue within the IoT media access control (MAC) infrastructure and determining the related problems and requirements. Based on this, a novel mobility scheme is presented that facilitates node movement inside the network under the IEEE 802.15.4e time slotted channel hopping (TSCH) mode. The proposed model mitigates the problem of frequency channel hopping and slotframe issue in the TSCH mode. The next contribution in this thesis is determining the mobility impact on low latency deterministic (LLDN) network. One of the significant issues of mobility is increasing the latency and degrading packet delivery ratio (PDR). Accordingly, a novel mobility protocol is presented to tackle the mobility issue in LLDN mode and to improve network performance and lessen impact of node movement. The final contribution in this thesis is devising a new key bootstrapping scheme that fits both IEEE 802.15.4 and 6LoWPAN neighbour discovery architectures. The proposed scheme permits a group of nodes to establish the required link keys without excessive communication/computational overhead. Additionally, the scheme supports the mobile node association process by ensuring secure access control to the network and validates mobile node authenticity in order to eliminate any malicious node association. The purposed key management scheme facilitates the replacement of outdated master network keys and release the required master key in a secure manner. Finally, a modified IEEE 802.15.4 link-layer security structure is presented. The modified architecture minimizes both energy consumption and latency incurred through providing authentication/confidentiality services via the IEEE 802.15.4

    Infrastructure-Assisted Message Dissemination for Supporting Heterogeneous Driving Patterns

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    With the advances of Internet of Things technologies, individual vehicles can now exchange information to improve traffic safety, and some vehicles can further improve safety and efficiency by coordinating their mobility via cooperative driving. To facilitate these applications, many studies have been focused on the design of inter-vehicle message dissemination protocols. However, most existing designs either assume individual driving pattern or consider cooperative driving only. Moreover, few of them fully exploit infrastructures, such as cameras, sensors, and road-side units. In this paper, we address the design of message dissemination that supports heterogeneous driving patterns. Specifically, we first propose an infrastructure-assisted message dissemination framework that can utilize the capability of infrastructures. We then present a novel beacon scheduling algorithm that aims at guaranteeing the timely and reliable delivery of both periodic beacon messages for cooperative driving and event-triggered safety messages for individual driving. To evaluate the performance of the protocol, we develop both theoretical analysis and simulation experiments. Extensive numerical results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed protocol
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