15,724 research outputs found

    An SLA-driven framework for dynamic multimedia content delivery federations

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    Recently, the Internet has become a popular platform for the delivery of multimedia content. However, its best effort delivery approach is ill-suited to guarantee the stringent Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of many existing multimedia services, which results in a significant reduction of the Quality of Experience. This paper presents a solution to these problems, in the form of a framework for dynamically setting up federations between the stakeholders involved in the content delivery chain. More specifically, the framework provides an automated mechanism to set up end-to-end delivery paths from the content provider to the access Internet Service Providers (ISPs), which act as its direct customers and represent a group of end-users. Driven by Service Level Agreements (SLAs), QoS contracts are automatically negotiated between the content provider, the access ISPs, and the intermediary network domains along the delivery paths. These contracts capture the delivered QoS and resource reservation costs, which are subsequently used in the price negotiations between content provider and access ISPs. Additionally, it supports the inclusion of cloud providers within the federations, supporting on-the-fly allocation of computational and storage resources. This allows the automatic deployment and configuration of proxy caches along the delivery paths, which potentially reduce delivery costs and increase delivered quality

    FedRR: a federated resource reservation algorithm for multimedia services

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    The Internet is rapidly evolving towards a multimedia service delivery platform. However, existing Internet-based content delivery approaches have several disadvantages, such as the lack of Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. Future Internet research has presented several promising ideas to solve the issues related to the current Internet, such as federations across network domains and end-to-end QoS reservations. This paper presents an architecture for the delivery of multimedia content across the Internet, based on these novel principles. It facilitates the collaboration between the stakeholders involved in the content delivery process, allowing them to set up loosely-coupled federations. More specifically, the Federated Resource Reservation (FedRR) algorithm is proposed. It identifies suitable federation partners, selects end-to-end paths between content providers and their customers, and optimally configures intermediary network and infrastructure resources in order to satisfy the requested QoS requirements and minimize delivery costs

    SLA Establishment with Guaranteed QoS in the Interdomain Network: A Stock Model

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    The new model that we present in this paper is introduced in the context of guaranteed QoS and resources management in the inter-domain routing framework. This model, called the stock model, is based on a reverse cascade approach and is applied in a distributed context. So transit providers have to learn the right capacities to buy and to stock and, therefore learning theory is applied through an iterative process. We show that transit providers manage to learn how to strategically choose their capacities on each route in order to maximize their benefits, despite the very incomplete information. Finally, we provide and analyse some simulation results given by the application of the model in a simple case where the model quickly converges to a stable state.Comment: 19 pages, 19 figures, IJCNC, http://airccse.org/journal/cnc/0711cnc13.pd

    Connectivity measures for internet topologies.

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    The topology of the Internet has initially been modelled as an undirected graph, where vertices correspond to so-called Autonomous Systems (ASs),and edges correspond to physical links between pairs of ASs. However, in order to capture the impact of routing policies, it has recently become apparent that one needs to classify the edges according to the existing economic relationships (customer-provider, peer-to-peer or siblings) between the ASs. This leads to a directed graph model in which traffic can be sent only along so-called valley-free paths. Four different algorithms have been proposed in the literature for inferring AS relationships using publicly available data from routing tables. We investigate the differences in the graph models produced by these algorithms, focussing on connectivity measures. To this aim, we compute the maximum number of vertex-disjoint valley-free paths between ASs as well as the size of a minimum cut separating a pair of ASs. Although these problems are solvable in polynomial time for ordinary graphs, they are NP-hard in our setting. We formulate the two problems as integer programs, and we propose a number of exact algorithms for solving them. For the problem of finding the maximum number of vertex-disjoint paths, we discuss two algorithms; the first one is a branch-and-price algorithm based on the IP formulation, and the second algorithm is a non LP based branch-and-bound algorithm. For the problem of finding minimum cuts we use a branch-and-cut algo rithm, based on the IP formulation of this problem. Using these algorithms, we obtain exact solutions for both problems in reasonable time. It turns out that there is a large gap in terms of the connectivity measures between the undirected and directed models. This finding supports our conclusion that economic relationships need to be taken into account when building a topology of the Internet.Research; Internet;

    End-to-end resource management for federated delivery of multimedia services

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    Recently, the Internet has become a popular platform for the delivery of multimedia content. Currently, multimedia services are either offered by Over-the-top (OTT) providers or by access ISPs over a managed IP network. As OTT providers offer their content across the best-effort Internet, they cannot offer any Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees to their users. On the other hand, users of managed multimedia services are limited to the relatively small selection of content offered by their own ISP. This article presents a framework that combines the advantages of both existing approaches, by dynamically setting up federations between the stakeholders involved in the content delivery process. Specifically, the framework provides an automated mechanism to set up end-to-end federations for QoS-aware delivery of multimedia content across the Internet. QoS contracts are automatically negotiated between the content provider, its customers, and the intermediary network domains. Additionally, a federated resource reservation algorithm is presented, which allows the framework to identify the optimal set of stakeholders and resources to include within a federation. Its goal is to minimize delivery costs for the content provider, while satisfying customer QoS requirements. Moreover, the presented framework allows intermediary storage sites to be included in these federations, supporting on-the-fly deployment of content caches along the delivery paths. The algorithm was thoroughly evaluated in order to validate our approach and assess the merits of including intermediary storage sites. The results clearly show the benefits of our method, with delivery cost reductions of up to 80 % in the evaluated scenario

    An Agent-Based Distributed Coordination Mechanism for Wireless Visual Sensor Nodes Using Dynamic Programming

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    The efficient management of the limited energy resources of a wireless visual sensor network is central to its successful operation. Within this context, this article focuses on the adaptive sampling, forwarding, and routing actions of each node in order to maximise the information value of the data collected. These actions are inter-related in a multi-hop routing scenario because each node’s energy consumption must be optimally allocated between sampling and transmitting its own data, receiving and forwarding the data of other nodes, and routing any data. Thus, we develop two optimal agent-based decentralised algorithms to solve this distributed constraint optimization problem. The first assumes that the route by which data is forwarded to the base station is fixed, and then calculates the optimal sampling, transmitting, and forwarding actions that each node should perform. The second assumes flexible routing, and makes optimal decisions regarding both the integration of actions that each node should choose, and also the route by which the data should be forwarded to the base station. The two algorithms represent a trade-off in optimality, communication cost, and processing time. In an empirical evaluation on sensor networks (whose underlying communication networks exhibit loops), we show that the algorithm with flexible routing is able to deliver approximately twice the quantity of information to the base station compared to the algorithm using fixed routing (where an arbitrary choice of route is made). However, this gain comes at a considerable communication and computational cost (increasing both by a factor of 100 times). Thus, while the algorithm with flexible routing is suitable for networks with a small numbers of nodes, it scales poorly, and as the size of the network increases, the algorithm with fixed routing is favoured