129 research outputs found

    Target-Barrier Coverage Improvement in an Insecticidal Lamps Internet of UAVs

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    Insecticidal lamps Internet of things (ILs-IoT) has attracted considerable attention for its applications in pest control to achieve green agriculture. However, ILs-IoTs cannot provide a perfect solution to the migratory pest outbreak if the ILs are fixed on the ground. In this paper, we embed ILs in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as the mobile nodes, which can be rapidly landed on the ground to kill agricultural pests, and the Internet of UAVs (IoUAV) is introduced to extend the application of ILs-IoTs. To take full advantage of the IL-IoUAVs, we formulate the problem of target-barrier coverage and investigate how to minimise the number of IL-UAVs in constructing the target-barrier coverage. The target-barrier coverage is introduced utilizing the realistic probabilistic sensing model of IL-UAVs, based on which we study how to guarantee the target-barrier coverage while minimizing the number of IL-UAVs needed. The problem is solved by an optimal algorithm to merge multiple target-barriers. Evaluation results show the efficiency of our designed algorithms for constructing target-barrier coverage

    Comprehensive study of Venus by means of a low-cost entry-probe and orbiter mission-series

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    Low cost entry probes and orbiter missions for exploration of planet Venu

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationDevice-free localization (DFL) and tracking services are important components in security, emergency response, home and building automation, and assisted living applications where an action is taken based on a person's location. In this dissertation, we develop new methods and models to enable and improve DFL in a variety of radio frequency sensor network configurations. In the first contribution of this work, we develop a linear regression and line stabbing method which use a history of line crossing measurements to estimate the track of a person walking through a wireless network. Our methods provide an alternative approach to DFL in wireless networks where the number of nodes that can communicate with each other in a wireless network is limited and traditional DFL methods are ill-suited. We then present new methods that enable through-wall DFL when nodes in the network are in motion. We demonstrate that we can detect when a person crosses between ultra-wideband radios in motion based on changes in the energy contained in the first few nanoseconds of a measured channel impulse response. Through experimental testing, we show how our methods can localize a person through walls with transceivers in motion. Next, we develop new algorithms to localize boundary crossings when a person crosses between multiple nodes simultaneously. We experimentally evaluate our algorithms with received signal strength (RSS) measurements collected from a row of radio frequency (RF) nodes placed along a boundary and show that our algorithms achieve orders of magnitude better localization classification than baseline DFL methods. We then present a way to improve the models used in through-wall radio tomographic imaging with E-shaped patch antennas we develop and fabricate which remain tuned even when placed against a dielectric. Through experimentation, we demonstrate the E-shaped patch antennas lower localization error by 44% compared with omnidirectional and microstrip patch antennas. In our final contribution, we develop a new mixture model that relates a link's RSS as a function of a person's location in a wireless network. We develop new localization methods that compute the probabilities of a person occupying a location based on our mixture model. Our methods continuously recalibrate the model to achieve a low localization error even in changing environments

    Hybrid Airship Multi-Role (HAMR) Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) mission capability

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    The Hybrid Airship Multi-Role (HAMR) Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Mission Module project applies established systems engineering principles and processes to the design of an ASW payload module that examines the capability of the HAMR to perform persistent ASW mission support. Critical system functions and objectives are identified and are assigned appropriate quantitative metrics. Additionally, three alternative architectures are generated and evaluated using the appropriate metrics based on results from modeling using Naval Systems Simulation (NSS). Manning is considered as a key stakeholder parameter and is included as an evaluation concern. The alternatives are also compared through the examination of life cycle costs. The recommendation to the stakeholders based on the research and results is an unmanned ASW sensor platform that uses other ASW assets for prosecution.http://archive.org/details/hybridairshipmul109456935N

    Advanced Geoscience Remote Sensing

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    Nowadays, advanced remote sensing technology plays tremendous roles to build a quantitative and comprehensive understanding of how the Earth system operates. The advanced remote sensing technology is also used widely to monitor and survey the natural disasters and man-made pollution. Besides, telecommunication is considered as precise advanced remote sensing technology tool. Indeed precise usages of remote sensing and telecommunication without a comprehensive understanding of mathematics and physics. This book has three parts (i) microwave remote sensing applications, (ii) nuclear, geophysics and telecommunication; and (iii) environment remote sensing investigations

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe wireless radio channel is typically thought of as a means to move information from transmitter to receiver, but the radio channel can also be used to detect changes in the environment of the radio link. This dissertation is focused on the measurements we can make at the physical layer of wireless networks, and how we can use those measurements to obtain information about the locations of transceivers and people. The first contribution of this work is the development and testing of an open source, 802.11b sounder and receiver, which is capable of decoding packets and using them to estimate the channel impulse response (CIR) of a radio link at a fraction of the cost of traditional channel sounders. This receiver improves on previous implementations by performing optimized matched filtering on the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) of the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP), allowing it to operate at full bandwidth. The second contribution of this work is an extensive experimental evaluation of a technology called location distinction, i.e., the ability to identify changes in radio transceiver position, via CIR measurements. Previous location distinction work has focused on single-input single-output (SISO) radio links. We extend this work to the context of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radio links, and study system design trade-offs which affect the performance of MIMO location distinction. The third contribution of this work introduces the "exploiting radio windows" (ERW) attack, in which an attacker outside of a building surreptitiously uses the transmissions of an otherwise secure wireless network inside of the building to infer location information about people inside the building. This is possible because of the relative transparency of external walls to radio transmissions. The final contribution of this dissertation is a feasibility study for building a rapidly deployable radio tomographic (RTI) imaging system for special operations forces (SOF). We show that it is possible to obtain valuable tracking information using as few as 10 radios over a single floor of a typical suburban home, even without precise radio location measurements

    Mariner-Venus 1967

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    Detailed information on the spacecraft performance, mission operations, and tracking and data acquisition is presented for the Mariner Venus 1967 and Mariner Venus 1967 extension projects. Scientific and engineering results and conclusions are discussed, and include the scientific mission, encounter with Venus, observations near Earth, and cruise phase of the mission. Flight path analysis, spacecraft subsystems, and mission-related hardware and computer program development are covered. The scientific experiments carried by Mariner 5 were ultraviolet photometer, solar plasma probe, helium magnetometer, trapped radiation detector, S-band radio occultation, dual-frequency radio propagation, and celestial mechanics. The engineering experience gained by converting a space Mariner Mars 1964 spacecraft into one flown to Venus is also described