9,331 research outputs found

    System-level optimization of baseband filters for communication applications

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    In this paper, a design approach for the high-level synthesis of programmable continuous-time baseband filters able to achieve optimum trade-off among dynamic range, distortion behavior, mismatch tolerance and power area consumptions is presented. The proposed approach relies on building programming circuit elements as arrays of switchable unit cells and defines the synthesis as a constrained optimization problem with both continuous and discrete variables, this last representing the number of enabled cells of the arrays at each configuration. The cost function under optimization is, then, defined as a weighted combination of performance indices which are estimated from macromodels of the circuit elements. The methodology has been implemented in MATLAB™ and C++, and covers all the classical approximation techniques for filters, most common circuit topologies (namely, ladder simulation and cascaded biquad realizations) and both transconductance-C (Gm-C) and active-RC implementation approaches. The proposed synthesis strategy is illustrated with a programmable equal-ripple ladder Gm-C filter for a multi-band power-line communication modem.P.R.O.F.I.T. FIT-070000-2001-84

    PynPoint: a modular pipeline architecture for processing and analysis of high-contrast imaging data

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    The direct detection and characterization of planetary and substellar companions at small angular separations is a rapidly advancing field. Dedicated high-contrast imaging instruments deliver unprecedented sensitivity, enabling detailed insights into the atmospheres of young low-mass companions. In addition, improvements in data reduction and PSF subtraction algorithms are equally relevant for maximizing the scientific yield, both from new and archival data sets. We aim at developing a generic and modular data reduction pipeline for processing and analysis of high-contrast imaging data obtained with pupil-stabilized observations. The package should be scalable and robust for future implementations and in particular well suitable for the 3-5 micron wavelength range where typically (ten) thousands of frames have to be processed and an accurate subtraction of the thermal background emission is critical. PynPoint is written in Python 2.7 and applies various image processing techniques, as well as statistical tools for analyzing the data, building on open-source Python packages. The current version of PynPoint has evolved from an earlier version that was developed as a PSF subtraction tool based on PCA. The architecture of PynPoint has been redesigned with the core functionalities decoupled from the pipeline modules. Modules have been implemented for dedicated processing and analysis steps, including background subtraction, frame registration, PSF subtraction, photometric and astrometric measurements, and estimation of detection limits. The pipeline package enables end-to-end data reduction of pupil-stabilized data and supports classical dithering and coronagraphic data sets. As an example, we processed archival VLT/NACO L' and M' data of beta Pic b and reassessed the planet's brightness and position with an MCMC analysis, and we provide a derivation of the photometric error budget.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, PynPoint is available at https://github.com/PynPoint/PynPoin

    The Milky Way like galaxy NGC 6384 and its nuclear star cluster at high NIR spatial resolution using LBT/ARGOS commissioning data

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    We analyse high spatial resolution near infra-red (NIR) imaging of NGC6384, a Milky Way like galaxy, using ARGOS commissioning data at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). ARGOS provides a stable PSFFWHM ⁣= ⁣0.2" ⁣ ⁣0.3"_{\rm FWHM}\!=\!0.2"\!-\!0.3" AO correction of the ground layer across the LUCI2 NIR camera 4 ⁣×44'\!\times4' field by using six laser guide stars (three per telescope) and a natural guide star for tip-tilt sensing and guiding. Enabled by this high spatial resolution we analyse the structure of the nuclear star cluster (NSC) and the central kiloparsec of NGC6384. We find via 2D modelling that the NSC (reff ⁣ ⁣10r_{\rm eff}\!\simeq\!10pc) is surrounded by a small (reff ⁣ ⁣100r_{\rm eff}\!\simeq\!100pc) and a larger Sersi\'c (reff ⁣ ⁣400r_{\rm eff}\!\simeq\!400pc), all embedded within the NGC\,6384 large-scale boxy/X-shaped bulge and disk. This proof-of-concept study shows that with the high spatial resolution achieved by ground-layer AO we can push such analysis to distances previously only accessible from space. SED-fitting to the NIR and optical HST photometry allowed to leverage the age-metallicity-extinction degeneracies and derive the effective NSC properties of an young to old population mass ratio of 8%8\% with M,old ⁣ ⁣3.5×107M{\cal M}_{\rm\star,old}\!\simeq\!3.5\times10^7M_\odot, Age$_{\rm old,\ young}\!=\!10.9\pm1.3Gyrand226MyrGyr and 226\,Myr \pm62\%,metallicity[M/H], metallicity [M/H]=\!-0.11\pm0.16and and 0.33\pm39\%dex,anddex, and E(B\!-\!V)\!=\!0.63$ and 1.44mag.Comment: 12 pages (+9 appendix), 11 figures, Accepted in MNRA

    Spatial distribution of emission in Unidentified Infrared Bands from Midcourse Space Experiment Survey

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    Recently the Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) has surveyed the Galactic plane in mainly four infrared bands between 6 and 25 micron. Two of these bands cover several Unidentified Infrared emission Bands (UIBs). With the aim of extracting the spatial distribution of the UIB emission on a large scale, a scheme has been developed to model the MSX data with emission in the UIBs alongwith the underlying thermal continuum from the interstellar dust. In order to test this scheme, a sample of five Galactic compact H II regions (Sh-61, Sh-138, Sh-152, Sh-156, Sh-186; Zavagno & Ducci 2001) for which imaging study in some individual UIBs is available from ISOCAM measurements, has been studied. The results of this comparative study on small angular scale are as follows : (i) the morphological details extracted from our scheme agree very well with those from the superior ISOCAM measurements; (ii) the integrated strength of UIBs extracted from the MSX database correlates extremely well with the sum of the strengths of individual UIBs measured from ISOCAM. This tight correlation is very encouraging and promises the potential of MSX database for study of large scale spatial distribution of UIB emission (and the carriers of UIBs) in the entire Galactic plane.Comment: to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysics; (9 pages including 2 tables & 11 figures

    A Monte Carlo simulation of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory proportional counters

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    The third phase of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) experiment added an array of 3He proportional counters to the detector. The purpose of this Neutral Current Detection (NCD) array was to observe neutrons resulting from neutral-current solar neutrino-deuteron interactions. We have developed a detailed simulation of the current pulses from the NCD array proportional counters, from the primary neutron capture on 3He through the NCD array signal-processing electronics. This NCD array Monte Carlo simulation was used to model the alpha-decay background in SNO's third-phase 8B solar-neutrino measurement.Comment: 38 pages; submitted to the New Journal of Physic

    Characterization of AGN and their hosts in the Extended Groth Strip: a multiwavelength analysis

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    We have employed a reliable technique of classification of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) based on the fit of well-sampled spectral energy distributions (SEDs) with a complete set of AGN and starburst galaxy templates. We have compiled ultraviolet, optical, and infrared data for a sample of 116 AGN originally selected for their X-ray and mid-infrared emissions (96 with single detections and 20 with double optical counterparts). This is the most complete compilation of multiwavelength data for such a big sample of AGN in the Extended Groth Strip (EGS). Through these SEDs, we are able to obtain highly reliable photometric redshifts and to distinguish between pure and host-dominated AGN. For the objects with unique detection we find that they can be separated into five main groups, namely: Starburst-dominated AGN (24 % of the sample), Starburst-contaminated AGN (7 %), Type-1 AGN (21 %), Type-2 AGN (24 %), and Normal galaxy hosting AGN (24 %). We find these groups concentrated at different redshifts: Type-2 AGN and Normal galaxy hosting AGN are concentrated at low redshifts, whereas Starburst-dominated AGN and Type-1 AGN show a larger span. Correlations between hard/soft X-ray and ultraviolet, optical and infrared luminosities, respectively, are reported for the first time for such a sample of AGN spanning a wide range of redshifts. For the 20 objects with double detection the percentage of Starburst-dominated AGN increases up to 48%.Comment: 38 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables. Accepted by A

    Analog/RF Circuit Design Techniques for Nanometerscale IC Technologies

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    CMOS evolution introduces several problems in analog design. Gate-leakage mismatch exceeds conventional matching tolerances requiring active cancellation techniques or alternative architectures. One strategy to deal with the use of lower supply voltages is to operate critical parts at higher supply voltages, by exploiting combinations of thin- and thick-oxide transistors. Alternatively, low voltage circuit techniques are successfully developed. In order to benefit from nanometer scale CMOS technology, more functionality is shifted to the digital domain, including parts of the RF circuits. At the same time, analog control for digital and digital control for analog emerges to deal with current and upcoming imperfections