92 research outputs found

    Traffic engineering in dynamic optical networks

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    Traffic Engineering (TE) refers to all the techniques a Service Provider employs to improve the efficiency and reliability of network operations. In IP over Optical (IPO) networks, traffic coming from upper layers is carried over the logical topology defined by the set of established lightpaths. Within this framework then, TE techniques allow to optimize the configuration of optical resources with respect to an highly dynamic traffic demand. TE can be performed with two main methods: if the demand is known only in terms of an aggregated traffic matrix, the problem of automatically updating the configuration of an optical network to accommodate traffic changes is called Virtual Topology Reconfiguration (VTR). If instead the traffic demand is known in terms of data-level connection requests with sub-wavelength granularity, arriving dynamically from some source node to any destination node, the problem is called Dynamic Traffic Grooming (DTG). In this dissertation new VTR algorithms for load balancing in optical networks based on Local Search (LS) techniques are presented. The main advantage of using LS is the minimization of network disruption, since the reconfiguration involves only a small part of the network. A comparison between the proposed schemes and the optimal solutions found via an ILP solver shows calculation time savings for comparable results of network congestion. A similar load balancing technique has been applied to alleviate congestion in an MPLS network, based on the efficient rerouting of Label-Switched Paths (LSP) from the most congested links to allow a better usage of network resources. Many algorithms have been developed to deal with DTG in IPO networks, where most of the attention is focused on optimizing the physical resources utilization by considering specific constraints on the optical node architecture, while very few attention has been put so far on the Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees for the carried traffic. In this thesis a novel Traffic Engineering scheme is proposed to guarantee QoS from both the viewpoint of service differentiation and transmission quality. Another contribution in this thesis is a formal framework for the definition of dynamic grooming policies in IPO networks. The framework is then specialized for an overlay architecture, where the control plane of the IP and optical level are separated, and no information is shared between the two. A family of grooming policies based on constraints on the number of hops and on the bandwidth sharing degree at the IP level is defined, and its performance analyzed in both regular and irregular topologies. While most of the literature on DTG problem implicitly considers the grooming of low-speed connections onto optical channels using a TDM approach, the proposed grooming policies are evaluated here by considering a realistic traffic model which consider a Dynamic Statistical Multiplexing (DSM) approach, i.e. a single wavelength channel is shared between multiple IP elastic traffic flows

    Virtual Topology Reconfrigation of WDM Optical Network with Minimum Physical Node

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    This paper review the reconfiguration of high capacity WDM optical Network, messages are carried in all optical form using light paths. The set of semi-permanent light paths which are set up in the network may be viewed as a virtual topology by higher layers such as SONET, ATM and IP. Reconfiguration is to charge in virtual topology to meet traffic pattern in high layers. It provides a trade off between objective value and the no. of changes to the virtual topology. In another study Objective is to design the logical topology & routing Algorithm on physical topology, so as to minimize the net work congestion while constraining the average delay seen by source destination pair and the amount of processing required at the nodes. Failure handling in WDM Networks is of prime importance due to the nature and volume of traffic, these network carry, failure detection is usually achieved by exchanging control messages among nodes with time out mechanism. Newer and more BW thirsty applications emerging on the horizon and WDM is to leveraging the capabilities of the optical fiber Wavelength  routing  is  the  ability  to  switch  a  signal  at intermediate  nodes  in  a  WDM  network  based  on  their wavelength. Virtual topology can be reconfigured when necessary to improve performance. To create the virtual topology different from the physical topology of the underlying network, is the ability of wavelength routing WDM. Keywords: WDM, Physical Topology, Virtual Topology and Reconfiguratio

    On the highly stable performance of loss-free optical burst switching networks

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    Increase of bandwidth demand in data networks, driven by the continuous growth of the Internet and the increase of bandwidth greedy applications, raise the issue of how to support all the bandwidth requirements in the near future. Three optical switching paradigms have been defined and are being investigated: Optical Circuit Switching (OCS); Optical Packet Switching (OPS); and Optical Burst Switching (OBS). Among these paradigms, OBS is seen as the most appropriate solution today. However, OBS suffers from high burst loss as a result of contention in the bufferless mode of operation. This issue was investigated by Coutelen et al., 2009 who proposed the loss-free CAROBS framework whereby signal convertors of the optical signal to the electrical domain ensure electrical buffering. Convertors increase the network price which must be minimized to reduce the installation and operating costs of the CAROBS framework. An analysis capturing convertor requirements, with respect to the number of merging flows and CAROBS node offered load, was carried out. We demonstrated the convertor location significance, which led to an additional investigation of the shared wavelength convertors scenario. Shared wavelength convertors significantly decrease the number of required convertors and show great promise for CAROBS. Based on this study we can design a CAROBS network to contain a combination of simple and complex nodes that include none or some convertors respectively, a vital feature of network throughput efficiency and cost

    Design and provisioning of WDM networks for traffic grooming

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    Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) is the most viable technique for utilizing the enormous amounts of bandwidth inherently available in optical fibers. However, the bandwidth offered by a single wavelength in WDM networks is on the order of tens of Gigabits per second, while most of the applications\u27 bandwidth requirements are still subwavelength. Therefore, cost-effective design and provisioning of WDM networks require that traffic from different sessions share bandwidth of a single wavelength by employing electronic multiplexing at higher layers. This is known as traffic grooming. Optical networks supporting traffic grooming are usually designed in a way such that the cost of the higher layer equipment used to support a given traffic matrix is reduced. In this thesis, we propose a number of optimal and heuristic solutions for the design and provisioning of optical networks for traffic grooming with an objective of network cost reduction. In doing so, we address several practical issues. Specifically, we address the design and provisioning of WDM networks on unidirectional and bidirectional rings for arbitrary unicast traffic grooming, and on mesh topologies for arbitrary multipoint traffic grooming. In multipoint traffic grooming, we address both multicast and many-to-one traffic grooming problems. We provide a unified frame work for optimal and approximate network dimensioning and channel provisioning for the generic multicast traffic grooming problem, as well as some variants of the problem. For many-to-one traffic grooming we propose optimal as well as heuristic solutions. Optimal formulations which are inherently non-linear are mapped to an optimal linear formulation. In the heuristic solutions, we employ different problem specific search strategies to explore the solution space. We provide a number of experimental results to show the efficacy of our proposed techniques for the traffic grooming problem in WDM networks

    End-to-end provisioning in multi-domain/multi-layer networks

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    The last decade has seen many advances in high-speed networking technologies. At the Layer 1 fiber-optic level, dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) has seen fast growth in long-haul backbone/metro sectors. At the Layer 1.5 level, revamped next-generation SONET/SDH (NGS) has gained strong traction in the metro space, as a highly flexible sub-rate\u27 aggregation and grooming solution. Meanwhile, ubiquitous Ethernet (Layer 2) and IP (Layer 3) technologies have also seen the introduction of new quality of service (QoS) paradigms via the differentiated services (Diff-Serv) and integrated services (Intserv) frameworks. In recent years, various control provisioning standards have also been developed to provision these new networks, e.g., via efforts within the IETF, ITU-T, and OIF organizations. As these networks technologies gain traction, there is an increasing need to internetwork multiple domains operating at different technology layers, e.g., IP, Ethernet, SONET, DWDM. However, most existing studies have only looked at single domain networks or multiple domains operating at the same technology layer. As a result, there is now a growing level of interest in developing expanded control solutions for multi-domain/multi-layer networks, i.e., IP-SONET-DWDM. Now given the increase in the number of inter-connected domains, it is difficult for a single entity to maintain complete \u27global\u27 information across all domains. Hence, related solutions must pursue a distributed approach to handling multi-domain/multi-layer problem. Namely, key provisions are needed in the area of inter- domain routing, path computation, and signaling. The work in this thesis addresses these very challenges. Namely, a hierarchical routing framework is first developed to incorporate the multiple link types/granularities encountered in different network domains. Commensurate topology abstraction algorithms and update strategies are then introduced to help condense domain level state and propagate global views. Finally, distributed path computation and signaling setup schemes are developed to leverage the condensed global state information and make intelligent connection routing decisions. The work leverages heavily from graph theory concepts and also addresses the inherent distributed grooming dimension of multi-layer networks. The performance of the proposed framework and algorithms is studied using discrete event simulation techniques. Specifically, a range of multi-domain/multi-layer network topologies are designed and tested. Findings show that the propagation of inter-domain tunneled link state has a huge impact on connection blocking performance, lowering inter-domain connection blocking rates by a notable amount. More importantly, these gains are achieved without any notable increase in inter-domain routing loads. Furthermore, the results also show that topology abstraction is most beneficial at lower network load settings, and when used in conjunction with load-balancing routing.\u2

    A novel approach to fault tolerant multichannel networks designing problems

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    This work presents solution of a bus interconnection network set designing task on the base of a hypergraph model. In order to do this the interconnection network is presented as a multipartite hypergraph. A system with virtual bus connections functioning in an environment of common physical channel was analyzed, which is characteristic of the networks based on the WDM technology. The mathematical reliability model was proposed for two modes of system functioning: with redundancy of communication subsystem and division of communication load. As solution estimation criteria the expected changes of processing efficiency changes were used as also a communication delay change criteria and system reliability criteria. The designing task solution is searched in a Pareto set composed of Pareto optima. The selection procedure of a specific solution in the case of its equivalency in relation to a vector goal function was presented

    Energy Efficient Core Networks with Clouds

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    The popularity of cloud based applications stemming from the high volume of connected mobile devices has led to a huge increase in Internet traffic. In order to enable easy access to cloud applications, infrastructure providers have invested in geographically distributed databases and servers. However, intelligent and energy efficient high capacity transport networks with near ubiquitous connectivity are needed to adequately and sustainably serve these requirements. In this thesis, network virtualisation has been identified as a potential networking paradigm that can contribute to network agility and energy efficiency improvements in core networks with clouds. The work first introduces a new virtual network embedding core network architecture with clouds and a compute and bandwidth resource provisioning mechanism aimed at reducing power consumption in core networks and data centres. Further, quality of service measures in compute and bandwidth resource provisioning such as delay and customer location have been investigated and their impact on energy efficiency established. Data centre location optimisation for energy efficiency in virtual network embedding infrastructure has been investigated by developing a MILP model that selects optimal data centre locations in the core network. The work also introduces an optical OFDM based physical layer in virtual network embedding to optimise power consumption and optical spectrum utilization. In addition, virtual network embedding schemes aimed at profit maximization for cloud infrastructure providers as well greenhouse gas emission reduction in cloud infrastructure networks have been investigated. GreenTouch, a consortium of industrial and academic experts on energy efficiency in ICTs, has adopted the work in this thesis as one of the measures of improving energy efficiency in core networks

    Investigation of the tolerance of wavelength-routed optical networks to traffic load variations.

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    This thesis focuses on the performance of circuit-switched wavelength-routed optical network with unpredictable traffic pattern variations. This characteristic of optical networks is termed traffic forecast tolerance. First, the increasing volume and heterogeneous nature of data and voice traffic is discussed. The challenges in designing robust optical networks to handle unpredictable traffic statistics are described. Other work relating to the same research issues are discussed. A general methodology to quantify the traffic forecast tolerance of optical networks is presented. A traffic model is proposed to simulate dynamic, non-uniform loads, and used to test wavelength-routed optical networks considering numerous network topologies. The number of wavelengths required and the effect of the routing and wavelength allocation algorithm are investigated. A new method of quantifying the network tolerance is proposed, based on the calculation of the increase in the standard deviation of the blocking probabilities with increasing traffic load non-uniformity. The performance of different networks are calculated and compared. The relationship between physical features of the network topology and traffic forecast tolerance is investigated. A large number of randomly connected networks with different sizes were assessed. It is shown that the average lightpath length and the number of wavelengths required for full interconnection of the nodes in static operation both exhibit a strong correlation with the network tolerance, regardless of the degree of load non-uniformity. Finally, the impact of wavelength conversion on network tolerance is investigated. Wavelength conversion significantly increases the robustness of optical networks to unpredictable traffic variations. In particular, two sparse wavelength conversion schemes are compared and discussed: distributed wavelength conversion and localized wavelength conversion. It is found that the distributed wavelength conversion scheme outperforms localized wavelength conversion scheme, both with uniform loading and in terms of the network tolerance. The results described in this thesis can be used for the analysis and design of reliable WDM optical networks that are robust to future traffic demand variations
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