28 research outputs found

    FASMM: Fast and Accessible Software Migration Method

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    International audienceWith the fast changes of development technologies, organizations often need to migrate their software from a source to a target technology that could comprise a shift in programming paradigm. This operation is not easy and requires precision and structuring. However, in small companies, due to lack of resources (workforce, time, budget...) the migration phase is frequently quickly done and not necessarily in an optimized way: functionalities are not implemented properly, the new architecture is loose and knowledge gained during the migration is not capitalized. This paper presents a method to guide developers in the migration of software functionalities based on model driven engineering techniques and allows capitalizing knowledge as transformation rules, to enable their reuse in future migration projects. This method was built from a case study in a French company that produces software training and support for critical applications

    Migration of Legacy Systems in New Public Management – the Swedish Rescue Services Incident Reporting System

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    The Swedish Rescue Services are migrating from an incident report system to a fully-fledged incident learning system, as part of new public management strategies. The migration process has been studied in an effort to identify challenges and complexities that can offer advice for future system migration projects. The system migration objectives expressed by the central agency leading the studied migration process clearly aimed at implementing double-loop learning in the organizations. The study reveals that in practice this objective has been lost along the way, with the agency in reality focusing more on cosmetic changes, such as terminology, attributes and labels. Meanwhile end-users expressed different and concrete needs, requiring new functionality, process improvements and organizational development. The study highlights the importance of early, active user involvement in the migration process for dual use legacy systems, to avoid losing explicitly articulated high-level objectives, such as improved performance and dual-use of the system

    Migration of legacy systems - the Swedish Rescue Services incident reporting system

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    The Swedish Rescue Services are migrating from an incident report system to a fully-fledged incident learning system. The migration process has been studied under the lenses of organizational learning theories, to identify challenges that can offer advice for future system migration projects. The objectives expressed by the central agency leading the studied migration process aimed at implementing organizational double-loop learning by using the incident reports as enablers to learn from the rescue operation and improve future operations accordingly. In practice this objective has been lost along the way, with the agency focusing more on cosmetic changes, such as terminology, attributes and labels. Meanwhile end-users expressed different and concrete needs, requiring new functionality, process improvements and organizational development. The study highlights the importance of early, active user involvement in the migration process for dual use legacy systems, to avoid losing explicitly articulated high-level objectives, such as improved performance and dual use of the system

    Developing Legacy System Migration Methods and Tools for Technology Transfer

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    This paper presents the research results of an ongoing technology transfer project carried out in coopera- tion between the University of Salerno and a small software company. The project is aimed at developing and transferring migration technology to the industrial partner. The partner should be enabled to migrate monolithic multi-user COBOL legacy systems to a multi-tier Web-based architecture. The assessment of the legacy systems of the partner company revealed that these systems had a very low level of decompos- ability with spaghetti-like code and embedded control flow and database accesses within the user interface descriptions. For this reason, it was decided to adopt an incremental migration strategy based on the reengineering of the user interface using Web technology, on the transformation of interactive legacy programs into batch programs, and the wrapping of the legacy programs. A middleware framework links the new Web-based user interface with the Wrapped Legacy System. An Eclipse plug-in, named MELIS (migration environment for legacy information systems), was also developed to support the migration process. Both the migration strategy and the tool have been applied to two essential subsystems of the most business critical legacy system of the partner company

    Framework change for modernization of webservice

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    Software companies that provide Software as a service, constantly seek to improve their product, by adding features according to the customer's needs. In an attempt to meet all the deadlines set by the customer, an important aspect of software development that gets neglected is code maintenance and code modernization, since this is not something that a customer demands of the software. But from a developer's stand point, a good software is one that is easy to work with and easy to maintain. In the long term ignoring code modernization will produce legacy code. Legacy code need not be code that is old, instead it can be code that is written in an outdated language, or has libraries that are no longer vendor supported. Legacy code then leads to different types of technical debt. This inadvertently affects the customer, because as the technical debt of the codebase increases, new feature development or maintenance will become more expensive and time consuming. This was the situation in the chosen case study company. This thesis focuses on studying the different types of technical debt and the possible code modernization methods and strategies that could be applied to a legacy system and possibly reduce technical debt and make the code more maintainable and modern. For this thesis, the modernization process selected is the Chicken Little methodology. This technique allows both the legacy system and the target system to run in parallel by using gateways, and this is an important feature for this project. Especially during the client-testing phase or in the first few months after the new system is taken into production, if there are any issues with the system, customers can be directed to the old system without losing business. In each step of this technique minimal functionality is selected, there by reducing the chance of risk. By following the steps of the chosen methodology to change the framework, the benefits identified were, easier code re-usability and thus code maintainability, reduced lines of code, more unit test cases and many more. Thereafter, concluding the thesis

    Migration of Legacy Systems to Cloud Computing

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    Cloud Computing is the dynamic provisioning of physical and virtual resources as services offering by providers, to optimize performance and utilization of their resources. Consumers contract Cloud services and negotiate service level agreements. Some consumers plan to migrate functionality of their legacy systems to Cloud Computing, to minimize investment on their own infrastructure and to obtain new software solutions that rapidly adapt to changes in the system environment. Therefore, the contribution of this work is to classify different types of migration of legacy systems to Cloud Computing, according to the characteristics of the applications and the deployment models of Cloud Computing. Thus, a workflow for functionality migration is proposed, based on the experience in system conversion projects and the analyzed characteristics of Cloud environments. Finally, some security risks are evaluated in the migration process and some recommendations are listed.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Migración de sistemas heredados a cloud computing

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    Cloud computing consiste en el aprovisionamiento dinámico de recursos físicos y virtuales por parte de los proveedores, para optimizar al máximo la rentabilidad y la utilización de sus recursos. Los consumidores, contratan estos servicios, negociando los acuerdos de nivel de servicio. Algunos consumidores proyectan migrar las funcionalidades de sus sistemas heredados a los servicios de cloud computing, para minimizar la inversión en infraestructura propia y además adquirir nuevas soluciones informáticas que se adapten rápidamente a los cambios dinámicos del entorno. Por lo tanto, el aporte de este trabajo consiste en clasificar diferentes tipos de migración de sistemas heredados a cloud computing, según las características de estas aplicaciones y los modelos de implementación de cloud computing. También se propone un flujo de trabajo para la migración de funcionalidades, basado en la experiencia en proyectos de conversión de sistemas y las características analizadas de los entornos de cloud computing. Finalmente, se evalúan algunos riesgos de seguridad en el proceso de migración y se proponen algunas recomendaciones contra estos riesgos.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Migración de sistemas heredados a cloud computing

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    Cloud computing consiste en el aprovisionamiento dinámico de recursos físicos y virtuales por parte de los proveedores, para optimizar al máximo la rentabilidad y la utilización de sus recursos. Los consumidores, contratan estos servicios, negociando los acuerdos de nivel de servicio. Algunos consumidores proyectan migrar las funcionalidades de sus sistemas heredados a los servicios de cloud computing, para minimizar la inversión en infraestructura propia y además adquirir nuevas soluciones informáticas que se adapten rápidamente a los cambios dinámicos del entorno. Por lo tanto, el aporte de este trabajo consiste en clasificar diferentes tipos de migración de sistemas heredados a cloud computing, según las características de estas aplicaciones y los modelos de implementación de cloud computing. También se propone un flujo de trabajo para la migración de funcionalidades, basado en la experiencia en proyectos de conversión de sistemas y las características analizadas de los entornos de cloud computing. Finalmente, se evalúan algunos riesgos de seguridad en el proceso de migración y se proponen algunas recomendaciones contra estos riesgos.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Migración de sistemas heredados a cloud computing

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    Cloud computing consiste en el aprovisionamiento dinámico de recursos físicos y virtuales por parte de los proveedores, para optimizar al máximo la rentabilidad y la utilización de sus recursos. Los consumidores, contratan estos servicios, negociando los acuerdos de nivel de servicio. Algunos consumidores proyectan migrar las funcionalidades de sus sistemas heredados a los servicios de cloud computing, para minimizar la inversión en infraestructura propia y además adquirir nuevas soluciones informáticas que se adapten rápidamente a los cambios dinámicos del entorno. Por lo tanto, el aporte de este trabajo consiste en clasificar diferentes tipos de migración de sistemas heredados a cloud computing, según las características de estas aplicaciones y los modelos de implementación de cloud computing. También se propone un flujo de trabajo para la migración de funcionalidades, basado en la experiencia en proyectos de conversión de sistemas y las características analizadas de los entornos de cloud computing. Finalmente, se evalúan algunos riesgos de seguridad en el proceso de migración y se proponen algunas recomendaciones contra estos riesgos.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO