68 research outputs found

    Platform for reliable computing on clusters using group communications

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    Shared clusters represent an excellent platform for the execution of parallel applications given their low price/performance ratio and the presence of cluster infrastructure in many organisations. The focus of recent research efforts are on parallelism management, transport and efficient access to resources, and making clusters easy to use. In this thesis, we examine reliable parallel computing on clusters. The aim of this research is to demonstrate the feasibility of developing an operating system facility providing transport fault tolerance using existing, enhanced and newly built operating system services for supporting parallel applications. In particular, we use existing process duplication and process migration services, and synthesise a group communications facility for use in a transparent checkpointing facility. This research is carried out using the methods of experimental computer science. To provide a foundation for the synthesis of the group communications and checkpointing facilities, we survey and review related work in both fields. For group communications, we examine the V Distributed System, the x-kernel and Psync, the ISIS Toolkit, and Horus. We identify a need for services that consider the placement of processes on computers in the cluster. For Checkpointing, we examine Manetho, KeyKOS, libckpt, and Diskless Checkpointing. We observe the use of remote computer memories for storing checkpoints, and the use of copy-on-write mechanisms to reduce the time to create a checkpoint of a process. We propose a group communications facility providing two sets of services: user-oriented services and system-oriented services. User-oriented services provide transparency and target application. System-oriented services supplement the user-oriented services for supporting other operating systems services and do not provide transparency. Additional flexibility is achieved by providing delivery and ordering semantics independently. An operating system facility providing transparent checkpointing is synthesised using coordinated checkpointing. To ensure a consistent set of checkpoints are generated by the facility, instead of blindly blocking the processes of a parallel application, only non-deterministic events are blocked. This allows the processes of the parallel application to continue execution during the checkpoint operation. Checkpoints are created by adapting process duplication mechanisms, and checkpoint data is transferred to remote computer memories and disk for storage using the mechanisms of process migration. The services of the group communications facility are used to coordinate the checkpoint operation, and to transport checkpoint data to remote computer memories and disk. Both the group communications facility and the checkpointing facility have been implemented in the GENESIS cluster operating system and provide proof-of-concept. GENESIS uses a microkernel and client-server based operating system architecture, and is demonstrated to provide an appropriate environment for the development of these facilities. We design a number of experiments to test the performance of both the group communications facility and checkpointing facility, and to provide proof-of-performance. We present our approach to testing, the challenges raised in testing the facilities, and how we overcome them. For group communications, we examine the performance of a number of delivery semantics. Good speed-ups are observed and system-oriented group communication services are shown to provide significant performance advantages over user-oriented semantics in the presence of packet loss. For checkpointing, we examine the scalability of the facility given different levels of resource usage and a variable number of computers. Low overheads are observed for checkpointing a parallel application. It is made clear by this research that the microkernel and client-server based cluster operating system provide an ideal environment for the development of a high performance group communications facility and a transparent checkpointing facility for generating a platform for reliable parallel computing on clusters

    Fault-tolerant parallel applications using a network of workstations

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    PhD thesisIt is becoming common to employ a Network Of Workstations, often referred to as a NOW, for general purpose computing since the allocation of an individual workstation offers good interactive response. However, there may still be a need to perform very large scale computations which exceed the resources of a single workstation. It may be that the amount of processing implies an inconveniently long duration or that the data manipulated exceeds available storage. One possibility is to employ a more powerful single machine for such computations. However, there is growing interest in seeking a cheaper alternative by harnessing the significant idle time often observed in a NOW and also possibly employing a number of workstations in parallel on a single problem. Parallelisation permits use of the combined memories of all participating workstations, but also introduces a need for communication. and success in any hardware environment depends on the amount of communication relative to the amount of computation required. In the context of a NOW, much success is reported with applications which have low communication requirements relative to computation requirements. Here it is claimed that there is reason for investigation into the use of a NOW for parallel execution of computations which are demanding in storage, potentially even exceeding the sum of memory in all available workstations. Another consideration is that where a computation is of sufficient scale, some provision for tolerating partial failures may be desirable. However, generic support for storage management and fault-tolerance in computations of this scale for a NOW is not currently available and the suitability of a NOW for solving such computations has not been investigated to any large extent. The work described here is concerned with these issues. The approach employed is to make use of an existing distributed system which supports nested atomic actions (atomic transactions) to structure fault-tolerant computations with persistent objects. This system is used to develop a fault-tolerant "bag of tasks" computation model, where the bag and shared objects are located on secondary storage. In order to understand the factors that affect the performance of large parallel computations on a NOW, a number of specific applications are developed. The performance of these applications is ana- lysed using a semi-empirical model. The same measurements underlying these performance predictions may be employed in estimation of the performance of alternative application structures. Using services provided by the distributed system referred to above, each application is implemented. The implement- ation allows verification of predicted performance and also permits identification of issues regarding construction of components required to support the chosen application structuring technique. The work demonstrates that a NOW certainly offers some potential for gain through parallelisation and that for large grain computations, the cost of implementing fault tolerance is low.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Counci

    FT-PAS-A framework for pattern specific fault-tolerance in parallel programming

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    Fault-tolerance is an important requirement for long running parallel applications. Many approaches are discussed in various literatures about providing fault-tolerance for parallel systems. Most of them exhibit one or more of these shortcomings in delivering fault-tolerance: non-specific solution (i.e., the fault-tolerance solution is general), no separation-of-concern (i.e., the application developer's involvement in implementing the fault tolerance is significant) and limited to inbuilt fault-tolerance solution. In this thesis, we propose a different approach to deliver fault-tolerance to the parallel programs using a-priori knowledge about their patterns. Our approach is based on the observation that different patterns require different fault-tolerance techniques (specificity). Consequently, we have contributed by classifying patterns into sub-patterns based on fault-tolerance strategies. Moreover, the core functionalities of these fault-tolerance strategies can be abstracted and pre-implemented generically, independent of a specific application. Thus, the pre-packaged solution separates their implementation details from the application developer (separation-of-concern). One such fault-tolerance model is designed and implemented here to demonstrate our idea. The Fault-Tolerant Parallel Architectural Skeleton (FT-PAS) model implements various fault-tolerance protocols targeted for a collection of (frequently used) patterns in parallel-programming. Fault-tolerance protocol extension is another important contribution of this research. The FT-PAS model provides a set of basic building blocks as part of protocol extension in order to build new fault- tolerance protocols as needed for available patterns. Finally, the usages of the model from the perspective of two user categories (i.e., an application developer and a protocol designer) are illustrated through examples

    Foundations and Technological Landscape of Cloud Computing

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    The cloud computing paradigm has brought the benefits of utility computing to a global scale. It has gained paramount attention in recent years. Companies are seriously considering to adopt this new paradigm and expecting to receive significant benefits. In fact, the concept of cloud computing is not a revolution in terms of technology; it has been established based on the solid ground of virtualization, distributed system, and web services. To comprehend cloud computing, its foundations and technological landscape need to be adequately understood. This paper provides a comprehensive review on the building blocks of cloud computing and relevant technological aspects. It focuses on four key areas including architecture, virtualization, data management, and security issues

    Fault tolerant software technology for distributed computing system

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    Issued as Monthly reports [nos. 1-23], Interim technical report, Technical guide books [nos. 1-2], and Final report, Project no. G-36-64