5 research outputs found

    Effects of Spreading Sequences on the Performance of MC-CDMA System with Nonlinear Models of HPA

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    Performance evaluation and comparison of multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) system model for different spreading sequences at the presence of Saleh and Rapp model of high power amplifier (HPA) is investigated. Nonlinear amplification introduces degradation of bit error performance and destroys the orthogonality among subcarriers. In order to avoid performance degradation without requiring extremely large backoffs in the transmitter amplifier, it becomes convenient to use nonlinear multi-user detection techniques at the receiver side. In order to illustrate this fact, microstatistic multi-user receiver (MSF-MUD) and conventional minimum mean square error receiver (MMSE-MUD) are considered and mutually compared. The results of our analyses based on computer simulations will show very clearly, that the application of nonlinear MSF-MUD in combination with Golay codes can provide significantly better results than the other tested spreading codes and receivers. Besides this fact, a failure of Walsh codes especially at the Saleh model of HPA will be outlined by using constellation diagram

    Multicarrier communication systems with low sensibility to nonlinear amplification

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    Actualment estem entrant a una nova era de la informació amb gran demanda de sistemes de comunicació sense fils. Nous serveis com dades i video requereixen transmissions fiables d'alta velocitat, fins i tot en escenaris d'alta mobilitat. A més a més, la dificultat d'assignar el limitat espectre radioelèctric juntament amb la necessitat d'incrementar el temps de vida de les bateries dels terminals mòbils, requereix el diseny de transceptors que usin la potència i l'ampla de banda disponibles de manera eficient. Les comunicacions multiportadora basades en OFDM són capaces de satisfer la majoria d'aquests requeriments. Però, entre altres reptes, reduir la sensibilitat a la amplificació no-lineal és un factor clau durant el diseny. En aquesta tesi doctoral s'analitza la sensibilitat dels sistemes multiportadora basats en OFDM a l'amplificació no-lineal i es consideren formes eficients per superar aquest problema. La tesi s'enfoca principalment al problema de reduir les fluctuacions de l'envolupant del senyal transmès. En aquest sentit es presenta també un estudi de les mètriques de l'envolupant del senyal, PAPR i CM. A més a més, basant-nos en l'anàlisis presentat es proposen noves tècniques per sistemes OFDM i MC-SS. Per MC-SS, també es tracta el diseny d'una tècnica de postprocessament en forma de detector multiusuari per canals no-lineals.Actualmente estamos entrando en una nueva era de la información donde se da una gran demanda de sistemas de comunicación inalámbricos. Nuevos servicios como datos y vídeo requieren transmisiones fiables de alta velocidad, incluso en escenarios de alta movilidad. Además, la dificultad de asignar el limitado espectro radioeléctrico junto con la necesidad de incrementar el tiempo de vida de las baterías de los terminales móviles, requiere el diseño de transceptores que usen eficientemente la potencia y el ancho de banda disponibles. Las comunicaciones multiportadora basadas en OFDM son capaces de satisfacer la mayoría de dichos requerimientos. Sin embargo, entre otros retos, reducir su sensibilidad a la amplificación no-lineal es un factor clave durante el diseño. En esta tesis se analiza la sensibilidad de los sistemas multiportadora basados en OFDM a la amplificación no-lineal y se consideran formas eficientes para superar dicho problema. La tesis se enfoca principalmente al problema de reducir las fluctuaciones de la envolvente. En este sentido también se presenta un estudio de las métricas de la señal, PAPR y CM. Además, basándonos en el análisis presentado se proponen nuevas técnicas para OFDM y MC-SS. Para MC-SS, también se trata el diseño de un detector multiusuario para canales no-lineales.We are now facing a new information age with high demand of wireless communication systems. New services such as data and video require achieving reliable high-speed transmissions even in high mobility scenarios. Moreover, the difficulty to allocate so many wireless communication systems in the limited frequency band in addition to the demand for long battery life requires designing spectrum and power efficient transceivers. Multicarrier communications based on OFDM are known to fulfill most of the requirements of such systems. However, among other challenges, reducing the sensitivity to nonlinear amplification has become a design key. In this thesis the sensitivity of OFDM-based multicarrier systems to nonlinear amplification is analyzed and efficient ways to overcome this problem are considered. The focus is mainly on the problem of reducing the envelope fluctuations. Therefore, a study of the signal metrics, namely PAPR and CM, is also presented. From the presented analysis, several new techniques for OFDM and MC-SS are proposed. For MC-SS, the design of a post-processing technique in the form of a multiuser detector for nonlinearly distorted MC-SS symbols is also addressed

    The Microstatistic Multi-User Receiver: Basic Principle and Preliminary Results

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    Abstract--In this paper, the microstatistic multi-user detection receiver (MSF-MUD) will be introduced. The output of the MSF-MUD is taken as the sign of the multi-channel non-linear transformation of the output of a bank of matched filters (BMF). In the case of the MSF-MUD, this transformation is done by multi-channel conventional microstatistic filter (M-CMF). Because the M-CMF theory has not been available, a method of the time-invariant M-CMF design is developed in this paper, too. Index Terms--microstatistic filter, multi-user detection receiver, non-linear single-stage receiver, CDMA. I