10 research outputs found

    \u3ci\u3eThe Russian Guitar 1800-1850\u3c/i\u3e (Timofeyev and Schneiderman)

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    The Russian Guitar 1800-1850, album by Oleg Timofeyev and John Schneiderman is reviewed

    Mozarts Musik in Litauen: einige Akzente

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    Wann Mozarts Musik Litauen erreicht hat, kann man nicht genau feststellen. Schon zu seinen Lebzeiten begann sich das öffentliche professionelle Musikleben in Litauen zu formieren. Die Hauptzentren der Musikaufführung waren die Kirche und die Schlösser der Aristokratie

    \u3ci\u3eSoundboard Scholar\u3c/i\u3e no. 3 (Complete)

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    Švietimo epochos žmogus

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    Reikšminiai žodžiai: Edukacija; Istorija; Jean Rolay; Mykolas Kleopas Oginskis (Michal Kleofas Oginski); Namų mokymas; Pedagogika; Education; History; House training; Jean Rolay; Michal Kleofas Oginski; Mykolas Kleopas Oginskis; Pedagog

    Mykolas Kleopas Oginskis ir jo projektas atkurti Lietuvos Didžiąją Kunigaikštystę

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    Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); M. K. Oginskis, Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė; Memorandumas; Mykolas Kleopas Oginskis (Michal Kleofas Oginski); Rietavas; Valstybė; M. K. Oginski; Memorandum; Michal Kleofas Oginski; Rietavas; Stat

    Czech piano music from Smetana to Janacek : style, development, significance.

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    This dissertation will examine the development of Czech piano music through the key figures of Smetana, Dvorak, Foerster, Fibich, Novak, Suk, and Janacek between 1840 and 1912. This period begins with the early piano polkas of Smetana and ends with the last major solo piano work of Janacek in 1912. The chronological framework of the dissertation is important in defining its purpose: the early nineteenth century was a key period in Czech society, and one characterised by aesthetic debates Central to this was the Narodni Obrozeni (National Revival), and the social and cultural framework is essential for a full understanding of the output of the composers in question. At the start of the National Revival, music became invested with an ideological burden which meant that composers were responsible for creating a specifically Czech form of expression. One of the key dualities explored within this dissertation is that of European influence vs the absorption of Czech and Slavonic folk music in the musical languages of the individual composers, so the issue of national vs international is of primary importance here. The ideological backgound of the National Revival meant that opera was afforded more attention, and other genres were marginalised as a result of this focus. This introduces a second duality, namely that of piano music vs opera Previous literature examining, this period of Czech music has focused upon opera and neglected piano music. That which does exist is in Czech, and these writers have concentrated upon detailed analyses of individual works, meaning that a more macroscopic approach linking and connecting the key Czech composers of the period has not existed. This dissertation aims to combine this Czech literature with modern scholarship on surrounding, figures and musical movements in order to give a fuller and more multifaceted account of the period in question, and the role of the piano within it

    Support of Michał Kleofas Oginski for the town of Sokolov. Episode from the period of the Four-Year sejm

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    On the basis of the item published in "Gazeta Warszawska" (Warsaw Newspaper) of 7 August 1791 about the Oginski foundation for the town of Sokolov, the article discusses the attitude of Michal Kleofas Oginski towards the reforms of the Four-Year Sejm, analyses his attitude towards the improvement of townspeople' living conditions and briefly reviews the history of Sokolov town (at present - Sokolov town in the southeastern part of Poland) focusing on the reforms carried out in the town during the period of ruling of the Oginski family. The ceremony of setting the foundation-stone of Sokolov Town Hall mentioned in the item of "Gazeta Warszawska" (Warsaw Newspaper) is analysed in wider cultural context. At the end of the article there is presented the item itself with its translation into Lithuanian language. The description of the events of 6 August 1791 in Sokolov not only shows the kind gesture of the sword mercenary of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and his wife but also discloses the daily life of that time town and gives the knowledge for culture and customs histor

    Perspectives of rapprochement by common national heroes - a case study of Michał Kleofas Ogiński

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    Reikšminiai žodžiai: Oginskis, Mykolas Kleofas; Abiejų Tautų Respublika; Lenkų-lietuvių santykiai; Kultūrinė reabilitacija; Herojus; Tautinis tapatumas; Šlėkta. Keywords: Oginski, Michal Kleofas; Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; Polish-Lithuanian relations; Cultural binder; Cultural rehabilitation; Hero; National identity; Szlachta Reikšminiai žodžiai: Mykolas Kleopas Oginskis (Michal Kleofas Oginski); Abiejų Tautų Respublika (ATR; Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów; Žečpospolita; Sandrauga; Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth); Nacionalinis tapatumas; Politiniai veikėjai; Kultūros paveldas; Kultūrinis atstatymas; Herojus; Cultural heritage; Cultural rehabilitation; Hero; Political figuresThe uncomfortable situation of Poles in Lithuania is, among other things, the effect of Lithuanian historical education. Excerpts from the textbook on the history of Lithuania show diametrical differences in contemporary ideas about the past of both nations. Shared heroes are useful to overcome prejudices of the previous century (which affect the image of 1385-1795). One of them is Michał Kleofas Ogiński, Lithuanian nobleman, a political activist during the last years of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and two decades after its collapse. He has the rank of a great national hero in Lithuania and Belarus but is valued in Poland above all because of his piano compositions. The analysis of fragments of his work Memoirs about Poland and Poles helps us to regard a representative of the noble nation from a different perspective. It makes us aware of the cohesion of Polish and Lithuanian national identity at the turn of the 19th century, helps us to appreciate the heritage of the past and offers a chance to build positive relations between us. Rectifying a distorted vision of history is a prospect for a mature partnership now and in the future

    Between the treason and service to the Republic? Michał Kleofas Oginski in Grodno sejm of 1793

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    Michal Kleofas Oginski's political position on the eve of and during Grodno Sejm of 1793 is analysed in the article as well as the problem of high treason and forced submission to compulsion is addressed. It is stated, that M. K. Oginski and other politicians of Grodno Sejm did not commit a crime against the ruler (the crime against the ruler was considered high treason), because he participated at the Sejm together with Stanisław August Poniatowski. However, on the basis of the laws of the Four-Year Sejm he, as well as the other participants of this Sejm, could be accused of treason, as according to the constitution of 1791 Sejm, the making of an agreement with a foreign state was considered the crime against the homeland. The conclusion is drawn after analysing Micha Kleofas Oginski's political position on the threshold of the second partition, that M.K. Oginski solved the dilemma of active resistance to the compulsion of foreign states and collaboration in the summer of 1792. At that time he chose the oath to the reforms eliminating confederation and a personal career - the post of the great treasurer of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania instead of emigration or retirement from political life. Being loyal to Russian Empress Catherine II Michal Kleofas Oginski was not involved into active movement against the legalization of the partition neither in the Sejm nor beyond it. However, Michal Kleofas Oginski's attitude on the eve of 1793 Grodno Sejm and during its proceedings demonstrated not only his resignation to the partition of the state but also disclosed his attempts to pre pare the state to further existence in cooperation with the group of the ruler Stanisław August Poniatowski

    Michał Kleofas Oginski and his polonaises : between classicism and romanticism

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    Personality of Michal Kleofas Oginski and his oeuvre reflect a complicated period at the junction of 18th - 19th centuries, when the Commonwealth of Both Nations disappears from the maps of Europe and cultural milieu of the Classicist era of the Enlightenment is replaced by Romanticism. M. K. Oginski was raised in the spirit of Classicism although his self-perception as a member of nobility, common to a person of the era of Classicism, and his diplomatic and public offices not only inhibited Oginski's development as composer (he wrote only in the periods of his life when forced to retract from public activities), but also created some internal conflict between his sense of civic duty and his creative powers, the need for recognition of the latter, so important to the artists of Romanticism era who believed that they were geniuses, bringing the truth and light of art to the people. Transitional period between Classicism and Romanticism is also reflected in Oginski's polonaises. On the one hand, they are written under the influence of Classicist composers, esp. W. A. Mozart - this is witnessed by transparent and unencumbered texture, similarities in the development of melody and harmony, its fairly clear and finished form. On the other, they also contain developing elements of Romanticism - the melancholic mood and elegiac "tonality". However, the most important of those, and the greatest merit of Oginski, is the shaping of tlje polonaise, an ancient tradition of dance among Polish nobility, as a concert genre later perfected by F. Chopin. It is strange, that despite immense popularity of Oginski's polonaises and their multiple editions, to this day there is no clarity on the exact number of them as different sources provide different data. [...]Muzikos teorijos ir pedagogikos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta