Support of Michał Kleofas Oginski for the town of Sokolov. Episode from the period of the Four-Year sejm


On the basis of the item published in "Gazeta Warszawska" (Warsaw Newspaper) of 7 August 1791 about the Oginski foundation for the town of Sokolov, the article discusses the attitude of Michal Kleofas Oginski towards the reforms of the Four-Year Sejm, analyses his attitude towards the improvement of townspeople' living conditions and briefly reviews the history of Sokolov town (at present - Sokolov town in the southeastern part of Poland) focusing on the reforms carried out in the town during the period of ruling of the Oginski family. The ceremony of setting the foundation-stone of Sokolov Town Hall mentioned in the item of "Gazeta Warszawska" (Warsaw Newspaper) is analysed in wider cultural context. At the end of the article there is presented the item itself with its translation into Lithuanian language. The description of the events of 6 August 1791 in Sokolov not only shows the kind gesture of the sword mercenary of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and his wife but also discloses the daily life of that time town and gives the knowledge for culture and customs histor

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