487 research outputs found

    Bayesian probabilistic network modeling from multiple independent replicates

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    Often protein (or gene) time-course data are collected for multiple replicates. Each replicate generally has sparse data with the number of time points being less than the number of proteins. Usually each replicate is modeled separately. However, here all the information in each of the replicates is used to make a composite inference about signal networks. The composite inference comes from combining well structured Bayesian probabilistic modeling with a multi-faceted Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Based on simulations which investigate many different types of network interactions and experimental variabilities, the composite examination uncovers many important relationships within the networks. In particular, when the edge's partial correlation between two proteins is at least moderate, then the composite's posterior probability is large

    Improvements in the reconstruction of time-varying gene regulatory networks: dynamic programming and regularization by information sharing among genes

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    <b>Method:</b> Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) have been applied widely to reconstruct the structure of regulatory processes from time series data, and they have established themselves as a standard modelling tool in computational systems biology. The conventional approach is based on the assumption of a homogeneous Markov chain, and many recent research efforts have focused on relaxing this restriction. An approach that enjoys particular popularity is based on a combination of a DBN with a multiple changepoint process, and the application of a Bayesian inference scheme via reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC). In the present article, we expand this approach in two ways. First, we show that a dynamic programming scheme allows the changepoints to be sampled from the correct conditional distribution, which results in improved convergence over RJMCMC. Second, we introduce a novel Bayesian clustering and information sharing scheme among nodes, which provides a mechanism for automatic model complexity tuning. <b>Results:</b> We evaluate the dynamic programming scheme on expression time series for Arabidopsis thaliana genes involved in circadian regulation. In a simulation study we demonstrate that the regularization scheme improves the network reconstruction accuracy over that obtained with recently proposed inhomogeneous DBNs. For gene expression profiles from a synthetically designed Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain under switching carbon metabolism we show that the combination of both: dynamic programming and regularization yields an inference procedure that outperforms two alternative established network reconstruction methods from the biology literature

    Advances in Probabilistic Deep Learning

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    This thesis is concerned with methodological advances in probabilistic inference and their application to core challenges in machine perception and AI. Inferring a posterior distribution over the parameters of a model given some data is a central challenge that occurs in many fields ranging from finance and artificial intelligence to physics. Exact calculation is impossible in all but the simplest cases and a rich field of approximate inference has been developed to tackle this challenge. This thesis develops both an advance in approximate inference and an application of these methods to the problem of speech synthesis. In the first section of this thesis we develop a novel framework for constructing Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) kernels that can efficiently sample from high dimensional distributions such as the posteriors, that frequently occur in machine perception. We provide a specific instance of this framework and demonstrate that it can match or exceed the performance of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo without requiring gradients of the target distribution. In the second section of the thesis we focus on the application of approximate inference techniques to the task of synthesising human speech from text. By using advances in neural variational inference we are able to construct a state of the art speech synthesis system in which it is possible to control aspects of prosody such as emotional expression from significantly less supervised data than previously existing state of the art methods

    Bayesian Approaches For Modeling Variation

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    A core focus of statistics is determining how much of the variation in data may be attributed to the signal of interest, and how much to noise. When the sources of variation are many and complex, a Bayesian approach to data analysis offers a number of advantages. In this thesis, we propose and implement new Bayesian methods for modeling variation in two general settings. The first setting is high-dimensional linear regression where the unknown error variance is also of interest. Here, we show that a commonly used class of conjugate shrinkage priors can lead to underestimation of the error variance. We then extend the Spike-and-Slab Lasso (SSL, Rockova and George, 2018) to the unknown variance case, using an alternative, independent prior framework. This extended procedure outperforms both the fixed variance approach and alternative penalized likelihood methods on both simulated and real data. For the second setting, we move from univariate response data where the predictors are known, to multivariate response data in which potential predictors are unobserved. In this setting, we first consider the problem of biclustering, where a motivating example is to find subsets of genes which have similar expression in a subset of patients. For this task, we propose a new biclustering method called Spike-and-Slab Lasso Biclustering (SSLB). SSLB utilizes the SSL prior to find a doubly-sparse factorization of the data matrix via a fast EM algorithm. Applied to both a microarray dataset and a single-cell RNA-sequencing dataset, SSLB recovers biologically meaningful signal in the data. The second problem we consider in this setting is nonlinear factor analysis. The goal here is to find low-dimensional, unobserved ``factors\u27\u27 which drive the variation in the high-dimensional observed data in a potentially nonlinear fashion. For this purpose, we develop factor analysis BART (faBART), an MCMC algorithm which alternates sampling from the posterior of (a) the factors and (b) a functional approximation to the mapping from the factors to the data. The latter step utilizes Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART, Chipman et al., 2010). On a variety of simulation settings, we demonstrate that with only the observed data as the input, faBART is able to recover both the unobserved factors and the nonlinear mapping

    Identifying Regulators from Multiple Types of Biological Data in Cancer

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    Cancer genomes accumulate alterations that promote cancer cell proliferation and survival. Structural, genetic and epigenetic alterations that have a selective advantage for tumorigenesis affect key regulatory genes and microRNAs that in turn regulate the expression of many target genes. The goal of this dissertation is to leverage the alteration-rich landscape of cancer genomes to detect key regulatory genes and microRNAs. To this end, we designed a feature selection algorithm to identify DNA methylation signals around a gene that would highly predict its expression. We found that genes whose expression could be predicted by DNA methylation accurately were enriched in Gene Ontology terms related to the regulation of various biological processes. This suggests that genes controlled by DNA methylation are regulatory genes. We also developed two tools that infer relationships between regulatory genes and target genes leveraging structural and epigenetic data. The first tool, ProcessDriver integrates copy number alteration and gene expression datasets to identify copy number cancer driver genes, target genes of these drivers and the disrupted biological processes. Our results showed that driver genes selected by ProcessDriver are enriched in known cancer genes. Using survival analysis, we showed that drivers are linked to new tumor events after initial treatment. The second tool was developed to leverage structural and epigenetic data to infer interactions between regulatory genes and targets on a network-level. Our canonical correlation analysis-based approach utilized the DNA methylation or copy number states of potential regulators and the expression states of potential targets to score regulatory interactions. We then incorporated these regulatory interaction scores as prior knowledge in a dynamic Bayesian framework utilizing time series gene expression data. Our results indicated that the canonical correlation analysis-based scores reflect the true interactions between genes with high accuracy, and the accuracy can be further increased by using the scores as a prior in the dynamic Bayesian framework. Finally, we are developing an algorithm to detect cancer-related microRNAs, associated targets and disrupted biological processes. Our preliminary results suggest that the modules of miRNAs and target genes identified in this approach are enriched in known microRNA-gene interactions

    Multivariate Analysis of Tumour Gene Expression Profiles Applying Regularisation and Bayesian Variable Selection Techniques

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    High-throughput microarray technology is here to stay, e.g. in oncology for tumour classification and gene expression profiling to predict cancer pathology and clinical outcome. The global objective of this thesis is to investigate multivariate methods that are suitable for this task. After introducing the problem and the biological background, an overview of multivariate regularisation methods is given in Chapter 3 and the binary classification problem is outlined (Chapter 4). The focus of applications presented in Chapters 5 to 7 is on sparse binary classifiers that are both parsimonious and interpretable. Particular emphasis is on sparse penalised likelihood and Bayesian variable selection models, all in the context of logistic regression. The thesis concludes with a final discussion chapter. The variable selection problem is particularly challenging here, since the number of variables is much larger than the sample size, which results in an ill-conditioned problem with many equally good solutions. Thus, one open problem is the stability of gene expression profiles. In a resampling study, various characteristics including stability are compared between a variety of classifiers applied to five gene expression data sets and validated on two independent data sets. Bayesian variable selection provides an alternative to resampling for estimating the uncertainty in the selection of genes. MCMC methods are used for model space exploration, but because of the high dimensionality standard algorithms are computationally expensive and/or result in poor Markov chain mixing. A novel MCMC algorithm is presented that uses the dependence structure between input variables for finding blocks of variables to be updated together. This drastically improves mixing while keeping the computational burden acceptable. Several algorithms are compared in a simulation study. In an ovarian cancer application in Chapter 7, the best-performing MCMC algorithms are combined with parallel tempering and compared with an alternative method