61 research outputs found

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    Homer, from reception to composition

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    Esse artigo pretende contribuir com duas áreas dos estudos homéricos que raramente parecem entrar em um diálogo produtivo: crítica textual e estudos de recepção. Ele acessa três abordagens diferentes do texto de Homero: as edições da Ilíada e da Odisseia de H. van Thiel, a da Ilíada de Martin West para a Teubner e a abordagem multitextual de Gregory Nagy;  ao mesmo tempo, ele leva a sério a ênfase crescente na recepção nos estudos clássicos. Ao levar em conta variantes textuais, morfologia e sintaxe, esse artigo ilustra como o estudo de recepção pode contribuir para a constituição do texto e, vice-versa, como a história do texto homérico ilumina sua recepção mais ampla.Esse artigo pretende contribuir com duas áreas dos estudos homéricos que raramente parecem entrar em um diálogo produtivo: crítica textual e estudos de recepção. Ele acessa três abordagens diferentes do texto de Homero: as edições da Ilíada e da Odisseia de H. van Thiel, a da Ilíada de Martin West para a Teubner e a abordagem multitextual de Gregory Nagy; ao mesmo tempo, ele leva a sério a ênfase crescente na recepção nos estudos clássicos. Ao levar em conta variantes textuais, morfologia e sintaxe, esse artigo ilustra como o estudo de recepção pode contribuir para a constituição do texto e, vice-versa, como a história do texto homérico ilumina sua recepção mais ampla

    Ossianic Telegraphy: Bardic Networks and Imperial Relays

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    Relates James Macpherson\u27s Fragments of Ancient Poetry (1760) and other Ossianic poems to evolving Scottish networks of commerce and communication, especially commercial telegraphy and the postal system, and posits associations also with comments in Adam Smith\u27s Lectures on Jurisprudence and Theory of Moral Sentiments, to suggest that Macpherson\u27s remediation of oral poetry asserted ideas of authorial identity and readership as relays in a new imperial network

    Applications of geo-referenced underwater photo mosaics in marine biology and archaeology

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    Author Posting. © Oceanography Society, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of Oceanography Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Oceanography 20, 4 (2007): 140-149.In deep water, below the photic zone, still and video imaging of the seabed requires artificial lighting. Light absorption and backscatter caused by typical seawater components, such as dissolved organic matter, plankton, and inorganic particles, often limit the artificially lit area to a few square meters. To obtain high-resolution photographic data of larger seabed areas, a series of images can be compiled into a photo mosaic. Image mosaics are easier to interpret, communicate, and exhibit than video footage or a series of images, because the individual image frames in a photo mosaic are naturally represented in a spatial context

    Is Argentine tango Russian, and how Jewish is Russian tango?

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    From the current Russian tango scene in Chicago to “tango mania” in Russian imperial capitals a hundred years ago, this paper tracks music, dance, and fashion that entwines Russian history with the story of Jewish migration. Mayakovsky’s quotation of a tango melody the same year the singer Isa Kremer performed her tango about “sultry Argentina” [znoinoi Argentine] set a pattern that has permeated classical, popular music and literary artists, including Stravinsky, Dunaevsky, Utesov, Ilf-Petrov, and Bulgakov. While tango plied the ocean from South America to Europe and Russia, Russian Jews at approximately the same time began migration to the Americas. Many Jewish musicians, entrepreneurs, dancers, and actors have embraced tango, which in voiced tragedies of pogroms, exiles, and the Holocaust, as well as Jewish survival.Il tango argentino è russo? E quanto è ebraico il tango russo?Dalla scena contemporanea del tango russo a Chicago alla “tango-mania” nelle capitali imperiali russe del secolo scorso, questo articolo indaga la relazione fra la storia russa e la storia della migrazione ebraica attraverso la musica, la danza e la moda. Il richiamo di Mayakovsky a una melodia di tango nell’anno in cui il soprano Isa Kremer eseguì il tango sulla “sensuale Argentina” [znoinoi Argentine] stabilì un modello che permeò la musica classica (Stravinsky, Dunaevsky), la musica popolare (Utesov) e la letteratura (Ilf-Petrov, Bulgakov). Mentre il tango oltrepassava l’oceano raggiungendo l’Europa, gli ebrei di Russia cominciarono a emigrare nelle Americhe. Fu allora che molti musicisti, imprenditori, danzatori e attori di origine ebraica si appassionarono al tango, divenuto espressione di tragedie come i pogrom, l’esilio, l’Olocausto, come anche della sopravvivenza di un popolo.From the current Russian tango scene in Chicago to “tango mania” in Russian imperial capitals a hundred years ago, this paper tracks music, dance, and fashion that entwines Russian history with the story of Jewish migration. Mayakovsky’s quotation of a tango melody the same year the singer Isa Kremer performed her tango about “sultry Argentina” [znoinoi Argentine] set a pattern that has permeated classical, popular music and literary artists, including Stravinsky, Dunaevsky, Utesov, Ilf-Petrov, and Bulgakov. While tango plied the ocean from South America to Europe and Russia, Russian Jews at approximately the same time began migration to the Americas. Many Jewish musicians, entrepreneurs, dancers, and actors have embraced tango, which in voiced tragedies of pogroms, exiles, and the Holocaust, as well as Jewish survival.Il tango argentino è russo? E quanto è ebraico il tango russo?Dalla scena contemporanea del tango russo a Chicago alla “tango-mania” nelle capitali imperiali russe del secolo scorso, questo articolo indaga la relazione fra la storia russa e la storia della migrazione ebraica attraverso la musica, la danza e la moda. Il richiamo di Mayakovsky a una melodia di tango nell’anno in cui il soprano Isa Kremer eseguì il tango sulla “sensuale Argentina” [znoinoi Argentine] stabilì un modello che permeò la musica classica (Stravinsky, Dunaevsky), la musica popolare (Utesov) e la letteratura (Ilf-Petrov, Bulgakov). Mentre il tango oltrepassava l’oceano raggiungendo l’Europa, gli ebrei di Russia cominciarono a emigrare nelle Americhe. Fu allora che molti musicisti, imprenditori, danzatori e attori di origine ebraica si appassionarono al tango, divenuto espressione di tragedie come i pogrom, l’esilio, l’Olocausto, come anche della sopravvivenza di un popolo


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    International audienceThis paper investigates the relationship between syllable weight and secondary stress in a corpus of 1450 English suffixal derivatives. In order to do so, two definitions of syllable weight have been used to code the data and we evaluated whether syllable weight had any impact on stress preservation, as proposed by Pater (1995; 2000). The results indicate that syllable weight has no influence whatsoever on stress preservation, in both definitions of syllable weight under examination

    An Empirical Study of CLIP for Text-based Person Search

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    Text-based Person Search (TBPS) aims to retrieve the person images using natural language descriptions. Recently, Contrastive Language Image Pretraining (CLIP), a universal large cross-modal vision-language pre-training model, has remarkably performed over various cross-modal downstream tasks due to its powerful cross-modal semantic learning capacity. TPBS, as a fine-grained cross-modal retrieval task, is also facing the rise of research on the CLIP-based TBPS. In order to explore the potential of the visual-language pre-training model for downstream TBPS tasks, this paper makes the first attempt to conduct a comprehensive empirical study of CLIP for TBPS and thus contribute a straightforward, incremental, yet strong TBPS-CLIP baseline to the TBPS community. We revisit critical design considerations under CLIP, including data augmentation and loss function. The model, with the aforementioned designs and practical training tricks, can attain satisfactory performance without any sophisticated modules. Also, we conduct the probing experiments of TBPS-CLIP in model generalization and model compression, demonstrating the effectiveness of TBPS-CLIP from various aspects. This work is expected to provide empirical insights and highlight future CLIP-based TBPS research.Comment: 13 pages, 5 fiugres and 17 tables. Code is available at https://github.com/Flame-Chasers/TBPS-CLI

    Geometric and energy-aware decomposition of the Navier-Stokes equations: A port-Hamiltonian approach

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    A port-Hamiltonian model for compressible Newtonian fluid dynamics is presented in entirely coordinate-independent geometric fashion. This is achieved by use of tensor-valued differential forms that allow to describe describe the interconnection of the power preserving structure which underlies the motion of perfect fluids to a dissipative port which encodes Newtonian constitutive relations of shear and bulk stresses. The relevant diffusion and the boundary terms characterizing the Navier-Stokes equations on a general Riemannian manifold arise naturally from the proposed construction.Comment: This is a preprint submitted to the journal of Physics of Fluids. Please do not CITE this version, but only the published manuscrip