366 research outputs found

    Study of information transfer optimization for communication satellites

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    The results are presented of a study of source coding, modulation/channel coding, and systems techniques for application to teleconferencing over high data rate digital communication satellite links. Simultaneous transmission of video, voice, data, and/or graphics is possible in various teleconferencing modes and one-way, two-way, and broadcast modes are considered. A satellite channel model including filters, limiter, a TWT, detectors, and an optimized equalizer is treated in detail. A complete analysis is presented for one set of system assumptions which exclude nonlinear gain and phase distortion in the TWT. Modulation, demodulation, and channel coding are considered, based on an additive white Gaussian noise channel model which is an idealization of an equalized channel. Source coding with emphasis on video data compression is reviewed, and the experimental facility utilized to test promising techniques is fully described

    Coded spread spectrum digital transmission system design study

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    Results are presented of a comprehensive study of the performance of Viterbi-decoded convolutional codes in the presence of nonideal carrier tracking and bit synchronization. A constraint length 7, rate 1/3 convolutional code and parameters suitable for the space shuttle coded communications links are used. Mathematical models are developed and theoretical and simulation results are obtained to determine the tracking and acquisition performance of the system. Pseudorandom sequence spread spectrum techniques are also considered to minimize potential degradation caused by multipath

    Design a High Secure Adaptive VETERBI Encoder and Decoder Architectures

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    Mainly, Viterbi algorithm [V.A] is utilized in various applications such as cellular relay, satellite communication, and networks of wireless local area. This algorithm is mainly applied to the decoding conventional codes and also to automatic speech recognition and storage devices. In architecture of Viterbi algorithm, we are utilizing scheme of error detection which is based on the low complexity and low latency. The main benefit of this proposed system is that it gives reliable requirements and as well as performance degradation. We utilize three variants in the system which is recomputed with the encoded operands. Thus, this system is modified when we detect the both permanent faults [P.F] and transient faults which are mixed with signature based methods. Here, we are utilizing architecture of instrumented decoder for the motive of extensive error detection assessments. For the motive of bench mark we are improving the both application specific integrated circuit and field programmed gate array. Depend upon the reliability objectives and performance degradation tolerance, the proposed system is utilized

    Application of List Viterbi Algorithms to Improve the Performance in Space Missions using Convolutional Codes

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    Currently, several space missions are still using convolutional codes, which are among the available coding options of the CCSDS telemetry recommendation. When convolutional codes are employed, the CCSDS specification mandates the use of an outer CRC code to perform error detection over the transfer frame. Alternatively, the CRC code may be used, together with list Viterbi decoding of the inner convolutional code, to significantly improve the performance of the coding scheme. In this paper, we first compute the distance spectrum of the concatenation of the outer CRC code and the inner convolutional codes recommended by the CCSDS. By means of a union bound on the block error probability under maximum-likelihood decoding, we estimate the extra coding gain achievable by the concatenation with respect to the use of the Viterbi algorithm applied to the decoding of the inner convolutional code only. The extra coding gain is close to 3 dB. Then, we consider the application of the list Viterbi algorithm and we discuss some techniques useful to reduce its complexity in practical implementations. Results show that it is possible to approach the 3 dB extra coding gain with negligible increase in the decoding complexity with respect to Viterbi decoding of the inner convolutional code

    Channel coding in the space station data system network

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    A detailed discussion of the use of channel coding for error correction, privacy/secrecy, channel separation, and synchronization is presented. Channel coding, in one form or another, is an established and common element in data systems. No analysis and design of a major new system would fail to consider ways in which channel coding could make the system more effective. The presence of channel coding on TDRS, Shuttle, the Advanced Communication Technology Satellite Program system, the JSC-proposed Space Operations Center, and the proposed 30/20 GHz Satellite Communication System strongly support the requirement for the utilization of coding for the communications channel. The designers of the space station data system have to consider the use of channel coding

    Coding theory, information theory and cryptology : proceedings of the EIDMA winter meeting, Veldhoven, December 19-21, 1994

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    The Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Progress Journal

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    Developments in Earth based radio technology are reported. The Deep Space Network, radio interferometry, and observation of celestial radio sources are covered

    Coding theory, information theory and cryptology : proceedings of the EIDMA winter meeting, Veldhoven, December 19-21, 1994

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    Deep Space Telecommunications Systems Engineering

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    Descriptive and analytical information useful for the optimal design, specification, and performance evaluation of deep space telecommunications systems is presented. Telemetry, tracking, and command systems, receiver design, spacecraft antennas, frequency selection, interference, and modulation techniques are addressed