10 research outputs found

    Metric learning for sequences in relational LVQ

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    Mokbel B, Paaßen B, Schleif F-M, Hammer B. Metric learning for sequences in relational LVQ. Neurocomputing. 2015;169(SI):306-322.Metric learning constitutes a well-investigated field for vectorial data with successful applications, e.g. in computer vision, information retrieval, or bioinformatics. One particularly promising approach is offered by low-rank metric adaptation integrated into modern variants of learning vector quantization (LVQ). This technique is scalable with respect to both data dimensionality and the number of data points, and it can be accompanied by strong guarantees of learning theory. Recent extensions of LVQ to general (dis-)similarity data have paved the way towards LVQ classifiers for non-vectorial, possibly discrete, structured objects such as sequences, which are addressed by classical alignment in bioinformatics applications. In this context, the choice of metric parameters plays a crucial role for the result, just as it does in the vectorial setting. In this contribution, we propose a metric learning scheme which allows for an autonomous learning of parameters (such as the underlying scoring matrix in sequence alignments) according to a given discriminative task in relational LVQ. Besides facilitating the often crucial and problematic choice of the scoring parameters in applications, this extension offers an increased interpretability of the results by pointing out structural invariances for the given task

    Ascertaining Along With Taxonomy of Vegetation Folio Ailment Employing CNN besides LVQ Algorithm

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    In agriculture, early disease detection is crucial for increasing crop yield. The diseases Microbial Blotch, Late Blight, Septoria leaf spot, and yellow twisted leaves all have an impact on tomato crop productivity. Automatic plant illness classification systems can assist in taking action after ascertaining leaf disease symptoms. This paper emphasis on multi-classification of tomato crop illnesses employs Convolution Neural Network (CNN) model and Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) algorithm-based methodology. The dataset includes 500 photographs of Tomato foliage with four clinical manifestations. CNN paradigm performs feature extraction and categorization in which color information is extensively used in plant leaf disease investigations. The model's filters have been applied to triple conduit similar tendency on RGB hues. The LVQ was fed during training by a yield countenance vector of the convolution component. The experimental results reveal that the proposed method accurately detects four types of solanaceous leaf diseases

    Optimasi Klasifikasi Parasit Malaria Dengan Metode LVQ, SVM dan Backpropagation

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    The use of the classification method affects the accuracy of the test results. The accuracy of the classification method is affected by the number of classes in the image. The number of classes and the amount of data should be considered when making decisions in choosing a classification method. This study used 600 data, which were divided into 510 training data and 90 test data. The number of classes tested is 12 classes with the number of initial features used by 22 features. The characteristics used in the test consist of shape characteristics and texture characteristics. The classification methods used in this study are LVQ, Backpropagation, and SVM. The data has 22 features or attributes that are the result of texture and shape feature extraction. Texture features are energy 0o, energy 45o, energy 90o, energy 135o, entropy 0o, entropy 45o, entropy 90o, entropy 135o, contrast 0o, contrast 45o, contrast 90o, contrast 135o, homogeneity 00, homogeneity 45o, homogeneity 90o, homogeneity 135o, correlation 0o, Correlation 45o, correlation 90o, correlation 135o, features of área and perimeter shape. The test results using the Backpropagation method obtained 89.7% results, using the LVQ method obtained 77.78% results, and the SVM method obtained 99.1% results

    A Toolbox for Adaptive Sequence Dissimilarity Measures for Intelligent Tutoring Systems

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    ABSTRACT We present the TCS Alignment Toolbox, which offers a flexible framework to calculate and visualize (dis)similarities between sequences in the context of educational data mining and intelligent tutoring systems. The toolbox offers a variety of alignment algorithms, allows for complex input sequences comprised of multi-dimensional elements, and is adjustable via rich parameterization options, including mechanisms for an automatic adaptation based on given data. Our demo shows an example in which the alignment measure is adapted to distinguish students' Java programs w.r.t. different solution strategies, via a machine learning technique

    A Review on Tomato Leaf Disease Detection using Deep Learning Approaches

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    Agriculture is one of the major sectors that influence the India economy due to the huge population and ever-growing food demand. Identification of diseases that affect the low yield in food crops plays a major role to improve the yield of a crop. India holds the world's second-largest share of tomato production. Unfortunately, tomato plants are vulnerable to various diseases due to factors such as climate change, heavy rainfall, soil conditions, pesticides, and animals. A significant number of studies have examined the potential of deep learning techniques to combat the leaf disease in tomatoes in the last decade. However, despite the range of applications, several gaps within tomato leaf disease detection are yet to be addressed to support the tomato leaf disease diagnosis. Thus, there is a need to create an information base of existing approaches and identify the challenges and opportunities to help advance the development of tools that address the needs of tomato farmers. The review is focussed on providing a detailed assessment and considerations for developing deep learning-based Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) architectures like Dense Net, ResNet, VGG Net, Google Net, Alex Net, and LeNet that are applied to detect the disease in tomato leaves to identify 10 classes of diseases affecting tomato plant leaves, with distinct trained disease datasets. The performance of architecture studies using the data from plantvillage dataset, which includes healthy and diseased classes, with the assistance of several different architectural designs. This paper helps to address the existing research gaps by guiding further development and application of tools to support tomato leaves disease diagnosis and provide disease management support to farmers in improving the crop

    Intelligent strategies for mobile robotics in laboratory automation

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    In this thesis a new intelligent framework is presented for the mobile robots in laboratory automation, which includes: a new multi-floor indoor navigation method is presented and an intelligent multi-floor path planning is proposed; a new signal filtering method is presented for the robots to forecast their indoor coordinates; a new human feature based strategy is proposed for the robot-human smart collision avoidance; a new robot power forecasting method is proposed to decide a distributed transportation task; a new blind approach is presented for the arm manipulations for the robots

    Adaptive Affine Sequence Alignment Using Algebraic Dynamic Programming

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    Paaßen B. Adaptive Affine Sequence Alignment Using Algebraic Dynamic Programming. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University; 2015.A core issue in machine learning is the classification of data. However, for data structures that can not easily be summarized in a feature representation, standard vectorial approaches are not suitable. An alternative approach is to represent the data not by features, but by their similarities or disimilarities to each other. In the case of sequential data, dissimilarities can be efficiently calculated by well-established alignment distances. Recently, techniques have been put forward to adapt the parameters of such alignment distances to the specific data set at hand, e.g. using gradient descent on a cost function. In this thesis we provide a comprehensive theory for gradient descent on alignment distance based on Algebraic Dynamic Programming, enabling us to adapt even sophisticated alignment distances. We focus on Affine Sequence Alignment, which we optimize by gradient descent on the Large Margin Nearest Neighbor cost function. Thereby we directly optimize the classification accuracy of the popular k-Nearest Neighbor classifier. We present a free software implementation of this theory, the TCS Alignment Toolbox, which we use for the subsequent experiments. Our experiments entail alignment distance learning on three diverse data sets (two artificial ones and one real-world example), yielding not only an increase in classification accuracy but also interpretable resulting parameter settings

    Dissimilarity-based learning for complex data

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    Mokbel B. Dissimilarity-based learning for complex data. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2016.Rapid advances of information technology have entailed an ever increasing amount of digital data, which raises the demand for powerful data mining and machine learning tools. Due to modern methods for gathering, preprocessing, and storing information, the collected data become more and more complex: a simple vectorial representation, and comparison in terms of the Euclidean distance is often no longer appropriate to capture relevant aspects in the data. Instead, problem-adapted similarity or dissimilarity measures refer directly to the given encoding scheme, allowing to treat information constituents in a relational manner. This thesis addresses several challenges of complex data sets and their representation in the context of machine learning. The goal is to investigate possible remedies, and propose corresponding improvements of established methods, accompanied by examples from various application domains. The main scientific contributions are the following: (I) Many well-established machine learning techniques are restricted to vectorial input data only. Therefore, we propose the extension of two popular prototype-based clustering and classification algorithms to non-negative symmetric dissimilarity matrices. (II) Some dissimilarity measures incorporate a fine-grained parameterization, which allows to configure the comparison scheme with respect to the given data and the problem at hand. However, finding adequate parameters can be hard or even impossible for human users, due to the intricate effects of parameter changes and the lack of detailed prior knowledge. Therefore, we propose to integrate a metric learning scheme into a dissimilarity-based classifier, which can automatically adapt the parameters of a sequence alignment measure according to the given classification task. (III) A valuable instrument to make complex data sets accessible are dimensionality reduction techniques, which can provide an approximate low-dimensional embedding of the given data set, and, as a special case, a planar map to visualize the data's neighborhood structure. To assess the reliability of such an embedding, we propose the extension of a well-known quality measure to enable a fine-grained, tractable quantitative analysis, which can be integrated into a visualization. This tool can also help to compare different dissimilarity measures (and parameter settings), if ground truth is not available. (IV) All techniques are demonstrated on real-world examples from a variety of application domains, including bioinformatics, motion capturing, music, and education