6 research outputs found

    Evaluation and extracting factual software architecture of distributed system by process mining techniques

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    The factual software architectures that are actually implemented of distributed systems do not conform the planned software architectures (Beck 2010). It happens due to the complexity of distributed systems. This problem begets two main challenges; First, how to extract the factual software architectures with the proper techniques and second, how to compare the planned software architecture with the extracted factual architecture. This study aims to use process mining to discover factual software architecture from codes and represents software architecture model in Petri Net to evaluate model by the linear temporal logic and process mining. In this paper, the applicability of process mining techniques, implemented in the ProM6.7 framework is shown to extract and evaluate factual software architectures. Furthermore, capabilities of Hierarchical Colored Petri Net implemented in CPN4.0 are exploited to model and simulate software architectures. The proposed approach has been conducted on a case study to indicate applicability of the approach in the distributed data base system. The final result of the case study indicates process mining is able to extract factual software architectures and also to check its conformance

    Fluid Petri Nets for the Performance Evaluation of MapReduce Applications

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    Big Data applications allow to successfully analyze large amounts of data not necessarily structured, though at the same time they present new challenges. For example, predicting the performance of frameworks such as Hadoop can be a costly task, hence the necessity to provide models that can be a valuable support for designers and developers. This paper provides a new contribution in studying a novel modeling approach based on fluid Petri nets to predict MapReduce jobs execution time. The experiments we performed at CINECA, the Italian supercomputing center, have shown that the achieved accuracy is within 16% of the actual measurements on average

    Simulation of concurrent process with Petri-Markov nets

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    Abstract. Mathematical apparatus of Petri-Markov nets is described. Petri-Markov simple subnets are introduced. Structures for the simulation of parallelism based on the simple subnets are proposed. Mathematical relationships for the evaluation of the time characteristics of algorithms for a wide class of concurrent computing systems are described. [Ivutin A.N Introduction Currently, a parallelism is a prevailing paradigm of computational processes organisation. In the specialised computer sphere, the idea of parallelism has been used in practice for more than fifty years (CDC-6600 1964 [1] consists of ten independent functional devices operated in parallel), with up-to-date concurrent computations being used in practice in both multi-core processors and computer networks In The methodology of the modelling of concurrent processes was elaborated in the works by C. Petri, W. Reisig, J. Peterson, and V.E

    Product-form in G-networks

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    The introduction of the class of queueing networks called G-networks by Gelenbe has been a breakthrough in the field of stochastic modeling since it has largely expanded the class of models which are analytically or numerically tractable. From a theoretical point of view, the introduction of the G-networks has lead to very important considerations: first, a product-form queueing network may have non-linear traffic equations; secondly, we can have a product-form equilibrium distribution even if the customer routing is defined in such a way that more than two queues can change their states at the same time epoch. In this work, we review some of the classes of product-forms introduced for the analysis of the G-networks with special attention to these two aspects. We propose a methodology that, coherently with the product-form result, allows for a modular analysis of the G-queues to derive the equilibrium distribution of the network

    Methodological construction of product-form stochastic Petri nets for performance evaluation

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    Product-forms in StochasticPetrinets (SPNs) are obtained by a compositional technique for the first time, by combining small SPNs with product-forms in a hierarchical manner. In this way, performance engineering methodology is enhanced by the greatly improved efficiency endowed to the steady-state solution of a much wider range of Markov models. Previous methods have relied on analysis of the whole net and so are not incremental—hence they are intractable in all but small models. We show that the product-form condition for open nets depends, in general, on the transition rates, whereas closed nets have only structural conditions for a product-form, except in rather pathological cases. Both the “building blocks” formed by the said small SPNs and their compositions are solved for their product-forms using the Reversed Compound Agent Theorem (RCAT), which, to date, has been used exclusively in the context of process-algebraic models. The resulting methodology provides a powerful, general and rigorous route to product-forms in large stochastic models and is illustrated by several detailed examples