17 research outputs found

    An Electromagnetic Study of the Impact of Brain Anatomy on Deep Brain Stimulation

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    An electromagnetic simulation was performed to assess the volume of tissue activated on deep brain stimulation for two patients randomly selected. The finite element method is used to calculate the electric field distribution that predicts the volume of tissue activated. High-resolution magnetic resonance images are utilized to create patient-specific anatomical models of the subthalamic nucleus and the internal pallidum. The results confirmed the influence of brain anatomy leading to different shape and volume of tissue activated despite similar technical features. Thus, a patient-specific model and an adequate choice of stimulation parameters are crucial on deep brain stimulation outcomes.S

    EEG-based biomarkers for optimizing deep brain stimulation contact configuration in Parkinson’s disease

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    ObjectiveSubthalamic deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) is a neurosurgical therapy to treat Parkinson’s disease (PD). Optimal therapeutic outcomes are not achieved in all patients due to increased DBS technological complexity; programming time constraints; and delayed clinical response of some symptoms. To streamline the programming process, biomarkers could be used to accurately predict the most effective stimulation configuration. Therefore, we investigated if DBS-evoked potentials (EPs) combined with imaging to perform prediction analyses could predict the best contact configuration.MethodsIn 10 patients, EPs were recorded in response to stimulation at 10 Hz for 50 s on each DBS-contact. In two patients, we recorded from both hemispheres, resulting in recordings from a total of 12 hemispheres. A monopolar review was performed by stimulating on each contact and measuring the therapeutic window. CT and MRI data were collected. Prediction models were created to assess how well the EPs and imaging could predict the best contact configuration.ResultsEPs at 3 ms and at 10 ms were recorded. The prediction models showed that EPs can be combined with imaging data to predict the best contact configuration and hence, significantly outperformed random contact selection during a monopolar review.ConclusionEPs can predict the best contact configuration. Ultimately, these prediction tools could be implemented into daily practice to ease the DBS programming of PD patients

    A Study on the Feasibility of the Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Electrode Localization Based on Scalp Electric Potential Recordings

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    Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is an effective therapy for patients disabling motor symptoms from Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, and other motor disorders. Precise, individualized placement of DBS electrodes is a key contributor to clinical outcomes following surgery. Electroencephalography (EEG) is widely used to identify the sources of intracerebral signals from the potential on the scalp. EEG is portable, non-invasive, low-cost, and it could be easily integrated into the intraoperative or ambulatory environment for localization of either the DBS electrode or evoked potentials triggered by stimulation itself. In this work, we studied with numerical simulations the principle of extracting the DBS electrical pulse from the patient’s EEG – which normally constitutes an artifact – and localizing the source of the artifact (i.e., the DBS electrodes) using EEG localization methods. A high-resolution electromagnetic head model was used to simulate the EEG potential at the scalp generated by the DBS pulse artifact. The potential distribution on the scalp was then sampled at the 256 electrode locations of a high-density EEG Net. The electric potential was modeled by a dipole source created by a given pair of active DBS electrodes. The dynamic Statistical Parametric Maps (dSPM) algorithm was used to solve the EEG inverse problem, and it allowed localization of the position of the stimulus dipole in three DBS electrode bipolar configurations with a maximum error of 1.5 cm. To assess the accuracy of the computational model, the results of the simulation were compared with the electric artifact amplitudes over 16 EEG electrodes measured in five patients. EEG artifacts measured in patients confirmed that simulated data are commensurate to patients’ data (0 ± 6.6 μV). While we acknowledge that further work is necessary to achieve a higher accuracy needed for surgical navigation, the results presented in this study are proposed as the first step toward a validated computational framework that could be used for non-invasive localization not only of the DBS system but also brain rhythms triggered by stimulation at both proximal and distal sites in the human central nervous system

    Frequency-specific network activity predicts bradykinesia severity in Parkinson's disease

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    Objective Bradykinesia has been associated with beta and gamma band interactions in the basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical circuit in Parkinson’s disease. In this present cross-sectional study, we aimed to search for neural networks with electroencephalography whose frequency-specific actions may predict bradykinesia. Methods Twenty Parkinsonian patients treated with bilateral subthalamic stimulation were first prescreened while we selected four levels of contralateral stimulation (0: OFF, 1–3: decreasing symptoms to ON state) individually, based on kinematics. In the screening period, we performed 64-channel electroencephalography measurements simultaneously with electromyography and motion detection during a resting state, finger tapping, hand grasping tasks, and pronation-supination of the arm, with the four levels of contralateral stimulation. We analyzed spectral power at the low (13–20 Hz) and high (21–30 Hz) beta frequency bands and low (31–60 Hz) and high (61–100 Hz) gamma frequency bands using the dynamic imaging of coherent sources. Structural equation modelling estimated causal relationships between the slope of changes in network beta and gamma activities and the slope of changes in bradykinesia measures. Results Activity in different subnetworks, including predominantly the primary motor and premotor cortex, the subthalamic nucleus predicted the slopes in amplitude and speed while switching between stimulation levels. These subnetwork dynamics on their preferred frequencies predicted distinct types and parameters of the movement only on the contralateral side. Discussion Concurrent subnetworks affected in bradykinesia and their activity changes in the different frequency bands are specific to the type and parameters of the movement; and the primary motor and premotor cortex are common nodes

    Subthalamic deep brain stimulation sweet spots and hyperdirect cortical connectivity in Parkinson’s disease

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    Objectives Firstly, to identify subthalamic region stimulation clusters that predict maximum improvement in rigidity, bradykinesia and tremor, or emergence of side-effects; and secondly, to map-out the cortical fingerprint, mediated by the hyperdirect pathways which predict maximum efficacy. Methods High angular resolution diffusion imaging in twenty patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease was acquired prior to bilateral subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation. All contacts were screened one-year from surgery for efficacy and side-effects at different amplitudes. Voxel-based statistical analysis of volumes of tissue activated models was used to identify significant treatment clusters. Probabilistic tractography was employed to identify cortical connectivity patterns associated with treatment efficacy. Results All patients responded well to treatment (46% mean improvement off medication UPDRS-III [p<0.0001]) without significant adverse events. Cluster corresponding to maximum improvement in tremor was in the posterior, superior and lateral portion of the nucleus. Clusters corresponding to improvement in bradykinesia and rigidity were nearer the superior border in a further medial and posterior location. The rigidity cluster extended beyond the superior border to the area of the zona incerta and Forel-H2 field. When the clusters where averaged, the coordinates of the area with maximum overall efficacy was X=-10(-9.5), Y=-13(-1) and Z=-7(-3) in MNI(AC-PC) space. Cortical connectivity to primary motor area was predictive of higher improvement in tremor; whilst that to supplementary motor area was predictive of improvement in bradykinesia and rigidity; and connectivity to prefrontal cortex was predictive of improvement in rigidity. Interpretation These findings support the presence of overlapping stimulation sites within the subthalamic nucleus and its superior border, with different cortical connectivity patterns, associated with maximum improvement in tremor, rigidity and bradykinesia

    Efficient Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods for Fast-Responding Ligand-Gated Neuroreceptor Kinetic Models

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    Neurophysiological models of the brain typically utilize systems of ordinary differential equations to simulate single-cell electrodynamics. To accurately emulate neurological treatments and their physiological effects on neurodegenerative disease, models that incorporate biologically-inspired mechanisms, such as neurotransmitter signalling, are necessary. Additionally, applications that examine populations of neurons, such as multiscale models, can demand solving hundreds of millions of these systems at each simulation time step. Therefore, robust numerical solvers for biologically-inspired neuron models are vital. To address this requirement, we evaluate the numerical accuracy and computational efficiency of three L-stable implicit Runge-Kutta methods when solving kinetic models of the ligand-gated glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmitter receptors. Efficient implementations of each numerical method are discussed, and numerous performance metrics including accuracy, simulation time steps, execution speeds, Jacobian calculations, and LU factorizations are evaluated to identify appropriate strategies for solving these models. Comparisons to popular explicit methods are presented and highlight the advantages of the implicit methods. In addition, we show a machine-code compiled implicit Runge-Kutta method implementation that possesses exceptional accuracy and superior computational efficiency