8 research outputs found

    Libre diseminación y cultura de la remezcla de los objetos digitales frente a la industria cultural

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    Aprender, apropiarse, reelaborar a partir de nuestro contexto cotidiano constituyen un compartimento evolutivo de la psique humana, sobre él se ha construido la cultura y sus artefactos, sin embargo se observa como las nuevas prácticas de producción de objetos culturales basados en su libre circulación y su modificación, intrínsecamente potencializadas por las innovaciones tecnológicas crean un punto de tensión con las prácticas de la industria cultural, la propiedad intelectual, sus mecanismos de financiamiento y la criminalización de quien comparte; resaltando la necesidad de reelaborar los marcos legales para incluir los derechos de quien consume y se apropia de las obras

    The growth impact of language standardization : Metcalfe’s Law and the industrial revolution

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    During the Industrial Revolution, did population growth stimulate innovation, or did causality run primarily from innovation to growth? Previous research fails to explain why between 1700 and 1850: (i) most innovation originated in three clusters of cities in Britain, northern France, and the USA; (ii) the rate of urbanization in these innovating regions was greater than it was elsewhere; (iii) the most important innovations involved cooperation between co-inventors with different areas of specialization. The key, we suggest, was the existence, for the first time in history, of rapidly expanding networks of people able to write and speak standardized languages. Metcalfe’s (2013) Law states that the value of a network grows as the square of the number of its users. We find that the presence in 1700 of a monolingual dictionary describing a language which considerable numbers of people were able to read and speak was significant in determining a city’s subsequent innovation. In turn, innovation – especially cooperative innovation – was significant in explaining a city’s population growth

    The disruption and diversification of Higher Education Funding: Cryptocurrency for Higher Education Wealth Generation

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    This work conceptualizes a process for cryptocurrency to diversify traditional methods of higher education funding in the United States. Higher education funding has seemingly reached an impasse, and opinions remain divided over both which societal parties should bear the educational costs for the vast majority of Americans and how to remedy the student debt crisis. Cryptocurrency funding augments traditional revenue streams, and shifts the discussion of education costs from expenses to a more robust conversation about innovative avenues to wealth generation as a potential solution to fund the mission of American higher education. Historically, higher education has been rooted in scarcity frameworks and a type of zero-sum proposition for funding allocation, and this conceptual paper acknowledges the the central concerns of higher education funding and explores these arguments as legacy discourses rooted in career preparation, accessibility and affordability, and arguments about the need for a broad-based education versus more technical skills training. Further, an alternative model to current higher education funding models is presented to embrace technological, disruptive wealth generation based on cryptocurrency to deploy this asset class to serve education needs by funding research, students, and the academy through an illustrated conceptual framework for funding. implementation

    The Free Education Project: Higher Education Funding, E2 Implementation, and Crowdsourcing Crypto Development

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    This short paper, written in three different sections, explores how a cryptocurrency’s issuance and network effects could fund higher education. Synthesizing research from the Bronx Community College Cryptocurrency Research Lab, Bernard Lietaer’s notion of creating money for the needs of society, lessons learned by Galia Benartzi and the Hearts Project, and an exploration of how communities coalesce around open-source cryptocurrency projects, the authors provide an overview of the problem of funding higher education, the ways in which money that is needed could be created, and the key components to building a highly effective developer community. These three distinct yet vitally interconnected facets lay the groundwork for the Free Education Project. Lastly, based on the models herein, this paper calls for academics, entrepreneurs, and financial professionals to work together in ways that facilitate and generate the needed capital, built outside of taxation, to fund the noble purposes of education writ large

    The Free Education Project: Higher Education Funding, E2 Implementation, and Crowdsourcing Crypto Development

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    This short paper, written in three different sections, explores how a cryptocurrency’s issuance and network effects could fund higher education. Synthesizing research from the Bronx Community College Cryptocurrency Research Lab, Bernard Lietaer’s notion of creating money for the needs of society, lessons learned by Galia Benartzi and the Hearts Project, and an exploration of how communities coalesce around open-source cryptocurrency projects, the authors provide an overview of the problem of funding higher education, the ways in which money that is needed could be created, and the key components to building a highly effective developer community. These three distinct yet vitally interconnected facets lay the groundwork for the Free Education Project. Lastly, based on the models herein, this paper calls for academics, entrepreneurs, and financial professionals to work together in ways that facilitate and generate the needed capital, built outside of taxation, to fund the noble purposes of education writ large

    The Predictive Power of Social Media within Cryptocurrency Markets

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    Blockchain technology has generated a great deal of interest in recent years, as has the associated area of cryptocurrency trading, not only on the part of individuals but also from traditional financial institutions and hedge funds. However, there is currently limited knowledge as to how to predict future cryptocurrency price movements. This thesis investigates whether online indicators, especially from social media, can be harnessed to predict cryptocurrency price movements – to achieve this, three experiments are conducted. The first experiment analyses time-evolving relationships between chosen online indicators and associated cryptocurrency prices; relationships are considered over short, medium and long-term durations. The work introduces and evaluates several influential factors from the social media platform Reddit, a platform previously unexplored within cryptocurrency prediction literature. It is found that medium and longer-term relationships strengthen in bubble market regimes (compared to non-bubble regimes). The second experiment utilises these promising new factors as inputs to a predictive model. The model used was originally designed to detect influenza epidemic outbreaks, and is repurposed here to model epidemic-like cryptocurrency price bubbles, demonstrating how social media can be used to track the epidemic spread of an investment idea. The predictive power of the model is validated through the generation of a profitable trading strategy. Having considered quantitative count-based metrics in the previous chapters (e.g. posts per day, submissions per day, new authors per day etc.), the next experiment considers the content of social media submissions. More specifically, the third experiment analyses social media submission content to investigate whether certain topics of discussion precede upcoming shorter term (positive or negative) price movements. Information evidencing time-varying interest in various topics is retrieved from social media submissions, upon which hidden interactions with the associated cryptocurrency price are deciphered. It is found that certain topics precede major positive or negative price movements, and also additional analysis shows that certain discussion topics exhibit longer-term relationships with cryptocurrency market prices

    Multidisciplinary aspects of cyber warfare

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    Sajber ratovanje je ratovanje u sajber prostoru, zasnovano na primeni informacionokomunikacionih tehnologija. Ono predstavlja specifičan oblik međunarodnih sukoba, koji se od tradicionalnih formi ratovanja razlikuje po sredstvima, metodama i učesnicima. Sajber ratovanje se primenjuje nezavisno od perioda rata i mira. Po tehnikama, metodi i procesu napada, ono se tehnološki značajno ne razlikuje od kriminalnih, špijunskih ili terorističkih aktivnosti. Potencijal ovog, tehnološki zasnovanog oblika sukoba, raste sa zastupljenošću i uticajem informacionih tehnologija na nacionalnom i globalnom nivou. Međunarodna praksa sukoba u sajber prostoru je stvarna i dinamična. Države izdvajaju rastuća budžetska sredstva za vođenje sukoba u sajber prostoru, razvijaju kapacitete i organizacione strukture za preduzimanje operacija u sajber prostoru i usvajaju doktrine i strategije njihove primene i razvoja. Pojedine države su proglasile sajber prostor petim područjem izvođenja vojnih dejstava, ravnopravan sa kopnom, morem, vazduhom i svemirom. Međutim, međunarodna zajednica ima prirodnu potrebu da međunarodnopravno reguliše sve sukobe, uključujući i sajber ratovanje. Prirodan put da se to učini je primenom postojećeg prava oružanih sukoba i analogije sa odgovarajućim situacijama oružanih sukoba u fizičkom prostoru. Uprkos kratkom periodu razvoja doktrina, metoda i sredstava za vođenje operacija u sajber prostoru, savremena naučna i stručna literatura je bogata radovima koji se bave mogućim načinima primene pomenute analogije u svrhu regulisanja sajber ratovanja. Posebno mesto u toj literaturi ima primena prava na osnovu efekata sajber napada. Taj pristup je prihvatila većina međunarodnih pravnih stručnjaka, uključujući i autore Talinskog priručnika za sajber ratovanje. Uprkos ovakvom teorijskom pristupu, situacije i posledice izvođenja sajber napada na međunarodnom nivou ostaju nerešene i neregulisane u praktičnom pogledu. U praksi države izvode operacije u sajber prostoru, koristeći okolnost da je napade teško otkriti dok se ne manifestuju njihove očigledne posledice; da je najčešće nemoguće izvršiti identifikaciju i atribuciju napadača, odnosno praktično utvrditi odgovornost neke države za preduzeti napad i njegove posledice u skladu sa pravilima, normama i principima Međunarodnog prava oružanih sukoba.Cyber warfare is warfare in cyberspace, based on application of information communication technologies. It represents a specific form of international conflict, differing from the traditional warfare forms in means, methods and participants. Cyber warfare is applied independently from war and peace periods. It is not significantly technologically different in its techniques, methods and attack processes from criminal, espionage or terrorist activities. The potential of this, technologically based conflict form, grows with prevalence and influence of information technologies at the national and global level. International practice of cyber space conflict is real and dynamic. States allocate growing budget funds for conducting cyberspace conflict, they develop capacities and organizational structures for operations in cyberspace and adopt doctrines and strategies for their application and development. Some states declared cyberspace the fifth domain of military activities, equal with land, sea, air, and space. However, international community has got a natural tendency to regulate all conflicts, including cyber warfare. The natural way to do this is through application of the existing law of armed conflict and analogy with appropriate armed conflict situations in physical space. Despite brief period for development of doctrines, methods and means for cyberspace operations, modern scientific and professional literature is rich in papers dealing with possible ways of application of the said analogy for the purpose of regulation of cyber warfare. Special place in this literature belongs to application of law based on cyber attack effects. This approach was accepted by most international legal experts, including authors of Tallinn Manual for cyber warfare. Despite such a theoretical approach, situations and consequences of conducting cyber attacks at international level remain unresolved and unregulated in practice. States execute operations in cyberspace, using the circumstance that attacks are difficult to discover until their obvious consequences are manifested; that most often it is impossible to perform identification and attribution of attackers, i.e. to practically determine responsibility of a state for an attack and its consequences in accordance with the rules, norms and principles of International law of armed conflict

    Technology acceptance in two-sided platforms: the adoption and use of contactless proximity payments by consumers and merchants

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    Two-sided markets created by platform intermediaries emerge in many industries. Current research on two-sided platforms primarily focuses on strategy and pricing, whereas information systems research has only sparsely taken into account their specifics. This research bridges the gap by identifying factors that impact technology acceptance in two-sided platforms. Drawing upon extant literature, this study identifies the factors impacting the adoption and use of contactless proximity payments by consumers and merchants, both sides of a two-sided platform. An explorative qualitative study with 20 experts in UK payment services identified 43 factors, and allowed to create a multi-levelled conceptual framework. Subsequently, a conceptual model is created by overlaying the enhanced second unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2E) and the expectation-confirmation model (ECM). The model is validated through a quantitative study among 400 UK consumers and merchants, using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The results confirm that network externalities, the defining characteristic of multi-sided platforms, are a prevalent factor in the acceptance of technology in two-sided platforms. They do not only directly impact usage behaviour and intent, but are also instrumental in developing technology usage habits. As technology is increasingly transforming traditional linear markets into multi-sided platforms, this study significantly contributes to theory and practice. It will encourage researchers in the field of information systems to take into account the specifics of multi-sided platforms. The insights can inspire platform businesses to kickstart a virtuous circle by leveraging the network externalities between constituent groups to develop habits and thrive on the induced continuance behaviour